HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/20/2018 CITY COUNCIL 20 AUGUST 2018 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 20 August 2018, at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: H. Riehle, Chair; M. Emery, T. Barritt, T. Chittenden, D. Kaufman Also Present: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; A. Bolduc, City Attorney; Chief T. Whipple and Deputy Chief S. Burke, Police Department; H. Rees, Head of Recreation Department; A. Gross, S. Dooley, E. Miller, C. Peters, D. Olsky, D. Bugbee, B. Sirvis, M. Mittag, L. Kupferman, T. Bailey, L. Black-Plumeau, A. Holland, G. Donovan, J. Kearns, other members of the community 1. Instructions on exiting building in case of emergency: Mr. Dorn provided instructions on emergency evacuation of the building. 2. Possible Executive Session to discuss issues related to collective bargaining agreements: Mr. Barritt moved that the Council make a specific finding that premature general public knowledge of the confidential attorney-client communications and other discussions related to the negotiation of labor relations agreements with employees to which the public body is a party, and made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to this Council would clearly place the public body and the City at a substantial disadvantage. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed 4-0. Mr. Barritt then moved that the Council enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing: confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the Council, and the negotiation of Labor relations agreements with employees, and to include in the sessions Messrs. Dorn, Hubbard, and Bolduc. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed 4-0. The Council entered into executive session at 6:38 p.m. and resumed open session at 7:05 p.m. 3. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 4. Comments and Questions from the public not related to the agenda: Ms. Miller: Noted that she is a Sociology professor at UVM, specializing on affects of growth and development on the lives of people. She said she is not convinced the City has taken into account how development will affect the lives of residents. Ms. Peters: Asked whether the City has looked at what the city will look like so needs such as water, schools, buses, etc., can be determined. She noted this has a tremendous budgetary/tax impact. She asked if things are monitored before they are approved. Mr. Barritt explained the sketch plan process, which is the first time a proposal is in the “pipeline” and the public can see it. He also enumerated some of the still incomplete projects. Mr. Kaufman suggested having the Director of Planning & Zoning respond to this at a future meeting. Ms. Riehle noted that many of the concerns raised by Ms. Peters are addressed by impact fees on developers. Mr. Gross: Noted that Vermont is the #1 state to live in, and South Burlington is rated #2 for safety. He is troubled by the change in the nature of original neighborhoods because of intensity and density of development. He felt this threatens the values of existing homes. He specifically cited concern with proposed housing off Nowland Farm Road which, he felt, raises quality of life issues, and gets them “back to having street lights,” which is different from what they are used to. Added that growth has to happen; the question is the nature of it. Ms. Riehle asked if there is a Southeast Quadrant issue for people in the audience. The audience response was “yes.” Ms. Emery felt there is public dissatisfaction with the LDRs. Mr. Barritt cited the Farrell St./O’Dell development history and noted there was early dissatisfaction with what is now a vital part of the city. Ms. Riehle suggested asking Paul Conner to provide information in a better forum for people’s concerns. She also stressed that the city does not want to have every development litigated because the rules are not followed. Ms. Olsky said they were told “the city” wanted more density and to have building closer to Dorset St. She said residents don’t want this much development. She asked why the city includes wetlands in the density equation. She wanted to see a concise list of approved projects and what is to be approved. She felt there should be down-zoning. Ms. Dooley explained the nature of the Regional Plan put out by the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and noted that 80% of planned growth is supposed to take place in 20% of the land. A lot of that “planned growth” area is in South Burlington so that people will not have to commute in order to get to jobs, most of which are located in the Burlington-South Burlington area. Ms. Dooley also noted that a project is pretty much defined before it gets to the DRB because the rules that govern development are made at the Planning Commission. She suggested the city should look into televising the Planning Commission meetings. 