HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0001 Timber Lane (2)NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL WHEREAS, Trillium Realty, Inc., a Vermont corporation with its principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, and Chiron, Inc., a Vermont corporation with its principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, (hereinafter collectively "Owners"), are the owners of certain property known as "1 Timber Lane" consisting of two units in one building located on 2.4 acres of land, more or less, located southerly of Kennedy Drive and westerly of Timber Lane in the City of South Burlington; and WHEREAS, Owners obtained approval from the South Burlington Planning Commission for a commercial planned unit development consisting of Lots A, B and C as shown on a plan entitled "1 Timber Lane" dated October, 1992, as revised February 24, 1993, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., and to be recorded in Map Book at page of the City of South Burlington Land Records ("Property" herein) by a Resolutiop of the Planning Commission approved at a meeting on , 1993; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission's approval imposes certain conditions on the subject property; NOW THEREFORE, Owner hereby gives notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the land unless or until modified or removed by the South Burlington Planning Commission or its successor: - 1 - 1. The Property shall be developed and used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approval of the South -5� (� I'S Burlington Planning Commission granted on ugnst�, 1993. 2. The Property is and shall constitute a single parcel of land for purposes of compliance with City of South Burlington regulations and ordinances now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations. Owners covenant and agree that for purpose of compliance with and application of City of South Burlington ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, the property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if the buildings located on such property are conveyed to separate owners together with the lots on which such buildings are located. 3. The proper party for purposes of submitting applications for approval from time to time under City ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, shall be all of the owners or an association as designated by all of the owners in a document duly executed and recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. The City shall act upon any applications submitted by all of the owners or the association and shall not be required to resolve a dispute between the association and the owners as to the respective rights of the association and owners. It shall be the duty of the owners or the association to notify all others having an - 2 - interest in the property that may be effected by the application proceedings of the commencement of such proceedings. 4. Any action to enforce any City ordinance or regulation, including zoning or subdivision regulations, against the Property, or activities or events occurring on the Property, shall be brought against the owners or the association. It shall be the duty of the owners or the association to notify all others having an interest in the property that may be effected by the enforcement proceedings of the commencement of such proceedings. Any decision in an enforcement proceeding, including a decision granting injunctive relief or penalties, shall be enforceable at the City's sole discretion against the owners, the association or the owner of any building within the property. 5. This Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property or an interest in the Property. 6. This Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the owners and the owners' successors and assigns. Dated atJ Vermont, this day of Est, 199-1_ TRILLIUM REALTY, INC. By: �v Duly authorized gent CHIRON, INC. Duly authorized agent - 3 - STATE OF VERMONT . SS. COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) At �tii G�� �y�� on this day of 1993, 7�.r� sic ,� /4i� duly authorized agent for Trillium Realty, Inc., personally appeared, and they acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of,Trillium Realty, Inc. Before me, N ary Pub4ic STATE OF VERMONT ) SS. COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) At' az ,._. on this � day of 1993, yXVWej duly authorized agent for Chiron, Inc., personally appeared, and they acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Chiron, Inc. H:\SON157.ntc Before me, "taryPip6lic - 4 - City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 December 28, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project which was approved on July 13, 1993. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Joe Weith,'�/' City Planner 1 Encl JW / mcp NOTICE OF CONDITIONS OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL WHEREAS, Trillium Realty, Inc., a Vermont corporation with its principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, and Chiron, Inc., a Vermont corporation with its principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, (hereinafter collectively "Owners"), are the owners of certain property known as "1 Timber Lane" consisting of two units in one building located on 2.4 acres of land, more or less, located southerly of Kennedy Drive and westerly of Timber Lane in the City of South Burlington; and WHEREAS, Owners obtained approval from the South Burlington Planning Commission for a commercial planned unit development consisting of Lots A, B and C as shown on a plan entitled "1 Timber Lane" dated October, 1992, as revised February 24, 1993, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., and to be recorded in Map Book at page of the City of South Burlington Land Records ("Property" herein) by a Resolution of the Planning Commission approved at a meeting on August 24, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission's approval imposes certain conditions on the subject property; NOW THEREFORE, Owner hereby gives notice that the Property is subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall run with and be binding upon the land unless or until modified or removed by the South Burlington Planning Commission or its successor: - 1 - 1. The Property shall be developed and used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approval of the South Burlington Planning Commission granted on August 24, 1993. 2. The Property is and shall constitute a single parcel of land for purposes of compliance with City of South Burlington regulations and ordinances now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including zoning and subdivision regulations. Owners covenant and agree that for purpose of compliance with and application of City of South Burlington ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, the property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if the buildings located on such property are conveyed to separate owners together with the lots on which such buildings are located. 3. The proper party for purposes of submitting applications for approval from time to time under City ordinances and regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations, shall be all of the owners or an association as designated by all of the owners in a document duly executed and recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records. The City shall act upon any applications submitted by all of the owners or the association and shall not be required to resolve a dispute between the association and the owners as to the respective rights of the association and owners. It shall be the duty of the owners or the association to notify all others having an - 2 - interest in the property that may be effected by the application proceedings of the commencement of such proceedings. 4. Any action to enforce any City ordinance or regulation, including zoning or subdivision regulations, against the Property, or activities or events occurring on the Property, shall be brought against the owners or the association. It shall be the duty of the owners or the association to notify all others having an interest in the property that may be effected by the enforcement proceedings of the commencement of such proceedings. Any decision in an enforcement proceeding, including a decision granting injunctive relief or penalties, shall be enforceable at the City's sole discretion against the owners, the association or the owner of any building within the property. 5. This Notice of Conditions shall be recorded in the City of South Burlington Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property or an interest in the Property. 6. This Notice of Conditions shall be binding upon the owners and the owners' successors and assigns. Dated at Vermont, this day of August, 1993. TRILLIUM REALTY, INC. By: Duly authorized agent CHIRON, INC. By: Duly authorized agent - 3 - STATE OF VERMONT ) SS. COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) At on this day of , 1993, , duly authorized agent for Trillium Realty, Inc., personally appeared, and they acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Trillium Realty, Inc. Before me, Notary Public STATE OF VERMONT ) SS. COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN) At' on this day of , 1993, , duly authorized agent for Chiron, Inc., personally appeared, and they acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Chiron, Inc. Before me, H:\SON157.ntc Notary Public - 4 - i � F PLANNING COMMISSION 13 JULY 1993 The South Burlington Planning Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, 13 July 1993, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City jHall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: William Burgess, Chairman; Mary -Barbara Maher, Catherine Peacock, David Austin, Terry Sheahan, Mac Teeson F Also, Present: Joe Weith, City Planner; Tom Ray, Brian Waxler, Ron Stankevich, John Forcier, William Stone, Gordon Gebauer, Leonard Charland, Donald Jones, Jim Wood, Fritz HOrton, Skip McClellan, Lance Llewellyn, Greg Rabideau 1. Other Business: Mr. Weith advised that the City Council is forming a committee to review the Sign Ordinance and wants a Planning Commission member. Mr. Burgess volunteered. b. The City Council has asked for a joint meeting with the Commission to discuss an impact fee ordinance and capital budget. Members agreed on 19 August for the meeting. c. Mr. Burgess noted receipt of proposed changes to the Col- chester Zoning Ordinance and the University Mall Act 250 ap- plication. 2. Review Minutes of 8 June and 29 June: Mr. Sheahan moved the Minutes of 8 June be approved as written. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. PEacock moved the Minutes of 29 June be approved as written. Mrs. Maher seconded. Motion passed 5-0 with Mr. Sheahan ab- staining. 3. Final Plat application of One Timber Lane for subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot currently developed with 21,798 sq. ft. of medical office use into three lots. Two of the lots (0.27 and 0.23 acres) are proposed to follow the footprints of the two existing wings of the building while the third lot (1.98 acres) will contain the remaining common land, One Timber Lane: Mr. Waxler explained this is being done for ownership purposes only. Documents have been approved by the City Attorney. Mr. Teeson asked if there is allocation of parking for each building. Mr. Waxler said parking is shared. Staff parks PLANNING COMMISSION 13 July 1993 page 2 in the rear and clients out front. There is a 50-50 under- standing. Mr. Weith noted the development will always be reviewed as one lot. Mr. Stone of Twin Oaks noted there is a lot of overnight parking in the lot and asked if anyone controls this. He also questioned the dropping off of trash and noted there are people illegally dumping trash late at night and coming through Twin Oaks. MR. Burgess said the Commission can't control what happens on the land but overnight parking is not part of the approval that has been granted. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the final plat application of One Timber Lane for subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot currently developecTwith 71T7?J8 sq. ft. of medTcal office use into three lots asdepict�n two plans, one en- t1t_1_e7 "Survey Plat, Trillium Realty, Inc, Timber Lane," pre- pared by PPi ham Engineering Associates, Inc., and�ated 773793,anZ the other plan entitle "One T mi ber Lane, Subdi- vi 1S on Plan," prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., and dated0/9'2—, last revise3-7/ , with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not super- seded -by F is approval s all remain in effect. 