HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 02/07/2024 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 7, 2024 Participation Options In Person: 180 Market Street, Third Floor, Conference Room 301 Assistive Listening Service Devices available upon request Electronically: https://meet.goto.com/154517205 Via phone: +1 (872) 240-3212 | Access Code: 154-517-205 Regular Session 6:00 p.m. 1. Welcome (6:00 p.m.) 2. Additions, deletion, or changes in order of Agenda Items (6:01) 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda (6:04) 4. *Adoption of meeting minutes (6:10) 5. City updates (6:15) a. Open Space Plan Report Update from City b. Land Development Regulations – “Tree Ordinance” c. Environmental Justic Discussion Update 6. Updates on public education on wildlife safety (7:00) 7. Review of DRB Application List 8. Discussion of Environmental Sections of LDRs 9. Member updates & reports: (7:45) a. Chair b. Other Members 10. Other business (7:55) 11. Next meeting, March 6th 12. Adjourn (8:00) 180 MARKET STREET, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT | (802) 846-4107 | WWW.SOUTHBURLINGTONVT.GOV Respectfully submitted: Dave Wheeler Water Resources Engineer ***Attachments included PAGE 1 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE DRAFT MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 03, 2024 The South Burlington NRCC held a regular meeting on Wednesday, 3 January 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in Room 301, 180 Market Street, and by GoToMeeting remote participation. Members present: J. Sebastien-Chaulet, Chair; L. Bailey, J. Bossange, K. Boyk, M. Korpos, L. Yankowski. Also present: D. Wheeler, City liaison; L. Kupferman, City Council Liaison; R. Doyle. 1. Welcome: Mr. Sebastien-Chaulet welcomed everyone. 2. Additions, deletions or changes in the order of Agenda items: No changes. 3. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda: No comments. 4. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: Mr. Bossange moved to accept the minutes, Ms. Boyk 2nd, adopted unanimously with one small change to move a paragraph from #7 to #8. 5. City Updates: A discussion ensued regarding a pipe burst and the repair required to 6ix it on Hinesburg Rd. A section of the road was closed until repairs were 6inished. It was a long night for Mr. Wheeler and his crew from DPW. The city has received several bids back for the interplanting part of the Ash Tree Replacement Plan. The lowest bid came in at $33,940.00 for 55 trees. Very close to the budgeted amount that has been secured. To begin this spring. Ms. Bailey inquired about watering and warranty. This is handled by the contractor while the city arborist checks and controls any suckers that sprout from the new trees. Injection treatment for existing Ash Trees has not gone out to bid yet. DR A F T NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 3, 2024 | PAGE 2 Per Mr. Kupferman- the city council is still in the process for developing the new city budget and the new city plan. As new city employees who need to be involved- the council is working with Silken Kershner and Adam Matth to bring them up-to-date. https://www.southburlingtonvt.gov/CityPlan%202024%20CC%20Hearing%20Not ice%20for%202024-01-02.pdf https://www.southburlingtonvt.gov/City%20Clerk/Proposed%20Charter%20Ame ndments%20Public%20Hearing%20Notice%20for%202024-01- 22%20and%202024-01-29.pdf 6. Open Space Plan Report Update from the City: Ms. Kershner & Mr. Matthe are working on de6initions for open space and checking for overlapping of information, plans, and procedures. It is expected the City Plan should be 6inalized by the end of the month and a 2nd public meeting scheduled to present it to the citizens. 7. Land Development Regulations- letter from Jean to the Planning Commission: The letter from the NRCC, has been given to the Planning Commission and we are waiting to be scheduled to the agenda for the formal presentation. Mostly likely in February. 8. Updates on public education of wildlife safety: The working group has not met yet as they were waiting for after the holidays. The State of VT, has information on their website. Discussion led to possible live demonstrations. VINS in Woodstock already does this. Perhaps talk could be arranged with the SB Library. https://vt6ishandwildlife.com/learn-more/living-with-wildlife/injured-and- orphaned-wildlife 9. Discuss process for NRCC to provide comments on site plans: See if we can get someone to attend on behalf of the developer. Discussion ensued. We were made aware of the Farrell Project previously. This committee wants to be able to weigh in on proposed development projects as a resource for the DRB, (Development Review Board). But we need to know about projects. In the past, we've had developers come to us before they presented to the DRB. The NRCC, has presented the Planning Dept a list of items, areas of our concern. This was to assist developers as they developed their plans and before going to the DRB. There have been many changes within the city. LDRs are being realigned with city goals and DR A F T NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 3, 2024 | PAGE 3 include areas of our concern. We are want to work with the DRB, to make our city better as new development happens. Our decision was: We will get monthly updates to see what's on their agenda and comment in writing and or attend those selected meetings. We may want to have a mini training session on current development regulations due to all the new, upcoming changes. The committee also feels we may want to have agenda item for future meetings to discuss prospective projects. And how we can have a committee member attend DRB meetings. There will be projects we may be asked to look at, those we want to look at and others we wouldn't need to consider. Ms. Korpos asked about a link to our section of the LDRs. Committee members should develop any questions we may have. https://www.southburlingtonvt.gov/departments/planning_and_zoning/draft_land _development_regulation_amendments.php 10. Member updates and Reports: Chair Other members- The Common Area for Dogs Committee is still working on the survey results and they will be made available to the public. Ms. Korpos mentioned she and a neighbor had a conversation with gentlemen starting to stake out where the proposed recreation path being designed by BTV. Ms. Korpos alerted the workers that the map they had was not current and they needed to get correct information. 11. Other Business: This committee wants to see if the environmental coalition group has anyone who would come and talk to us. The committee would like to review the City's Policy Priorities & Strategies for FY2024 to see if there are additional topics we should discuss in the coming months. 12. Next Meeting: Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. DR A F T