HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 05/17/2022Public Art Committee Approved Meeting Minutes May 17, 2022 In Attendance: Penne Tompkins (left meeting approx. 6:55 pm), Trice Stratmann, Jean-Sebastien Chaulot, Jessica Manley, Sophia Babbitt, Ilona Blanchard (Staff), Dave Wheeler (Public Works; left meeting approx. 7:00 pm), Amanda Holland (joined meeting approx. 7:10 pm), Michele Bailey (VT Art Council; joined meeting approx. 7:00 pm) Penne called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. No changes to the agenda. No public comment. Minutes Approval: • Penne had one small revision to the draft minutes from April 19th: Change “Friends of the Library” to “Library Foundation.” • Ilona made some grammatical corrections to the draft minutes of the Beta meeting from May 10th; no other revisions were made. Trice motioned to approval the draft minutes from April 19th, May 3rd, and May 10th. Jean seconded motion. Motion carried. Chair Report: • Penne confirmed that the “Season’s Out of Time” party was set for June 6th; the artist and library OK’d the date. • Penne and Ilona met with Daniel (curator) o Penne will e-introduce Daniel and Jessica so they can determine how best she can support him. o The next gallery show is set for the end of May (needs a title), and there is an action plan through September. o The general call for artists has already started to generate a response. Staff Report: • Ilona would like to hang some posters in the gallery for a week in late August between the next two shows. The posters will highlight information about the pedestrian bridge that is being constructed over I89 (Williston Road). • The Winter Festival is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, December 15th and 16th. Ilona asked if this time could encompass a break between shows in the gallery so the space can be used by artists to sell work during the festival. Artists would be responsible for manning the space. Ilona has a layout plan. • Action: Ask if these two things (above) work with Daniel’s schedule? • Ilona reported that there would be an artist involved in the bridge project as a member of the project team. The name of the artist is still confidential as the contract is not yet finalized. (6:55 pm: Penne left meeting; Jean took over as Chair.) ARPA: • Ilona spoke with Jessie (city manager). There will be one general question related to art on the forthcoming survey going out to the public. • Aside from a cultural planning assessment, discussed at a previous meeting, there were no additional suggestions from PAC. • Michelle will send PAC a list of the organizations/groups that VT communities have used in their previous cultural assessments. Americans for the Arts is also a potential resource. • PAC can send a letter with a request for funding now or later; Ilona said the timing was not urgent, and she reminded the group that ARPA was for “transformational” projects. Public Art Web Pages: • Amanda showed mockup slides of website. Discussion of what static images to use for headers on pages. • On the Art Gallery page, the “space” buttons are placeholders for the quick navigation to contents. • Still need a short description for the commissioned artwork and photos for that page. • Possible future pages: resources, link to library, FAQs. • Amanda and Jessica to provide only minor proofing/editing to web page copy, then copy to go to Coralee (communications). Motion to approve the package to go forward with non-substantive editing (editing only to grammar and punctuation). Sophia motioned to approve. Trice seconded motion. Motion carried. Seasons Out of Time Dedication Planning: • Committee discussed timing and agreed on 5:30–6:30 pm for the event. • Speakers: Penne as Chair to emcee (should reach out to discuss with other speakers); have artist discuss the piece (5 mins); perhaps have someone form the library speak (Jennifer?) • Ilona wants to create an “I Spy”-type scavenger hunt related to the clock. Amanda agreed to “beta-test” it. • City approved $500 budget for event, split between food/refreshments and promotion/advertising. • Trice volunteered to get food on the day of the event; Sophia will help her unload on-site and set up. • Ilona will need info for promotion; Sophia agreed to help with text. List in May 25/26 edition of “The Other Paper.” Can Penne reach out? • Plug event in the SoBu newsletter, as well as on social media and through the library. • Reception to be held on terrace. Ilona says there are platters, etc. Will need trashcans and recycling. Can use staff kitchen to set up food. Approve Beta Process: • Ilona shared with Beta PAC’s process and bylaws, as well as where she typically puts out calls. • PAC made minor revisions to Beta’s proposed plan. • PAC discussed creating a more formal document to share with DRB and Planning Commission about protocols and how PAC can advise and work with future applicants. Motion to approve the process proposed by Beta and revised with suggested changes by PAC. Jessica motioned to approve. Amanda seconded motion. Motion carried. Workplan FY 23 (July – June 2023): • Discussion postponed until next meeting. Next meeting: Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Meeting adjourned at 8:41 pm.