HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 06/16/2023Meeting Minutes South Burlington Public Art Committee Draft Minutes June 16, 2023 In Attendance: Committee Members: Penne Tompkins (Chair), Amanda Holland (Vice chair), Jean Sebastian Chaulot, John Killacky, and Sophia Babbitt Staff: Ilona Blanchard Public: None Meeting was called to order at 9:02 am. Minutes from May 16 and May 24, 2023, meetings were reviewed and approved. (John K moved and Jean C seconded) Jessica Manley was reappointed gallery curator for another year and the next exhibit, Light Show Artists, was approved. (Jean C moved and Sophia B seconded) Penne Tompkins agreed to draft FY ‘23 annual report copy. FY’24 PAC Policies and Priorities and Workplan were reviewed and approved. (John K moved and Amanda H seconded) Next meeting was confirmed for July 18, 2023, at 5:30 pm. Meeting was adjourned at 10:03 am. FY24 Policy Priorities & Strategies Role of Council "This is the vision for our community" Committe e Strategy Description PAC Maintain content for the Residents/Public Art page on the City website. Allocate Funding & Approve Recommendation PAC Install permanent public art in South Burlington outside of City Center Allocate Funding PAC Complete a Cultural Plan for South Burlington As required, allocate funding and approve recommendations PAC Seek opportunities to support, fund, and install art on/integrated into public infrastructure PAC Establish a process to facilitate review of private development art installations in an advisory capacity when requested PAC Continue to showcase local, regional and state artists in the Public Gallery at all levels PAC Clarify the Public Art Selection Committee Charge in a conversation with a broader base of stakeholders. Comprehensive Plan Update Approve Recommendation PAC Initiate a Public Art Selection Process for the Williston Road Streetscape project and Garden Street. Approved June 16, 2023 - Public Art Committee, South Burlington, VT Core Municipal Services and Administration City Center and Tax Increment Financing District Climate Action Plan Role of Committee "This is how our resident committees can inform policy and help implement Affordable and Community Strong: Creating a robust sense of place and opportunity for our residents and visitors. Opportunity Oriented: Being a supportive and engaged member of the larger regional and statewide community. Walkable: Bicycle and pedestrian friendly with safe transportation infrastructure. Green & Clean: Emphasizing sustainability for long-term viability of a clean and green South Burlington