HomeMy WebLinkAboutZP-23-139 - 0150 Dorset Street 253 4/28/2023, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY Street Addressl 150 Dorset Street Suite 253, South Burlington Applicatlon No: Properly Owner:Dorset Sq uare Associates [olfico use onlY] Parcel Size: Property Owner Mailing PO Box 3884 Stowe, VT A5672 APPLIGANT:Escape Vermont LLC DBA EscaPe Room 60 5539 West Berkshire Rd Enosburg Falls VT 05450 Applicant Malling Address:802-782-4442 Applicant Email satkd@live.com Daytlme Phone: 'l . PROPOSED Project including ng dimensions (describe):lnt€rior parfition walls tor Puzlo Room8. (olmsnslons 6ss allEhsd drawlng) 6lTEAIo €-YI N 1a: lF NEW STRUCTURE Buildingheight(seeLandDevelopmentRegulationsDefinitionofHeight}:ft. # of Bedrooms: - The project will comply with the city of south Burlington "Regulation of Heatlng and service wator Heatlng systems in New Buildings" oidinun""' flYes f|'to 2. RELATED site plan, conditional use, puD, subdivision, or Misc Approval Number (if appllcable) 3. Present USE(S) of the ProPertY: [J Single family home on its own parcel 0 other (please state the USE per Land Development Regulations- retail' general office, multifamily residential' etc'): ( Mixed use BLUE MALL 4. List all present structure(s) on properry (describe including dimensions or square footage of each); BLUE MALL 5. Does the project include a proposed change of USE? Ehlo (the property will still be used for the same purpose) fI""a. proposed changed or added UsEs per Land Development Regulatlons'retail, general office, multifamily residential, etc.): proposed wastewater generation (GPD): - proposed PM Peak hour trip generation for entire property (in and out); i.LandUseCode(slUsed,independentvariables'calculations: c. b. 6. ESTIMATED total cost ol improvements (materials and labor):25,000 comptete the followtng onty lf the prolect involves changes lo the dlmenstons of your butldlng or other site changes (le, not lnterior renovations or roof I window / deck replacement) z. BuILDING footprint - i.e. size in sq. ft. of main froor of house and all attached and detached structures including enclosed breezeways, garages' and sheds (describe); Ex g. TOTAL impervious sur{aces on site {i.e. Building footprint PLUS size in s.f. of driveways, patios' decks): Existing:- ProPosed Rsv 2019-1'l 9. ATTACH SKETCH PLAN OR SITE PLAN { O. APPLICANT/OWNER CERTIFICATION The undersigned property owner hereby consents lo submission of this application and understands that if the application is Zoning Permit and any attached will o"ot"ffi;'faroPertY' '/-/s-?p23 PRINT NAMESignature Date this apptication is true, accurale and complete. l-tz- 2o23 The u Appllcant affirms that PRINT NAME Date OFFICE USE ONLY _ ADMTNISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION - OFFICE USE ONLY FEEReceived:$-ldentificationofzoningdistrict:DATE Received: Project description: SITE PLAN SUBDIVISION Applacation *Approval Date Application #Approval Dato CONDITIONAL USE VARIANCE MISCELLANEOUS Applicatlon #Approval Dato Application #Approval Date Applicalion # APProval Dale FINAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ACTION ZONING PERMIT APPROVED Approval Date Admlnlstratlve Olflce/s Slgnature Permit EFFECTIVE date Permit EXPIRATION date CONDITIONS of Approval D Provided appticant 6opy of URBEC or VCBE Standards Handbook or I Not Applicable I oer,rreo Denial Date Administrative Officer's Signature REASON for DENIAL Nolice of Appeal Rights: Any interested porson may appeal this decision by filing a written Notice of Appeal with the clerk of the Development Review Board within fifteen [15] days of the date of this decision. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of $223'00. This permlt does NOT authorlze commencement ol any development actlvlty approved by the permlt until the permlt takes effect as set forth above. Site modifications and improvements made prior to this permit becoming eflective may be subject to removal and site restoration if a timely appeal is commeneed. NOTE: The applicant or permiltee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 477-2241 lo speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Rev 2019-11 A100Suite 253 - Blue illallSou?h Srrlingrton, VTExisriry Flcorplanl* u",,"'l '*'*l* e,il Blcilogi*s'" fri ssirez'3i*'o "'i/a=.!rl*:sBE*38#li.EgBG@,wftl*GffrfflsaFtr&s4!sfteii€s@M44SftusfXrsTL^r6. sP,+cs1q{$ -4'g()*€{rr First Floor\:-/ UB*: l'{rtFORR€VI€WNOT FOR CONSTRU6TIONbaI\ [,];t":ii* F]tr:::-iI t) f,i.irg ilj*ii [:;',,--n.:::eti r.'i,;:-:-1effir@gEF.eiScale;0 l/8" I'Designed: 416/2023Printed: 4/6f2O23Drawing #: 1AllThis is an original design and mustnot be released'or copied unlessapplicable fee has been paid orjoborder placed.l},"'tr}nA_'. . &\#All dimerrsions -size designationsgiverr are subject to verification onjob site and adjusanent to fitjobconditions-SS MATN LAYOUT.KiI