HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-23-046 - Supplemental - 0224 0268 Market Street (7)October 4, 2023 Primary Building Façade Requirements Secondary Building Façade Requirements Project Information Applicant Sheet # Notes (B) Lot Standards (1)Lot Dimensions (a)Lot size (b)Lot Width (2)Lot Occupation (a)Percentage of Lot Coverage (b)Units per acre (C) Building Standards (1) Building Types (a)All Types (2)Building Stories (a)Principal 4 Sheet A-01 (b)Accessory N/A (3)Floor-to-Floor Height (a)First story 11'-3"Sheet A-01 (b)Upper Stories 10'-9" & 12'-9"Sheet A-01 (4)Build-to-Zone (a)Primary Build-to-Zone (note 3)0' Min., 12' Max.0' Min., 18' Max.9'Sheet 1 Overall Site Plan (b)Secondary Build-to-Zone (note 3)0' Min., 24' Max.0'. Min., 36' Max.N/A Not applicable (5)Frontage (a)Frontage Buildout, Primary Streets (note 3)70% Min.70% Min. (Note 1)80% composite for T-4 & T-5 Sheet 1 144'/150' = 96% in T-5 205'/283.7' = 72% in T-4 (b)Frontage Buildout, Secondary Streets (note 3) 70% Min. within 80' of Primary Street, 50% Min. elsewhere 70% Min. within 80' of Primary Street, 50% Min. elsewhere (Note 1)80% composite for T-4 & T-5 Sheet 1 144'/150' = 96% in T-5 205'/283.7' = 72% in T-4 (b)Percentage of Frontage Buildout within the Primary Build-to-Zone (note 3) 75% Min.100% Max. 100%Sheet 1 Bldg B3 entirely within primary build to zone (c )Percentage of Frontage Buildout within the Secondary Build-to-Zone (note 3) 0% Min., 25% Max.100% Max. 0%Sheet 1 (6)Entrances (a)Average frequency of Public Entrances, non- residential first story use (note 3) 36' Max.54' Max. N/A N/A All residential use None None None Permitted 2 Min., 5 Max. 1 Max. 24' Max. T-4 Building Envelope Standards Checklist and Self-Evaluation Applicant Self-Evaluation T-4 BES (South Burlington Land Development Regulations, 8.13) None 14' Max Primary Building Façade Requirements Secondary Building Façade Requirements Project Information Applicant Sheet # NotesT-4 BES (South Burlington Land Development Regulations, 8.13) (b)Maximum distance between Public Entrances, non-residential first story (note 3) use 46' Max.72' Max. N/A N/A All residential use (c )Average Frequency of Operable Entrances, residential first story use (note 3) 36' Max.54' Max. 21'-2"Sheet A-04 (d)Maximum distance between Operable Entrances, residential first story (note 3) 46' Max.72' Max. 29'-7"Sheet A-04 (7)Glazing (a)First Story Min. 40% of the Width of the Building, and Min. 7.5' in Height for non- residential and 6' in height with min. window head height of 7.5' for residential Min. 20% of the Width of the Building, and Min 7.5' in Height for non- residential and 6' in height with min. head height of 7.5' for residential 65'-2"Sheet A-03 (b)First Story, percent of glazing required to be transparent 75% Min.75% Min. 84%Sheet A-03 55'-2"/65'-2" = 84.6% (c )Upper Stories (d)Ground story residential privacy Complies (window sills 36" above FFE) Sheets A-01 & A- 03 (8)Building Breaks (see building breaks figure) (a)Building Horizontal Façade Min. 3 every 80'Min. 3 every 80' 5 required, 7 provided Sheet A-03 total of 7 provided (b)Single Span of Horizontal Facade Without a Break 48' Max.48' Max.22'-6"Sheet A-03 (9)Supplemental Building Standards (a)Awnings, Stoops, Vestibules (D) Block and Street Standards (1)Blocks (see section 8.04) (a)Perimeter (see note 3)N/A Exempt LDR 8.04.B(1) See Note 2 Ground story facades facing a street or public park shall be designed to provide privacy to the interior of the units through either establishing a window sill height of at least 36" above the adjacent sidewalk or a conbination of landscaping and hardscaping to create the same effect. Encouraged 2,800' Max. Primary Building Façade Requirements Secondary Building Façade Requirements Project Information Applicant Sheet # NotesT-4 BES (South Burlington Land Development Regulations, 8.13) (b)Length (see note 3)N/A Exempt LDR 8.04.B(1) (2)Street & Connection Types (see article 11) (a)Neighborhood Street Narrow N/A No street proposed (b )Neighborhood Street N/A No street proposed (c)Private commercial way N/A No street proposed (d)Support Street N/A No street proposed (e)Commercial Street N/A No street proposed (f)Avenue N/A No street proposed (g)Commercial Boulevard N/A No street proposed (h)Destination Street N/A No street proposed (i)Market Street and Garden Street Existing Sheet 1 (j)Path N/A No street proposed (k)Pedestrian Pass N/A No street proposed (l)Alley N/A (1) curbcut proposed (m) All other street types (4)Curb Cuts (not including street intersections) (a)On Market Street N/A Sheet 1 (b) On Garden Street >700'Sheet 1 Existing curb cut (b)All other streets N/A (E ) Parking Standards (1)Parking Amount Requirements (a) Per Residential Unit 1.7 Sheet 1 236 spaces / 137 DU = 1.72 spaces/DU (2) Location & Screening (a)N/A Sheet 1 (b)78'Sheet 1 (c )N/A (d)screened by building Sheet 1 (e )N/A (f) Complies Building complies with BES (3) Off-Site Parking N/A N/A 300' Min., 700' Max. Permitted Connection, Not a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted, Qualifies as a Street Permitted Connection, Not a Street Permitted Connection, Not a Street New parking spaces shall be screened from all streets and the public realm, a minimum of four (4) feet in height Prohibited 400' Min. distance between curb cuts 400' Min. distance between curb cuts 100' Min. distance between curb cuts 2 spaces Max. New construction resulting in additional non-residential gross floor area or residential units shall meet T-4 Parking Standards New surface parking shall be set back from the primary street a minimum of 25' Parking spaces may be leased from the city or a private landowner Parking under structures is