HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 08_minutes 2024-01-3
3 January 2024
The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on
Wednesday, 3 January 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium, City Hall, 180 Market
Street, and via Go to Meeting interactive technology.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Philibert, Chair; M. Behr, F. Kochman, Q. Mann, S.
Wyman, J. Moscatelli, C. Johnson
ALSO PRESENT: M. Gillies, Planner; B. Brown, Planning Department; J. Lackey,
J. Hodgson, A. Klugo, C. Silvey, C. Gendron, J. Duncan,
1. Instructions on exiting the building in case of an emergency:
Ms. Philibert provided instructions on emergency exit from the building.
2. Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda items:
No changes were made to the agenda.
3. Comments and questions from the public not related to the Agenda:
No issues were raised.
4. Announcements:
There were no announcements.
5. Continued Master Plan Sketch Plan Application #SD-23-12 of Eric Farrell
for an existing approximately 105 acre lot developed with two single
family homes and six unoccupied or accessory structures. The master
plan consists of placing approximately 74 acres into permanent
conservation, conveying approximately 1 acre to abutters, and
constructing 124 additional homes in buildings ranging from single
family to twelve units on 28.25 acres, 1195 Shelburne Road:
Staff noted that the applicant has requested a continuance.
Mr. Moscatelli moved to continue SD-23-12 until 20 January 2024. Mr. Behr
seconded. Motion passed 5-0 with Mr. Kochman and Ms. Wyman abstaining.
6. Site Plan Application #SP-24-002 of Beta Technologies, Inc., to amend a
previously approved planned unit development of a 344,000 sf
manufacturing and office building, a 37,800 sf office and retail building,
a 15,600 sf commercial building, and an 85,000 sf flight instruction and
airport use building on 40.43 acres. The amendment consists of after-
the-fact approval to modify the approved landscaping adjacent to the
manufacturing and office building, provide replacement for improperly
removed vegetation along Williston Road, modify the driveway
configuration for the existing building at 355 Valley Road, and minor
site improvements, 154 Davinci Drive:
Ms. Wyman was recused from this hearing due to a potential conflict of interest.
Mr. Klugo noted the fantastic things happening at Beta. They now have over 600
employees and are looking to hire 150 more this year. He invited Board members
to come out and see the project.
Staff comments were then addressed as follows:
#1. Regarding the removal of trees, Mr. Klugo noted the trees in question
were to removed; they were transplanted to where they fit better with the
intention of the Master Plan. With regard to plantings between buildings, Mr.
Klugo said there is a portion of that area where the Airport will not allow plantings
for safety reasons. He then showed the plan and indicated where no trees are
allowed. He also indicated trees that are already in and those which have been
relocated to DaVinci Drive. The sizes of the trees were increased to match the
existing trees. Mr. Klugo then showed a photo of the two existing buildings, one
of which will become the new Tech Center, and identified the lease line. He noted
that utilities run underground between the 2 buildings. Mr. Kochman said that
from an aesthetic point of view, this is a non-issue to him. Mr. Lackey said any
trees planted in that area won’t grow well and will attract birds and animals. Mr.
Gillies said staff’s concern was the “mitigation of the abrupt contrast in scale.”
Mr. Kochman said his question is mitigation for whose benefit. He felt the net
change was an improvement. His concern was the “after-the-fact.”
#2. Staff is requesting plantings between buildings. Ms. Philibert asked if
there is any landscaping that could be put in there. Mr. Lackey said there is not.
Members were OK with this.
#3. Staff is requiring adjustments to the driveway if this is recommended by
Public Works. Mr. Gillies read comments from Public works. They are OK with
the driveway. Mr. Moscatelli asked why the driveway was moved. Mr. Klugo said
they original plan cut the parking lot in half. Vermont Flight Academy asked that it
be moved to where it is less steep and restores the parking configuration.
#4. Staff notes there needs to be acceptance from the City Arborist of the
tree plan.
