HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Common Areas for Dogs Committee - 02/13/2024Common Area for Dogs Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 13, 2024 Members Present: Betty Milizia (Chair), Robyn Birgisson (Vice Chair), Lisa Yankowski, Molly Joy (Clerk) Staff Present: Helen Riehle (City Council Chair), Adam Matth (Director of Recreation and Parks Department) Public Present: Weiwei Wang Betty called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. 1.Adopt Agenda The agenda was adopted without changes. 2.Public Comments (Unrelated to Agenda) A member of the public attended meeting to share an incident she reported to Animal Control and Adam Matth, that an unsupervised dog (wearing a shock collar) attacked someone on trails at Wheeler Park. 3.Review and Approve Minutes The committee approved the January 9th minutes. 4.Update on Dog Related Funds (CIP/Dog License Special Funds) •$18K current balance in Dog License Special Funds (after expenditures listed in Wheeler Park below) •$15K in 2025 CIP for dog park amenities •$0 in 2026 CIP dog park amenities •$12K in 2027 CIP dog park amenities •$60K in 2025 CIP for Farrell Dog Park (Adam will confirm) •$15K in 2025 CIP add’l dog waste bag dispensers in city (Adam will find out timeframe) Betty will follow-up with Holly regarding the Annual Dog Registration communications, reminders and possible registration event at Wheeler in March. 5.Wheeler Park Update Waste stations and water bowls have been ordered and installed at Wheeler. A permanent water source still needs to be installed by DPW. Six benches have arrived and need to be assembled. Tree stumps will be removed in the Spring. DPW noted challenges to adding shade trees. Need to connect with arborist. There are issues with mud and movement at the gates (including at the bottom of hill). Adam reported DPW was concerned that some types of stone would not be good for dogs to walk on. The committee recommended perhaps something like tumbled pea gravel or tumbled granite could be used. 6. Update on QR Code QR code will be posted at Wheeler in the bulletin board. 7. Recreation Committee Update Nothing to report. 8. NRCC Committee Update Nothing significant to report. 9. “To Leash or Not to Leash” Survey Results Betty reviewed the latest draft of the survey results. Committee is to come up with recommendations to make to City Council, including but not limited to: • Provide more dog parks throughout the city • Require developers to include dog parks in their executed plan • Establish an off-leash area in natural areas, clear signage and respectful of others • Place on-leash signage along the bike path • Provide educational opportunities Committee members felt question 17 responses need to be revised to reflect views of both dog owners and non-dog owners. Committee agreed to remove the bar graphs from question 17 as they are misleading and would be cleared if summarized in bullet points. Betty will send a revised draft of the survey results within the next week including the above, collect feedback from the Committee, revise results where necessary and then setup 15-minute virtual meeting to approval final survey results communication before March meeting. 10. Future Meetings Tuesday, March 12th, 6PM MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 7:54 PM PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.