HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/19/2016CITY COUNCIL 19 JANUARY 2016 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 19 January 2016, at 6:30 p.m., in the Conference Room of the Police Station, 19 Gregory Drive. MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Nowak, Chair; H. Riehle, C. Shaw, M. Emery, T. Chittenden ALSO PRESENT: K. Dorn, City Manager; T. Hubbard, Deputy City Manager; J. Barlow, City Attorney; C. LaRose, City Planner; J. Ladd, HR; M. Leugers, Recreation Department; D. Young, Superintendent of Schools; B. Nowak, G. Maille, J. Dinklage, R. Greco, R. O’Cleary, S. Dooley, C. Sargent, K. Robison, P. Blizzard, M. Burke, T. Braun, M. Mittag, R. Kuyama, J. Dubie, L. Mariott 1. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 2. Comments & Questions from the public not related to the agenda: Ms. Nowak apologized for a procedural error at the last meeting where the “Comments & Questions” became a “give and take.” Ms. Greco thanked the Council for taking care of the Underwood property and said that walking in that area helped her through a difficult time. Ms. Cleary noted that a friend whose wallet was stolen at an indoor pool has called the Police several times, but has never gotten a call back. Ms. Nowak said she will make sure this is brought to the Chief’s attention. A member of the public thanked the Steering Committee for its position on legalizing marijuana. She felt there is not enough information available about the potential harm. 3. Announcements and City Manager’s Report: Mr. Hubbard: Noted this is the first public meeting in the new “public room” of the Police Station. The room is equipped with the same technology as the City Hall conference room. This room will take the place of the conference room at the Public Works building which is now being used for other purposes. The Steering Committee will meet tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m. at the Middle School. Both the City and School District will be presenting their proposed FY17 budgets. Council members reported on meetings and events they had attended. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Sign Disbursement b. Approve Minutes for 4 January 2016 c. FY’17 CCRPC Unified Planning Work Program Request d. 19 Gregory Promissory Note and Authorization to Contract with DEW Construction Ms. Emery asked that the Minutes be removed from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Shaw moved to approve Consent Agenda Items a, c, and d. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Actuarial Analysis of Pension Fund: Ms. Braun presented the analysis as of 1 July 2015. She noted that last year the city made a contribution on the basis of a 10-year amortization. Because this year’s contribution has seen a large increase to $903,000., the city has decided to go with a 20‐year amortization which will reduce the contribution to $765,860. The employee turnover has not changed and the assumption is still for a retirement age of 53 for Public Safety employees and 65 for non-Public Safety employees. Ms. Braun noted that the 7.5% assumed rate of return for last year came in at only 1.57%. There has been discussion about using a “smoothing method” so there is not so much volatility and not such “highs and lows.” Ms. Braun noted the 3-year average return is 10.5% while the 10 year average is 6.56%. Ms. Nowak asked when the estimated rate of return would be adjusted. She felt 7.5% seems high. Ms. Braun said that is up to SEI. Ms. Nowak asked when any change would take effect. Ms. Braun said 1 July 2016. The funding status of the plan is at 109% which Ms. Braun said was very good (last year’s status was 120% with the drop due to assets). Ms. Braun then outlined three recommendations: a. Smoothing assets b. Changing the assumed rate of return c. Reassessing salary increase assumptions. 6. SEI Pension Provider Presentation: Ms. Nowak noted there is a client symposium coming up. This has been very successful in the past. She noted that 2015 was a very volatile year and directed attention to various market indexes. She then introduced Mike Burke. Mr. Burke said that with regard to equity markets it was a “tale of two halves” with a very uncertain 3rd and 4th quarters. SEI’s recommendation is to “stay the course.” There has been a lot of positive news with modest but positive growth in the U.S. He also explained some changes that will help to address volatility. Mr. Blizzard said the total pension value as of the end of December was $27,300,000. He then reviewed performances in 2015 and noted they have gone into things with shorter duration profiles. Mr. Burke then explained that the Dynamic Allocation Fund is a new strategy that allows them to take a step back to see areas of opportunity and ways to mitigate risk. It also allows them to manage currency risks (e.g., the Euro). Ms. Nowak noted that the anticipated return discussed at the Pension Committee’s meeting is 3‐5%. Mr. Shaw asked if there is any consideration to go to an estimated 7% rate of return instead of 7.5%. Mr. Burke said they could work with the actuary so that the city understands all that would entail. Ms. Nowak noted there will be another report at the end of April. 7. Discuss and Possibly Approve Proposed Baycrest Park Improvement Plan: Ms. Leugers showed the updated Park plan. This was presented to the Bike/Ped Committee which supports keeping the crossing area where it had been. They also looked at the possibility of a berm on the south side of the park. Bike racks and a sign have been added at the Council’s request. Public Works would determine whether/where a berm is needed. The sandbox was removed. Ms. Riehle asked if the 3 trees at the entrance are existing or new. Ms. Leugers said they will be added. Ms. Riehle cited the importance of trees to people’s health. Mr. Dubie expressed concern with the closeness of the path to people’s backyards. He felt it would be better on the other side. Ms. Leugers said the path is there because of the natural crosswalk area and a safety concern. Neighbors also wanted to keep the central area very open. Mr. Shaw suggested possibly landscaping the berm as a further buffer to the homes. A member of the public said he was impressed by the due process and diligence of the City Council and various committees and city staff who responded to concerns of residents. He was thrilled to see this kind of public policy moving forward in this way. Mr. Shaw then moved to approve the proposed plan for Baycrest Park Improvement. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Consideration and possible approval of Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan: Ms. LaRose stressed the amount of work involved in maintaining open space areas. She noted there is a management plan for both the Wheeler property and Red Rocks Park, but there is not yet a plan for the Underwood property. Ms. Nowak explained that ½ cent of the 1 cent existing Open Space Fund tax would be used for improvement of open space properties. Mr. Hubbard said that would be roughly $150,000. A year. Ms. Nowak added there would be a 10-year note for borrowing, so there is up-front money to do the work. Ms. Greco expressed concern with using money originally designated for parkland purchase for maintenance. Mr. Shaw then moved to approve the Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan as presented. Ms. Emery seconded. 9. Consideration & Possible Approval of Necessity Resolution for Borrowing: Mr. Barlow explained that the proposal to voters is to borrow $1,300,000. for a term not to exceed 10 years. He noted that the procedure must be the same as if the city were bonding for the money. Mr. Barlow then read the Resolution. Ms. Riehle moved to approve the Necessity Resolution for Borrowing as presented. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Ms. Dooley asked what the interest rate would be. Mr. Hubbard said that won’t be known until after the ballot item is approved. The rate as of today would be 1.75%. In the vote that followed, the motion passed unanimously. 10. Approve and Sign Warning for 2016 Annual City Meeting: Mr. Barlow said there are 3 articles: election of officers, the proposed FY17 budget, and the Resolution just passed. Ms. Emery moved to approve and sign the warning for the 2016 Annual City Meeting. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Continuation of Councilors’ Discussion Regarding Noise Abatement Committee: Ms. Nowak noted there is now a sub-committee of the CNAPC Committee that will be addressing noise issues. She asked the Council to affirm that there is support for this. Mr. Chittenden moved to support the sub-committee on noise of CNAPC. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Emery said the first meeting in March indicated on the schedule includes a full noise abatement committee. Ms. Sargent said that schedule was to be modified to see if there can be some modification. Both the sub-committee and the full committees will have their reports by the end of June. Ms. Nowak explained that CNAPC could not address noise with the consultants. The sub-committee can. Ms. Mariott said she was confused as to whether the Airport director is putting together his own committee. Ms. Nowak said that committee would not take precedence over the City’s committee. Mr. Chittenden said the Airport’s committee would be more regionalized. Ms. Emery said she would like the Airport’s committee to include residents. She felt the city should give that direction to the Airport director. Ms. Nowak said she would like to see the city’s committee do its work first. Ms. Riehle said she didn’t want the Airport director to pause in what he’s doing, but she wanted him to embrace the work of CNAPC and have that be part of his design for a noise committee. Ms. Robison said she thinks the Airport director “pulled back” having seen the anger of people at the meeting when the noise map was presented. She felt there should be adequate neighborhood representation on the committee. Ms. Sargent expressed concern with duplication of effort. Hearing from the Airport director would help affirm that everyone is on the same page. Mr. Maille said the sub-committee has a specific mission: to recommend a long-term standing committee modeled after the zoning committee in state statutes and to assure that South Burlington has a voice in the noise compatibility process. Ms. Nowak asked the City Manager to contact the Airport director and invite him to attend a Council meeting to enlighten the Council as to whether he is moving forward with any committee. 12. December financials: Mr. Hubbard directed attention to narratives provided by Department heads. He noted that half way through the budget, revenues are at 57% of projections and expenditures at 51%. Both sewer and water are within projections. 13. Discuss and consider candidates for appointment to a city committee: Ms. Nowak said there are 4 candidates for 3 positions on the Housing Trust Committee. She recommended the Council discuss this in executive session. Mr. Chittenden moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss appointments to committees under 1VSA313(a)(3). Mr. Shaw seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Appoint Candidates to City Committee: Ms. Riehle moved to appoint Larry Kupferman to the 3-year term, Joy Dubin Grossman to the 2 year term, and Edward Levite to the 1-year term on the Housing Trust Fund Committee. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 15. Other Business: a. Discussion about adding crosswalk placements and street light policy on a future Council agenda: Ms. Nowak cited issues of lights being out (by design) leading to safety issues for seniors and children. She suggested having the Public Works Director come in at some time to have this discussion. Cross-walk issues on Kennedy Drive and Williston Rd. and a street light policy could be part of that discussion. Mr. Dorn said he would check on a time for that presentation. Mr. Shaw noted the cold weather is affecting the LED light, setting them off. b. Items held from consent agenda: Mr. Shaw moved to approve the Minutes of 4 January 2016. Mr. Chittenden seconded. After a brief discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Ms. Emery noted she had written out some changes she wanted added to the minutes. Members agreed to have those changes added and the minutes presented at the next meeting. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Ms. Emery moved to adjourn. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 01/20/16 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 1/20/2016 2916 Aldrich & Elliott, PC 1,170.62 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/29/2015 VI-13884 76004 1,170.62 1,170.62 1/20/2016 2917 Mitzi Blake 1,001.11 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 1/13/2016 VI-13882 REFUND 1,001.11 1,001.11 1/20/2016 2918 Canver Investments Registered 47.56 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2015 VI-13876 REFUND 47.56 47.56 1/20/2016 2919 Champlain Water District 45,809.85 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2015 VI-13873 SBWD-309 45,809.85 45,809.85 1/20/2016 2920 Champlain Water District 110,249.11 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2015 VI-13871 DECEMBER 110,186.48 110,186.48 12/31/2015 VI-13872 SBWD-302 62.63 62.63 1/20/2016 2921 Frank W. Whitcomb Construction 374.50 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/1/2015 VI-13879 00666984 374.50 374.50 1/20/2016 2922 Hy-Viz Incorporated 2,209.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2015 VI-13881 TYL-1094 2,209.00 2,209.00 1/20/2016 2923 Ken Lavigne 84.28 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2015 VI-13877 REFUND 84.28 84.28 1/20/2016 2924 Office Essentials 279.90 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 1/11/2016 VI-13883 32309 279.90 279.90 1/20/2016 2925 City Of South Burlington 345,383.22 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2015 VI-13874 DECEMBER SEWER 345,383.22 345,383.22 1/20/2016 2926 City Of South Burlington 170,214.69 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 12/31/2015 VI-13875 DECEMBER STORMWATER 170,214.69 170,214.69 Printed: January 14, 2016 Page 1 of 2 South Burlington Water Dept. Accounts Payable Check Register Date: 01/20/16 Date Check No. Paid To Memo Amount Paid 1/20/2016 2927 Ti-Sales Inc. 65.05 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 1/4/2016 VI-13878 INV0059443 65.05 65.05 1/20/2016 2928 USPS 5,000.00 Date Voucher Number Reference Voucher Total Amount Paid 1/4/2016 VI-13880 REPLENISH POSTAGE 5,000.00 5,000.00 Total Amount Paid: 681,888.89 SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Printed: January 14, 2016 Page 2 of 2 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com MEMORANDUM    TO:    Kevin Dorn, City Manager  South Burlington City Council    FROM:  Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning    SUBJECT:  Status of current CCRPC UPWP grants     DATE: January 19, 2016 City Council meeting      Again this year the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission is seeking input on possible  transportation planning projects they should undertake in their next fiscal year in support of South  Burlington.   Over the last couple of years, the City has been the beneficiary of several projects, many of which  are presently underway. Below please find a brief status report on the currently‐approved projects  (in order of ongoing to completed):    1. Kimball Ave / Kennedy Drive / Tilley Drive / Old Farm Road / Hinesburg Road Network Analysis  Description: Still under development, but begin to plan the future multi‐modal transportation  system to serve the anticipated future development in this area, including potential Fletcher Allen  and other projects.  Status:     2. Williston Road Network Analysis Phase I & Phase II    Description: Analysis of the medium to longer‐term transportation improvements – with a focus on  multi‐modal transportation and transportation demand management – to align with the FBC and TIF  plans for the area.    Status: Phase I, data gathering and first presentation to Planning Commission, was completed in the  spring. Phase II, community & property owner outreach and more detailed alternatives examination,  underway in December 2015    3. Traffic Overlay District Regulations Update    Description: Project will be to overhaul the City’s Traffic Overlay District Regulations to better  support transportation improvements and overall transportation demand management.     Status: Not yet started. Anticipated to start soon.    4. Chamberlain Neighborhood ‐ Airport Area Plan     2 Description: Neighborhood land use and transportation plan for the Chamberlin area.    Status: In progress. Planned for completion in summer of 2016.    5. Sidewalk/Shared Use Path gaps scoping    Description: undertake first stage of planning (“scoping”) of 4 identified recreation path / sidewalk  connections within the Capital Improvement Plan.    Status: Four sites – Allen Road (eastern end), Dorset Street south of Old Cross Road, Airport  Parkway, and the Spear Street jughandle, are in progress. Expected completion spring 2016.    