2. Prior to recording the final plat plans, a "Notice of Cond tii on"shall be recorded in the land records�chiden- tifies all three lots as a Planned Unit Development PUy— and whichlegally ties all the lots together as one PUD for all planning, zoning and subdivision purposes. In addition, the "Notice of Condition" shall indicate that all three lots are considered one for purposes of calculating density, coverage and setbacks. A draft "Notice of Condition" shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval prior to re- cording. 3. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the Pinkham En- gineering plan shall be revised to show the following: a) the dimensions of the northerly portion of lot A; b lots shall be identified as "lots" rot "units" so as to be con- sistent -with the Civil Engineering Associates' plan, and cT the plan should nid should that lot C is the common and/ r.o.w. serving lots A and B. 4. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the Civil Engin- eering plan shall �e revised to show the two additional light poles proposed. PLANNING COMMISSION ' 7/13/93 page 3 5. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the South Burlington land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The final plat plans shall be signed by the PC Chair or clerk prior to recording. Mrs. Maher seconded. The motion was passed unanimousl 4. Site plan application of Burlington International Air- port for construction of a 398 sq. ft. addition to an existing electrical vault building, Burlington International Airport: Mr. Ray said they will redo the runway lights and their controls. Lights are controlled at this vault now, They want to increase the vault, put on a pitched roof and a brick veneer for aesthetic purposes. Mr. Austin moved the Planning Commission approve the site plan application of Burlington International Airport for construc- tion of a 398 sq. ft. addition to an existing electrical vault building as depicted on a three page set of plans, page one entitled "General Plan, Upgrade Airport Signage System and Electrical Vault Expansion," prepared by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc, and dateJJune,7rT7, with the following stipulations:, 1. The required $4,700 in new landscaping shall be incorpor- ated into the proposed airport master landscaping plan which is anticipated to be installed in 1994 or 1995. The appli- cant shall submit the proposed airport master landscaping plan to the City Planner for review and verification that the plan contains at least $4,700 in new landscaping plus any other amount from other approvals. The plan shall be reviewed.by the City Planner prior to implementation. 2. All exterior lighting shall be downcasting and shielded and shallnot cast light beyond the property line. Any change in existing lightingor new lighting shall be approved � the City Planer prior to installation. 3. The applicant shall obtain a zoning/building permit within six months or this approval is null and void. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from theadministrative Officer prior to occupancy of the building. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 September 22, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 This letter is to replace and correct my letter to you dated 9/16/93. Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project which was granted preliminary plat approval on May 25, 1993. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Si cerely e Weith, City Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 September 16, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision on the above referenced project which was approved on May 25, 1993. Please note the conditions of approval including the requirement that the final plat plans be recorded within 90 days of the date of approval. If you have any questions, 1 Encl JW/mcp please give me a call. i cM-k J e Weith, City Planner City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 August 31, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: One Timberlane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is a copy of the July 13, 1993 Planning Commission meeting minutes. Please note the conditions of approval and the requirement that the final plat plans be recorded within 90 days of the date of approval. If you have any questions, please give me a call. 1Si cerely, Jo Weith, Ci y Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp I i P4 toos 7/12/93 MOTION OF APPROVAL ONE TIMBER LANE I move the Planning Commission approve the final plat application of One Timber Lane for subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot currently developed with 21,798 sq. ft. of medical office use into three lots as depicted on,two plans, one entitled "Survey Plat, Trillium Realty, Inc., Timber Lane," prepared by Pinkham Engineering Associates, Inc., and dated 5/3/93, and the other plan entitled "One Timber Lane, Subdivision Plan," prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., and dated 10/92, last revised 2/24/93, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. Prior to recording the final plat plans, a "Notice of Condition" shall be recorded in the land records which identifies all three lots as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and which legally ties all the lots together as one PUD for all planning, zoning and subdivision purposes. In addition, the "Notice of Condition" shall indicate that all three lots are considered one for purposes of calculating density, coverage and setbacks. A draft "Notice of Condition" shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval prior to recording. 3. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the Pinkham Engineering plan shall be revised to show the following: a.) the dimensions of the northerly portion of lot A, b.) lots shall be identified as "lots" not "units" so as to be consistent with the Civil Engineering Associates' plan, and c.) the plan should indicate that lot C is the common land/r.o.w. serving lots A and B. 4. Prior to recording the final plat plans, the Civil Engineering plan shall be revised to show the two (2) additional light poles proposed. 5. The final plat plans shall be recorded in the South Burlington land records within 90 days or this approval is null and void. The final plat plans shall be signed by the PC Chair or clerk prior to recording. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: July 13, 1993 agenda items Date: July 9, 1993 3) ONE TIMBER LANE - 3 LOT PUD - FINAL PLAT This project consists of the subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot into three ( 3 ) lots. Lots A and B, .27 and .23 acres respectively, will each approximate the footprint of an existing building. The building on lot B is under construction. The remaining 1.98 acres is designated lot C and is the common land for the buildings. The purpose of the subdivision is so that each owner of a building will own the real property beneath it. The Planning Commission approved the site plan for the building on lot B on 7/28/92 and approved the preliminary plat on 5/25/93 (minutes enclosed). This property located at 1 Timber Lane lies within the R-7 District. It is bounded on the south and west by multi -family residences, on the north by Kennedy Drive and on the east by Timber Lane. Access: Access to lot C is via a 24 foot curb cut on Timber Lane. This access is directly across the street from the access to the Timber Lane Medical Complex. Lot C serves as the r.o.w. serving lots A and B. Lot size: The minimum lot size for a nonresidential use in the R-7 District is 40,000 square feet and lot A is 11,890 square feet and lot B is 9,925 square feet. Lot C meets the minimum requirement. The Planning Commission may waive lot size requirements as part of a PUD. Frontage: Lots A and B do not have frontage on a public street but instead will be served by a common r.o.w. This subdivision is therefore subject to Section 19.20 of the zoning regulations regarding approval of lots with no road frontage. Zoning modifications: The approval of this PUD will require the Planning Commission granting certain modifications to the zoning regulations such as lot size, setbacks, and coverage. The Planning Commission has authority to make these modifications under Section 10.504 of the zoning regulations. 1 Memorandum - Planning July 13, 1993 agenda items July 9, 1993 Page 2 Notice of Condition: Staff recommends that a Notice of Condition be recorded that indicates that for coverage purposes the three (3) lots be treated as one (1) lot. In addition, all three (3) lots are considered one PUD, therefore, all three lots will be reviewed together for zoning/subdivision purposes. This legal document should be reviewed by the City Attorney and recorded prior to recording the final plat plans. This Notice of Conditions was a condition of preliminary plat approval. Survey Plat: The survey plat should indicate dimensions of the �1 northerly portion of lot A, it should identify the lots as lots not units so as to be consistent with the engineering plan, and it should indicate that lot C is the common r.o.w. serving lots A and B. Other: The site and utility plan (sheet 2) should show the two (2) additional light poles proposed. 4) BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - VAULT ADDITION - SITE PLAN This project consists of the construction of a 398 square foot addition to an electrical vault. The vault is located easterly of the new FAA tower. Access/circulation: Access to the vault is via the access drive to the Hertz & National car rental service facility. Access will not be affected by this addition. Circulation is adequate. Coverage/setbacks: Coverage information for the airport is notavailable. Setback requirements will be met. Parking: No additional parking required. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement for this project is 4,700. As with two (2) other recent approvals of projects on airport property, the landscaping for this project will be included in the airport's master landscaping plan (see enclosed letter). This will bring the grand total for required landscaping to $15, 352 for the three projects. The Commission may want to impose a 2 PLANNING COMMISSION 25 May 1993 page 4 of I-89. This i.s-necessary in order to rovide ro er fire ro- tection .-- - ---- - -_ - 10. The plan shall be revised to show an evergreen screen around the dumpster instead of forsythia. The revised an plshall be ap- proved by the City Planner prior to issuance of a buildingfzoning permit. 11. The plan shall be revised prior to issuance of a zonin building permit to_ show the changes listed below. Three copies off the revised plan shall be submitted to the City Planner: a. Notes in parking area shall indicate that 39 spaces are to_ be provided, not 40.�W b. The plantinq schedule shall list the two 2-1/2 to 3 inch sugar maples which will be planted in the front vard. 12. All li htinq shall_ be downcastinq and shielded so as not to cast _light beyond the property lined And change�in�lihting must be approved by the City Planner prior to installation. 13. The _zonin building_aermit shall_be�obtained�within 6 mont_ h_s__ or this approval is null and void.�� �� 14. The applicant shall_ obtain a Certificate of OccWupancy from the Administrative Officer prior to occu and of theWbuildinq. 15. Any change to the approved site plan shall -require Plan Commission approval. Mrs. Maher seconded the motion which thep_passe_d unanimouslZ �. Preliminary Plat application of 1 Timberlane subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot currently developed with 21,798 sq. ft. of medical office use into three lots. Two of the lots (0.27 and 0.23 nacres) are proposed to follow the footprints of the two ex- isting wings of the building while the third lot (1.98 acres) will contin the remaining common land, Timber Lane: Mr. Pomerleau said the only reason for the subdivision is so there can be individual ownership of the land. There is now a condominium agreement. They have contacted the City Attorney who says this is fine. Mr. Pomerleau said they have provided an updated "as built" as requested. Mr. Crai moved the Plannin Commission approve the preliminary plat application of One Timber -Lane -for subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot currently_developed with 21,798�sq. ft. of medical of- fice use into three lots as depicted on�two plans, one entitled PLANNING COMMISSION 25 May 1993 page 5 "Surve_y_Pla_t, Trillium Realty, Inc, Timber Lane," prepared by Pinkhaa_Kngineerinq Associates Inc and dated 5 3 93,, and the other plan entitled "One_ Timber Lane, Subdivision_ Plan_, prep pared by�Civil En ineerinq Associates, Inc, and dated 10/92, last revised 2/24/93, with the followinq stipulations: 1_. All _p_rev_ious approvals and stipulations which are not super- seded b this approval shall remain in effect. 