HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 08/30/2022PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MEETING 8/30/2022 APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Members In attendance: Amanda Holland (Vice Chair), Sophia Babbitt, Jean-Sebastien Chaulot, John Killacky, Trice Stratmann Non-voting Members: Ilona Blanchard (Staff), Michelle Bailey (VT Arts Council), Others: East West Crossing Project Team: Tyler Vendituoli, Aaron Guyette, Etty Padmodipuetro, Don Kindsvatter, Chris Smith Minutes Approval: One correction to the name Chaulot. Jean moved, John seconded. Unanimously approved. Cultural assessment plan: We should present it to City Council. The financing thru ARPA will be explored. John volunteered to present it to City Council. Sophia moved to approve presenting the cultural plan recommendation to the City Council, Jean Seconded. Unanimously approved. Public Art Gallery: Discussion regarding the name of the show: Spotlight is already a name in use in South Burlington for the dance studio – Spotlight Vermont. John moved to approve the show and let Jessica pick the name. Trice seconded. Unanimously approved. Gooses Dedication: Timing should be before all plants die due to the winter. • Scheduled for September 20th at 5:00 PM • Tyler will prepare a speech. • Sophia will be the event organizer, look into catering options: Ice cream, pop corn, etc. Budget for event: Requesting $500. Ad: $175, Food:$ remainder Motion: to have the Gooses dedication at 5 Pm on Sept 30th for 30 minutes with $500 budget and Sophia as the organizer. Moved by John, seconded by Michelle, unanimously approved. East-West multi use bridge: Presentation by VHB. 3 bridges options: • Land bridge • Vermonty bridge • Modern bridge Tyler is working on the public art aspect of the bridge. Maples leaves in the winds, flock of birds, Stars perforated and reflective, clouds, leaves perforated in metal. John thinks that the samples from Tyler are less relevant at this point. He suggests that the Vermont bridge should be made of wood. Land bridge might be high maintenance with the plants. VHB is asking from a public art standpoint: What do we like, what should be changed. General discussion of the committee was in agreement with John that the modern bridge is the closest to public art. Trice and other stated that they very much appreciated the “art chunks” and could see the perforations adding a lot to the bridge. The Call artists for the $10000 have not been considered by the committee. It needs to be on the September 20th agenda. The 3 proposals proposed to be discussed on the Aug 16th, the meeting which was not held. Meeting adjourned at 7:44. Respectfully submitted by Jean- Sebastien Chaulot Approved 9/20/2022