6. Dorset Street Adaptive Signal Control / Williston & Dorset Street Signals analysis    Description: These are two separate projects to look at signal systems, intersections, and technology  along this corridor.    Status: Underway.     7. Multi‐Site Transportation Facilities Stormwater Impacts Scoping    Description: Perform the initial site assessments of several potential stormwater retrofit  improvements around the city to bring these projects towards construction.     Status: Ongoing. Planned for completion in the spring.    8. Traffic Overlay Zoning District amendments    Description: Amendments to City's Traffic Overlay District to incorporate Transportation Demand  Management incentives to supplement or replace the current cap on rush hour vehicle trips  generated by a property.    Status: Not yet started.  575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com MEMORANDUM    TO:    Kevin Dorn, City Manager    South Burlington City Council    FROM:  Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning   Justin Rabidoux, Director of Public Works   South Burlington Planning Commission    SUBJECT:  Proposed FY 2016 CCRPC Unified Planning Work Program projects    DATE: January 19, 2016 City Council meeting      Again this year the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission is seeking input on possible  transportation planning projects they should undertake in their next fiscal year.   As discussed in the accompanying FY 2016 UPWP Project Status memo, the first action of the City’s  is to wrap up the various items funded in previous years.   For FY 2017, staff met and reviewed each of the potential projects below. The project list was  developed through coordination among the Planning & Zoning Department, City Manager’s Office,  and Public Works Department. The list is generated from the various different city policy documents  – the draft Comprehensive Plan and Capital Improvement Plan chief among them – as well as  feedback gathered from staff, the Planning Commission, and other committees.  The CCRPC requires that the City rank its submissions. This was a difficult task, and several great  projects had to be omitted altogether to have this list be as compact as it is. It is still a substantial  set of requests.  This past Tuesday, the Planning Commission reviewed the list, made one modification, and  approved it for submission to the City Council in the same rank order as proposed by staff.  The list below includes an estimate of the cost for each task, the estimated local match for each,  and the proposed source of the match.   As a part of the City’s submission of these projects to the CCRPC for consideration, the City Council  is required to approve these applications and the commitment of the match as applicable.  Staff is happy to answer questions about any of the proposed projects.   2       Brief Summary of each:  1. Phase II of Kimball Ave / Kennedy Drive / Tilley Drive Transportation Needs Analysis  Summary: Phase I, basic network analysis, has just started, and includes understanding existing conditions and  future challenges. Phase II will focus on public input and examining potential short, medium, and long term  transportation improvements to be made.    2. Amendments to City's Traffic Overlay District to incorporate Transportation Demand Management incentives  (approved in FY 2016 UPWP)  Summary: The traffic overlay district sets a cap on the number of vehicle trips that can occur at rush hour on  busy roads. It functions as a pretty hard cap on development. Moving forward, there are opportunities to have  a much more dynamic tool that allows for more infill development by incentivizing other modes of  transportation and/or traffic improvements.    3. Phase II of Master Planning tools for larger types of properties (State funding for current year) ‐ may include  business parks, residential & agricultural nodes, villages, and Shelburne Road activity nodes  Summary: Continue the Master Planning project that is about to get started for circumstances outside City  Center.    4. Alternatives consideration for I‐89 Bike/Ped Bridge in City Official Map and Comprehensive Plan  Summary: Look into a pedestrian/bicycle bridge over the Interstate near Williston Road. This has been on the  City’s Official Map since 2004 and is in the draft Plan & Official Map.  Potential UPWP projects: Project Status Requestsed  UPWP Amount Non‐Federal  Cash Match Match Source 1Phase II of Kimball Ave / Kennedy Drive / Tilley Drive  Transportation Needs Analysis Phase I underway FY 16 $102,175 $0 Regional  Project 2 Amendments to City's Traffic Overlay District to incorporate  Transportation Demand Management incentives (approved in  FY 2016 UPWP) Included in FY 16 UPWP Previously  approved Previously  Approved P & Z (100‐10‐ 3600‐65.66) 3Phase II of Master Planning tools for larger types of  properties (State funding for current year) ‐ may include  business parks, residential & agricultural nodes, villages,  waterfront nodes, and Shelburne Road activity nodes Phase I to be completed  in FGY 16 (city and grant  funds) $28,000 $7,000 P & Z (100‐10‐ 3600‐65.66) /  VT Municipal  Planning  Grant 4 Scoping for I‐89 Bike/Ped improvements (potentially a bridge)  at exit 14 on City Official Map and Comprehensive Plan In TIF District Plan $80,000 $20,000 Capital  Reserve Fund  () 5Phase II of Multi‐site Recreation Path / Sidewalk alternatives  analysis First 4 sites to be  complete in 2016 $16,000 $4,000 DPW 6Complete wildlife / Natural Resources Land Development  Regulations standards project Project is 70% complete  from past years $9,600 $2,400 P & Z (100‐10‐ 3600‐65.66) 7Develop scenic view inventories & land development  regulation standards following methodology from the Open  Space Report Methodolgy established.  Could be intern project $9,600 $2,400 P & Z (100‐10‐ 3600‐65.66) 8 Turning movement counts at Swift Street / Spear Street  intersection as basis for traffic study Not started. $1,600 $400 DPW 9Develop river corridor plans for applicable South Burlington  waterways Future FEMA requirement;  CCRPC seeking pilot  community $9,600 $2,400 Stormwater  Utility 10 Update the transportation impact fee ordinance, connecting to  multiple transportation modes and the Capital Improvement  Plan Adopted CIP assumes  changes have been made $8,000 $2,000 P & Z (100‐10‐ 3600‐65.66) /  DPW 11 Post‐adoption adjustments to the City Center Form Based Code FBC under review by City  Council. $8,000 $2,000 P & Z (100‐10‐ 3600‐65.66) 3   5. Phase II of Multi‐site Recreation Path / Sidewalk alternatives analysis  Summary: Phase I did an analysis of future sidewalks / rec paths on Dorset Street, the Spear Street jughandle,  Allen Road, and Airport parkway, to advance those projects closer to funding and construction. This would put  4 more future projects in the hopper    6. Complete wildlife / Natural Resources Land Development Regulations standards project  Summary: A few years ago the City began to develop updated standards for natural resource conservation; the  Open Space report advanced these another step. This project would complete this effort and build the  standards into the City’s regulations (may tie into the Master Plan / PUD tool also)    7. Develop scenic view inventories & land development regulation standards following methodology from the  Open Space Report  Summary: Identify and draft standards for scenic views in the city not presently addressed.    8. Turning movement counts at Swift Street / Spear Street intersection as basis for traffic study  Summary: Perform traffic counts, etc. to prepare for a traffic study and future improvements at this  intersection.    9. Develop river corridor plans for applicable South Burlington waterways  Summary: Following completion of studies in recent years to determine the meandering paths of rivers, river  corridor plans determine how to allow for these waterbodies to properly flow within those identified areas.  Likely to become a requirement of FEMA All‐Hazard Mitigation Plans in the future in order to maintain  eligibility for disaster recovery and mitigation grants.    10. Update the transportation impact fee ordinance, connecting to multiple transportation modes and the Capital  Improvement Plan  Summary: Update the assessment and use of transportation impact fees to account for non‐vehicle projects  more fully and to point to the CIP as the project list for future improvements.    11. Post‐adoption adjustments to the City Center Form Based Code  Summary: CCRPC in house assistance to help with the inevitable future tweaks that will be needed to the FBC  in City Center.        