HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - 06/08/2023 - Board of Trustees
Draft Minutes South Burlington Library Board of Trustees Thursday, June 8, 2023 5:30 pm Location: Board room – South Burlington Public Library and Virtual online
Members Present: Lauren Ballard Hatch, Patrick Leduc, Ted Lenski, Anne Gilson LaLonde, Holly Painter, Rebecca Stazi, Donna Swartwout, Penelope Tompkins, Kevin Morgenstein Fuerst, Stacey Pape, Margery Vagt
Members Absent:
Staff Members Present: Jennifer Murray
Friends of the Library Present:
The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm Library exits were reviewed. Additions and deletions to the posted agenda Chair’s report was added Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda None; one community member present Approval of regular board minutes of May 11, 2023 Upon a motion made by Trustee Ted Lenski and seconded by Rebecca Stazi, the Trustees voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the May 11, 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting. Chair’s report The Chair will be sharing via email the Trustees accomplishments for the year and goals for the upcoming year to be included in the City’s annual report. Please respond directly to Stacey Pape when sending your feedback. The library had 5 applicants for the one open position. We hope to have the new Trustee join us for our July or August meeting. Finally, the Chair recognized Patrick Leduc’s last meeting as Board of Trustee. Patrick served as the Chair of the Trustees, helped create the Library Foundation and was integral to the success of the library’s move to the new building. We are grateful for his years of service, support, and dedication to the
South Burlington Public Library and the library board of trustees. Patrick received a loud round of applause from all trustees. Friends of the Library report No report Committee Reports Communications Committee NOTE: as of this meeting this group will be known as the Communications Committee which more accurately reflects its role in supporting the library. The name change was adopted at the SBPL Library Board of Trustees meeting on May 11, 2023. This change is reflected on the committee’s Statement of Purpose on the library website. Communications Committee Projects Summer Reading program bags- Jennifer and Penne updated the group about the design developed for these bags, 500 of which have been ordered for the upcoming program. The soft launch is June 1, with a bigger official summer reading launch in the children’s library on Saturday June 17. Window clings: the short tag “Read Local” was approved at the trustees meeting and this committee was charged with getting them made. Designs were discussed and samples from other organizations were reviewed. Penne will draft options using Canva to share with the group. Once a design is selected, one member will give direction to Jennifer so that she can order them using the library’s Gift Account funds. The initial order quantity is 500. Clings will be used in multiple ways, potentially as part of summer reading giveaways to patrons. Strategic Plan – after a brief discussion it was agreed that we will not pursue a secondary graphic version of the current library strategic plan. Rather, the existing plan will be cleaned up to add the logo and align fonts and layout to match other documents shared on the library website. The strategic plan will be added to the drop-down menu section of About Us, as opposed to its current location within the page where it is less likely to be noticed/found. Communications Planning Framework Working Session Members and staff reviewed the Communications and Outreach plan draft developed by Rebecca and Stacey. The objectives were reviewed in detail with some word-smithing changes made. Next steps are to develop specific strategies that may follow from the broad objectives, refining the Unique Selling proposition and selecting priority action items for the coming year. These items will than make up the committee goals for the library trustee’s annual plan. Upcoming Amplification Opportunities:
• Flyers shared at the trustees’ meetings 1. Rec and Parks Touch a Truck event June 3 2. Summer reading launch June 17
Stacey shared the idea of the library investing in the future in a pop-up tent, like the Rec department has to be used for various public events in which library information is shared. She has found that the logo tent used by their organizations are very helpful for indoor or outdoor public events. Tabling at the city’s SoBu Nites out during the summer: Jennifer will provide the schedule for when the library will have a table, which, ideally, will have many library volunteers present. Other Business: Stacey mentioned a story telling idea with local participants as a possibility for our library and it would give us an opportunity to highlight the sophisticated, equipment filled Media Room. Next meeting, June 15, 2023 Finance Committee No report Governance and Nomination Committee Anne Lalonde said the Statement of Purpose needs to be sent to Board member Ted Lenski. Anne Lalonde also stated the Collection Development policy needs the approval of the full Library Board of Trustees. Jennifer Murray added a discussion to change the wording of the Fees for Use when renting library rooms. The committee added a discussion of future agendas. Review the Bylaws: Committee members have small edits that must be given to Ted Lenski for inclusion in the final draft of the Bylaws. Stacey Pape and Jennifer Murray both received an email from the South Burlington City Council stating the process for interview candidates for city committees and boards has changed. Candidates will be interviewed by City Council sub committees. The City Council asked that incumbents also be interviewed. Stacey Pape said incumbents shouldn’t need to be interviewed. The City Council is adding criteria regarding skills and professional background for City Boards and Committees. Stacey Pape will follow up with the city. The Governance and Nomination committee suggested the following skills be highlighted for LBOT applicants: organization, leadership, comfortable with Google Docs and other technologies, project management—specifically as it relates to fund raising, and comfort with face-to-face outreach. Changes to the Collection Development policy requires full Board approval. Margery Vagt will
