HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-23-011 - Supplemental - 0225 0267 Market Street (3)Qualifying Open Space Narrative: Block A (Lot N) – Market Street & Garden Street March 17, 2023 Introduction This application involves construction of: - Building A1 – a mixed use building comprised of 101 dwelling units and 13,500 square feet of commercial tenant space - Building A2 – a mixed use building comprised of 62 dwelling units and 13,500 square feet of commercial tenant space - Building A3 – a multi-family building with 50 dwelling units The open space requirement will be met using a combination of onsite and offsite open space elements. Open Space Requirement (per LDR Table 8-1) Transect Zone Residential / Non-Residential Parcel Size Qualifying Open Space Required Additional Restrictions, Requirements, or Allowances Public Realm Requirement 5 Non-Residential All 5% of non- residential building gross floor area May locate qualifying open space off-site or purchase credits Whether on or off site, 75% must be part of the public realm 5 Residential, 20 or more Units All 60 Square Feet Per Unit May locate off-site pursuant to BES or purchase credits No public realm requirement for residential component 4 Residential, 20 or more Units All 60 Square Feet Per Unit Must be located on site or within 150’ of the site and directly accessible from the site; 50% or more must be commonly accessible to all tenants/residents No public realm requirement for residential component Open Space Summary Building Dwelling Units Non- Residential Space Open Space Required Proposed Open Space LDA O/S Credit1 Onsite Total A1 101 13,500 sf 6,735 sf (6,060 + 675) 3,367.5 sf (50% max.)990 sf snippet (A1) + 1,300 sf snippet (A1) + 2,400 sf pocket plaza + 1,175 sf snippet (A2) + 3,500 sf rain garden 16,430 sfA26213,500 sf 4,395 sf (3,720 + 675) 2,197.5 sf (50% max.) A3 50 none 3,000 sf 1,500 sf (50% max.) Total 14,130 sf 7,065 sf 9,365 sf 1 Large Development Area open space credit The Large Development Area open space credit is located entirely within the public realm. The proposed pocket plaza is also located in the public realm. Collectively, at least 57.6% of the open space proposed is within the public realm [(7,065 sf + 2,400 sf) / 16,430 sf] An excess of 2,300 sf of open space is proposed. As allowed by LDR 8.08.E(1)(d), the applicant requests that the excess open space with this application be held in reserve, to be applied toward the required open space for a future building. Rain Garden: (3,500 square feet) A rain garden (bio-retention area) is proposed on the westerly side of Building A3. The rain garden will receive rooftop runoff from Building A3 and runoff from the ramp to the parking garage. While the rain garden and adjacent area is larger than 3,500 sf, the maximum allowable open space size is limited to 3,500 sf in LDR Article 11B. The rain garden meets the following minimum requirements of LDR Article 11B: Rain Garden Required Elements Elements Provided Applicability All FBC districts Complies – the project is located in the T-4 & T-5 Description & Service Intent A shallow depression planted with native plants that captures rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas. Complies – the rain garden has a depth of 2 feet and receives stormwater runoff from the adjacent building rooftop and ramp. See Landscape Plans for proposed plantings. Size Maximum size of 3,500 sf; shall not count as more than 50% of minimum required qualifying open space. Complies – the open space area is limited to the maximum of 3,500 sf; and the rain garden comprises only 24% of the total open space proposed. Location & Access The garden should be positioned near a runoff source like a downspout, driveway or sump pump to capture rainwater runoff and stop the water from reaching the sewer system. Complies – the rain garden is located adjacent to, and receives runoff from, the building rooftop and garage ramp. Seating, Tables, Etc.The space must serve as a visual amenity which can be enjoyed through paths or seating. Adjacent seating, proportionate with the size of the garden and number of users, intended to enhance the garden is required and can be counted as part of the required open space. Complies – the rain garden will provide a landscaped buffer adjacent to Building A3 and provide a more detailed visual amenity along the Garden Street sidewalk, with the less intensively managed storm pond in the background. A grass path will provide access around the perimeter of the rain garden. Seating is proposed along Garden Street and at the northerly corner. Landscaping, Design Deep rooted native plants and grasses. Complies – see Landscape Plans for proposed plantings Commercial Services, Food Not permitted Complies Sunlight & Wind Appropriate to the plant species selection. Complies – see Landscape Plans for proposed plantings Other See LID language for additional standards. Complies – the rain garden provides treatment for the water quality volume runoff and also allow stormwater to infiltrate, providing groundwater recharge. Pocket Plaza: (2,400 square feet) A pocket plaza is proposed along Market Street, between Building A1 & Building A2. The pocket plaza will extend to the face of each building, and from the sidewalk along Market Street over the bottom of the ramp / entrances to the parking garage under each building. The pocket plaza will be connected to the parking areas and sidewalks behind each building with an elevated walkway that spans the parking garage entry. The pocket plaza meets the following minimum requirements of LDR Article 11B: Pocket Plaza Required Elements Elements Provided Applicability All FBC districts Complies – the project is located in the T-4 & T-5 Description A small, landscaped green space, designed and managed as an outdoor Living "room" for more limited passive recreation and social interaction. Complies – designed to accommodate seating to complement potential food service uses within the end unit of each building, as well as provide for general public seating and social interaction Service Area More urban version of a pocket park; intended to serve the immediate area (street, block) within walking distance (1/4 mile), including adjoining residences and businesses. Typically located mid-block, or on a street corner. Complies – located mid-block and intended to serve both residents and businesses within the adjacent buildings. The design integrates pedestrian connections to the spaces behind the buildings, expanding those served and providing a larger feeling space. Typical features Seating area, vendor area, public art, fountain, ornamental trees, planters, small accessory structures; no onsite parking Complies – includes seating and planters. No onsite parking proposed. Lot Size Minimum: 2,000 SF Maximum: 20,000 SF Complies – 2,400 sf Lot Coverage 60% min, 100% max Complies – although there are movable planters, the coverage is 100% Frontage Typically has frontage on one or two streets, and is defined and enclosed by adjacent building facades, with compatible architectural elements, such as low walls, screening, or fencing and landscaping that define the space. Complies – has frontage on Market Street Other Snippet / Parklet: (1,100 square feet) Building A1 Residential Lobby Entry A snippet / parklet will be located at the entry to the residential lobby off Garden Street. An elevated terrace is proposed adjacent to the building entry. Steps and an accessible ramp will connect the terrace to the sidewalk along Garden Street. The snippet / parklet meets the following minimum requirements of LDR Article 11B: Snippet / Parklet Required Elements Elements Provided Applicability All FBC districts Complies – the project is located in the T-4 & T-5 Description & Service Intent Small sitting area clearly intended to provide welcoming respite between or adjacent to buildings. May serve general public, employees, residents, or customers. Complies – this small landscaped terrace is intended to serve the residents of Building A1. Size 600-4,000 sq. ft.Complies – proposed area is 1,100 sf. Location & Access Must be directly adjacent to public right of way and sidewalk or operable building entry. Applicants are encouraged to consider lighting and safety in design. The space is adjacent to the Garden Street ROW/sidewalk. The space is also located at the entry to the residential lobby, and elevated above the sidewalk to provide vertical separation. Steps and a ramp provide access. Seating, Tables, Etc.Seating must be the main focus of the space. Seating must be present year- round and composed of high quality materials. Fixed seating is required unless the applicant demonstrates that moveable seating will meet the stated goals of the type. Moveable chairs and a fixed bench are proposed. The chairs provide greater flexibility and accessibility for residents. The bench provides a visually interesting form of fixed seating that will be available in all seasons. Landscaping, Design Landscaping shall also be a primary component of the space. Because the space is inherently small, it shall be carefully landscaped in a higher proportion than larger spaces. Landscaping should not interfere with seating, but instead complement it. Spaces should appear warm and inviting and permanent rather than temporary. Complies – see Landscaping Plan. Plantings are used to frame the space and complement the seating. The terrace is on the south side of the building, but has limited space for shade trees given the proximity to the Garden Street sidewalk. Commercial Services, Food Permitted N/A Sunlight & Wind No requirements N/A Other Bicycle parking may be permitted within these areas; however, the space dedicated to bicycle parking shall not count towards meeting the open space requirements. Bike parking is available at the rear of the building and along Market Street. Snippet / Parklet: (1,300 square feet) Building A1 Snippet Park A snippet park will be located behind Building A1. This space will be located at the vertex of the building, adjacent to the rear entry of the residential lobby. Sidewalks connect this space to multiple building entrances, as well as the pocket plaza. The snippet / parklet meets the following minimum requirements of LDR Article 11B: Snippet / Parklet Required Elements Elements Provided Applicability All FBC districts Complies – the project is located in the T-4 & T-5 Description & Service Intent Small sitting area clearly intended to provide welcoming respite between or adjacent to buildings. May serve general public, employees, residents, or customers. Complies – this small landscaped sitting area is intended to serve the residents of Buildings A1 & A2. Size 600-4,000 sq. ft.Complies – proposed area is 1,300 sf. Location & Access Must be directly adjacent to public right of way and sidewalk or operable building entry. Applicants are encouraged to consider lighting and safety in design. The space is directly adjacent to the rear entry of the residential lobby in Building A1. Seating, Tables, Etc.Seating must be the main focus of the space. Seating must be present year- round and composed of high quality materials. Fixed seating is required unless the applicant demonstrates that moveable seating will meet the stated goals of the type. Moveable furniture is proposed to provide a more welcoming and intimate setting. This space is semi-private area for residents. Fixed seating lacks the flexibility needed to accommodate varied numbers with the desired atmosphere. Landscaping, Design Landscaping shall also be a primary component of the space. Because the space is inherently small, it shall be carefully landscaped in a higher proportion than larger spaces. Landscaping should not interfere with seating, but instead complement it. Spaces should appear warm and inviting and permanent rather than temporary. Complies – see Landscaping Plan. Plantings and a planting bed will create separation from the adjacent sidewalk and parking area. The interior of the adjacent building will likely be commercial back-of-house functions with limited activity to conflict with the sitting area. Commercial Services, Food Permitted N/A Sunlight & Wind No requirements N/A Other Bicycle parking may be permitted within these areas; however, the space dedicated to bicycle parking shall not count towards meeting the open space requirements. Bike parking is proposed nearby, on the opposite side of the lobby entry. Snippet / Parklet: (1,175 square feet) Building A2 Terrace A snippet / parklet will be located at the southwest corner of Building A2. This terrace is located near the rear residential lobby entry, as well as the end unit commercial space. The terrace will be elevated from the adjacent parking lot and garage access ramp. The snippet / parklet meets the following minimum requirements of LDR Article 11B: Snippet / Parklet Required Elements Elements Provided Applicability All FBC districts Complies – the project is located in the T-4 & T-5 Description & Service Intent Small sitting area clearly intended to provide welcoming respite between or adjacent to buildings. May serve general public, employees, residents, or customers. Complies – this small landscaped terrace is intended to serve the residents of Building A2 and potentially the employees of the adjacent commercial spaces. Size 600-4,000 sq. ft.Complies – proposed area is 1,175 sf. Location & Access Must be directly adjacent to public right of way and sidewalk or operable building entry. Applicants are encouraged to consider lighting and safety in design. The terrace is adjacent to the rear lobby entry of Building A2, as well as the commercial space door near the corner of the building. Seating, Tables, Etc.Seating must be the main focus of the space. Seating must be present year- round and composed of high quality materials. Fixed seating is required unless the applicant demonstrates that moveable seating will meet the stated goals of the type. Moveable furniture is proposed to provide a more welcoming and intimate setting. This space is a semi-private area for residents and employees. Fixed seating lacks the flexibility needed to accommodate varied numbers with the desired atmosphere. Landscaping, Design Landscaping shall also be a primary component of the space. Because the space is inherently small, it shall be carefully landscaped in a higher proportion than larger spaces. Landscaping should not interfere with seating, but instead complement it. Spaces should appear warm and inviting and permanent rather than temporary. Complies – see Landscaping Plan. Plantings are used to buffer the space from the adjacent parking spaces. Planters within the terrace space will complement the seating. Commercial Services, Food Permitted N/A Sunlight & Wind No requirements N/A Other Bicycle parking may be permitted within these areas; however, the space dedicated to bicycle parking shall not count towards meeting the open space requirements. Bike parking is available at the rear of the building, near the lobby entry.