2. Prior_ to recording the final plat plans, a "Notice of Condi- tion" shall be r_eco_rded in_ the land records which identifies all three lots as a PUD_ and which legally ties all the lots toEether as one PUD for all planning, zonin _ and subdivision purposes. In addition,_the _"Notice of Condition" shall indicate that all three lots are considered one for purposes of calcula_tin densit__ cov- er��ageWand setbacks. A draft "Notice of Condition shall be sub- mitted to the Citv Attorney for approval rior to recordinq. 3. Prior _t_o_submission of final _plates thf _E an__p ared b Pink - ham Engineering shall �beWrevised so as to be consistent with the Civil Engineering Ian in terms_ of lot confiq-uration,�size and dimensions. 4. The final �plat �application shall �be�submitted _ wit_h_i_n1_2_ months_ or this approval�is�null�and void4� Mr. Sheahan seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Site Plan application of Barnes & Noble Booksellers for con- version of 1,000 sq. ft. within a 101,688 sq. ft. retail shopping center to a coffee bar, and changes to parking, circulation, lighting and landscaping, Staples Plaza, Williston Rd: Mr. Vonnegut said they went to the Zoning Board regarding parking and the Board felt 24 seats were too may for the available park- ing. So they have scaled the plan back to 18 seats. Mr. Vonne- gut said they looked at 2 other Barnes & Noble stores regarding traffic generation as a result of a coffee bar and found no more traffic was generated by a coffee bar than already existed. They then got approval from the Zoning Board for 18 seats. The developer did a parking layout that was not in accordance with the approved Site Plan. The present plan shows all spaces as built and all other accurate information. Mr. Vonnegut said they were told there is a problem with parking on the north side because the aisle is not wide enough. They are showing a new plan which widens that aisle. They also show the actual location of landscaping and the dumpsters. Mr. Burgess asked who would be,responsible to see the plans were .OU 1'N BUR INGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on T e pa�j July 13, 1993 at following, to consider the 1. Final Plat application of One Timber Lane for sub- division of a 2.48 acre lot currently developed with 21,798 square feet of medical office use into three (3) lots. Two (2) of the lots (0.27 and .23 acres) are proposed to ollow the footprints of the wo (2) existing wings of he building witI the third of (1.98 acreq will con - ain the remaining com- non land, O-)e Timber .ane. I Request of Franklin amoille Bank for a two ') year extension of the ubdivision approval of .71 acres of land into vee (3) lots of 1.83. 2.28 d 2.6 acres, Spear treat opposite Deerfield rive. Revised final lat appli- ition of John arkin to nend conditions #7 and 8 of the approval for a i0 seat ballroom addi- ,n to the hotel/restau- nt planned commercial welopment located at 20 Shelburne Road oward Johnson's/Ouali- Suites). Condttidns #7 d #8 address "ours of eration and submission a report regarding us- e of the ballroom gacili- pies of the application available for public pection at the South Iington City Hall. Wiliam Burgess Chairman South Burlington Planning Commission e 26, 1993 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Joe Weith, City Planner Re: July 13, 1993 agenda items Date: July 9, 1993 3) ONE TIMBER LANE - 3 LOT PUD - FINAL PLAT This project consists of the subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot into three (3) lots. Lots A and B, .27 and .23 acres respectively, will each approximate the footprint of an existing building. The building on lot B is under construction. The remaining 1.98 acres is designated lot C and is the common land for the buildings. The purpose of the subdivision is so that each owner of a building will own the real property beneath it. The Planning Commission approved the site plan for the building on lot B on 7/28/92 and approved the preliminary plat on 5/25/93 (minutes enclosed). This property located at 1 Timber Lane lies within the R-7 District. It is bounded on the south and west by multi -family residences, on the north by Kennedy Drive and on the east by Timber Lane. Access: Access to lot C is via a 24 foot curb cut on Timber Lane. This access is directly across the street from the access to the Timber Lane Medical Complex. Lot C serves as the r.o.w. serving lots A and B. Lot size: The minimum lot size for a nonresidential use in the R-7 District is 40,000 square feet and lot A is 11,890 square feet and lot B is 9,925 square feet. Lot C meets the minimum requirement. The Planning Commission may waive lot size requirements as part of a PUD. Frontage: Lots A and B do not have frontage on a public street but instead will be served by a common r.o.w. This subdivision is therefore subject to Section 19.20 of the zoning regulations regarding approval of lots with no road frontage. Zoning modifications: The approval of this PUD will require the Planning Commission granting certain modifications to the zoning regulations such as lot size, setbacks, and coverage. The Planning Commission has authority to make these modifications under Section 10.504 of the zoning regulations. 1 Memorandum - Planning July 13, 1993 agenda items July 9, 1993 Page 2 Notice of Condition: Staff recommends that a Notice of Condition be recorded that indicates that for coverage purposes the three ( 3 ) lots be treated as one (1) lot. In addition, all three (3) lots are considered one PUD, therefore, all three lots will be reviewed together for zoning/subdivision purposes. This legal document should be reviewed by the City Attorney and recorded prior to recording the final plat plans. This Notice of Conditions was a condition of preliminary plat approval. Survey Plat: The survey plat should indicate dimensions of the northerly portion of lot A, it should identify the lots as lots not units so as to be consistent with the engineering plan, and it should indicate that lot C is the common r.o.w. serving lots A and B. Other: The site and utility plan (sheet 2) should show the two (2) additional light poles proposed. 4) BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - VAULT ADDITION - SITE PLAN This project consists of the construction of a 398 square foot addition to an electrical vault. The vault is located easterly of the new FAA tower. Access/circulation: Access to the vault is via the access drive to the Hertz & National car rental service facility. Access will not be affected by this addition. Circulation is adequate. Coverage/setbacks: Coverage information for the airport is notavailable. Setback requirements will be met. Parking: No additional parking required. Landscaping: The minimum landscaping requirement for this project is 4,700. As with two (2) other recent approvals of projects on airport property, the landscaping for this project will be included in the airport's master landscaping plan (see enclosed letter). This will bring the grand total for required landscaping to $15,352 for the three projects. The Commission may want to impose a K City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 July 2, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the May 25, 1993 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please ;give me a call. erely i c,, e g-41'Weith, ity Planner 1 Encl JW/mcp Gant NOTES: _ _.. -- - --- -- t �. \•` �\ 1. gaiat ing utilitiea she ar, approai..etf only and sy not As corlsta. y i Tba Contractor •hall Held verify all lity esflirts bet— / ruction ba.ins. acr pancfs shall be reperted s tas gogiser. \ / N/F MANOR WOODS ASSOCIATION The ceett,tcor hall ront aet(g Dis Saf• 00-225-4977) Print t. say ; r �� : • " ' 1 _ .m.cr,.eefoo. i t7South T 2. b S4 A ictrhall repair/r.are acllnodists►ed Areas -wanot Mrc f eMsto tMaQs w ' C f I \ KE^IA /1I / / 3. Service —till, shall be ode sly, ,fts, •agile atnl o�latis of all--- /11X1yEDY D E / / / _ ryefrad t..ta en th. ne It-. \ \ \ \ I /fir/��f'.(1//. Tba coetraccer shall develop Aa-Suilt Draailee dsisg res rrettis to ba Jseb.itted to the Oasr at th, coMleti of the. praJect. r•,�� ,/� / 5. All ai.xurbtl e,. shall M wefnt,isd by the fmtra ne, stil fell mTm TRasestatiis t,blisba. 9e " �- —_ \� �� •` \ �� C\� \ \ n1 N \ / / L1GNT ITVPJ AFFC s sd 6. 111 .hating p,vsant. ulkve 1_ 299— \ ��� ys. curbing, atsstses ass volitive vitals Oo-^ _— �� \ \ �� \ \ \ the eenatrst ion Baits and not incorporated Is the final Asip, aball is - -- ----- �, �_ di"." of at s aPpYl-i location =, atbateise direcrtl. All ttss--- 02— -- ����111 `� �� \ .\� \ ���� \ \ \ within the tw.crucrien Veit. ch t rumnt be. rfetsisd ,ball be awed 0]- \ G OAS 311A89DROP'RIf— -- \\ ��� RmW6TE y sd grvbMd, ud LM stems ahall be dfapeV of at , saitable eff-.I- PR0.IECT OS•-- TOP.GORL+IGTfA---- �_� \� \ ��hAT_�^` 'y r leucion. A11 craw MfoM the edutrvctfoe lLles •hall M sfntalesd- LOCATI N t we al_ --_ ___ _-Wv-g'��os.9l-- =-�.� ZCQn � LLB \ \ \ �V�a�•�__- y ` D09 TWf+': 6URE T9F.AIEO we 31 --� ---D�= =__�� _-�\ _..�- G� LOCATION MAP _- -�.3II �- !ro— — —YfALI Aflb WOOD. FF�ICIr- --llg �— - -�� G -- —s13- -�$.. SELF DRA[ �_ --� S j --MATCH XIS GRADE_ ---lN— KETI�ED-BY ` SCALE: I"=•0.86 MILES .. ... TN6 g _--IIS - , D'/C-HEAR EN20E��, Cs -'- —_ -- ` .. T�� ��l16- a ATER MAN_ sT STD !II = � IN6T N12__ 315 CK DAMS C isU 316 •mac _3j'� \ gPV �ry wla!'a I LEGEND PBtamLT IIO[6: JIG— UE an, tM. SOA gy•Topographic and surficfal utility information is by .Civil !n • yggC - F gineering Associates, Inc. Topography outside the.property NEw YOR iE GRADE TO DRq J I —gT- —lam-- EXISTING CGNTDLM line is from drawings of Aesculapiss, Inc. by Marshall Erdman - I —]20— and Associate,, Inc., dated .Iuly 1989. Fg45N GRADE CONTOUR W PROPOSED WATER t�6 p` agTee meE oP WOOpb yl � '. 23 317Y �eS PROVIDE Ifi" MIN. 3 a. The locative of any underground utility is not \ VERTICAL 6EPARAT I I I -- W -- EX WATER warranted Co De ezact or complete. \I ;' PRDPOSEOFDf£ OF WgODb _. B, WATER OVER SEWE — S! — PROPOSED SEWER i t ,P SEE DETAIL. W51AA EI I w BS b. B-tde,y inforeation is frw a survey by Engineers, C NCXIS " AS REO(RRED. Realty Corporation 28, on by RETE PARKldG I —u-- EX. SEWER Inc, for Arculapiva, Inc. dealt March 28, 1968 .sod Flap svmaN — ST PROPOSED STORM ��( Narren Aobeaat inrdatadaAprrk 1972� Plans are _ �71 �./\ —ST-- EX STORM recorded in the City Clark'. office in Volume 8o, Page r SID H EN - - V 34 and Volume 107. Page 88 respectively. Dead from, Forest Park Ewlty to Asa"I&Piva, Inc. is recorded in G — PROPOSED GAS G _ EX CAS Vol— 88, Page 99. gineering TWG Associates, Inc. yExistin dennwentationgwass located c. No bounds —UE EX PROPOSED IRlD ELE¢TRC and ieste corners wgreoshown based ve referenced r g S PAD aPPro: �� Jn.9 B,.- I rps and dead.. INSTALL SOP F CE ! I f °i \ / O STORM MANHOLE TOE OF SLOPE (YPJ \ STAFF ENTRY M PROPOSED �- _� --- CORE B BOOT EX15T. RM • ]Il.96 a water services are.all UE MANHOLE AND N5T d. Telaphor, electric, gas, and Z 3I r NI _ ht\ 61DEWALJf� w S .79 318 NEW SEWER SERVICE / �I I • WATER SHUT OFF subsurface and were traced frw drawings of O 7� I` _ �DOTWG .�_ 3 MATCH EXIST. INV, Ilt G •w _ pIlA1N AHD i CONCRETE .tee ECDNSTRUCT SEWER I HYDRANT Inc. The Contractor shall contact Dig , is d verify ,R CONCRETE \ Aescalapiw, Inc. by Marshall Erdman d Associates, V N41'OSEp 3, LEA NOUT / iv SIDEWALK .'� NJ • 110.A a 4e _NON E; I I ® CATCH BASIN all locatives for tom m v ♦♦ ]e OOF DRAM 3 VERT. I e Y 2 DR VE Pr y ezuvat ion. ENRANCE BETWEEN Q �. 1 'S'v 3 3 ® LIGHT POLE(E%ISTNG) a. subject to 12' at,= weeent along 31e WATEfl MAN A1E $EWE p yy PROPERTY LIE � rly is s ary. See Volwe 88, Page 99. - - r- MAIN, NSUTATE I [girl boundary. i I I 2 as _ WATER NAM AS REOD _._.— f. Property is subject to electrical ea ernt of r lard STAFF ENTRY �- _- m SETBACK LINE to Germ Ms subject Power. cr rp inVol- 80' page r—d \ I I t�•./"�/�.� EDGE OF WOODS O � i 6yy S T MINN. L 127. Z l �1F7 SLOPE © _ I fl E%. pECDUOUS TREE /: �� 1 _„ �/ I •r( EX cowERWg TREE 2. Design of the building addition is by Morris As ... jet-, Inc., I `-"" ^"' / % 1� Burlington, Vermont, 05401. ' I' • TRANSFORMER -. granted a >< `� EXI$ , _�%� pe i TELEPHONE BOX Spe ial Use FaaruthD the aanni Board of Abeen e 71NG pat Zoning jw.te.nt. F.F. ELEV. BUILDING ,�-- —' � -`'� �` I N""t.lA.OT B GAS VALVE I - 318.89' PROPOSED - 3 wAB Nv m . lo,s 8 VT0.RY POLE A. The Project co.priess the following errs and coverages: o.zLar PAVERS ���Q'OS� BU.t(bINGT ,� ©I \ I INV NVnUT.I1.14 A W.