HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Common Areas for Dogs Committee - 03/21/2023 COMMON AREA FOR DOGS COMMITTEE Draft Meeting Minutes March 21, 2023 Members Present: Betty Milizia (Chr), Lisa Yankowski, Muriel More, Robyn Birgisson (remote). Staff Liaison: Holly Rees Missing: Molly Joy & Linda Chaisson No public attendees Betty called the meeting to order at 06:10 pm 1. Changes/deletions • Regarding the Comprehensive Plan, Kelsey Peterson, SB Planning, wants to know if the committee had anything for her consider adding into the 2024 update. Lisa thought new should include new developments with apartment buildings need to provide green space for the residents and space for dogs of the residents to recreate. Muriel says we need to include maintenance and accessibility for city parks. • Towards the end of the meeting, adding discussion about committee members and terms that may be expiring by June 2023. 2. Approval of January & February meeting minutes a. Muriel moved to approve the January minutes, Lisa 2nd. Muriel moved to approve the February minutes, Robyn 2nd. Unanimously approved. 3. Incident Spreadsheet. a. Most of the incidents involve dogs off leash. Feb ‘22- Mar ’23, 33 reported incidents, 21 about off leash. The newest incident was yesterday, at Wheeler, an off-leash dog, a family with small children and escalated “conversation”. There had been a physical confrontation reported at Red Rocks previously. One person asked, “What is the ordinance?” It seems the ordinance varies per park. Red Rocks is clear with signs stating “DOGS MUST BE ON LEASH” and pickup after your dog. The Rec Path has dogs on leash, 6ft or less and pickup after them. Wheeler, dogs can be off leash but must be under owner control. But does under control mean? Robyn uses a special collar when her dog is off leash. b. Holly suggested the committee look at the ordinance. The language needs to be clear and concise. This will aid the police in enforcement. Dog owners will know what the rules are and what is expected of them. And the rules need to be the same for all the parks. Muriel supports consistency Betty thinks we should look for solutions from the public. Lisa mentioned wildlife and dogs off leash. We will need to put forward a clear vision of what the public can expect when visiting our parks. c. We need solutions from the public. Muriel asked about some of the out-of-the- way spots, city owned that dog owners could maybe let dogs off leash. We are not sure about the former Auclair Farm so Holly will ask Paul Conner about possible spots. If might take pressure off the larger parks. Parking could be a concern. d. Betty suggested this group meet with the NRCC and work with planning to get developers to take more responsibility in providing areas for their residents’ dogs. Possible joint meeting for May. Lisa will work on this and forward the list of identified open space we have identified. The committee will have a possible special meeting for May 3, 4 or May 17, 18. 4. April Stools Day a. Holly has a UVM intern who has been pushing dog owners to pick up after their dog on social media. She has written an article that will be in “The Other Paper”. She is organizing a table for April Stools Day at Wheeler for April, 9-11am. This is to encourage others to come and help clean the dog park up. Petfood Warehouse has donated dog treat bags, donuts & coffee from Dunkin Donuts will be available. Holly and her intern will work out the logistics for the event and dogs will be kept out for the event. b. Discussions led to issues of questionable dog behavior at Wheeler. Betty has been in discussion with a dog behaviorist. We are hoping to be able to use her skills and knowledge to educate the public. It would be nice to have her attend April Stools Day. Betty would like to have creative events to incentivize people to pick up poop. Committee members are encouraged to bring ideas for other events like a “Bark in the Dark in the Park” or a Canine Keg Crawl, etc. 5. Farrell Dog Park Update a. No Update budget-wise so we do not know what the price for the upgrades will be. We have $60,000 approved in the budget. These funds should not be used toward the cost of reworking the bike path. 6. Wheeler Park Update a. Phraseology on dog park rules signs is not clear about spayed or neutered dogs. The sign will be changed and moved to an optimal spot outside the gates. The park is currently very muddy. The grass that was there when it opened is being eroded and scratched off as dogs play. Do we close the park to let the mud dry up and for new grass to grow in? Lisa suggested artificial turf. Holly feels we should have a photographic record of the damage, but will wait until we hear back from Adam Cate at DPW. Betty feels we need the expertise of a landscape architect. 7. Maintenance Plan a. Is under development. Andrea Leo from city hall asked why there is so much dog poop in South Burlington. New signs are being made that can be placed in various locations along paths and in parks. b. We want to find a way to “shout out” to all the heros at the dog park and Red Rocks who do pick up the dog poop that irresponsible owners do not. 8. Committee member term limits Muriel’s term is up and she will not be applying. Linda’s term will also be up. We are looking to fill the opening- people passionate about dogs. 9. Next meeting agenda and date a. Find out if Holly has heard back from Adam. Any news about the Farrell Park repair work. ID’g possible off-leash spaces to recommend. Prepare for joint meeting with other committees. Discuss reaching out to the public. Muriel motioned to adjourn, Robyn 2nd. Adjourned 7:57pm