encouraged Parking shall only be permitted in compliance with applicable BES standards for building frontage (a) Off-site parking within 600’ may be used to meet parking requirements for Residential uses. (b) Off-site parking within 1200’ may be used to meet parking requirements for non- Residential uses. Primary Building Façade Requirements Secondary Building Façade Requirements Project Information Applicant Sheet # NotesT-4 BES (South Burlington Land Development Regulations, 8.13) (F) Supplemental District Standards (1)Where a T-4 Lot abuts the R4 or R7 Zoning District, the following standards shall apply: (a) A buffer strip shall be required (see section 8.06E)N/A (b) N/A (c ) N/A (d) N/A (e) N/A (f) N/A (2) N/A (a) N/A (b) N/A (c) N/A (d) N/A (e)Such building shall comply with all other provisions of these Regulations.N/A (3) N/A (a)N/A (b)N/A (4) N/A (5) N/A No building located within one hundred and fifty feet (150') from the R4 or R7 District boundary shall exceed four (4) stories in height. Gateway Area. Within a Gateway Area, corners of buildings located at street intersections shall include one or more significant architctural features, such as but not limited to, vertical projections, changes in materials, top-story open spaces, and/or first-floor prominent features. Upper Story setbacks. Except where located within a Gateway Area, all stories not categorized as a rooftop structure in Section 8.06 above the fourth story of any building shall be set back a minimum of twelve feet (12’) from the primary and secondary building facades. Such building shall building shall have a frontage greater than 100' and a footprint greater than 10,000 square feet; The third story of any building shall be set back a minimum of twelve feet (12’) from the rear building line; and, The fourth story of any building shall be set back a minimum of twenty-four feet (24’) from the rear building line. Along Secondary Streets, parking structures within the build-to-zone that do not meet entrance and/or glazing standards are permitted and shall count towards Frontage Building requirements, provided that a minimum of 0.5% of the construction cost is used for original artwork installed on or in front of the building façade facing said street. Along Secondary Streets, a Streetfront Open Space, as defined within these Regulations, shall count towards Frontage Buildout requirements. Large Single Story Principal Buildings. New large single-story principal buildings shall be permitted subject to the following requirements: No new single-sotry building shall be permitted within one thousand (1,000) linear feet in any direction from any existing single-story building approved under this subsection; Such building shall be a minimum of 24' in height and shall have the appearance of two or more stories; Such building shall have entries at a frequency of every 50' or less and shall have a maximum distance between entries of 60'; and, Small Single Story Principal Buildings. New small single-story principal buildings shall be permitted subject to the following requirements: Such building shall have a maximum footprint of 3,500 square feet; and, Such building shall comply with all other provisions of these Regulations. Primary Building Façade Requirements Secondary Building Façade Requirements Project Information Applicant Sheet # NotesT-4 BES (South Burlington Land Development Regulations, 8.13) (G) Streetscape Standards (1)General Standards (a) Complies (b) Complies Landscpaing plans (c )Complies Approved Garden Street cross section (d) Proposed development shall comply with all requirement of Article 11 Complies Approved Garden Street cross section (2)Streetscape requirements (a) Benches N/A Approved Garden Street cross section (b)Bicycle Racks for at least 5 bikes N/A Approved Garden Street cross section (c ) Street Tree Spacing, on center N/A Approved Garden Street cross section Notes (1) N/A (2)Upper Story Glazing Shall comply with the following standards: 33.9%Sheet A-03 See calculation on Sheet A- 03 100%Sheet A-03 See window schedule on Sheet A-03 Complies Sheet A-03 See window schedule on Sheet A-03 Complies No change from prior approval Complies Sheet A-03 Min. 30" provided If a corner lot is 100’ or less in width along the street containing the primary building facade and greater than two (2) times that width in depth, the required frontage buildout on the BES shall be reduced by 50% on the street containing the secondary building facade. Non-hardscape, pervious areas within the front yard shall be predominantly planted with groundcover or flowering vegetation. All features proposed within an existing, proposed, or planned public ROW shall comply with requirements of the Department of Public Works. Permitted May be used to meet short-term requirements of 13.14 50' Max. average All streetscape features must be consistent within a project and be compatible with adjacent features erected following adoption of this code. (a) Upper story glazing shall be a minimum of 30 percent of the façade on the primary building facade and 20% on secondary building facades. (b) 80% of glazing on upper stories shall be taller than wide (c) The required percentage shall be achieved by multiple openings. Windows may be ganged horizontally if each grouping (maximum five per group) is separated by a mullion, column, pier or wall section that is at least 7 inches wide. (d) Glazing on upper stories shall not be flush with building surface material and shall be recessed a minimum of 3 inches, except for bay windows and storefronts. (e) Upper story windows/glazing (not doors) shall be no closer than 30 inches to building corners (excluding bay windows and storefronts).