5. (previously agenda item #8) Public Hearing regarding the placement of a question on the November ballot regarding the issuance of debt including TIF District Financing, to construct a Library, Senior Center and City Hall at 180 Market Street: Ms. Emery moved to open the public hearing. Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Mittag asked the council not to skimp on the building. Ms. Riehle said the Council will ask to continue this item until September 4th when new information (cost figures) will be available Ms. Bugbee said it is hard for the public to have access to the MOU and follow the discussion. Mr. Dorn said he can provide copies. Mr. Bolduc noted the MOU is available to the public, but the agreements, which are still being negotiated, can’t be made public. Mr. Kaufman moved to continue the public hearing until 4 September 2018, 7:30 p.m. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Report on Community Outreach Program: Chief Whipple reviewed the history of the program which was launched on 30 April 2018. He stated: “We got it right,” and noted that each of the 4 people hired under the program brings different skills. They all work together and do “handoffs,” so an issue gets to the right person to handle it. The Chief cited an issue that arose today in which an outreach person was able to calm a situation that could have led to violence and to assist with future safety planning. The Chief also noted that on “low level” calls, there are times when the Police don’t even need to go. Outreach people have been making “proactive” visits and are also helping to educate uniformed officers as to what they might do in specific situations. There have even been times when police personnel have been helped with their own issues. Chief Whipple then reviewed some specific statistics, noting that from April to June, there were 50 South Burlington "face-to-face" services, about 1/3 of the total number of such situations and more than any other participating community. Out of 270 total contacts in that time period, 81 were to South Burlington. From 2 July to 17 August, 41 of the 129 “face to face” calls were to South Burlington and 41 of the 134 total calls were to South Burlington. Chief Whipple noted that these calls are only on weekdays as there is no weekend service. The Chief cited the growth in mental health issues and said they are now addressing them as such. Mr. Barritt asked about the success rate for suicide issues. The Chief said there have been no completed suicides through August. Deputy Chief Burke stressed that Police want to avid violent encounters. Ms. Riehle suggested that knowledge of this program could help with recruitment. Chief Whipple said it also helps with retention of police officers as the overall stress level of officers has been lessened significantly. In this regard, there are now trained peer support police personnel who can recognize issues with fellow officers. Ms. Riehle said it makes her proud that the city recognized the need and is addressing it. Chief Whipple felt this is a wonderful legacy for him to leave behind. 7. Consider and Possibly Approve JAG Grant Application: Chief Whipple explained the Justice Assistance Grant and noted that the city is entitled to receive $10,427 this year. When these funds are received, they will be used to replace the archaic evidence tracking system with a new system that provides 100% accountability. Deputy Chief Burke said the timing for this is good as there will be a “change of command audit.” He noted his observation that South Burlington has done an amazing job in the “property room.” Public comment was solicited. There was no public comment. Ms. Emery moved to approve the JAC Grant application as presented. Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. (previously agenda item #11) Council Interview of Applicants for City Boards, Committees and Commissions: The Council interviewed the following applicants for appointment to City Boards, Committees and Commissions: a...... Tom Bailey ............................... Affordable Housing Committee b...... Leslie Black-Plumeau............... Affordable Housing Committee c...... Larry Kupferman...................... Dog Park Task Force d...... Amanda Holland...................... Bike/Ped and Public Art Committees e...... George Donovan...................... Recreation & Parks Committee 9. Announcements & City Manager’s Report: Council members reported on recent meetings and events they had attended. Mr. Dorn: Attended the Community Health group meeting. All members are very supportive of the program. He noted that the Howard Center received an $80,000 grant. Mr. Dorn also reviewed how the program is funded and noted that by the time the Council does the FY20 budget, the amount per community will be adjusted by use. He also noted that some of the grant money may be used for some weekend coverage. 