HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-23-046 - Supplemental - 0224 0268 Market Street (9)1 Marla Keene From:Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Sent:Monday, January 22, 2024 8:29 PM To:Marla Keene Cc:Ken Braverman Subject:RE: 'EXTERNAL'Application to amend #SP-22-060 / 224 & 268 Market St & 339 Garden St Attachments:Landscape Planting Plan sheet L1.1 Rev01-22-24.pdf; Architectural Building B3 Requirements-Primary Facade sheet A03 Rev12-05-23.pdf; Block B Plaza Bike Storage Plan and Details sheet L2.2 Rev01-22-24.pdf; Civil - sheet 1 overall site plan Rev01-05-24.pdf; Civil - sheet 11 pavement marking & sign plan Rev01-05-24.pdf Hi Marla – Below are responses to your comments on the site plan amendment application for 224 & 268 Market St & 339 Garden St (Buildings B1, B2, & B3): Long term bike parking (Building B3) See Plaza Bike Storage Plan and Details, sheet L2.2. A total of 24 long term bike storage spaces with bike storage areas under the plaza between Buildings B1 & B2. The number of short term bike spaces has been increased at Building B3. A total of 10 short term bike spaces are proposed for Building B3. The Overall Site Plan has also been updated with the revised number of long and short term bike spaces. First story glazing (Building B3) Sheet A03 has been revised to correctly present the glazing calculations for the first story. Onsite Solar Photovoltaic System (Building B3) We reviewed a proposed rooftop solar installation on Building B3 with SunCommon in November. They have confirmed that the GMP circuit has suƯicient capacity for additional solar generation. They have estimated that the building usage will be 110 MWh/year and the solar system production will be 29.4 MWh/year, resulting in a 26.7% oƯset. Landscaping Plan Screening has been added for the utility vault at the NE end of Building B3. A revised Landscaping Plan is attached, Please let us know if you have any questions on the attached documents. Andy Rowe | PROJECT ENGINEER SNYDER HOMES | SnyderHomesVT.com | 802.985.5722 From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 11:49 AM To: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Application to amend #SP-22-060 / 224 & 268 Market St & 339 Garden St Hi Andy, I wanted to follow up with one more thing.  Long term bicycle parking – There are two connected issues here. First, this proposal increases the number of residents. There is going to be a major problem with bicycle storage for this site, parƟcularly given the planned tenant mix, even with the previously approved number of long-term bicycle parking spaces. You are proposing to reduce the number of bike parking spaces total. We strongly consider that this project should provide more 2 than the minimum due to the building and tenant configuraƟons. Second, you stated in your cover leƩer there are no changes to the approved long-term bike parking. However, on the Level 1 plan for 339 Garden Street, 26 long term spaces are removed. Please clarify your plan for where these 26 spaces will now be located. Thanks, Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Marla Keene Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 10:37 AM To: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Application to amend #SP-22-060 / 224 & 268 Market St & 339 Garden St Hi Andy, I’ve completed review and have the following comments/quesƟons.  339 Garden BES: it appears you’ve computed the percent of transparent first story glazing incorrectly. The required computaƟon is the AREA of transparent glazing, not the width. Please revise.  3.19 pertaining to the construcƟon of on-site solar photovoltaic systems will become applicable to these buildings with the approval of the requested amendment. Please provide the submission elements in 3.19C, which consists of CerƟficaƟon by a qualified professional of the Expected Building Usage and of the anƟcipated kWh generaƟon of the Solar PV system  13.04 Landscaping: The revised landscaping plan shows a new, unapproved, transformer cabinet north of 339 Garden Street. ClarificaƟon is requested. One minor disclaimer is I haven’t yet had the draŌ decision internally reviewed, so there is a chance I’ve missed something, but it’s preƩy unusual for me to have missed a big thing. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 2:53 PM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Cc: Betsy Brown <bbrown@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Application to amend #SP-22-060 / 224 & 268 Market St & 339 Garden St Hi Marla – Thank you for the suggesƟon – we will combine the site plan review with the zoning permit amendment applicaƟons. I’ve aƩached zoning permit applicaƟons for each of the three buildings. Since we have three separate zoning permits to amend, can you please confirm that I’ve got the fee calculated correctly? I will then make payment online and forward you the receipt. $153 site plan review $196 zoning permit applicaƟon + CO – Building B1 $196 zoning permit applicaƟon + CO – Building B2 3 $196 zoning permit applicaƟon + CO – Building B3 Total fee due = $741.00 Please let me know if you have any quesƟons. Andy Rowe | PROJECT ENGINEER SNYDER HOMES | SnyderHomesVT.com | 802.985.5722 From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 3:50 PM To: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Application to amend #SP-22-060 / 224 & 268 Market St & 339 Garden St Hi Andy, The applicaƟon fee is now $306 because the CO applicaƟon fee is now required at the Ɵme of site plan applicaƟon (council made that change a couple months ago). We can probably do this as concurrent ZP if you’d like to submit your $43 zoning permit applicaƟon and fee at the same Ɵme as well. I’m going to ask Betsy to download and intake this applicaƟon; she’ll let you know if she runs into any issues. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 10:32 AM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: 'EXTERNAL'Application to amend #SP-22-060 / 224 & 268 Market St & 339 Garden St This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hi Marla – Below is a link to the applicaƟon files to amend the Site Plan approval for Block B (Lot B) involving Building B1 (268 Market Street), Building B2 (224 Market Street), and Building B3 (339 Garden Street). hƩps://spaces.hightail.com/receive/7uiufQuSuX This applicaƟon seeks approval for the reconfiguraƟon of the dwelling units, including the addiƟon of 3 bedroom dwelling units, within each building. ModificaƟons to the lobby entrance and related façade changes are also proposed for Building B3. With the change in the number of dwelling units and bedrooms, there is a decrease in the sewer design flows for each of the three buildings. However, there is an increase in the water design flow for Buildings B1 & B2. AddiƟonal water allocaƟon is being requested from the Water Department. Please confirm that the fee for this amendment applicaƟon is $153. We will then make the payment online. We would be happy to meet with you to review the proposed changes and applicaƟon documents. Please let us know if you have any quesƟons, or would like to meet. 4 Andy Rowe | PROJECT ENGINEER SNYDER HOMES | SnyderHomesVT.com | 802.985.5722