HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Common Areas for Dogs Committee - 10/10/2023Committee on Common Area for Dogs Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Members Present: Betty Milizia (Chair), Robyn Birgisson (Vice Chair), Lisa Yankowski, Jason Smith, Molly Joy (Clerk) Staff Present: Helen Riehle (City Council Chair), Holly Rees (City Clerk) Public Present: Nora Senegal, Dan Albrecht Meeting was called to order at 5:31 PM. 1.Adopt Agenda The agenda was adopted without changes. 2.Public Comments (Unrelated to Agenda) None 3.Review and Approve Minutes The September 12th minutes were approved. 4.Update on Recreation Department Director Offer has been made. An announcement will be made in a few days. The goal is to have the individual start by November 1st. 5.Update on Farrell Stormwater Project Manager, Monica Ingalls, is still working through wetland delineation. Monica has had difficulty with connecting with the State Department. The plan has been through review with the Planning Department who made recommendations ahead of the DRB approval. The timing for completion of the work is still to be determined. 6.Update on Wheeler A new messaging board has been ordered in the same size to match the current rules signage. The signage will then be moved to the front right gate so those entering the park can read rules before entering. The Committee is still awaiting a response from Adam Cate (DPW Operations Manager) on questions that were raised in August, as to next steps on the following: •Dog bag stations to be placed around the city approved as part of FY24 CIP •Addition of benches – 6 total (this later changed to 8 during September on-site meeting) •Addition of dog bag stations and placement •Addition of water line from house to park •Addition of 3 mature shade trees • Removal of tree stumps 7. Summary of “To Leash or Not to Leash” Survey Results There was a total of 858 responses, including both dog owners and non-dog owners. The survey was open for approximately a month. The committee reviewed the total responses to 15 questions, excluding Q 16 re. the Friends of Dog Parks volunteers and the 471 comments in Q 17. Dan and Nora expressed concerns with how the questions were laid out in the survey. They felt some questions were vague. It was pointed out Q 16 re. the “Friends of Dogs” was not clear and there was no clarification re. the current city ordinance. The next step is to read through the comments and aggregate them, to reflect the concerns and ideas that is easily understandable. There will be a progress report on the survey, at the November meeting. 8. Future Meetings Tuesday, November 7th, 6 – 7:30 PM MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 7:03 PM PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.