575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4107 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com     To: Kevin Dorn, City Manager From: Ilona Blanchard, Project Director Subject: Authorize a Promissory Note to the South Burlington Enterprise Fund – Sewer to Finance 19 Gregory Drive Lease Fit-up and a resolution provide authority to the City Manager to execute a contract with DEW Construction to undertake the Fit-up. Date: January 15, 2016 Background:                    Since 2014 the City been working with the GSA to fit-up an unused portion of the condominium the City owns at 19 Gregory Drive for the Veterans Health Administration. This lease has a net value to the City of approximately $250,000 over the first 10 years. The General Services Administration (GSA) has, after multiple reviews, accepted the City’s pricing as proposed by the City’s selected contractor, DEW Construction Corp. At this time the City is obligated to sign the Notice to Proceed, complete the contract for construction and construct the space. The City will also need to have funds on hand to complete the fit-up. Promissory Note The City had planned to use an existing promissory note from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $335,000 dollars. Since the time this contract was first signed, the project has been designed and the improvement costs are agreed to and a promissory note in the amount of $ $455,746.15 is needed. The promissory note would have a five-year pay-off with 1% interest. The interest on the note will result in approximately $14,000 in interest over 5 years. The City has committed to funding this project. Construction Contract The City will need to execute a contract with DEW Construction Corp to complete the project. This will cover the GSA tenant improvements ($317,213) and the City’s warm lit shell ($121,727.08). Attachments:  Promissory Note  Resolution to authorize a contract with DEW Construction. Recommendation:  Review and approve the attached Promissory Note and Resolution.   575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4107 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com    City of South Burlington Promissory Note The City of South Burlington, South Burlington, Vermont, for value received promises to pay in lawful money of the United States to the South Burlington Enterprise Fund - Sewer, Vermont: **Up to Four Hundred and Fifty Six Thousand Dollars ($456,000) To be paid back within 5 years with the first payment being on October 1, 2016 and the 5 yearly principal payments being of equal amounts. For the first three years of this note the interest payment shall be 1%. For the fourth yearly payment, the interest rate on this Note will be evaluated against the usual CD market rates at that time and either adjusted up or down based on the usual CD market rates at that time. Dated: ____________________ South Burlington City Council BY:_______________________ _________________________ Tom Hubbard, Treasurer Pat Nowak, Chair _________________________ Chris Shaw, Vice Chair _______________________ Helen Riehle, Clerk _________________________ Meaghan Emery ________________________ Tom Chittenden South Burlington or a Majority Thereof R-2016 - RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND SIGN A CONTRACT WITH DEW CONSTRUCTION CORP TO PROVIDE CONTRACTING SERVICES FOR THE SHELL AND TENANT FIT-UP OF 19 GREGORY DRIVE WHEREAS, the City Council has authorized the City to enter into a lease with the United States as negotiated by the General Services Administration for a portion of 19 Gregory Drive; and, WHEREAS, the lease has been executed and as a condition of the lease both shell and tenant improvements are required; and, WHEREAS, the Council has anticipated these costs and budgeted for them in the FY16 and FY17 budget with a note from the Sewer Enterprise Fund; and, WHEREAS, DEW Construction Corp is a reputable firm experienced in GSA projects including for the Veterans Health Administration, and has solicited competitive pricing for the fit-up; and, WHEREAS, DEW Construction Corp is a contractor of good standing in the community; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager has authorized the selection of DEW Construction Corp as a sole source provider in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Burlington City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract with DEW Construction Corp as required to construct the shell and tenant improvements for the 19 Gregory Drive Lease No GS-01P-LVT04969. APPROVED this _____ day of January 2016. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL __________________________________ ________________________________ Pat Nowak, Chair Chris Shaw, Vice Chair __________________________________ ________________________________ Helen Riehle, Clerk Meaghan Emery __________________________________ Tom Chittenden 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com MEMORANDUM    TO:    Kevin Dorn, City Manager  South Burlington City Council    FROM:  Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning    SUBJECT:  Open Space & Natural Area Enhancement Plan Draft    DATE:   January 19, 2016 City Council meeting  Before the City Council this evening is a draft resolution for the voters to consider approving the use of  one‐half of the money collected from the City’s Conservation (Open Space) fund annually for 10 years to  support a series of enhancement projects in the City’s larger natural areas.   In order to give the voters greater clarity on how these funds would be used, the proposed ballot refers  to projects identified in the “Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan” approved at this  meeting.  The Plan is a compilation of each of the capital projects ‐ and planning projects needed to reach such  capital projects ‐ from the following reports, each prepared by a committee of the city and presented to  the City Council over the past 18 months following community input at the committee level:   Red Rocks Park 2014 Management Plan   Wheeler Nature Park Management Plan (2015)   Underwood Property Vision Statement (2015)   South Burlington Parks Access Improvements Study (2014) [actions specific to Wheeler, Red  Rocks, and Underwood properties)    Staff recommends that in order to provide this clarity, the Council take the action to adopt the attached  Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan.  Should the Council and voters approve the ballot, the Council could determine the appropriate method  for selecting projects to advance from the attached Plan.                  575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com     Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan  Draft – January 19, 2016    The following programs, projects, and tasks, compiled from the four plans listed below, together comprise the  elements of the Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan.  1. Red Rocks Park 2014 Management Plan  2. Wheeler Nature Park Management Plan (2015)  3. Underwood Property Vision Statement (2015)  4. South Burlington Parks Access Improvements Study (2014) [actions specific to Wheeler, Red Rocks, and  Underwood properties)    1. Red Rocks Park 2014 Management Plan  The Red Rocks 2014 Management Plan divides its management directives into four categories:   Seasonal maintenance: regular and ongoing maintenance needs    Best management practices: general guidelines for addressing the management concern    Short‐term management actions: priority actions or projects for the next year    Long‐term management actions: priority actions or projects requiring a longer time frame    This Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan includes each of the items listed as “short term  management actions” and “long term management actions”.    INVASIVE PLANT MANAGEMENT  Management Plan for Widespread Woody Species (Type A)    Begin targeted removal of all woody invasives from small focus areas (requires trained staff, chainsaw  use)   o Main south‐facing lookout designated as a first priority focus area   o Other areas along the interior of the loop trails (designated “natural areas”) can be targeted  next    Close off focus areas to public, indicating “restoration area” and explaining why    Replant these areas with native shade‐tolerant shrubs and understory species    Maintain designated “natural areas” as invasive‐free    Target removal of buckthorn and honeysuckle:   o Release the seedlings of mast trees (oak, hickory, beech) that are important for wildlife   o Remove larger seed‐bearing female buckthorn trees    All cut woody stumps must be wrapped in a few layers of burlap or thick plastic to prevent re‐growth  by stump sprouting     2     Continue monitoring for new occurrences and move quickly to prevent establishment and spread    Management Plan for Isolated Occurrences and Early Detections (Type B)    Hold work days to remove isolated populations the less widespread herbaceous invasive species   o Volunteer and/or Park staff involvement during the early summer   o Organize training sessions/workshops for regular users and park neighbors    Mount an “early detection rapid response” to these plants, aiming to remove the populations in their  entirety before they can spread aggressively throughout the park   o Oriental bittersweet sits on this threshold now and could be targeted by repeated hand  cuttings throughout the spring and summer:    Hand‐pull entire plants, including all roots and runners    For larger plants, cut climbing or trailing vines close to root collar and repeat every 2  weeks.    TRAILS  Short‐Term Management Actions – 1 year    Repair major areas of erosion (Map 3).    Make modifications to official trail network as outlined in Table 2; reassess yearly    Prioritize restoration and ad hoc trail closure in the limestone bluff cedar‐pine natural community (the  cliff‐jumping area)   o Consider designating one or two official access points to these highly‐trafficked areas   o Post signage and install barriers to discourage use of all other side trails   o Rather than making this the first restoration area closed off to the public, use this designation  in another nearby area first, to make park users accustomed to the idea of trail closures and  restoration areas    Designate other restoration areas where natural resource conservation and wildlife use is a priority; in  other areas, off‐trail exploration for environmental education use would be permitted.    Establish photographic reference points where seasonal photographs can be taken to document any  changes in trail condition, good or bad.     Long‐Term Management Actions – 3+ years    Monitor trail closures to measure success of different techniques    Complete major trail repairs, installation of new waterbars   o Possibility of VYCC partnership    Find solutions to concentrate public access to cliff‐jumping areas and minimize creation of further  sidetrails along the cliff ledges    SIGNAGE, WAYFINDING & PARK INFORMATION  Short‐Term Management Actions – 1 year    Install trail markers on the “main” trail that leads from the park entrance to the turnabout overlook at  the far western point of the park, following the lakeside trail. “In” and “out” directions on this trail will  provide simple wayfinding to the main overlook points in the park and identify the quickest exit from  the park.    Install posts with simple directional signs at key park intersections (see Map 6, above).     3     Provide access to a digital park map via QR code at the park entrance.    Install or establish a park bulletin board at the main entrance.     Long‐Term Management Actions – 3+ years    Install additional park interpretive panels and include an inset directional map in each     FOREST HEALTH & WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT  Short‐Term Management Actions‐ 1 year    Establish a monitoring program for signs of non‐native insect pests incuding Emerald Ash Borer, Asian  Longhorned Beetle, and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid.    Conduct breeding bird surverys in early spring and mammal surveys in winter to determine wildlife  occurrences and designate protected areas as needed    RECREATION & EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES  Short‐Term Management Actions    Enhance the aesthetics of the park entry    Restore scenic views from main overlooks across Lake Champlain and through the picnic grove, with  the following considerations:   o The old‐growth cedars of the limestone bluff community should be left as‐is.   o Trees should be pruned rather than removed to open views; exposed soil would be an easy  target for colonization by invasive species (which could impact native vegetation and very  quickly impede the views again).   o South Burlington’s Development Review Board regulates all land within 150 feet of the  lakeshore. Land is to be left in an “undisturbed, naturally vegetated condition” unless  otherwise approved.   o Park users should be notified before any such work takes place, especially in such a public  location.     Long‐Term Management Actions   1) Create infrastructure that could facilitate use of the park as an outdoor classroom.   2) Improve opportunities for park users to access the water through boat rentals and use.   3) Investigate the possibility of public moorings.   4) Create more shaded sitting areas on/near the beach.   5) Extend the open season of the beach house for visitors looking to access the beach with bathrooms  and change rooms.   6) Consider improvements to beach infrastructure such as a boat launch or pier and a beach pavilion.     BEACH MANAGEMENT  Long‐term Management Actions    Consider extending the open season of the beach and access to the beach house    Improve shaded seating areas and aesthetics at the beach with plantings    PARKING & TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT  Short‐Term Management Actions     4     Encourage biking, walking, and public transit to Red Rocks   o Consider connections to bike and walking paths   o Increase bicycle parking  Long‐Term Management Actions   1) Assess alternatives, then re‐design the parking system with the goal of minimizing the park area  devoted to vehicle parking as well as minimizing visual, neighborhood, and ecological impacts   2) Restore and/or repurpose retired parking areas      2. Wheeler Nature Park Management Plan (2015)  The Wheeler Nature Plan Management Plan includes a section that details actions to be undertaken:   Appendix A ‐ Park Management Schedule. This Schedule includes the following sections:   o Seasonal Maintenance  o Short‐term Management Actions – 1 year  o Long Term Management Actions – 3+ years  o Outreach  o The Homestead     This Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan includes each of the items listed as “short term  management actions” and “long term management actions” within Appendix A.    APPENDIX A – PARK MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE    Short‐term Management Actions – 1 year   Trails    Remove obstructions on trails    Install or repair puncheons and bridges to remediate trail widening and encroachment    Deter the use of unauthorized trails by discontinuing weed whacking    Provide effective use of trails by blazing trees, adding signage, and updating maps, guides and other  informational materials   Natural Resources and Habitats    Monitor wildlife    Brush hog grasslands and shrublands to maintain wildlife habitat    Remove and control Non‐Native Invasive Species, especially along trails    Prune shrubby vegetation and tree branches and release mast trees to reduce encroachment    Test stream hydrology     Long Term Management Actions – 3+ years    Identify and monitor Non‐Native Invasive Species    Investigate possible uses of Wheeler Nature Park as a “working landscape”    Add to trail network    Maintain watershed area           5      3. Underwood Property Vision Framework (2015)  The Underwood Property Vision Framework includes three sections under “Next Steps”   Short Term Strategies   Medium Term Strategies   Long Term Strategies    This Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan includes each of the items listed as “short term  strategies,” “medium term strategies”, and “long term strategies.”    Short Term Strategies   Ensure short term uses do not compromise future opportunities on the site   Conduct natural resource inventories to better understand habitat considerations and where  restoration would be most beneficial   Delineate restoration areas and restrict access to these areas   Complete mapping of the site (drainage, wetland delineation, etc.)   