#5. Staff notes that sugar maples are not permitted as a species for the
proposed replacement plantings. It was noted that sugar maples are bad next to
roads where there is salting and sanding. Mr. Moscatelli asked why two specific
trees were removed. Ms. Silvey said they were told the trees interfered with the
root system of the trees. Mr. Klugo added that they were very surprised by this,
but he feels what they are doing now outweighs what was on the site, and it is
better for the environment. Mr. Gillies said staff is recommending approval.
Members were OK with this.
Mr. Moscatelli commented that city policy encourages developers to take down
large trees. He felt this was “insane” considering the benefit the city gets from
these trees. He added that the cost of 14 6-inch trees is nothing compared to what
was removed. Mr. Kochman agreed. Mr. Hodgson said they doubled the value of
the trees that were taken down. Mr. Behr said the Board has historically done an
“inch-for-inch” replacement, not caliper.
Public comment was then solicited. There was no public comment.
Mr. Behr moved to close SP-24-002. Mr. Johnson seconded. Motion passed 4-1
with Mr. Kochman opposing.
Ms. Wyman rejoined the Board.
7. Site Plan Application #SP-24-001 of Champlain Water District to amend
a previously approved plan for a municipal water treatment plant. The
amendment consists of replacing an existing 1-million-gallon water
tank with a new 1-million-gallon water tank and associated sitework&
stormwater system modifications, 403 Queen City Park Road:
Staff comments were addressed as follows:
#1. Staff asked the height of the communications building. Mr. Duncan
said it is 8’x8’x8’.
#2. Staff asked whether the Board feels the lightning rod is a minor or larger
roof-top apparatus. Mr. Duncan said it is very small. Members agreed it was a
minor apparatus.
#3. The applicant was asked to describe the history of 503 Queen City Park
Road parcel. Mr. Duncan said CWD purchased the land in 2016. To do the tank
that was constructed that year, they merged 2 lots, so 503 Queen City Park Road is
no longer in existence. If, for some reason, that merger didn’t happen, it will
happen. Staff will research that and let the applicant know. Mr. Duncan then
showed the plan and indicated the location of the tank. It will be pretty much on
the 503 portion of the lot.
#4. Staff asked whether the staircase is being replaced or removed. Mr.
Duncan said it is being removed.
#5. Staff asked the applicant to indicate the location of the dumpsters and
how they are screened. Mr. Duncan showed the location on the plan and said
they will remain there. They are fenced.
#6. Staff asked how landscaping requirements will be met. Mr. Duncan said
there will be 3 arba vitae where the existing tanks is being removed. There will
also be parking in that area. Mr. Gillies said one deciduous tree is required four
every 5 parking spaces, so 2 shade trees are needed. He suggested replacing the
arba vitae with shade trees. Mr. Duncan said they can do that.
#7. The applicant was asked to identify the snow storage area. Two snow
storage areas were identified.
#8. The applicant was asked to discuss the future of landscaping at this and
other CWD sites in South Burlington. Staff recommended that the conversation
include factors that limit the ability to provide landscaping on the site as well as a
discussion of the location and type of projects/improvements the board might
accept as a substitute for on-site landscaping. The applicant noted they have
some large projects in the planning stage but don’t have a large site. There is
very limited space for landscaping, and trees are a concern because of damage to
the facility. He noted the site is not visible from the road. He asked what creative
form of landscaping the Board would accept. Mr. Kochman asked if Queen City
Park Road can be lined with trees. Mr. Duncan said they already did that. Trees
are not in a perfect line due to underground utilities. Mr. Duncan added they also
have to satisfy GMP because they are in their right-of-way. Mr. Behr said the
applicant will never “pretty up” the site. He suggested the possibility of an art
installation in the front yard done by a local artist. He also suggested engaging the
public in this effort.
Mr. Behr then moved to close SP-24-001. Ms. Mann seconded. Motion passed
8. Minutes of 2 November 2023, 7 November 2023, 21 November 2023,
and 5 December 2023:
Mr. Moscatelli moved to approve the Minutes of 2, 7, and 21 November and 5
December 2023. Mr. Kochman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
9. Other Business:
No other business was presented.
As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was
adjourned by common consent at 8:27 p.m.
These minutes were approved by the Board on ____.