- MJoaai7G PROPOSED LIGHT POLE Site err• l07.975 SF Z T ACRES ` FF1 -ELE V, U18 I Nv asz . lo6.n T ' / LOT B 89 - - © �� I artyPROPOSED SPOT EXISTING SPOT GRADES Proposed addition v RELOCATE EXIST se a .0. --'* a TELEPHONE PED TA w rV 8 Wraga: 11,274 SF I8' WEST \ �/ "C'23 ACRES ' / tote bwildi coverage: 10.5s4 SF nE c rags: z1.798 SF 'y� h\ I r 'a Percentage of its: 2oz fJ - Percrtase allowed: 25z -- W -}I orki:q and storage 4L398 SF T [al site coveraga.:a 63,602 SF LiJ I as a percentage of s1[a: 5" pa[crtage allowed: 60z ]ea --- o TIMBER LANE Farkira provided: [to cars total --= o -J I MEDICAL CENTER, INC. 57 patient .censers 'E pmlTMa mZ aF WOOD6 / ]IaA m Iv 4 patistsffent bandicappad "Erd P OSED EDGE OF WOOD m 50 staff hept loading g�gUE OPOSED A Pj W I Parking required by twin8: 110 c rs [oral I ✓F _N m 1 spae`r 200 SF a _ I VALVE 6 VALVE BOXG SLEEVE floorI HANDICAP PARKING SPACE \ W ! .O . •:. bQ' I I � � � ` � � - 3: DUCER (TYP.) ~ W ® PER 50 SPACES 116.6 t G. IN- Wopoaad ."fn. vIN nol include a basement. —lu— ..Hj EX TNG C C PAC S SNEW NY D ANT I LOCaj DNg I PTi�FJE I LOT !IM TO (TYP (TYPJ ' _ • �� COMMON LAND AREA �5i718°R1ee101B ,/ {C�i, }� \ L98 ACRES \ I/Z �PAsgsi--z� NEW STRIPING N INSTALL HAND CAP R �- VO L — EXISTING PARKING RAMP -TYPE 2 CUT BACK EXIST, \ m AREA, 9.18' (TYPJ VEGETATION TO WROVE I \ \ NEW CURB I SIGHT DISTANCE TO NORTH aT REa �t��; Olt 1593 LK gVCRiE IKSTA\ TYPE 2L MODIFIED HANDICAP RAMP / \ \ \ _�\ ". _ -� -� I 5 p ORo► cue Ian •._- u bA -- _ +- y of So. Puriinotai ) 32 m 2-2� 06M LPD1nED UTLITT 111CATI0N! st NV our — --�wr� 1 �� �� `�-_ N B2• 22 ADDED YARD NYDRANT � __ --� ® -2192 D!M REVISED..C.ALY 6 ENTRANCE. _ _ + BA( NE CORNER OF - 13e ONE TIMBER LANE /r N/F FORE$j��161LCON001 LIM ASS, ION IGHT POST 31g �/ EXISTING LIGHTING .��� 0 T-2T- Des REwEo omvEwnr LttmpN // — --- GRAPHIC SCALE _- OF 16" GL08E ON W POLE J 8 7-l92 new ADDED LATER ass a HYDRANT! �{\ / SITE UTILITY PLAN \ J= / / '' ® 7f91! new Man, lOEWALK a DIaPSTER PAD 6-2.92 Dow CORRECTED DLRDRW FODTPHerT mom Date Ch'k'd Revision 6o. BllFlL14G10N V RMDNT ( IN FEET Drawn byY+ Date duNE.199E CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, . SNEET mac. teADwnu inch zo ft ur Checked by DSM Scale r • 20•. SSOCIATES INC2 / INV .31235 5HE1..V BURIIIE SAV 92119' Approved by _ Project No. PLANNER 658-7955 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 July 9, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real P.O. Box 6 Estate Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Jim Goddette were sent to you at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, July 13, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, Encls JW/mcp please give me a call. in erel , Jo Weith, C' y Planner .....: .. :.... .,. r:.,.:. u.>..w.:pub..e.a:t..s.4+.�.?is:,Rl:>..f::ma3cti3mFt «4z1.sT5:i.Y.i,13.§u` `Sib"..a3..irsis:9:tr7::..siaw.ma..:.:.w.., .«a:;. .<.rwi. w.. .y aa. .._ •..,iawwn...m..._.�... PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION The South Burlington Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Hall, Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, July 13, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Final Plat application of One Timber Lane for subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot currently developed with 21,798 square feet of medical office use into three (3) lots. Two (2) of the lots (0.27 and 0.23 acres) are proposed to follow the footprints of the two (2) existing wings of the building while the third lot (1.98 acres) will contain the remaining common land, One Timber Lane. 2. Request of Franklin Lamoille Bank for a two (2) year extension of the subdivision approval of 6.71 acres of land into three (3) lots of 1.83, 2.28 and 2.6 acres, Spear Street opposite Deerfield Drive. 3. Revised final plat application of John Larkin to amend conditions #7 and #8 of the approval for a 250 seat ballroom addition to the hotel/restaurant planned commercial development located at 1720 Shelburne Road (Howard Johnson's/Quality Suites). Conditions #7 and #8 address hours of operation and submission of a report regarding usage of the ballroom facility. Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. William Burgess Chairman, South Burlington Planning Commission June 26, 1993 MOTION OF APPROVAL ONE TIMBER LANE MEE I move the South Burlington Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat application of One Timber Lane for subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot currently developed with 21,798 square feet of medical office use into three (3) lots as depicted on two (2) plans, one entitled "Survey Plat, Trillium Realty, Inc, Timber Lane", prepared by Pinkham Engineering Associates, Inc. and dated 5/3/93, and the other plan entitled "One Timber Lane, Subdivision Plan", prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. and dated 10/92, last revised 2/24/93, with the following stipulations: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations which are not superseded by this approval shall remain in effect. 2. Prior to recording the final plat plans, a "Notice of Condition" shall be recorded in the land records which identifies all three (3) lots as a PUD and which legally ties all the lots together as one PUD for all planning, zoning and subdivision purposes. In addition, the "Notice of Condition" shall indicate that all three (3) lots are considered one for purposes of calculating density, coverage and setbacks. A draft "Notice of Condition" shall be submitted to the City Attorney for approval prior to recording. 3. Prior to submission of final plat, the plan prepared by Pinkham Engineering shall be revised so as to be consistent with the Civil Engineering plan in terms of lot configuration, size and dimensions. 4. The final plat application shall be submitted within 12 months or this approval is null and void. (mo-otl) Memorandum - May 25, 1993 May 21, 1993 Page 6 5) Planning agenda items ONE TIMBER LANE ­3 LOT PUD - PRELIMINARY PLAT This project consists of the subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot into three (3) lots. Lots A and B, .27 and .23 acres respectively, will each approximate the footprint of an existing building. The building on lot B is under construction. The remaining 1.98 acres is designated lot C and is the common land for the buildings. The purpose of the subdivision is so that each owner of a building will own the real property beneath it. The Planning Commission approved the site plan for the building on lot B on 7/28/92 and reviewed the sketch plan on 3/9/93 (minutes enclosed). This property located at 1 Timber Lane lies within the R-7 District. It is bounded on the south and west by multi -family residences, on the north by Kennedy Drive and on the east by Timber Lane. Access: Access to lot C is via a 24 foot curb cut on Timber Lane. This access is directly across the street from the access to the Timber Lane Medical Complex. Lot C serves as the r.o.w. serving lots A and B. Lot size: The minimum lot size for a nonresidential use in the R-7 District is 40,000 square feet and lot A is 11,330 square feet and lot B is 10,019 square feet. Lot C meets the minimum requirement. The Planning Commission may waive lot size requirements as part of a PUD. Frontage: Lots A and B do not have frontage on a public street but instead will be served by a common r.o.w. This subdivision is therefore subject to Section 19.20 of the zoning regulations regarding approval of lots with no road frontage. Zoning modifications: The approval of this PUD will require the Planning Commission granting modifications to the zoning regulations such as lot size, setbacks and coverage. The Planning Commission has authority to make these modifications under Section 10.504 of the zoning regulations. Notice of Conditions: Staff recommends that a Notice of Condition be recorded that indicates that for coverage purposes the three ( 3 ) lots be treated as one (1) lot. In addition, all three (3) lots are considered one PUD, therefore, all three lots will be reviewed together for zoning/subdivision purposes. Memorandum - Planning May 25, 1993 agenda items May 21, 1993 Page 7 Survey plat: The survey plat submitted does not indicate the size of lots B and C. This information must be provided on the plat. This plat also does not identify the three (3) lots as such. The plat should be revised to identify these lots as lot A, lot B and lot C as was shown on the sketch plan. There is a 14'x40' portion of building A on the north side which is shown as part of lot C. Applicant should explain why that portion of the building is not included in lot A when the sketch plan showed it as part of lot A. The survey plat shows the common entrance as part of lot B and -the subdivision plan shows it as part of lot C. This issue needs to be resolved. 6) BARNES & NOBLE - COFFEE BAR - SITE PLAN This project consists of converting 1,000 square feet of retail space within the Barnes & Noble bookstore to an 18 seat coffee bar. The Planning Commission last reviewed a site plan for this property on 3/24/92 (minutes enclosed). The site plan submitted for approval also proposes changes to parking, circulation and landscaping. These changes are not due to the coffee bar application but are due to changes to the site made by the developer. The applicant is caught in a situation where in order to obtain approval for its proposal, they must also make changes to the site which they are not directly responsible for. These items are further discussed below. This property located at 861 Williston Road lies within the Commercial 1 District. It is bounded on the south by undeveloped property which is part of the Quarry Hill Club and Burlington Tennis Club, on the east by I-89, on the west by the Chittenden Bank and Spillane's Mobil station and on the north by Williston Road. Access/circulation: Access for the property will not change. Access is currently provided by a 65 foot wide signalized curb cut at the west end of the property which has two (2) lanes for ingress and three (3) lanes for egress. Also existing is a 20 foot curb cut which is located 220 feet east of the main access. This smaller curb cut provides for egress only for those vehicles proceeding in a easterly direction (i.e., right turn only). 7 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 June 15, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski, Fire Chief Jim Goddette and myself. Please respond to these comments with additional information and/or revised plans by no later than Friday, July 2, 1993. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Rairely, nd J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant Encls RJB/mcp M E M O R A N D U M To: Project Files From: Raymond J. BelaiZoni Yn► ng and Planning Assistant Re: Preliminary Comments - July 13, 1993 agenda items Date: June 16, 1993 JIM WOOD - LIGHT MANUFACTURING/WAREHOUSE - SITE PLAN --- the minimum landscaping requirement for this project is $1800, the plan should be revised to show this amount of new landscaping. --- exterior lighting details must be submitted and exterior lighting locations must be shown on the plan. --- if a dumpster will be on the site, it must be shown and screened. --- provide the number of company vehicles operating from the site. --- the handicapped space should be labeled. ONE TIMBER LANE - 3 LOT PUD - FINAL PLAT --- survey plat should indicate dimensions of the northerly portion of lot A. --- survey plat should identify the lots as lots not units so as to be consistent with engineering plan. --- survey plat should indicate that lot C is the common r.o.w. serving lots A and B. --- site and utility plan (sheet 2) should show the two (2) additional light poles proposed. RICE HIGH SCHOOL - SOCCER FIELD/PARKING CHANGES - SITE PLAN --- indicate what number, if any, of the "future parking" spaces will be constructed at this time. --- the fire hydrant on the site should be located on the plan. --- provide details on any new exterior lighting fixture (type of lamp, wattage, pole light). --- indicate the overflow parking area on plan. --- it appears that some plantings may be lost along the southerly row of parking. Any plantings removed will have to be replaced. --- once constructed, the parking area will have to be striped according to the approved plan. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: Preliminary Comments July 13, 1993 agenda items l Date: June 14, 1993 TRILLIUM REALTY, TIMBER LANE Sewer and water services for both buildings should be shown. ETHAN ALLEN DRIVE - COMMERCE DRIVE With the exception of landscaping, the plan prepared by Tim Wood dated 5/11/93 is acceptable. RICE HIGH SCHOOL, RECREATION FIELDS Plan no. Cl prepared by Thermo Consulting Engineers dated May 1993 is acceptable. L&M PARK, SHELBURNE ROAD Plan D-3481 prepared by FitzPatrick-Llewellyn dated June 1990 with revision No. 25 dated 3/6/93 is acceptable. 5uutb Surliugtun Nire Departnunt ; 575 .+Dnrict �trcct �outli Nurlingtnn, Uermunt B5403 FAX: (802)658-4748 (802)658-7960 TO: SO. BURLINGTON PLANING COMMISSION FROM: CHIEF GODDETTE DATE: WEDNESDAY JUNE 9,1993 RE: TUESDAY JULY 13,1993 AGENDA ITEMS 0 3. CH I RON INC. T I I iBER LANE FORMERLY AESCULAPAS INC. PROJECT # 7071 AT THIS TIME I DO NOT SEE WHERE THE REQUEST ON THE CHANGE OF PROPERTY LINES WILL EFFECT EMERGENCY PROTECT TON. LOT UTHAN ALLEN DRIVE. JONES/CHARL.AND OWNERS PLAN HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY THIS DEPARTMENT AND I DO NOT SEE A PROBLEM IN GIVEN EMERGENCY SERVICE. R I Cu H I GSCHCOL iTE MfjDTFICATION PROTCOR AVENUE PLAN HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND AT THIS TIME I HAVE TWO "ONCERNS: A. DURING CERTAIN 'TIMES WHEN THE BUILDING A!VU PRQPFkT,i IS 91-ING USED THERE I A PROBLEM THAT THEY ARE SHORT PARKING SPACES AND WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ACCESS TRYING TO GET EMERGENCY EPUIRMENT AROUPJI). BECAUSE CARS ARE IN THE WAY. B . THE 4= f�sTRA ICI: AND EXIT I PJ FRONT OF THE BU I L_I% I PiG I r BE ; NG CHAINED OFF AT NIGHT WHICH MUST BE. REilOVED IIECAUSE IT IS A PROBLEM FOR EMERGENCY EGaUIPMENT !=JACCESS TO THE ETTIN['BUI!_DING. L&tl �'ARk: PROTECT #i 8804`7 SHI_LHUPNE POAD F'i.._ANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND AT THIS; TIME I DO NOT SE:E. •.a F'Rr:;FL EM F-DR THE DEPARTMENT IN GIVEN EMERGENCY PR` 7'F—C;T 10N. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this day of May, 1993, by and between CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, acting through its Planning Commission (hereinafter "CITY"), and TRILLIUM REALTY, INC., a Vermont corporation with principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont, CHIRON, INC., a Vermont corporation with principal place of business in Burlington, Vermont (hereinafter collectively "OWNERS"). WHEREAS, the OWNERS are all of the owners of a certain commercial condominium project known as "One Timber Lane" (hereinafter "Property") consisting of two units in one building located on 2.48 acres, more or less, located southerly of Kennedy Drive and westerly of Timber Lane in the CITY; and WHEREAS, the OWNERS desire to convert the Property from the condominium form of ownership to a Planned Unit Development - Commercial (hereinafter "PUD-C") to be subdivided into three parcels (hereinafter the "Lots") as more particularly shown and depicted as Lots A, B and C on a plan entitled "One Timber Lane" dated October 1992 as revised February 24, 19.93 prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. and to be recorded in Map Book at Page of the CITY Land Records. The OWNERS shall individually own Lots A and B; Lot C shall be owned by the One Timberlane Owners Association, Inc. (hereinafter the "Association"); and WHEREAS, the Property is located in the R7 zoning district and is a conditional use in said district; and WHEREAS, the OWNERS plan for subdivision of the Property does not constitute any greater intensity of use than what presently exists; and WHEREAS, the CITY Subdivision Regulations (hereinafter "Subdivision Regulations") in effect require conformance with the CITY Zoning Regulations (hereinafter "Zoning Regulations"), and other regulations, presently in effect; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Regulations presently in effect establish minimum lot sizes for lots or parcels of land, establish minimum distances which structures located on lots must be set back from lot boundary lines, establish maximum building coverage requirements, and establish density requirements which are based on minimum lot area per business; and WHEREAS, the Lots do not meet the minimum lot size requirements contained in the Zoning Regulations presently in effect and the building(s) on such Lots do not meet the minimum setbacks contained in said Zoning Regulations, the maximum lot requirements in said Regulations, or the requirements regarding minimum lot area for each business unit; and WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes and encourages cluster or planned development in order to permit flexibility of development; and WHEREAS, although Planned Unit Developments - Residential are permitted in the R7 district, the current Zoning Regulations do not provide for a PUD-C in the R7 zone; and WHEREAS, the OWNERS are willing to subject the Lots to this Development Agreement to ensure that: (1) the Lots shall continue to be used and controlled as a single parcel for purposes of compliance with the CITY regulations and ordinances, and (2) the 2 conversion of the Property to a PUD-C shall receive subdivision review by the Planning Commission. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these mutual promises and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto stipulate L- and agree as follows: 1. The Property that is the subject of this Agreement, consisting of 2.48 acres, more or less, as shown on the above - referenced plan, is and shall constitute a single parcel of land for purposes of compliance with the CITY regulations and ordinances now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, including Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. The parties agree that for the purposes of compliance with and application of CITY ordinances and regulations, including Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, the Property shall continue to be regarded as a single parcel of land, even if the buildings located on such Property are conveyed to separate owners together with the Lots on which such buildings are located. 2. Any development of the Property, including the construction of buildings or additions thereto., shall be subject to approval under the Subdivision Regulations then in effect by the Planning Commission. Such developments shall also obtain any approval required under any CITY regulation or ordinance then in effect, including approval as a conditional use under the Zoning Regulations in effect by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, if necessary. 3. The CITY agrees that in connection with review of an 3 application for development of the property: a. it will determine compliance with minimum lot size requirements on the basis of the total size of the (2.48 acres, more or less), as set forth on the above -referenced plan; and b. it will determine compliance with the requirements regarding the distance structures must be set back from property lines on the basis of the Property boundaries of the subject 2.48 acres, more or less, property as set forth on the above -referenced plan; and C. it will determine compliance with the requirements regarding maximum building coverage and minimum lot area per business unit on the basis of the total size of the Property (2.48 acres, more or less), as shown on the above -referenced plan, and the total amount of development of the Property then approved. 4. The proper party for the purposes of submitting applications for approval from time to time under the CITY ordinances and regulations, including Zoning and Subdivision Regulations shall be all of the OWNERS or Association as designated by the OWNERS in a document duly executed and recorded in the CITY Land Records. The CITY shall act upon any application submitted by the OWNERS or the Association and shall not be required to resolve a dispute between the Association and the OWNERS as to the respective rights of the Association and OWNERS. It shall be the duty of the OWNERS or the Association to notify all others having an interest in the Property that may be affected by the application proceedings of the commencement of such proceedings. n 5. Any action to enforce any City ordinance or regulation, including Zoning or Subdivision Regulations against the Property, or activities or events occurring on the Property, shall be brought against the OWNERS or the Association. It shall be the duty of the OWNERS or the Association to notify all others having an interest in the Property that may be affected by the enforcement proceeding of the commencement of such proceeding. Any decision in the enforcement proceeding, including a decision granting injunctive relief or penalties, shall be enforceable at the CITY'S sole discretion against the OWNERS, the Association or the owner of any building within the Property. 6. This Development Agreement shall be recorded in the CITY Land Records and shall be referred to in any deed conveying the Property or an interest in the Property. 7. This Development Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. Dated at Burlington, Vermont, this day of May, 1993. IN PRESENCE OF: 5 By: CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Duly Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. At this day of 11 1993, personally appeared duly authorized agent of the City of South Burlington, and he/she acknowledged the foregoing instrument, by him/her signed, to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of the City of South Burlington. G- Before me, Notary Public IN PRESENCE OF: By: STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. TRILLIUM REALTY, INC. Duly Authorized Agent At this day of , 1993, personally appeared, , duly authorized agent of Trillium Realty, Inc., and he acknowledged the foregoing instrument, by him signed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Trillium Realty, Inc. Before me, IN PRESENCE OF: STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. Notary Public CHIRON, INC. Duly Authorized Agent At this day of , 1993, personally appeared, , duly authorized agent of Chiron, Inc., and he acknowledged the foregoing instrument, by him signed, to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Chiron, Inc. Before me, Notary Public 2 DOREMUS ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW WATERFRONT PLACE ONE TWELVE LAKE STREET BURLINGTON, VT 05401 (1102) 1163-II60.1 (FAX) (MU-5w15 PETER M. DOREMUS STEVENJ. KANTOR MARK A. CROW 'ALSO AUMITTEO 1N CA April 26, 1993 Steven F. Stitzel, Esq. Stitzel & Page, P.C. 171 Battery Street, 2nd Floor Burlington, Vermont 05401 Re: One Timber Lane Dear Steve: LEGAL ASSISTANT MARY A. 11UITENLOCK Enclosed for your review is a copy of the proposed Development Agreement regarding One Timber Lane. Please call me with your comments. PMD/da Enc. Sincerely/ yours, Pet Uoremus RECEIVED APR2 7 1993 Stitzel & Page, P.C. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - FINAL PLAT 1) Name of Applicant ONE TIMBER LANE 2 ) Name of Subdivision ONE TIMBER LANE 3) Indicate any change to name, address, or phone number of owner of record, applicant, contact person, engineer, surveyor, attorney or plat designer since preliminary plat application None 4) Indicate any changes to the subdivision, such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, or developmental timetable, since preliminary plat application: None 5) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (11 x 17) of a final plat plus engineering drawings and containing all s information required under Section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision and under Section 204.1(a) for a major subdivision. 6) Submit two draft copies of all legal documents required under Section 202.1 (11) and (12) of the subdivision regulations for a minor sudivision and under Section 204.1(b) or,a major sub ivis on. Z'%3 (Signature) applican or contact person Date SI 2S" / 93 PC i� r` )-aPt --� �)AUIC) �=-L/aG(�- City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 May 21, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and my comments to the Planning Commission. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and Fire Chief Jim Goddette were sent to you at.an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday, May 25, 1993 to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sip rely, b Weith, ty Planner Encls JW/mcp PLANNING COMMISSION 9 March 1993 page 5 1. All previous approvals and sti ulatio_ns which are not super- seded by this a royal shall remain in effect. �4-- 2. Any chanaeWin_ existin exterior li htin or any new lighting a shll be_Wd_o_w_nc_a_s_tin_q-and-shielded an_d_shall_not cast_� li ht be- yondWthe propertWWline. An chan e inWexistin 11Whtin-or new cr ligghtinoWshall be approved by the City Planner rio--- - -r to instal- lat g.� �.......�.r1 - - - - 3. 'rhisWapproval- is conditioned on the applicant re_cei� vine conditional use -approval from the Zonincr Board of Adjustment. 4. This site plan app 1ro_v_al shall not be construed_ as annroval to alter a no_n_com_ in structure. The dJ not�to—approveWalteration to a noncom lyiecision of whetheror .ncr structure shall be_ made by the _Zon_in_eAdministratonce_r in accordawith Section--- 19.002 of-theWSouthWBurlin ton Zonin Re ulations.` 5. The siteolan shall -be -revised priorWtooermit�to show the following: a. dumpster on rear_ of property properly screened. b. a north arrow on the plan. The applicant shall obtain a zoninq/buildina ermit within si months or this approval is null and vn;r7 -- - 7. There shall be no changes to the site plan unless approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Sheahan seconded the motion which was then approvedWunann- imously :- - - - V--- 5. Sketch plan application of Ernest Pomerleau for subdivision of a lot currently developed with 21,798 sq. ft. of medical office use into three lots. Two of the lots are proposed to follow the footprint of the two existing buildings while the third lot will contain the remaining common land, l Timber Lane: Mr. Austin stepped down during this discussion due to a potential conflict of interest. Mr. Pomerleau the original plan had been for a condo arrangement. They would like to leave everything as it has been approved but they want to transfer property separately so that owners would own everything beneath their building. The remaining land would be owned in common. This would be a p.u.d. Mr. Burgess asked if this isn't back to the same question of eq5� ;�!ia ... e1•.t.SU>. 2• .. � .. ..� Tfl�z.:r , . . , ;.4 KilgAtG,n !. ,�.2,2 PLANNING COMMISSION 9 March 1993 page 6 the subdivision of Howard Johnson's Restaurant without physically dividing thL, building. Mr. Pomerleau said the difference is that this is a p.u.d. Mr. Weith said his only concern is that it be made clear this is a p.u.d. and these three lots will always be considered as one development. He didn't want anyone to ever want to build another building on this property. Mr. Craig said he had no problem as long as the documents meet the City Attorney's scrutiny. Members expressed no problem with the concept. As there was no further business to come before the Cammission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 pm. M. N/F MANOR WOODS ASSOCIATION K E N N E D Y D R I V E m W m N/F TIMBER LANE MEDICAL CENTER, INC, ® LOT DIMENSIONS A 8.00, B 9.00, C 8.00' D 5.67' m RECEIVED APR 12 1993 City of So. Burlington NOTES: 1. BOUNDARY INFORMATION IS FROM A SURVEY BY ENGINEERS, INC. FOR AESCULAPIUS, INC. DATED MANCH 28, 1968 AND FROM A PLAN OF FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION BY WARREN ROBENSTEIN DATED APRIL 1972. PLANS ARE RECORDED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE IN VOLUME 190, PAGE 154 AND VOLUME 107. PAGE BE RESPECTIVELY. DEED FROM FOREST PARK REALTY TO AESCULAPIUS, INC. IS RECORDED IN VOLUME BB, PAGE 99. 2. NO BOUNDARY SURVEYING WAS DONE BY CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. EXISTING MONUMENTA71ON WAS LOCATED AND APPROXIMATE CORNERS WERE SHOWN BASED ON REFERENCED MAPS AND DEEDS 3. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO 12' STORM EASEMENT ALONG WESTERLY BOUNDARY. SEE VOLUME 88, PAGE 99 4. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ELECTRICAL EASEMENT OF RECORD TO GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER. SEE MAP IN VOLUME 80. PAGE 123. m S. COMMON LAND AREAT C) $HALL BE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVING LOTS A AND LO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN REPRESENTS AN ACCURATE DEPICTION OF THE EXISTING BUILDING AND PROPOSED BUILDING SITE LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS AS APPHOVFD BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON AS OF OCTOBER 21, 1992. DAVID S. MARSHALL, P.E rununq. It OF V!A �:9 a N. 404 GRAPHIC SCALE r • r� ( Iran) 1 Iwh - 90 !L City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 May 7, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill S?vmanGki Tf you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, `} Raymond J. Bela'r, Y 1 . Zoning and Planning Assistant 1 Encl RJB/mcp M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer Re: Preliminary Comments May 25, 1993 agenda items Date: May 6, 1993 GAYNES SHOPPERS WORLD, WILLISTON ROAD Plan prepared by Warren Robenstein, Land Surveyor, dated February 1993 is acceptable. OFFICE BUILDING, 20 FARRELL STREET 1. The existing barrier concrete curb shall be removed and a depressed curb installed. 2 , Water and sewer connections should be shown on the plans. UNIVERSITY MALL, DORSET STREET There should be a pedestrian walkway between the new parking lot and the bank. CAR BUFF & DAVE'S AUTOMOTIVE, GREGORY DRIVE, LOT #4 Water and sewer mains and building connections should be shown on the plans. MEDICAL CENTER, ONE TIMBER LANE 1. Water and sewer lines should be shown on the plan. 2. City Attorney should review the agreement between the lot owners. A situation similar to the Agel Corman (now Ben Franklin store) on Shelburne Road is being created. City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 May 5, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments on the above referenced project from Fire Chief Jim Goddette and myself. Please respond to these comments with additional information and/or revised plans no later than Friday, May 14, 1993. Comments from City Engineer Bill Szymanski will be forwarded to you as soon as they are available. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Since,rely, Raym d J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant Encls RJB/mcp Preliminary Memo - Planning May 25, 1993 agenda items May 5, 1993 Page 2 ONE TIMBER LANE - 3 LOT PUD - PRELIMINARY PLAT --- applicant should submit a list of modifications to the zoning regulations being requested. This list was requested for sketch plan review but not submitted. --- preliminary plat must contain the following information: o name and address of owner of record o wooded areas o location and size of any existing sewers and water mains, culverts and drains o five (5) foot contour lines if applicable o complete survey of subdivision tract by a licensed land surveyor o drainage plan --- for final plat review, the requirements of Section 204.1(a) of the subdivision regulations must be met including the requirement for a survey of all three (3) lots. --- a "Notice of Condition" will be required at final plat which indicates that for coverage purposes the three (3) lots be treated as one (1) lot and that the three ( 3 ) lots .will be reviewed together in the future for zoning and subdivision purposes. BARNES & NOBLE - COFFEE BAR - SITE PLAN --- applicant should realize that this site plan is different from the previously approved site plan and, therefore, if approved will replace any previously approved plan. In addition, the plan must reflect previously imposed conditions and certain information which is not directly related to the coffee bar. --- building and overall coverage percentages must be submitted. --- the six (6) parking spaces along the west end of the building should be eliminated. --- the angled parking in the front parking lot must meet the minimum standards listed on the attached table. The depth of the spaces on the north side of the island must be increased to 20 feet. The spaces on the south side of the island should be restricted to a 55 degree angle since there is not sufficient width to accommodate 60 degree angled spaces as shown. --- details of existing site lighting should be submitted. --- dumpsters should be shown and must be adequately screened. j,�►� /�oft C'��d, ., �,��� . TO: SO. BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: CHIEF GODDETTE RE: TUESDAY MAY 25,1993 AGENDA ITEMS DATE: WEDNESDAY MAY 5,9193 1. U-MALL PROJECT #6699.5 DORSET STREET PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED BY THIS DEPARTMENT [JN THE PARKING AND LOT LINE CHANGE AND I DO NOT SEE A PROBLEM FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE . 2. ONE TIMBER LANE PROJECT #92119 WITH THE APPROVAL OF THIS PROJECT ON OWNER OF BUILDINGS AND COMMON LAND , IT SHOULD NOT EFFECT EMERGENCY PROTECTION TO THE PROPERTY. 3. CAR BUFF & DAVES AUTOMOTIVE PROJECT #93111 LOT 4 GREGORY DRIVE PLAN HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND AT THIS TIME I FEEL WE CAN GIVE PROPER PROTECTION IF NEEDED. 4. 20 FARRELL ROAD LAST REVISION 4/1/92 PLAN WAS REVIEWED AND CORRECTIONS WERE MADE 10 ALLOW FOR EMERGENCY PROTECTION IF NEEDED. 5. GAYNES SHOPPER WORLD DATED FEBRUARY 93 PLAN WAS REVIEWED AND THERE IS STILL A PROBLEM WITH PARKING AT THE EAST END OF THE BUILDING BY P & C WHICH WOULD EFFECT ACCESS FOR EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT TO SET UP WHICH MUST BE CORRECTED. L G City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VEP""^"To".^S ���vlv 1 VJ'�VV FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 April 26, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find a copy of the March 9, 1993 Planning Commission meeting minutes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. 1 Encl JW/mcp in erely, e Weith, ity Planner CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - PRELIMINARY PLAT 1) Name of Applicant One Timber Lane 2 ) Name of Subdivision One Timber Lane 3) Submit Subdivision Fee 4) Describe Subdivision (,i.e. total acreage, number of lots or units, type of land use, gross floor area for commercial or industrial uses ) : Thi s PUD wi 11 se re ate the property i nto two commercial units and commonly owned property. One of the units is the Aesculapius Medical Office Bldg. The second is a permitted 10,000 sq.ft. Medical office blag. current y un er construction. 1he common ro er o the 5) Indicate any changes to name, address, or hone numbers of be all king P land, parking owner of record, applicant, or contact and entrance Plan application: Person since sketch Contact - Brian Waxler 863-8210 Ernest Pomerleau 863-8210 6) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Engineer Civil Engineering Associates, Inc. Shelburne, Vt. 05482 b. Surveyor c. d. Plat Designer 7) Indicate any changes to the subdivision such as number of lots or units, property lines, applicant's legal interest in the property, etc., since sketch plan application: None 1 8) List names and mailing addresses of owners of record of all contiguous properties: Manor Woods Association - PO Box 9474, So. Burlington, Vt. 05407 Twin Oaks Condominium Association - c/o Property Management Consultants PO Box 9240 —.So. Burlington. Forest Park Condominium Association Vt. 05407 Timber Lane Medical Ctr., Inc. - 50 Timber Lane, So. Burlington, Vt. 05407 9) State title, drawing number, date of original plus any revisions, and designer(s) of the preliminary map(s) accompanying this application: 10) COST ESTIMATES for Planned Unit Developments, multi -family and commercial and industrial complexes: a) Buildings b) Landscaping 0 c) All other site improvements (e.g., curb work 11) ESTIMATED TRAFFIC for Planned Unit Developments, multi- family Projects, and commercial and industrial complexes (2-way traffic, in plus out): A.M. Peak hour P.M. peak hour 0 Average daily traffic /o of trucks 12) Attach FIVE copies and ONE reduced cop Preliminary map showing the followi.nginformation:°f a) Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and the name of the City.. b) Name and address of owner of record, subdivider and designer of Preliminary Plat. c) Number of acres within the proposed subdivision, location Of property lines, structures, watercourses, wooded areas, and other essential existing physical features. 2 d) The names of all subdivisions ajacent the names of owners of record of adjacentyacreage. and e) The location and size of any existing sewers and water mains, culverts and drains on the property to be subdi- vided. f) Location, names and widths of existingand streets, private ways, sidewalks Proposed easements, parks and other curb cuts, paths, main- tained open spaces facts as well ass similar or teregarding adjacent property. g) Contour lines at intervals of five feet, based on United States Geological Survey datum of existing s and also of proposed finished grades where changeofdeexist- ing ground elevation will be five feet or more. h) Complete survey of subdivision tract by a licensed land surveyor. i) Numerical and graphic scale, date and truce north arrow. j) Details of proposed connection with existing water supply or alternative means of providing water supply to the proposed subdivision. k) Details of proposed connection with the existin tart' sewage disposal system or adequateg sani- on-site disposal of septic wastes, provisions for 1) If on -site sewage disposal system is proposed, and results of tests to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions, unless pits are d at dedepth to ground water percolation tests. results of depth of five feet; location and m) Provisions for collecting and discharging storm drainage in the form of drainage plan. n) Preliminary designs of any bridges or culvert which may be required. o) The location of temporary markers adequate Commission. to locate readily and appraise to enable the layout in the field. Unless onpl'existing basic intersection is -shown, the distance along a streetstreet from one corner of the property to the nearest existing street intersection shall be shown. P) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use and the conditions of such dedication or reservation. 