send the changes to Stacey Pape, who as chair, will forward them to the Board. Changes to the Room Rental, Usage Policies and Procedures have already been approved by the board. The committee approved the following changes under “Guidelines” and “Ongoing Meetings”: Groups may reserve Meeting Rooms up to 6 months in advance. Rooms may be reserved by one group or individual for up to two separate meetings. Reservations by more than one individual for the same group may still not exceed the two-meeting limit. Those with long term needs may renew their reservation for an additional 2meetings if the room is available. Any user who is not a 501(c) (3) organization and is charging a fee or requesting a suggested donation will be charge as a for-profit business. The above changes will apply to the Auditorium, Rooms, and The Studio. The Social Media policy is tabled for now, and the committee will invite the South Burlington city attorney to our next meeting to discuss a Waiver for the Library of Things. The next meeting will be July 17, 2023. Foundation Working Group No report Director’s Report (written report submitted by Jennifer Murray) From Children’s The construction area next door is garnering a lot of attention from library patrons! We have regular visitors who park themselves by the windows to watch and talk about the big trucks. Jennifer has reached out to the construction companies to see if anyone wants to come and talk to us about diggers. We are finalizing our Summer Reading 2023, “All Together Now” programs and prizes for our June 1 soft launch. Lyric Theatre’s Theatre for Young Audiences production of “Elephant and Piggie: We are in a Play” opens the festivities on Saturday, June 17 with a performance at 10 am and 3pm. The 3 pm performance will be ASL interpreted, and both will be “sensory-friendly” with no lights or sound amplification. Actors will be available for photos and autographs after the show. We’ve also booked Kevin Clarkson and his pythons for a Saturday, August 19 show. Always popular, Kevin and his 802 reptiles show will be in the community Room at 10am. He always lets every visitor hold a python! One more possible highlight—we may be doing a giant community LEGO build in August with help from City Planning. Stay tuned. From Adult and Teens: The newly re-formed and re-named Library Council of Teens will have its second meeting on Wednesday, 6/14. The Council serves to empower teens to make decisions about what goes on in the teen space. In our first meeting in May, teens chose the Council’s name, talked about a behavior code, and brainstormed and planned for upcoming programs. The 6/14 meeting will focus on organizing teens
into volunteer tasks and starting to make book and other displays for the teen space. On 6/22, the teens will pitch in to clean up our community with a Litter picking walk in the library neighborhood. Two events this week feature Vermont Humanities author and speaker Mary Dingee Fillmore. Mary will speak at the library on Wednesday evening about her research into Dutch response and resistance to the holocaust. On Thursday, the Morning Book Group will discuss the novel born of that research: An Address in Amsterdam. Mira has been attending meetings (along with Jessie and Shawn) regarding the motel closings and community responses to homelessness. From Circulation: Rearranged the Circulation Desk setup for easier access to book return area. Added more fun items to the LOT collection i.e., Cornhole, Bocce set, Karaoke machine and about 10 exciting new board games. Getting ready for Self-Checkout Month in June. From Jennifer: New Digital Specialist, Tina Mullins, appears to be settling in well. Lots of orientation and onboarding. Next stop: Web page training. We will be participating in an SB Women in Business networking event in late June set up by Ilona. Eternity is working on the web changes that we paid for that will make events look more crisp and easier to access, and allow staff to set events up for multiple dates. A big-time saver for staff. Working with the Library Foundation on a letter to the VT Community Foundation in support of a community arts program that staff want to put on with help from the Clemmons Family Farm. We also got $300 from the state to buy cooking utensils for the summer middle school programs and $500 from the state library foundation for items that will go into STEAM boxes for teens to use in the library or take out. Our newest sub, Mae, will assist with posting meeting agendas and minutes. During the meeting, Jennifer discussed a request made by the principal of Marcotte Elementary School. The school’s modular building units will not be ready for the opening of the school year. The proposal is that the three fifth grade classes use two spaces in the library (digital lab and the community room) and a space on the third floor of City Hall. A meeting is scheduled for next week that will include construction management, city staff, school staff, Jennifer, and Stacey. Other Business: None
Adjourn Seeing no other business, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 5:55 pm.