Maintain property and prevent natural succession where needed   Create mowed paths around primary circulation routes and enhance Recreation Path connection when  possible   Clean up trails in the woods   Allow short term agricultural uses towards Spear Street   Define access points into the property and introduce designated parking areas early   Build informational kiosk about the future of the parcel to get users interested and keep momentum  going   Introduce buffering vegetation so as things evolve they can do their job  Medium Term Strategies   Complete Master Plan   Complete restoration projects   Build first multi‐purpose fields to introduce active use of the parcel   Build strider park and pump track once the bike path connection is implemented   Build restroom facility   Build one brook crossing   Build wildplay/natural playground   Formalize Nordic skiing connection   Build Phase 1 Parking and vehicle circulation    Long Term Strategies   Build barn/event space   Expand initial parking areas   Build second brook crossing   Build second multi‐purpose field   Build treehouse   Extend formalized pathways as elements come online      6      4. South Burlington Parks Access Improvements Study (2014)  The South Burlington Parks Access Improvements Study provides recommendations for action at seven (7)  City parks and natural areas.   This Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan includes only the items listed as proposed  improvements at Red Rocks Park and Wheeler Nature Park:    Red Rocks Park   Parking Signs including posts      30' Accessible Path   Accessible Toilets & Grab Bars   Possible fence reconfiguration to allow for accessible parking near boathouse    The Homestead at Wheeler Nature Park   20' Accessible path   Accessible Picnic Tables   Complete Pedestrian trail from Cheesefactory Rd. to Scott Property and associated amenities.        NECESSITY RESOLUTION FOR BORROWING WHEREAS, the open space and natural areas of the City of South Burlington contribute significantly to the well-being and quality of life of City residents; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of South Burlington, concurrently herewith, has adopted and approved an Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan setting forth certain enhancement projects to be undertaken and completed in City-owned open space and natural areas; and WHEREAS, the City Council determines that the public interest and necessity require that the enhancement projects described in the Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan be undertaken and completed; and, WHEREAS, the cost of financing the enhancement projects described in the Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the City of South Burlington; and, WHEREAS, notes or other forms of obligations, in an amount not to exceed one million three hundred thousand dollars ($1,300,000) should be issued for the purpose of financing these projects; and, WHEREAS, if approved by the voters, this debt would be paid by appropriating fifty (50%) percent of the existing annual Conservation Fund tax levy; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the issuance of notes or other obligations of the City of South Burlington for enhancement projects to be undertaken and completed in City owned open space and natural areas in an amount not to exceed one million, three hundred thousand dollars ($1,300,000) should be submitted to the voters of the City of South Burlington at the annual City meeting duly warned and held for that purpose on March 1, 2016; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposition of incurring debt for this purpose should be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of South Burlington as follows: Shall the City Council be authorized to borrow an amount not to exceed one million, three hundred thousand dollars ($1,300,000.00), to be financed for a term not to exceed ten (10) years, for the purpose of funding enhancement projects in City-owned open space and natural areas as described in the Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan approved by the City Council on January 19, 2016, and to appropriate not more than fifty percent (50%) of the existing annual Conservation Fund tax levy for payment of such debt obligations? [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this 19th day of January, 2016. ______________________ ______________________ Pat Nowak, Chair Chris Shaw, Vice Chair ______________________ _______________________ Helen Riehle, Clerk Thomas Chittenden _______________________ Meaghan Emery Received and recorded this ___ day of January, 2016. __________________________________________ Donna Kinville, City Clerk WARNING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ANNUAL CITY MEETING MARCH 1, 2016 The legal voters of the City of South Burlington are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling places at the Chamberlin School on White Street, the Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School on Dorset Street and the Orchard School on Baldwin Avenue on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 7 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the polls will open until 7 o’clock in the evening, at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian Ballot on the following Articles: ARTICLE I ELECTION OF OFFICERS To elect all City Officers required by law. ARTICLE II APPROVAL OF CITY BUDGET Shall the City adopt the City Council’s proposed budget for FY 2017 totaling forty million, two hundred ten thousand, three hundred seventy dollars ($40,210,370.00) of which it is estimated thirteen million, nine hundred ninety-five thousand, six hundred forty-two dollars ($13,995,642.00) will be raised by local property taxes? ARTICLE III BORROWING AND APPLICATION OF CONSERVATION FUND TAX LEVY Shall the City Council be authorized to borrow an amount not to exceed one million, three hundred thousand dollars ($1,300,000.00), to be financed for a term not to exceed ten (10) years, for the purpose of funding enhancement projects in City-owned open space and natural areas as described in the Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan approved by the City Council on January 19, 2016, and to appropriate not more than fifty percent (50%) of the existing annual Conservation Fund tax levy for payment of such debt obligations? The legal voters of the City of South Burlington are further notified that a public informational hearing will be conducted on February 29, 2016 at 7 P.M. at the Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School Cafeteria, 500 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont for the purpose of explaining the proposed enhancement projects in City-owned open space and natural areas and the financing thereof. POLLING PLACES FOR VOTING ON THESE ARTICLES ARE THE CHAMBERLIN SCHOOL ON WHITE STREET, THE FREDERICK H. TUTTLE MIDDLE SCHOOL ON DORSET STREET AND THE ORCHARD SCHOOL ON BALDWIN AVENUE. VOTERS ARE TO GO TO THE POLLING PLACE IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICT. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this 19th day of January, 2016. ______________________ ______________________ Pat Nowak, Chair Chris Shaw, Vice Chair ______________________ _______________________ Helen Riehle, Clerk Thomas Chittenden _______________________ Received and recorded this ___ day of January, 2016. Meaghan Emery __________________________________________ Donna Kinville, City Clerk Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Total CITY COUNCIL $289,386.05 $129,329.33 44.69% $160,056.72 $56,154.00 Total ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE $3,723,740.48 $1,728,806.92 46.43% $1,994,933.56 $512,105.87 Total CITY MANAGER $579,821.77 $254,593.62 43.91% $325,228.15 $43,690.86 Total LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, ACTUARY $256,608.60 $188,889.62 73.61% $67,718.98 $31,619.16 Total ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $715,970.75 $185,505.79 25.91% $530,464.96 $28,136.41 Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $105,744.15 $61,626.15 58.28% $44,118.00 $7,611.57 Total CITY CLERK $231,661.10 $103,952.97 44.87% $127,708.13 $19,913.95 Total ASSESSING/TAX/FINANCE $238,069.76 $124,246.25 52.19% $113,823.51 $19,823.90 Total PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW $316,139.44 $135,237.48 42.78% $180,901.96 $27,762.95 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $543,700.00 $543,700.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP. $7,000,842.10 $3,455,888.13 49.36% $3,544,953.97 $746,818.67 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $2,492,657.04 $1,249,967.12 50.15% $1,242,689.92 $200,833.92 Total AMBULANCE $715,713.27 $403,956.83 56.44% $311,756.44 $65,969.69 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $4,626,630.00 $2,131,504.74 46.07% $2,495,125.26 $426,737.01 Total PUBLIC SAFETY $7,835,000.31 $3,785,428.69 48.31% $4,049,571.62 $693,540.62 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $692,489.06 $615,929.00 88.94% $76,560.06 $0.00 Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $2,204,753.91 $1,134,530.51 51.46% $1,070,223.40 $491,619.06 Total RECREATION ADMINISTRATION $250,384.98 $152,132.99 60.76% $98,251.99 $30,394.17 Total PROGRAMS $48,730.00 $27,404.82 56.24% $21,325.18 $1,839.98 Total FACILITIES $91,017.74 $19,169.69 21.06% $71,848.05 $1,679.39 Total LEISURE ARTS $3,600.00 $1,800.00 50.00% $1,800.00 $0.00 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $118,300.00 $30,118.15 25.46% $88,181.85 $16,613.85 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $451,707.42 $181,811.66 40.25% $269,895.76 $32,596.16 Total CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE $207,780.79 $113,005.08 54.39% $94,775.71 $20,363.45 Total CULTURE AND RECREATION $1,171,520.93 $525,442.39 44.85% $646,078.54 $103,487.00 Total OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES $668,025.00 $524,576.22 78.53% $143,448.78 $54,000.00 Total CURRENT PRINCIPAL $796,512.00 $533,589.00 66.99% $262,923.00 $0.00 Total CURRENT INTEREST $784,001.93 $151,740.28 19.35% $632,261.65 $0.00 Total All Funds $21,153,145.24 $10,727,124.22 50.71% $10,426,021.02 $2,089,465.35 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP. CITY COUNCIL General Expenses $1,500.00 $667.33 44.49% $832.67 $0.00 Housing Trust $50,000.00 $50,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $50,000.00 Designated Reserve $155,724.05 $0.00 0.00% $155,724.05 $0.00 Advertising $1,000.00 $920.00 92.00% $80.00 $374.00 G.B.I.C. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 V.L.C.T. $19,982.00 $19,982.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Chamber of Commerce $3,600.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,600.00 $0.00 Social Services $37,840.00 $37,840.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 CCTV-Clickable Meetings $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Councilors $5,480.00 $5,480.00 100.00% $0.00 $5,480.00 Liquor Control $300.00 $300.00 100.00% $0.00 $300.00 Front Porch Forum $3,960.00 $4,140.00 104.55% ($180.00) $0.00 Total CITY COUNCIL $289,386.05 $129,329.33 44.69% $160,056.72 $56,154.00 ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE Payment to Sickbank Fund $125,000.00 $125,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $125,000.00 Fringe Benefits $17,995.00 $9,841.10 54.69% $8,153.90 $360.00 FICA/Medicare $11,866.86 $0.00 0.00% $11,866.86 $0.00 Non-Taxable Fringe Benefi $0.00 $630.00 100.00% ($630.00) $630.00 Vision Plan $12,960.89 $6,140.10 47.37% $6,820.79 $1,030.59 Short Term Disability Pla $16,402.72 $7,370.88 44.94% $9,031.84 $1,228.48 Long Term Disability $1,560.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,560.00 $0.00 Group Health Insurance $1,575,261.28 $719,533.22 45.68% $855,728.06 $119,591.11 Bank - Benefits $71,000.00 $11,041.40 15.55% $59,958.60 $60.84 Group Life Insurance $14,208.00 $14,058.26 98.95% $149.74 $2,355.13 Group Dental Insurance $108,160.23 $55,123.39 50.96% $53,036.84 $9,355.42 Dental Sick Bank $0.00 $513.59 100.00% ($513.59) $513.59 Pension $640,155.72 $17,483.01 2.73% $622,672.71 $0.00 ICMA Match $136,571.49 $54,208.48 39.69% $82,363.01 $10,232.81 Workers Comp Insurance $541,615.93 $379,655.06 70.10% $161,960.87 $125,164.76 Property Insurance $406,362.36 $319,694.11 78.67% $86,668.25 $114,135.03 VLCT Unemployment Insuran $12,500.00 $7,046.85 56.37% $5,453.15 $2,392.11 Deductibles/Coinsurance $15,000.00 $1,467.47 9.78% $13,532.53 $56.00 Employee Payouts $17,120.00 $0.00 0.00% $17,120.00 $0.00 Total ADMINISTRATIVE INSURANCE $3,723,740.48 $1,728,806.92 46.43% $1,994,933.56 $512,105.87 CITY MANAGER City Mgr.Salaries-Perm. $418,786.43 $224,282.07 53.56% $194,504.36 $38,530.14 City Mgr.Salaries-Other $3,028.96 $0.00 0.00% $3,028.96 $0.00 Leave Time Turn-In $8,222.00 $0.00 0.00% $8,222.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $32,684.38 $17,242.58 52.75% $15,441.80 $2,429.55 Office Supplies $4,500.00 $2,475.75 55.02% $2,024.25 $211.78 Advertising $4,000.00 $1,900.20 47.51% $2,099.80 $715.40 Telephone $4,200.00 $2,648.80 63.07% $1,551.20 $453.19 Postage $3,900.00 $224.50 5.76% $3,675.50 $225.00 Dues and Subscriptions $3,500.00 $599.14 17.12% $2,900.86 $454.74 Printing $4,000.00 $893.52 22.34% $3,106.48 $0.00 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Consulting Fees $85,000.00 $597.00 0.70% $84,403.00 $412.50 Travel & Training $8,000.00 $3,730.06 46.63% $4,269.94 $258.56 Total CITY MANAGER $579,821.77 $254,593.62 43.91% $325,228.15 $43,690.86 LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, ACTUARY FICA/Medicare $6,765.04 $0.00 0.00% $6,765.04 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $2,940.00 $1,435.00 48.81% $1,505.00 $245.00 Hiring-required testing $0.00 $183.00 100.00% ($183.00) $0.00 Payroll Processing Fees $18,800.00 $8,636.66 45.94% $10,163.34 $1,265.46 Appeals/Abatements $10,000.00 $61,345.76 613.46% ($51,345.76) $5,603.75 Gen Govt. Actuaries/Pensi $20,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $20,000.00 $0.00 Gen Govt. Audit/Accountin $22,000.00 $22,900.00 104.09% ($900.00) $3,400.00 Legal/Labor/Suits $85,000.00 $37,098.78 43.65% $47,901.22 $13,600.27 Legal Costs $91,103.56 $57,290.42 62.88% $33,813.14 $7,504.68 Total LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, ACTUARY $256,608.60 $188,889.62 73.61% $67,718.98 $31,619.16 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Muni Bld Cleaning Supplie $1,500.00 $504.03 33.60% $995.97 $0.00 Office Equipment Fees $9,000.00 $2,115.00 23.50% $6,885.00 $0.00 Muni Bld Cleaning Service $24,000.00 $10,173.00 42.39% $13,827.00 $837.86 City Hall Maintenance $25,000.00 $20,117.77 80.47% $4,882.23 $1,115.85 Contingency Fund-Infrastr $150,000.00 $3,971.24 2.65% $146,028.76 $5,063.82 HVAC Maintenance $1,334.88 $0.00 0.00% $1,334.88 $0.00 Positive Pay Fee $800.00 $319.04 39.88% $480.96 $0.00 Electricity-City Hall $20,000.00 $2,252.12 11.26% $17,747.88 $0.00 Utilities-City Hall $24,000.00 $2,814.53 11.73% $21,185.47 $965.78 Street Lights $140,000.00 $53,306.43 38.08% $86,693.57 $12,142.97 Stormwater User Rent $289,981.44 $80,694.27 27.83% $209,287.17 $5,643.72 Urban Art Project Park $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Emergency Mgmt Center $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,500.00 $0.00 Generator Prevent Maint. $1,000.00 $1,048.89 104.89% ($48.89) $1,048.89 Council/Board Secretary $8,827.30 $8,189.47 92.77% $637.83 $1,317.52 Support Staff $16,027.13 $0.00 0.00% $16,027.13 $0.00 Total ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $715,970.75 $185,505.79 25.91% $530,464.96 $28,136.41 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IT Staff $46,958.37 $23,312.88 49.65% $23,645.49 $4,797.60 FICA/Medicare $3,385.78 $1,782.53 52.65% $1,603.25 $368.06 Computer Software $12,000.00 $8,822.04 73.52% $3,177.96 $5,399.49 Assess digital integratio $5,000.00 $430.87 8.62% $4,569.13 ($3,675.00) Computer Hardware $33,400.00 $25,612.59 76.68% $7,787.41 $545.76 IT Service $5,000.00 $1,665.24 33.30% $3,334.76 $175.66 Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $105,744.15 $61,626.15 58.28% $44,118.00 $7,611.57 CITY CLERK City Clerk Salaries-Perm. $173,292.74 $85,694.82 49.45% $87,597.92 $15,569.63 Leave Time Turn-In $5,620.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,620.00 $0.00 Overtime $1,000.00 $93.70 9.37% $906.30 $0.00 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December FICA/Medicare $13,180.36 $6,753.37 51.24% $6,426.99 $1,225.80 General Supplies $2,500.00 $1,870.32 74.81% $629.68 $1,077.57 Animal Control $5,570.00 $1,686.12 30.27% $3,883.88 $1,000.12 Election Expenses $7,250.00 $74.00 1.02% $7,176.00 $0.00 School Election Expenses $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,500.00 $0.00 Telephone $700.00 $120.19 17.17% $579.81 $19.72 Postage $2,200.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,200.00 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $300.00 $280.00 93.33% $20.00 $0.00 Printing $375.00 $0.00 0.00% $375.00 $0.00 Contractual Services $4,000.00 $3,675.00 91.88% $325.00 $551.50 Board of Civil Authority $2,200.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,200.00 $0.00 Election Workers $2,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,000.00 $0.00 BCA Appeals/Abatements $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,500.00 $0.00 Office Equip Maintenance $2,273.00 $1,701.79 74.87% $571.21 $46.65 Travel & Training $4,700.00 $1,384.35 29.45% $3,315.65 $295.45 Photocopier Lease Prin $1,500.00 $619.31 41.29% $880.69 $127.51 Total CITY CLERK $231,661.10 $103,952.97 44.87% $127,708.13 $19,913.95 ASSESSING/TAX Assessing/Tax Sal.