HomeMy WebLinkAboutZP-23-287 - 0019 Pheasant Way 8/14/20231 Marty Gillies From:R T Farrell <rtfarrellvt@comcast.net> Sent:Friday, August 11, 2023 3:07 PM To:Marty Gillies Subject:Re: 'EXTERNAL'Re: 19 Pheasant Way zoning permit Attachments:Acc Dwelling Unit Q_Feb 2022.pdf Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged Marty, I have reviewed the permit from 2003, and can confirm that the elevations and setbacks are correct. Let me know if this attachment works for you. RTF On Aug 11, 2023, at 12:22 PM, Marty Gillies <mgillies@southburlingtonvt.gov> wrote: Hi Ronald, Unfortunately, I can’t seem to access the link to the completed ADU questionnaire – it is asking me to input Apple ID log-in information. Is it possible to save the questionnaire as a PDF and simply email it to me that way? In terms of setbacks and heights – I understand that you are proposing to simply rebuild what had been there previously, but if what had been there previously was a violation, than we will not be able to approve reconstruction of that thing. For this reason, I do need to confirm proposed structure height and setbacks. Linked here is a 2003 Zoning Permit (http://sbvt- records.info/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=124002&dbid=0&repo=SBurl) that testifies that the old attached garage was 20 feet from the side property line, which is more than the minimum setback of 10 feet. That permit also shows the peak of the house is at an elevation of 310.5 feet above mean sea level. The proposed garage peak appears to be 1.5 feet below the house peak, which would make the peak of the proposed roof 309 feet above sea level, which is under the maximum elevation of 326.2 feet above sea level. As such, it appears that the proposed ADU will be approvable as is, but I do need you to confirm my findings. Please review that permit and provide written confirmation via email that, based on the old permit and the construction plans for the proposed ADU, the proposed construction will comply with the applicable maximum height and minimum side-yard setback regulations. Thanks for your help! Best, Applicant (Print): Ronald Farrell ___________________________________________________ Subject Property Address: 19 Pheasant Way________________________________________ South Burlington permits single-family homes to have one (1) accessory dwelling unit (ADU), someImes called “mother-in-law” apartments as long as they are clearly subordinate to the primary home on the lot. It is an ADU if it has separate sleeping, sanitary and kitchen faciliIes from the primary home and has its own access/egress, apart from the primary home. Notes (add any addiIonal informaIon): _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature: Ronald Farrell______ Date ___08/10/23______________ Please answer the following ques2ons about your proposed accessory dwelling unit (ADU).Y N 1.Will the ADU be (select only one): a)Built enIrely within the exisIng Single-Family home,X b)Built as part of an expansion to the Single-Family home, c)Built within an exisIng accessory structure, or d)Built within a new or expanded accessory structure? 2.Will the property owner reside in one of the dwelling units (primary or accessory)? X 3.Please indicate that you understand that one of the dwelling units must be owner-occupied. Your signature below will cerIfy this understanding. X 4.Please confirm that you have submi[ed Wastewater AllocaIon applicaIon to cover the addiIonal wastewater flow generated by the unit. X Please answer the following ques2ons about your proposed accessory dwelling unit.Sq. Ft. 5.What is the size (in sf) of the habitable area of exisIng single-family home? 2994 6.What is the size (in sf) of the proposed accessory dwelling unit? 768 Updated: 02/16/2022 Page of 1 2 Planning & Zoning Accessory Dwelling Unit Ques?onnaire *** Below are the South Burlington Land Development Regula?ons relevant to ADU’s: Sec?on 3.11 Accessory Dwelling Units A.One (1) accessory dwelling unit that is clearly subordinate to a single-family dwelling shall be permi[ed within or appurtenant to a single-family dwelling on the same lot, provided there is compliance with all the following: (1)The lot is owner-occupied. (2)The accessory unit does not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total habitable area of the single-family dwelling or 900 square feet, whichever is greater. (3)Adequate wastewater capacity is available to service the accessory unit, as demonstrated by issuance of a Wastewater AllocaIon or on-site wastewater permit pursuant to the South Burlington Ordinance RegulaIng the use of Public and Private Sanitary Sewerage and Stormwater Systems. (4)The accessory unit meets all dimensional requirements applicable to a single-family home on that same parcel. (5)The Accessory Dwelling Unit and associated coverage shall be included in the computaIon of building and lot coverage. (6)A zoning permit shall be required for each accessory residenIal unit B.Supplemental allowance as a Condi?onal Use. An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), or porIon thereof that is proposed to be within the required setback applicable to a single-family home may be approved as a CondiIonal Use, in accordance with SecIon 14.11. Sec?on 14.11 H Accessory Dwelling Units Supplemental Allowance An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), or porIon thereof that is proposed to be within the required setback applicable to a single-family home may be approved as a CondiIonal Use, subject to the following: (1) The ADU must comply with all provisions of SecIon 3.11 (Accessory Dwelling Units) except setback standards; (2) The ADU shall only be situated where an accessory structure on the lot may be placed; (3) The ADU, and any porIon thereof, must not exceed 15’ in height; (4) The ADU must not exceed 600 s.f. gross floor area; (5) The principal entry to the ADU must not be oriented a side or rear lot line; and, (6) The proposed encroachment of the ADU must not have an undue adverse affect on: (a) views of adjoining and/or nearby properIes; (b) access to sunlight of adjoining and/or nearby properIes; and, (c) privacy of adjoining and/or nearby properIes. This quesIonnaire needs to be included with any Zoning Permit applicaIon for an ADU. Both documents can be submi[ed through email at: planning@sbvt.gov or by visiIng the Planning & Zoning Office, 3rd floor at 180 Market Street, in South Burlington. Feel free to contact us using the email above or you can call us at (802) 846-4106. Updated: 02/16/2022 Page of 2 2