HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 05/03/2023NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMIITTEE Meeng minutes for May 03, 2023 at 6:02pm Aending: Dave Wheeler (Staff Liaison), Katherine Boyk, Michele Korpos, John Bossange, Jean Sebasen- Chaulot (Chr), Larry Kupferman (Vice Chr), Lisa Yankowski, Linda Bailey (arrived late). Missing: Andrew Chalnick (City Council Liaison) 1. Jean welcomed everyone and Dave reviewed emergency procedures. 2. No addions or deleons. 3. No public aendees- no comments. 4. Adopon of meeng minutes from April 13, 2023. a. Larry mooned to accept, Michele 2 nd. Approved unanimously. 5. City updates. a. The Energy Commiee is having a special meeng toni ght, May 3. b. The city council meeng on 04/17 was to include dis persing the remaining $2 million ARPA funds and how to use them. A<er great discussion, the decision was made that more me was needed to further consider all the req uests and the asked for amounts. Representaves from several city commiees were pre sent to see if their group’s request would be selected. c. Commiee applicaons are due May 18. We have sever al openings we are looking to fill. If you know of anyone you feel would be beneficial to our commiee or another commiee- encourage them to apply. 6. Airport Path Project. We were joined by Nic Lango (Director of Aviaon for the Burlington Internaonal Airport-BTV) a. Jean & Michele had met with Nic with the purpose of discussing the open plots where homes had been removed as part of the noise migao n plan. As part of their required need to landscape- the airport is developing a plan for a mul-use, recreaon/walking path that will eventually connect into the SB Rec path(s) system present and future. b. The goal is to ulize this space for long term usag e while providing a noise buffer for the remaining homes. And to align with city work and upgrades. It is hoped work will begin this year. c. The plan is split into sectors to beer evaluate an d plan during the designing process- what will work or won’t. The next step will involve working with city leadership for feedback. The public will have a chance to provide their thoughts and feedback. d. Katherine asked what side the airport rec path would be due to difficules geGng to SB Rec path on Kennedy. The new path would be on the opposite side of the road from the airport. The airport can only build on property they own. John asked about any new airport buildings/structures in the green area. There are no new structures planned but the city may be redesigning some of the roads. Lisa menone d the proposed hotel. Michele expressed concern about the need for a hotel. Nic said studies show a need. It will be used for flight crews and passengers catching early morning flights. This would be located towards the north where a parking lot is. She asked about areas that the path seems close to remaining homes. This is not the final plan and will be adjusted. Jean asked about tree removal and maintenance. Tree removal will be determined by the final design. Trees may need to be removed but new ones would be planted along with flowers. The airport has a maintenance crew that will do any cleaning up of the grounds as part of the overall landscaping care. This will be built into the whole project and is all part of the airport requirements for landscaping. They want to make the land usable as well as for noise migaon. They’ve been mowing the green space but a re now leGng some of the grass grow back for wildflowers. The path will probably be SurePac, not plowed in the winter- but possibly used for cross country skiing. The NRCC would like to see some community garden space made available. Any community garden space would probably come under the city’s care. 7. Comprehensive Plan a. We had a few adjustments/suggesons to make. Kather ine compiled our recommendaons and objecves. John mooned to appr ove, Linda 2nd. Approved unanimously. Dave will forward it to Kelsey in the Planning Dept. 8. Invasive Species Day a. John compiled a leer of support for VT Invasive Sp ecies Management Day. (A copy was in our informaon packet.) There are many invasive species causing issues with nave species of flora and fauna. We have many groups trying to eradicate and /or manage these invasives. The leer was unanimously approve d to be sent. b. Katherine reminded everyone, a good me of year to dig up Burdock. Not an invasive but nasty plant. 9. Member Updates a. Pescide/Herbicides- the state has passed the new b ill. We have been waing to see what South Burlington would do- they were waing fo r the state. We need to push the city to develop a pescide/herbicide ordinance. Pl ease review the ordinance Burlington has. Microso< Word - Pescide Herbicide Ordinance City o f Burlington 2007.doc (burlingtonvt.gov) NEXT MEETING is JUNE 06, 2023 at 6pm Future Agenda Items Proposed addions for the Tree Ordinance Pescide/Herbicide Ordinance