10. Consent Agenda: a. Approve and Sign Disbursement Ms. Emery moved to approve the Consent Agenda is presented. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Councilors’ reports from Committee assignments: Ms. Riehle reported that the Airport Commission will meet on Wednesday and invited members to let her know of any issues they wish her to raise. Mr. Chittenden suggested to governance issue. 12. (previously #13) Update on Jaycee Dog Park Fence Removal: Mr. Dorn said the fence is down and the poles are being removed. 13. (previously #16) Other Business: Ms. Riehle recognized Judy Kearns for her years of ownership of The Other Paper. She cited the fair coverage of events and issues and thanked her for creating an excellent local paper. Ms. Kearns responded that it has been her privilege and recognized her staff who think so much about South Burlington. 14. Possible Executive Session to consider appointments to South Burlington Boards, Commissions and Committees: Ms. Emery moved that Council enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing appointments to South Burlington Boards, Commissions and Committees and include Messrs. Dorn and Hubbard in the session. Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council entered executive session at 9:50 p.m. and resumed open session at 10:25 p.m. 15. Possible Appointments to South Burlington Boards, Commissions and Committees: Mr. Barritt moved to make the following appointments: Affordable Housing Committee (3-year terms):Tom Bailey and Leslie Black-Plumeau Bike Ped Committee:3‐year terms –Bob Britt, Katie Dolbec, Amanda Holland 2‐year term –Bill Wooden City Charter Committee (3-year terms):Peter Taylor, Chuck Hafter Dog Park Committee (3-year terms):Barbara Sirvis, Linda Chiasson, Larry Kupferman, Robin Cruz; Betty Milizia (representing Natural Resources Committee) Development Review Board:4‐year term –Matt Cota 3‐year term –John Wilking Economic Development Committee:3‐year terms –John Wilking, Seth Bowden, Michael Albertson, Jacob West 2‐year term –Samuel Handy, John Burton, Linda Norris Energy Committee (3-year terms):Andrew Chalnick, Amanda Holland, Tim Perrin Library Board of Trustees (3-year terms):Nancy Fawley, Margaret Ann Cross, Penelope Tompkins Natural Resources Committee (3-year terms):Linda Chiasson, Betty Milizia, Lisa Yankowski Pension Advisory Committee (1-year term):Spencer Baker Planning Commission (3-year term):Bernard Gagnon Public Art Committee (3-year term):Amanda Holland, Jennifer Kochman Recreation & Parks Committee (3-year terms):Tammy Zylka, Michael Simoneau Sextons (3-year terms):Donna Kinville, Thomas Chittenden, Peter Taylor Airport Commission (3-year term):Helen Riehle Mr. Kaufman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Chittenden moved to adjourn. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 08/21/18 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 8/21/2018 3425 South Burlington Ace 80.32 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 8/8/2018 VI-14609 810349/3 46.97 46.97 8/10/2018 VI-14612 810414/3 33.35 33.35 8/21/2018 3426 Aldrich & Elliott, PC 6,059.28 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 8/1/2018 VI-14610 DRAFT 6,059.28 6,059.28 8/21/2018 3427 E.J. Prescott, Inc. 369.35 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 8/1/2018 VI-14606 5423000 135.42 135.42 8/6/2018 VI-14614 5424732 233.93 233.93 8/21/2018 3428 Office Essentials 20.93 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 8/13/2018 VI-14611 35323 20.93 20.93 8/21/2018 3429 Chad Parker 59.04 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 8/7/2018 VI-14615 REFUND 59.04 59.04 8/21/2018 3430 GW Tatro Construction Inc. 1,620.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 7/18/2018 VI-14613 VALVE EXTRACTION 1,620.00 1,620.00 8/21/2018 3431 Ti-Sales Inc. 30,197.15 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 8/1/2018 VI-14607 INV0094566 13,221.95 13,221.95 8/1/2018 VI-14608 INV0094565 16,975.20 16,975.20 Printed: August 17, 2018 Page 1 of 2 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 08/21/18 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid Total Amount Paid: 38,406.07 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Printed: August 17, 2018 Page 2 of 2