HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-24-001 - Supplemental - 0403 Queen City Park Road1 Betsy Brown From:Nate Pion <nathan.pion@champlainwater.org> Sent:Friday, December 1, 2023 11:13 AM To:Betsy Brown Cc:Marty Gillies; Joseph Duncan Subject:'EXTERNAL'RE: CWD New Tank Application - Additional Info Needed Attachments:CWD finalvt0020729permit.pdf; New Retaining Wall.pdf; Figure 1 - General Site Layout.pdf This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Hi Betsy and Marty, See my comments below in red. Let me know if you have any quesƟons or wish to setup a meeƟng to discuss. Have a great weekend. Nate Nathan A. Pion, PE Director of Engineering Champlain Water District Dedicated to Quality Water and Service From: Betsy Brown <bbrown@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 2:42 PM To: Nate Pion <nathan.pion@champlainwater.org> Cc: Marty Gillies <mgillies@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: CWD New Tank Application - Additional Info Needed This email originated from outside of the District. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good aŌernoon, AŌer reviewing the applicaƟon submiƩed for the new water tank and other site modificaƟons, the following is missing from the applicaƟon materials. 1. Site Plan showing the whole property: Please include a locaƟon map, locaƟon of bicycle racks, dumpsters, any overlay districts (wetland buffers, river corridors, etc), any easements on the property, snow storage locaƟon(s). See aƩached Figure 1 – General Site Layout. I believe this includes all the necessary requirements for the Site Plan, with the excepƟon of the bicycle racks (located on the west side of the main building near the main entrance) and dumpsters (southwest of the maintenance garage). I can easily add these in but figured I would see if you had any other comments before making any addiƟonal revisions. 2. Landscaping: The LDRs require landscaping for any new buildings, so we would need to see some landscaping proposed due to the 48 sf building. We need to see a budget and where on the site the landscaping will be 2 planted. The new 48 sf communicaƟon building costs approximately $50,000, which includes earthwork, foundaƟon, and building structure. As noted in the cover leƩer, CWD is not proposing any addiƟonal landscaping for this project. Space is limited at the WTP and dedicated to water treatment plant processes. CWD understands and respects the City’s posiƟon regarding the need for landscaping at it applies to proposed residenƟal and commercial developments. However, CWD is a unique case as we are a municipality (municipal water district) within a municipality (City). CWD is requesƟng that the City waive the landscaping requirement for CWD with regards to this project. Furthermore, we would like to work with the City to define landscaping requirements, specifically for CWD, as we plan for future improvements at the Water Treatment Plant site at 403 Queen City Park Road. The landscaping requirement will conƟnue to be a potenƟal concern for CWD with future improvements. We have some sizeable projects in our 20-Year Master Plan (ex. Chemical Building AddiƟon and AdministraƟve Building AddiƟon). CWD must prioriƟze water treatment on-site and landscaping requirements will conƟnue to present a conflict. 3. The plan submiƩed shows a proposed retaining wall. I do not see the details of that retaining wall in the materials submiƩed. See aƩached detail enƟtled “New Retaining Wall”. 4. Stormwater: We need to see a proposed stormwater system to handle the addiƟonal impervious surface or demonstraƟon the that exisƟng system can handle the addiƟonal impervious. CWD has a NPDES Permit (No. 3- 1161) that regulates backwash from the WTP processes (Clarifiers, Filters, Tank Overflows) and any stormwater discharge (impervious area, roof and floor drains, etc.). All stormwater is directed to the lagoons and the lagoon discharge into the Potash Brook is monitored for daily flow and water quality parameters are analyzed via grab samples either weekly or monthly. I’ve included a copy of the NPDES Permit. It is CWD’s opinion that no addiƟonal stormwater treatment is required and that the NDPES Permit and subsequent monthly reporƟng demonstrates that the exisƟng system can handle the addiƟonal impervious area. Please let us know if you have any quesƟons! -Betsy Betsy Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant City of South Burlington 180 Market Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sbvt.gov Notice – Under Vermont’s Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning District business, concerning a District official or staff, or containing information relating to District business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation.