HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 11/15/2022South Burlington Public Art Committee Approved Meeting Minutes 11/15/2022 In attendance: Committee Members: Sophia Babbitt (left mid-meeting), Penne Tompkins (Chair), Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Amanda Holland (Vice chair), Michele Bailey, and John Killacky Staff: Ilona Blanchard Public: Linda Bailey Amanda moved to approved minutes from 09/20 and 10/12/22. Jean seconded. Approved unanimously. Staff Report. Illuminate Vermont on December 16/17. Volunteers are needed. Sign up on the website. See www.Illuminatevermont.com to sign up. Clay Mohrman and Phoebe Lo proposal review. Budget is $10,000. With installation spring 2023. We need to confirm safety, durability, and maintenance. John suggests we get public input and the park and rec department should get input. Amanda thinks that Overlook park might be a good idea. John moved to proceed with this proposal and work with Park & Rec and DPW to determine location , safety, durability and maintenance. Jean seconded. Unanimous approval. Call for Art revision: Replace Submission of proposed work with Submission of previous work on page 4. Remove “temporary” on page 1 and replace by “permanent”. Penne would like to replace “commission” by “committee”. Review of the timeline of the process. John moves to accept the call to artist, RFQ Ilona recommends all committee members that can attend the ARPA meeting in person or virtually on Nov 30th. Public art in the comprehensive plan: The Planning Commission has three questions: 1) needs to know key topics the PAC would like on the comprehensive plan 2) Planning commission would like to know what information the PAC wants to help inform the plan (data needs). 3) What do we need from the public (questions for the facilitator to ask. John will start something that the committee will review. Michele suggested to look at the Bennington and Montpelier comprehensive plan. Public art gallery – Jessica Manley provided a proposal for the January February show of Marvin Fishman: Jean moved to approve the proposal for the next show. Amanda seconded. Unanimously approved. FY2022 Annual report: review and amend Jean moved to approve annual report with changes. John seconded. Unanimously. Next meeting is Tuesday December 13. Adjourned at 8:30 PM. Approved 12/13/2022