HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 05/03/2022South Burlington Public Art Committee Minutes of May 3, 2022, Special Meeting to Review Website Page Content In attendance: Penne Tompkins, Amanda Holland, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Trice Stratmann, Jessica Manley, Sophia Babbitt, Ilona Blanchard (staff), Dave Wheeler (Dept of Public Works) Meeting convened at 6:38 p.m. There were no members of the public present. Meeting Agenda: Review Public Art website material which is part of the SBPAC work plan for FY21-22 Landing page: Committee reviewed the text content and made some minor edits. Landing page will include links to sub pages to location map and to public art gallery installations. Also likely to include link to City public art Committee page elsewhere on city site. Committee reviewed header images created by Penne and discussed options. Not finalized. Dave W. contributed a visual of a simple image taken at the City “gooses” park last summer which all liked. Location(s) subpage - Map Amanda showed the members a GoogleMyMaps Art Map that shows utility boxes, installed city projects and other outdoor installations across South Burlington. She created a key for the different types of works. Further work is needed but it was agreed that this could be very helpful and fun. Amanda motioned that we include an interactive map finder for this page that emphasizes exploring public art. Jessica seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Public Art Gallery subpage The Public Art Gallery content, which was posted to the drive was reviewed. Discussion followed about making edits and about adding information from past shows. Penne volunteered to find the brief descriptions used for publicity to be added to the page under a titles section about previous exhibitions. Jessica volunteered to work with Trice to work on additional edits. City Sponsored Public Art Projects subpage Committee reviewed this section prepared by Jean. The content for the “gooses” was good and the “season’s Out of Time” description seemed too long and technical. Sophia will work with Jean to further edit this content. Other Business – Ilona notified the committee about the Development Review Board’s decision regarding Beta Technologies application: Development Review Board (DRB) advised Applicant (Beta) shall meet with the Public Art Selection Committee (PAC) for assistance developing a customized hardscape for the portion of the project which will be open to the public. The objective of the art shall be to attract visitors to the portions of the project open to the public who might otherwise not visit the site. Similar to other City public art commissions, the DRB noted it be budgeted minimally for $50,000. Beta has asked the committee to meet with their team as soon as possible and the members identified two potential dates to meet with Beta the week of May 10. A date will be confirmed as soon as possible so that the special meeting may be properly warned. Adjourn – 8:20 Approved 5/17/2022