HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/07/2016 CITY COUNCIL 7 MARCH 2016 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 March 2016, at 6:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Riehle, Chair; P. Nowak, T. Chittenden, T. Barritt ALSO PRESENT: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; J. Barlow, City Attorney; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; C. Sargent, B. Melizia, R. Greco, B. Paquette, S. Dooley 1. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 2. Discussion of Burlington Airport Property Tax Assessment Appeal (City of Burlington v. City of South Burlington, 122-11-13Cncv, 183-2-13Cncv, 937-9-14Cncv). Possible executive session under 1 V.S.A. Section 313(a)(1)(E) to consider pending civil litigation to which the City is a party: Mr. Barlow reviewed the history and indicated that with a new Council member, he felt it was a good idea to discuss the City’s position and where things are expected to go. He suggested that this discussion be held in executive session. Ms. Nowak moved to find that premature general public knowledge of the City’s positions in the Burlington Airport property tax appeal litigation would clearly place the City at a substantial disadvantage. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Nowak moved to enter executive session to discuss the pending litigation under 1 V.S.A. 313(a)(1)(E). Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council entered executive session at 6:38 p.m. and returned at 7:25 p.m. 3. Comments & Questions from the public not related to the agenda: Ms. Greco suggested that the City conduct a small public survey on various topics and then publicize when a topic is to be discussed. 4. Announcements and City Manager’s Report: Mr. Dorn: Reported on the press conference regarding collaboration with UVM on the possibility of an arena in South Burlington. There have been discussions since then with engineers and others. Ms. Riehle suggested possible links on the website to various studies done on this in the past. Discussions regarding shared services are continuing with other communities. There is discussion with Shelburne regarding stormwater services which may involve other communities as well. This will save others from having “to invent the wheel,” since South Burlington has already done much work in this area. The second floor of the Police Department is now under construction for the Veterans’ Administration. Members of the Council reported on meetings and events they had attended. 5. Consent Agenda: a. Sign Disbursement b. Approve Minutes for 17 February and 29 February 2016 Ms. Nowak moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consider and Possibly Ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of South Burlington and Local 3671 of the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO (South Burlington Fire Fighters): Ms. Nowak moved to ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of South Burlington and Local 3671 of the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO as presented. Mr. Barritt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Dorn recognized the efforts of Mr. Hubbard in regard to the three collective bargaining agreements and also the respectful process which led to the agreements. 7. Consider and Possibly Approve Submittal of Applications to the Vermont Downtown Board to renew and expand the City’s New Town Center and Neighborhood Development Area designations: Mr. Conner reviewed the history. He noted that South Burlington has one of 2 New Town Center designations in the state (Colchester has the other). This allows for a TIF district. The City also has a Neighborhood Development Area designation which eliminates the Act 250 process for mixed income developments and provides savings on Act 250 fees and taxes. The City is now lining things up to expand these districts from 105 acres to 174 acres. This will allow the addition of properties on the west side of Dorset Street (UMall, hotels to the north of UMall) and properties between Midas Drive and Dorset Street on the south side of Williston Road. The City would also apply to expand the TIF District to include these properties. Mr. Chittenden asked why the UMall property wasn’t in the original TIF district. Mr. Conner explained that the City wasn’t eligible to extend the TIF to the other side of the street as the Form Based Code designation was not considered for that property. Mr. Dorn said staff recommends approval of the applications. Mr. Conner said the City has an appointment with the Board for 28 March, if the Form Based Code is approved by then; otherwise the City would ask for a continuance. Mr. Chittenden moved to approve submittal of applications to the Vermont Downtown Board to renew and expand the City’s New Town Center and Neighborhood Development Area designations as presented. Ms. Nowak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Discussion regarding City Council priorities for 2016-17: Ms. Riehle said she is thinking of these priorities as the Council’s work plan for the year. Staff will also be asked to identify any items that have been overlooked. Mr. Dorn suggested starting with what people know has to be done: budget, CIP, HRIP, appointments. Ms. Nowak felt that transportation in many forms needs to be addressed, paying attention to safe crossings for pedestrians, lighting, etc. Ms. Riehle said City Center is one big topic with many items under it. Other topics that occur to her are Airport sound/noise mitigation; open space, including work on various parks; communications, including website enhancements, signage (possibly a sign for City Hall to announce events, meetings, tax due dates, etc.). Mr. Dorn suggested a sign that can be changed electronically. Mr. Barritt felt the “abandoned properties” should be addressed to see if action is needed. Mr. Dorn said he would check with Mr. Barlow and Mr. Belair on what the City can legally do. Ms. Dooley reminded the city of the commitment to Affordable Housing. Ms. Riehle felt these items can be addressed as 6 “big chunks”: 1. City Center (financing, infrastructure, transportation modalities, parking, Library, contracts, arena, recreation space, etc.) 2. Airport Noise 3. Open Space 4. Transportation 5. Communications 6. Affordable Housing. She cited the importance of informing the public along the way and not just at the end of a project. The public should be invited to provide written comments, especially from those who cannot attend meetings. Mr. Chittenden suggested a City Facebook presence to get “a pulse” of the community. Ms. Nowak felt it should not be used to “aim at people.” Ms. Riehle felt a possible first step is to get the public involved in a city-wide topic. The next meeting will include an agenda item with specifics on the limits of the Open Meeting Law. Mr. Chittenden suggested the possibility of having the City Charter Committee explore a change in structure for the city (e.g., a wards system). Ms. Melizia felt there should be some kind of training for committees. Mr. Dorn said Mr. Barlow will be doing a video on the Open Meeting Law, etc., and some shorter videos that are committee-specific. Ms. Nowak cited the importance of having some short‐term committees with specific topics to attract capable people who don’t want long‐term commitments. 9. Other Business: A. Items Held from Consent Agenda No items were held. There were no other issues raised. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Barritt moved to adjourn. Ms. Nowak seconded. Motion passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 03/08/16 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 3/8/2016 2946 Champlain Water District 55,540.14 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 2/29/2016 VI-13917 SBWD-311 55,540.14 55,540.14 3/8/2016 2947 Champlain Water District 93,108.82 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 2/29/2016 VI-13909 FEBRUARY 93,046.19 93,046.19 2/29/2016 VI-13910 SBWD-304 62.63 62.63 3/8/2016 2948 E.J. Prescott, Inc. 91.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 2/19/2016 VI-13911 5052140 91.00 91.00 3/8/2016 2949 Ferguson Waterworks #590 1,297.03 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 2/22/2016 VI-13912 0398488 457.90 457.90 2/23/2016 VI-13913 0398520 556.37 556.37 2/19/2016 VI-13914 0397944-1 282.76 282.76 3/8/2016 2950 City Of So. Burlington 190,568.49 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 3/3/2016 VI-13918 AUDIT & ADMIN FEE 49,600.00 49,600.00 3/3/2016 VI-13919 DEBT 136,669.74 136,669.74 3/3/2016 VI-13920 VLCT-1ST QTR 2016 1,495.25 1,495.25 3/3/2016 VI-13921 VLCT-4TH QTR 2015 1,401.75 1,401.75 3/3/2016 VI-13922 VLCT - 3RD QTR 2015 1,401.75 1,401.75 3/8/2016 2951 City Of South Burlington 234,514.60 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 2/29/2016 VI-13915 FEBRUARY SEWER 234,514.60 234,514.60 3/8/2016 2952 City Of South Burlington 110,975.81 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 2/29/2016 VI-13916 FEBRUARY STORMWATER 110,975.81 110,975.81 Printed: March 04, 2016 Page 1 of 2 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 03/08/16 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid Total Amount Paid: 686,095.89 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Printed: March 04, 2016 Page 2 of 2 March 4, 2016 MEMO TO: Kevin Dorn, City Manager FROM: Paul Conner, Director of Planning and Zoning RE: New Town Center and Neighborhood Development Designations As previously noted, with the new Form Based Code nearing completion, the City will now be eligible to expand the size of its New Town Center and Neighborhood Development areas through the Vermont Downtown Board. Previously, the City had only been eligible for the areas contained with its "Central Zoning Districts" due to statutory requirements for the types of zoning in place. The City will now be able to expand the size of the designations up to 175 acres. In doing so, the City will become eligible to also expand the size of the Tax Increment Finance District, to encompass properties such as the University Mall and others, making those areas eligible for both generating revenues for TIF projects and placement of public facilities and infrastructure. In addition, the expansion will allow for a streamlined State review process and application fee for eligible projects including affordable housing. Staff will provide a draft map of the expanded area, to include the west side of Dorset Street from the UMall north, and added portions of the south side of Williston Road that were previously not eligible. Staff recommends that Council approve submitting applications to the Vermont Downtown Board to renew and expand the City's New Town Center and Neighborhood Development Area designations.