3 13) Development timetable (including number of phases, and start and completion dates): 14) List the waivers applicant desires from the requirements of these regulations: Zoning set -back 15) 1) All existing subdivision, approximate tract lines and acreage of adjacent parcels, together with the names of the records owners of all adjacent namely, those directly abutting or directlysacrosslandany street adjoining the proposed subdivision. 2) Locations, widths and names of existing, filed or pro- posed streets, curb cuts, easements, building lines and alleys pertaining to the proposed subdivision and to the adjacent properties as designated in paragraph 1 above. 3) An outline of the platted area together with its system and an indication street of the future probable street system of the remaining portion of the tract, if the Preliminary Plat submitted covers only part of the subdivider's entire holding. (Signature) applicant or contact person 4 Memorandum - Planning March 9, 1993 agenda items March 5, 1993 Page 4 Sewer: No additional allocation required. Other: C --- plan should have a north arrow. --- the dumpster adjacent to the auto body shop should be shown and screened. The other dumpster located along the eastern boundary should also be screened. 5) ONE TIMBER LANE - 3 LOT PUD - SKETCH PLAN This project consists of the subdivision of a 2.48 acre lot into three (3) lots. Lots A and B, .27 and .23 acres respectively, will each approximate the footprint of an existing building. The building on lot B is under construction. The remaining 1.98 acres is designated lot C and is the common land for the buildings. The purpose of the subdivision is so that each owner of a building will own the real property beneath it. The Planning Commission approved the site plan for the bui_ldina on lnt- TAnn 7�9P/o') lmin„}nc enclosed).- nclosed). � --- --- -- _.. , ...., �.. �...�....��... This property located at District. It is bounded residences, on the north by Lane. 1 Timber Lane lies within the R-7 on the south and west by multi -family Kennedy Drive and on the east by Timber Access: Access to lot C is via a 24 foot curb cut on Timber Lane. This access is directly across the street from the access to the Timber Lane Medical Complex. Lot C serves as the r.o.w. serving lots A and B. Lot size: The minimum lot size for a nonresidential use in the R-7 District is 40,000 square feet and lot A is 11,761 square feet and lot B is 10,019 square feet. Lot C meets the minimum requirement. The Planning Commission may waive lot size requirements as part of a PUD. Frontage: Lots A and B do not have frontage on a public street but instead will be served by a common r.o.w. This subdivision is therefore subject to Section 19.20 of the zoning regulations. 4 Memorandum - Planning March 9, 1993 agenda items March 5, 1993 Page 5 Zoning modifications: The approval of this PUD will require the Planning Commission granting certain modifications to the zoning regulations such as lot size, setbacks, coverage, etc. Staff has requested the applicant to submit a list of modifications being requested but no such list has been submitted. Notice of Conditions: Staff recommends that a Notice of Condition be recorded that indicates that for coverage purposes the three (3) lots be treated as one (1) lot. In addition, all three (3) lots are considered one PUD, therefore, all three lots will be reviewed together for zoning/subdivision purposes. Other: --- for preliminary plat review, the plat must meet the requirements of Section 203.1(a) of the subdivision regulations including the requirement for a complete survey of the subdivision tract by a licensed land surveyor. --- for final plat review, the requirements of Section 204.1(a) of the subdivision regulations must be met including the requirement for a survey of all three (3) lots. 6) L.T.H. ASSOCIATES - WENDY'S DRIVE-THRU - DISCUSSION L.T.H. Associates wish to discuss with the Planning Commission their proposal to add a drive -through window and an order board sign to Wendy's Restaurant. Wendy's is a fast food restaurant and is neither a permitted nor conditional use in the C-1 District. It is therefore a nonconforming use and under Section 19.003 of the zoning regulations a nonconforming use can not be extended. It is staff's position that this proposal can not be approved. This determination was expressed to L.T.H., however, they still want to discuss the proposal with the Commission. This project would involve changes to two ( 2 ) lots. The lot at 408-410 Shelburne Road contains a 10,324 square foot office building and Wendy's Restaurant. The adjoining lot to the north at 388 Shelburne Road contains a 4,741 retail building and a single family dwelling. 5 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 March 5, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's Planning Commission meeting and comments from Fire Chief Jim Goddette and myself. Comment from City Engineer Bill Szymanski were forwarded at an earlier date. Please be sure someone is present on Tuesday; March 9, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. to represent your request. If you have any questions, please give me a call. i cere�lyQ,,I e Weith, City Planner Encls JW/mcp uutlt +��urlingtvn Yire Department 575 Dnrnet street t--�uutlj Nurlingtuu. 11aniout 05,1113 _ _ aL • FAX: (802) 658-4748 (802)658-7960 M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: Chief Goddette, South Burlington Fire Department Re: Tuesday, March 9, 1993 agenda items Date: March 3, 1993 1. FRANK NAEF, .1908 AIRPORT PARKWAY RETAIL USE Plan has been reviewed by this office and at this time I do not see a problem with the change in use which would affect the Department in providing emergency protection. 2. L.T.H., 410 SHELBURNE ROAD - WENDY'S-DRIVE-THRU WINDOW Plan has been reviewed on the change to Wendy's for the drive-thru window and at this time I do not feel it would effect the department in given emergency protection if needed. 3. ONE TIMBER LANE - SUBDIVISION PLAN - PROJECT #92119 The subdivision for One Timber Lane should not be a problem in given the proper emergency protection if required. PLANNING COMMISSION 28 July 1992 page 8 16. A 17. Prior to final plat, applicant shall obtain a letter from the adjoining property owner to the south (i.e. Veve) agreeing to less than a J5-foot wide green space buffer. 18. The final plat application shall be submitted within 12 months or.this approval is null and void Mr. Craig seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Site plan application of Trillium Realty, Inc, for construc- tion of a 10,584 sq. ft. addition for medical office use to an existing 11,274 sq. ft. medical office building, 1 Timberlane: Mr. Pomerleau said the entrance will be made to city standard. Employee/doctor parking will be in the rear. The front area will be for patients. They are trying to minimize intrusion into the green belt. In response to concerns of neighbors, the roadway to staff parking has been adjusted to be tighter to the existing building. There are 2 areas of thinner foliage which will be upgraded in the buffer zone. There will be a courtyard effect between the two buildings. There will be no basement. There is no need for parking var- iances. The Zoning Board requested a study of possible STOP signs. A 3-way stop has been recommended at one intersection. Mr. Stone, a resident of Twin Oaks, felt it was important to keep additional trees. He felt their request for consideration had been answered in a reasonable way. Mrs. Stone said she hoped the trees at the Kennedy Dr. side will not be disturbed as they are a noise barrier. Mr Pomerleau said they were very sensitive to that and the Zoning Board has required these be kept in a natural state. Roger Dickinson said they were asked to update the original traffic study. They estimate 38 trip ends per peak hour with level of service "B" at the intersection (this level would exist with or without the project). They recommend a STOP sign at the Hayes Ave/Timberlane intersection and also one at Forest Park The city will have to approve these. Ms. Peacock moved that the Commission advise the City Council to PLANNING COMMISSION 28 July 1992 a e 9 recommend approval of installation of STOP si ns as indicated by the applicant._ Mr. Crai seconded. Motion assed unanimousl . Ms_. Peacock moved the Plannina Commission approve the site plan a lication of Trillium Realty, Inc, for construction of a 10,584 sq. ft. addition for medical office use to �anexistinq 11.274 s a. ft. medical office buildinj as depicted on a plan entitled "Pro- posed Addition, Aescula ius, Site Plan," re ared b Civil En in- eerina Associates, Inc, dated June, 1992, last revised 7/27/92, with the following stipulations- 1. The applicant shall post a $15,500, 3-year landscapinq bond prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit 2. A sewer allocatiion of 1,185 qpd is granted The applicant shall pay the required sewer allocation fee prior to issuance of a zoning/building permit. 3. All new on -site lighting shall be down -casting, shielded lum- inaires and shall not cast li ht beyond the property line. 4. A zonin /buildin permit shall be obtained within 6 months or this approval is null and void Mr. Craig seconded. Motion passed unanimously 6. Sketch plan application of William Wessel for a 20 single fam- ily lot planned residential development, Van Sicklen Road: Mr. Boyle said access will be via a 60 ft. r.o.w.. There will be a 30 ft. road from Van Sicklen ending in a cul de sac. There will be 3 clusters of housing served by this road. There will be 3 smaller cul de sacs. Mr Boyle said it was their feeling that the "developable" and "undevelopable" areas should be adjusted. Mr Craig felt the Com- mission should make a trip to see these areas. Mr. Weith noted the current designations are for reasons of: flood plain, a buffer along Muddy Brook and wildlife habitat along muddy brook. Mr. Boyle said they don't want to overpave. They have no problem with the main street being to city standard but didn't feel the other streets should have to be. They feel 30 ft. of pavement is excessive on a cul de sac with only 5 units. Mr. Craig said he wanted the opinion of the Fire Chief and Street Dept. as he didn't want to create a nightmare for the city from the point of view of safety and maintenance. Mr. Weith said that neither the Fire Chief nor the Street Superintendent would budge on 30 foot streets. Mr. Knif said he felt a wide street is good, es- pecially for bike riding safety. N/F MANOR WOODS ASSOCIATION K E N N E D Y D R I V E `1 IX W m m N/F TIMBER LANE MEDICAL CENTER, INC_ U T H 7 BURL N G T O N MOTES 1. BOUNDARY INFORMATION IS FROM A SURVEY BY ENGINEERS. INC. FOR AESCULAPUS, INC. DATED MARCH 2B, 1968 AND FROM A PUN OF FOREST PARK REALTY CORPORATION BY WARREN ROBENSTUN DATED APRIL 1972. PLANS ARE RECORDED N THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE N MDLUME 80, PACE 84 AND VOLUME 107, PAGE B8 RESPECTIVELY. DEED FROM FOREST PARK REALTY TO AESCULAPIUS, INC IS RECORDED N VOLUME M. PAGE 99. 2. NO BOUNDARY SURVEYING WAS DONE BY CIVIL ENGINEERINGASSOCIATES, INC. E)OSTNG MONUMENTATKJN WAS LOCATED AND APPROXIMATE CORNERS WERE SHOIM/ BASED ON REFERENCED MAPS AND DEEDS 3. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO 12' STORM EASEMENT ALONG WESTERLY BOUNDARY. SEE VOLUME M PAGE 99 4. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ELECTRICAL EASEMENT OF RECORD TO GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER SEE MAP N VOLUME 80, PACE 123. �L V Lo FEB 10 1993 City of So. Burlington I FEAEBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN REPRESENTS AN ACCURATE DEPICTION OF THE EDOS11NG BUILDING AND PROPOSED BUILDING SITE LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON AS OF OCT013ER 21, 19922 T DAVID S. MARSHALL, P.E. '"M""' 1;p OF VfRi �9 a Ibeota� - �� F'Ci�bNAi. GRAPHIC SCALE ( Ix I= 1 b-h — 20 m aaav aaav l ONE TIMBER LANE SUBDIVISION PLAN Data �Chl'kd-d Revision SOUTH BURLINGTCN VERMONT Drawn by ACL Dat• OCT, 1992 SHEET Chocked by DSM scale r . 20' CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. sHEIBLffE,VERMONT Approved by DSM Project No. 92II9 03/01/1993 13:57 65356015 DORE1,1US ASSOCIATES PAGE 02 PETER H. DOH£?RIS STEVEN J. KANTOR K%A1< A. CROW- •Al-rn Aw4mmL IN CA To: Brian Waxler DOREDLUS AS-SUC:I.-LT1:S AITORN1.Y} A.NND COUN5tLLOUS AT 1_:Nt' WATC It 1.110Nl' YL_kCC O-Ne VWJ1 INL•' 1_UCE STREET QURLIN(:TQN, vl' 03 1p1 tnu21 ane-uauu (1'.VU U s11.lStUtR M E M O R A N D U M From: Peter M. Doremus, Esquire LK(:ALX1*1X1r I-T MARL' A. HUMNLOCK March 1, 1993 Re: One Timber Lane Office Condominium Conversion It is the intent of this Memorandum to provide an over view of the conversion of the existing commercial condominium known as One Timber Lane from a two unit condominium to a two unit planned commercial development (PUD-C) pursuant to Section 19.15 of the South Burlington City Zoning Regulations. Presently the existing building (Condominium Unit A) and the new construction (Condominium Unit B) are subject to a Declaration of Condominium dated October 30, 1992 and recorded December 23, 1992 in Volume 337, Pages 104-131 of the South Burlington City Land Records. The owners of the two Units i.e. Chiron, Inc. and Trillium Realty, Inc. have previously agreed to the conversion from the condominium form of ownership to the PUD- C. It is contemplated that in order to convert from the existing condominium form of ownership to the PUD-C form of ownership, that Chiron, Inc. and Trillium Realty, Inc., together with One Timber Lane Condominium Association, Inc., shall make application for approval of the PUD-C, together with the approval of a subdivision plat into three lots, as follows: A. Lot A representing the current Chirori, Inc. unit, together with the footprint of the real property beneath the unit; B. Lot B representing the current Trillium Realty, Inc. unit under construction, together with the footprint of the real property beneath the unit; and C. Lot C representing the balance of the property to be owned by One Timber Lane Owners Association, together with all improvements thereon, including utilities, parking areas, landscaping and common entry way. 1 03/01/1993 13:57 6585685 DOREMUS ASSOCIATES PAGE 03 Most, if not all, of the conditions and findings that the Planning Commission must make in order to approve the PUD-C have already been reviewed at the time that you acquired your Building Permit. These standards can be found more specifically under Section 19.151 of the South Burlington City Zoning Regulations. In addition, the density calculations for the PUD-C may not exceed the permitted density for the district in which the development is located. Presumably, this determination was made at the time that you received your Building Permit for the second building, and I don't imagine that this issue will have to be revisited during the approval process. The Zoning Ordinance further requires in Section 19.153 that the open space or common land (i.e. Lot C as set forth above), must also be approved by the Planning Commission. In addition, the maintenance and use of said Common Areas must be protected through Declaration of Covenants and conveyance of the Common Areas to the commercial owners association or dedicated to the municipality. It is my understanding that no dedications to the City of South Burlington are planned for this subdivision. In any event, the conditions and covenants for the PUD-C will. be virtually identical to those that we have previously recorded in the Declaration of Condominium. You may wish to provide the Planning Commission with a copy of the existing Declaration of Condominium and we can submit the actual Declaration of Covenants and Conditions for the planned commercial development at. the first hearing, if it is required. You should note that the PUD-C application must be prepared in accordance with the specifications of the Subdivision Regulations site plan requirements,.._including- Section .203.1 (a), which will require a survey of the three lots prepared by Civil Engineering Associates. It has been my experience in the case of zero lot line PUDs (i.e. townhouse and common wall commercial PUDs), that the footprint of the building need not be specifically surveyed, but that the surveyor's notes indicate with some degree of accuracy the location of the buildings, as built, on the parcel. To create a lot larger than the footprint for each building would also require some type of cross easement for the construction of the common entry way. It is my suggestion that the description of lots A and B be simply a reference to the depiction of the buildings on the survey plat in each case. In reviewing Bill Symanski's Memorandum dated February 18, 1993 to the South Burlington Planning Commission, I would again suggest that the dimensions for the building lots be representative of the footprint of the buildings, and although I am not sure what occurred at Agel-Carman, I am not sure that it constituted a commercial PUD. For the time being you can supply the Planning Commission with a copy of the Condominium By -Laws which will be pretty much duplicated for the PUD conversion. 2 00AEMUS ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW ONE YWCLVE U.KE STREET 61J[4"INIiYON dui n:�J� I I 0 31 a 03/01/ 1993 13:57 65856S5 DCIPEr,rUS A SOCIATES PAGE 04 With regard to Ray Belair's Memorandum dated February 19, 1993 and specifically the fourth comment, Article XVIII of the Zoning Ordinance sets out density and dimensional requirements for the R7 district, and I would suggest that Civil Engineering Associates review the requirements to develop a list of any necessary modifications. The only new evaluation that the PUD concept triggers pursuant to Section XVIII is lot size; all other issues would have been considered at the prior Planning Commission meetings. DOArMU-- ASSOCIATES ATT(7Rt4EY5 AT LAW ONE TWELVC LAKE STREET BIIR-IHGTON VT GSa OI 16021 d-4.3Y SCG3 City of South Burlington 575 DORSET STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05403 FAX 658-4748 PLANNER 658-7955 February 23, 1993 Brian Waxler Pomerleau Real Estate P.O. Box 6 Burlington, Vermont 05402 Re: One Timber Lane, PUD Dear Mr. Waxler: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 658-7958 Enclosed please find some preliminary comments on the above referenced project from City Engineer Bill Szymanski and myself. Please respond to these comments with a revised plan and/or additional information no later than Monday, March 1, 1993. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Raymo d J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant Encls RJB/mcp VOME L. AU MEMORANDUM TO: Ray Belair South Burlington Planning Office FROM: Brian D. Waxler DATE: March 1, 1993 RE: One Timber Lane PUD Application In response to your last letter concerning our PUD application, I have enclosed five sets of plans with your most recent requirements on them. I have also enclosed a copy of a memorandum that was sent to me by our attorney, Peter Doremus, which should clarify some of the PUD issues that we talked about. Please call me if there is anything additional that you may need. Pomerleau Real Estate Co., P.O. Box 6, Burlington, Vermont 05402 802/863-8210. FAX 802/863-8219 M E M O R A N D U M To: Project Files From: Raymond J. Belair, Zoning and Planning Assistant Re: Preliminary Comments - March 9, 1993 agenda items Date: February 19, 1993 ONE TIMBER LANE - 3 LOT PUD - SKETCH PLAN --- plan must show the type of, location and approximate size of existing and proposed utilities. --- plan should note that the common land area will be the r.o.w. serving lots A and B. --- common land area should be designated lot C. --- applicant should submit a list of modifications to the zoning regulations being requested. --- for preliminary plat review, the plat must meet the requirements of Section 203.1(a) of the subdivision regulations including the requirement for a complete survey of the subdivision tract by a licensed land surveyor. --- for final plat review the requirements of Section 204.1(a) of the subdivision regulations must be met including the requirement for a survey of all three (3) lots. --- for coverage purposes, all three (3) lots will be considered as one (1). DERRIDINGER 3 LOT SUBDIVISION - SKETCH PLAN --- sketch plan must include the address of the owners of record. --- plan should show location of any existing structure on the property and should show approximate location of well and septic system. --- for final plat review all the requirements of Section 202.1 of the subdivision regulations must be met including the requirement for five (5) foot contours and copies of proposed legal agreements relating to the r.o.w. and the number of lots to be served by the r.o.w. --- graphic scale should be lengthened so that when this plan is reduced to 1811x24" for recording the scale will be at least 5" in length to meet the new state plat law. --- the applicant should address the access to lot #1 and whether the present driveway will continue to be used or will it be discontinued and a new driveway built in the 60 foot r.o.w. M E M O R A N D U M To: South Burlington Planning Commission From: William J. Szymanski, City Engineer C Re: Preliminary Comments March 9, 1993 agenda items Date: February 18, 1993 MEDICAL CENTER, ONE TIMBERLANE 1. All lot dimensions should be shown. 2. All water, sewer and drainage lines should be shown. 3. A situation similar to the Agel Corman (now Ben Franklin store) on Shelburne Road is being created. City Attorney should review the condominium bylaws. Also signs will require variances. DERRIDINGER, DORSET STREET 1. The stream within the limits of this plan should be shown. 2. A 20' easement along the easterly lot line of lot #2 should be reserved for a future sewer main. 3. If lot #1 & 2 are further developed, the 60' drive should become a public street. Additional land will be required for a turn -around. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Subdivision Application - SKETCH PLAN 1) Name, address, and phone number of: a. Owner of record One Timber Lane b. Applicant Ernest Pomerleau c . Contact Brian Waxler 863-8210 2) Purpose, location, and nature of subdivision or development, including number of lots, units, or parcels and proposed use(s). This PUD will segregate the property into two commercial units and commonly owned property. One of the units is the Aesculapius Medical Office Building. The second is a permitted 10,000 sq.ft. Medical Office Building currently under construction. The Common property will be all other land, parking and entrance. 3) Applicant's legal interest in the property (fee simple, option, etc. Fee simple 4) Names of owners of record of all contiguous properties Manor Woods Association, P.O. Box 9474, So. Burl. Timberlane Medical Center, Inc. 50 Timber Lane Forest Park Condominium Association, C/O P.O. Box 9240, So. Burl. Twin Oaks Condominium Association, C/O P.O. Box 9240, So. Burl. 5) Type of existing or proposed encumbrances on property such as easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc. None except utility easements 6) Proposed extension, relocation, or modification of municipal facilities such as sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc. None 7) Describe any previous actions taken by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or by the South Burlington Planning Commission which affect the proposed subdivision, and include the dates of such actions: 1992 - Planning Commission approval for additional 10,000 sq.ft. Medical Bldg. 1992 - Zoning Board Approval for additional 10,000 sq.ft. Medical Office Bldg. 8) Submit five copies and one reduced copy (8 1/2 x 11, 8 1/2 x 14 or 11 x 17) of a Sketch plan showing the follow- ing information: 1) Name of owners of record of contiguous properties. 2) Boundaries and area of: (a) all contiguous land belong- ing to owner of record and (b) proposed subdivision. 3) Existing and proposed layout of property lines; type and location of existing and proposed restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. 4) Type of location, and approximate size of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and open space. 5) Date, true north arrow and scale (numerical and graphic). 6) Location map, showing relation of proposed subdivision to adjacent property and surrounding area. (Signature) applicant or contact person Date 2