HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 02/07/2024 PAGE 1 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 07, 2024 The South Burlington NRCC held a regular meeting on Wednesday, 7 February 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in Room 301, 180 Market Street, and by GoToMeeting remote participation. Members present: J. Chaulot, Chair; L. Bailey, J. Bossange, K. Boyk, M. Korpos, L. Yankowski; J. Keenan; C. Badalamenti-Smith Also present: D. Wheeler, City liaison; L. Kupferman, City Council Liaison; R. Doyle. 1. Welcome: Mr. Chaulot welcomed everyone. 2. Additions, deletions or changes in the order of Agenda items: No changes. 3. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda: Mr. Doyle inquired as to whether committee members get additional information before a meeting. Mr. Wheeler replied that no additional information outside of the agenda was sent to committee members. Miss Boyk asked about discussing future projects when we get to 5c. 4. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: Mr. Chaulot motioned to accept the minutes from January 03, 2024, with a correction to the spelling of his last name. Mrs. Bailey 2nd. Minutes approved unanimously. 5. City Updates: a. Open Space Plan Report S. Kershner, & A. Matth, Director Rec & Parks, are developing an Open Space Plan and a Parks and Rec Master Plan. A Venn diagram- was used to see where the two potential plans may overlap: NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2024 | PAGE 2 Per Mr. Kupferman and the city council. There has been no further action on the Long Property yet. Funding for Climate Action is coming from ARPA Funds. A new city position is being created to look at what works, what doesn't work. The hope is to save funds and the environment by deϐining, qualifying, quantifying and rationalizing practices. b. Land Development Regulations (LDRs) – “Tree Ordinance” The city council has approved the contractor for the Ash Tree Replacement program. Bids are still open until February 23, for the injection treatment part of the plan. The Planning Commission is still involved with S100 in Montpelier. Kelsey in the SB Planning Dept, has our tree ordinance suggestions we would like worked into the LDRs. Section 12 has the current Environmental Protection Standards: 12 Environmental Protection Standards 12.01 General Requirements 12.2 Restricted Infrastructure Encroachment 12.03 Steep Slopes 12.04 Habitat Block Overlay District 12.05 Habitat Connector Overlay District 12.06 Wetland Protection Standards 12.07 River Corridor Overlay District 12.08 Floodplain Overlay District 13 Supplemental Regulations 13.05 Stormwater Management NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2024 | PAGE 3 Link to LDRs: https://www.southburlingtonvt.gov/departments/planning_and_zoning/regulat ions_and_planning_documents.php 6. Environmental Justic Discussion Update: We are still trying to determine who we ”really” need to talk to. 7. Updates on public education of wildlife safety: Part of the work group has gotten together. This is an important topic as we get closer to the spring season. Spring brings new babies and an increase of human/wildlife interaction. Sources indicate that well intentioned people “helping” wildlife can cause more harm than good. Wildlife babies are not always in the danger they are perceived to be in. Sometimes helping an injured animal can cause detrimental harm. It is best to reach out to those who know what to do. Information and animal rehabilitators are available for guidance with their expertise. They are trained and certiϐied. Our next goal is to coordinate educational presentations at the South Burlington Public Library. Miss Boyk would like to have the work group broaden our focus to include keeping wildlife out of yards. Miss Korpos would like to see more education on this topic, for example: if you use poison on a mouse that may get eaten by a raptor. Some of the consequences involved with human/wildlife interaction and trying to eradicate. Mr. Doyle asked about plants that can support wildlife. Good sources to learn more are: Wild Bird Rehab - Vermont Institute of Natural Science (vinsweb.org) Injured and Orphaned Wildlife | Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (vtϐishandwildlife.com) Wildlife Rehabilitators — Vermont Wildlife Coalition (vtwildlifecoalition.org) Vermont Bat Center - Home 8. Review of DRB Application List: Mr. Wheeler presented a list of some upcoming/pending items slated to go before the DRB (Development Review Board). There are 4 pending. One is Rice High School wanting to redo paths to pervious surfaces from current impervious. Another is the Allenwood development we had a previous presentation on along with the proposed Farrell Development on Holmes Rd. Miss Korpos reminded us we cannot regulate everything. Mr. Chaulot asked the best time to weigh in on proposed plans. Marla from the Planning Dept suggests after it has been submitted. It is still best practice for the DRB to suggest a developer seek our opinion on a proposal or for the developer to seek us out. Mr. Bossange asks if we can have a standing agenda item to look at NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2024 | PAGE 4 proposed plans. We looked at the proposed development of Centennial Wood. We need to remember we had added our suggestions to the LDRs for a reason, to help protect trees and natural resources in our city. LDRs are the city's rules for planning and is what developers use. If you have suggestions- bringing them forward to the committee. Mr. Keenan believes there may be some add changes that could be happening. 9. Member updates and Reports: Chair - There are no replies from BTV yet. From Common Area for Dogs Committee. Water bowl holders and new doggy bag dispensers have been installed at Wheeler Dog Park. Benches are ordered. Repairs to Farrell are still pending, the funding is in place but the work has to go to Act 250. The CAD committee is still processing some of the comments from the survey- there were over 800 replies. The Land Trust was involved in the Long Property negotiations. Deliberations are currently in executive session. From the NRCC Committee- Julian Keenan and Linda Bailey are running for open positions on the City Council. Miss Boyk has written 2 articles for “The Other Paper”. The topics are road salt and wastewater. We are awaiting their publication. 10. Other Business: Please email Mr. Wheeler with future agenda ideas. 11. Next Meeting: Wednesday March 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.