-Perm. $203,350.93 $106,241.12 52.25% $97,109.81 $18,151.20 Overtime $200.00 $319.26 159.63% ($119.26) $0.00 FICA/Medicare $15,556.35 $8,496.49 54.62% $7,059.86 $1,471.45 Office Supplies $1,834.10 $1,074.09 58.56% $760.01 $192.75 Tax Sales Advertising $1,936.50 $0.00 0.00% $1,936.50 $0.00 Telephone $301.88 $51.80 17.16% $250.08 $8.50 Postage $5,500.00 $3,067.00 55.76% $2,433.00 $0.00 Dues and Memberships $590.00 $240.00 40.68% $350.00 $0.00 Printing $3,500.00 $3,481.49 99.47% $18.51 $0.00 NEMRC/APEX $1,300.00 $625.00 48.08% $675.00 $0.00 Travel & Training $4,000.00 $650.00 16.25% $3,350.00 $0.00 Total ASSESSING/TAX $238,069.76 $124,246.25 52.19% $113,823.51 $19,823.90 PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW Planning Salaries-Perm. $224,088.78 $109,171.58 48.72% $114,917.20 $19,914.05 Planning Salaries-Other $7,444.09 $0.00 0.00% $7,444.09 $0.00 Leave Time Turn-In $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Overtime $6,300.00 $2,744.35 43.56% $3,555.65 $703.96 FICA/Medicare $17,706.57 $8,521.60 48.13% $9,184.97 $1,574.02 Office Supplies $4,000.00 $1,668.86 41.72% $2,331.14 $158.48 Public Meeting Advertisin $4,000.00 $2,444.20 61.11% $1,555.80 $479.20 Telephone $750.00 $128.75 17.17% $621.25 $21.13 Postage $1,250.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,250.00 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $1,200.00 $353.00 29.42% $847.00 $0.00 Document Printing $2,000.00 $1,528.33 76.42% $471.67 $467.12 Maps $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Consultants $27,000.00 $7,362.50 27.27% $19,637.50 $3,800.00 Committee Support $2,900.00 $327.41 11.29% $2,572.59 $0.00 PC/DRB Stipends $8,500.00 $599.99 7.06% $7,900.01 $599.99 Travel & Training $5,500.00 $386.91 7.03% $5,113.09 $45.00 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Total PLANNING/DESIGN REVIEW $316,139.44 $135,237.48 42.78% $180,901.96 $27,762.95 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Ambulance Department $155,000.00 $155,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Fuel Pump Reserve Fund $8,200.00 $8,200.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Open Space Reserve Fund $285,000.00 $285,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Reappraisal Fund $95,500.00 $95,500.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $543,700.00 $543,700.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXP. $7,000,842.10 $3,455,888.13 49.36% $3,544,953.97 $746,818.67 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Salaries-Permanent $1,443,739.99 $666,397.65 46.16% $777,342.34 $129,770.65 Fire Salaries-On Call $2,500.00 $564.95 22.60% $1,935.05 $0.00 Holiday Pay $166,540.00 $131,440.95 78.92% $35,099.05 $30,555.15 Fair Labor Standard O/T $80,000.00 $2,584.08 3.23% $77,415.92 $295.44 F/D Overtime - Fill-In $65,000.00 $84,493.48 129.99% ($19,493.48) $4,889.13 F/D Overtime - Training $35,000.00 $24,488.22 69.97% $10,511.78 $1,827.01 F/D Overtime - Emerg Call $7,000.00 $7,739.14 110.56% ($739.14) ($3,619.88) Wellness/Fitness $10,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,500.00 $0.00 Fire-Off Duty Outside Emp $3,000.00 $1,640.00 54.67% $1,360.00 $240.00 FICA/Medicare $126,440.97 $73,523.80 58.15% $52,917.17 $13,258.27 Office Supplies $2,000.00 $1,803.74 90.19% $196.26 $0.00 Vaccinations-HEP $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 REHAB Supplies $300.00 $163.18 54.39% $136.82 ($190.50) Station Operating Supply $4,500.00 $2,079.63 46.21% $2,420.37 $210.77 Maintenance Tools $420.00 $75.92 18.08% $344.08 $0.00 Uniforms-Career $13,000.00 $13,029.22 100.22% ($29.22) $0.00 Firefighting Clothing $6,000.00 $4,286.91 71.45% $1,713.09 $407.65 Vehicle Tools $1,000.00 $751.41 75.14% $248.59 $0.00 Gas Chief's vehicle & rei $2,800.00 $1,350.50 48.23% $1,449.50 $328.83 Diesel Fuel $29,000.00 $7,445.74 25.67% $21,554.26 $899.15 Oil $600.00 $0.00 0.00% $600.00 $0.00 Films and Books $1,100.00 $689.77 62.71% $410.23 $191.84 Fire Prevention Materials $3,000.00 $484.24 16.14% $2,515.76 $208.44 Fire Extinguishers $600.00 $35.00 5.83% $565.00 $35.00 Airpacks Maintenance $5,500.00 $976.11 17.75% $4,523.89 $0.00 Telephone $14,000.00 $5,422.00 38.73% $8,578.00 $908.55 Postage-Tool Shipping $450.00 $166.80 37.07% $283.20 $145.70 Dues and Subscriptions $1,350.00 $863.66 63.97% $486.34 $230.00 Fire Station Maintenance $23,597.08 $8,952.83 37.94% $14,644.25 $1,329.49 Laundry and Bedding $900.00 $19.30 2.14% $880.70 $0.00 Radio Repair $2,500.00 $1,422.45 56.90% $1,077.55 $70.00 Vehicle Maintenance $8,000.00 $16,330.21 204.13% ($8,330.21) $865.94 Vehicle Repair $13,000.00 $9,004.32 69.26% $3,995.68 $3,228.68 Equipment R & M $4,000.00 $1,074.04 26.85% $2,925.96 $109.10 Truck Tires $6,000.00 $1,326.84 22.11% $4,673.16 $596.88 Computers Contract ACS $2,500.00 $2,917.67 116.71% ($417.67) $0.00 Public Safety Equipment $155,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $155,000.00 $0.00 Conferences $1,500.00 $163.46 10.90% $1,336.54 $0.00 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Training Schools $4,000.00 $1,364.92 34.12% $2,635.08 $86.14 Training Equipment $750.00 $39.48 5.26% $710.52 $0.00 Recruiting & Testing $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Fire Station #2 Heat/Elec $12,500.00 $5,513.88 44.11% $6,986.12 $1,068.74 Fire Safety Equipment $57,500.00 $3,949.40 6.87% $53,550.60 $3,949.40 F/D Furniture/Equipment $2,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,500.00 $0.00 Fire Truck Fit-Up $12,000.00 $9,089.94 75.75% $2,910.06 $8,938.35 Firefighting Equipment-ho $10,000.00 $7,908.47 79.08% $2,091.53 $0.00 Note on Quint Fire Truck $149,069.00 $148,393.81 99.55% $675.19 $0.00 Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $2,492,657.04 $1,249,967.12 50.15% $1,242,689.92 $200,833.92 AMBULANCE Permanent Salaries $360,495.52 $188,084.74 52.17% $172,410.78 $34,149.58 EMT Pay $79,426.41 $40,723.62 51.27% $38,702.79 $6,083.80 Holiday Pay $45,420.00 $32,260.73 71.03% $13,159.27 $7,027.56 Fair Labor Standard OT $32,547.06 $12,680.93 38.96% $19,866.13 $2,062.62 Overtime Fill-In $20,000.00 $22,648.43 113.24% ($2,648.43) $1,569.12 Overtime - Training $15,000.00 $8,267.74 55.12% $6,732.26 $259.94 Overtime - Emergency Call $5,000.00 $2,931.72 58.63% $2,068.28 $3,809.46 Wellness $4,800.00 $280.00 5.83% $4,520.00 $0.00 FICA/MEDI $32,724.28 $23,104.27 70.60% $9,620.01 $3,670.87 Doctor Service Stipend $2,400.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,400.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $2,000.00 $480.36 24.02% $1,519.64 $274.00 Medical Supplies-Disposab $23,500.00 $18,824.52 80.10% $4,675.48 $4,121.48 Medical Supplies-Oxygen $4,000.00 $1,453.88 36.35% $2,546.12 $228.84 Medical Equipment Replace $5,000.00 $3,139.50 62.79% $1,860.50 $390.00 Uniforms-Career $7,000.00 $2,403.04 34.33% $4,596.96 $0.00 Diesel Fuel $7,800.00 $2,112.73 27.09% $5,687.27 $300.15 Training Films and Books $750.00 $335.20 44.69% $414.80 $0.00 Telephone $3,000.00 $2,356.76 78.56% $643.24 $352.95 Billing Postage $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Dues & Subscriptions $500.00 $120.00 24.00% $380.00 $0.00 Radio Repair $1,750.00 $297.75 17.01% $1,452.25 $11.00 Vehicle Maintenance $2,500.00 $2,136.50 85.46% $363.50 $0.00 Vehicle Repair $3,000.00 $1,002.02 33.40% $1,997.98 $410.97 Equipment R&M $1,250.00 $439.18 35.13% $810.82 $21.81 Office Equip Maintenance $350.00 $116.21 33.20% $233.79 $24.54 Billing Software/Upgrades $4,000.00 $3,242.54 81.06% $757.46 $741.00 Med Equipment Maintenance $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $0.00 Training Programs $6,000.00 $4,816.39 80.27% $1,183.61 $55.00 Training Equipment $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 To Reserve Fund-Training $10,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 EMS Patient Care Discript $31,000.00 $29,698.07 95.80% $1,301.93 $405.00 Total AMBULANCE $715,713.27 $403,956.83 56.44% $311,756.44 $65,969.69 POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Salaries-Permanent $3,013,206.89 $1,402,227.60 46.54% $1,610,979.29 $265,353.45 Police Salaries-Other $0.00 $6,606.83 100.00% ($6,606.83) $1,460.60 Police Salaries-Overtime $220,000.00 $148,104.96 67.32% $71,895.04 $29,079.85 Holiday Pay $277,919.82 $128,788.39 46.34% $149,131.43 $36,649.15 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Automatic Corporal $7,470.92 $0.00 0.00% $7,470.92 $0.00 Shift Differential $63,432.16 $25,155.05 39.66% $38,277.11 $4,839.93 Off-Duty Police Salary $22,000.00 $4,540.00 20.64% $17,460.00 $2,120.00 Fitness $27,300.00 $0.00 0.00% $27,300.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $256,432.16 $131,935.24 51.45% $124,496.92 $26,080.21 Office Supplies $11,000.00 $5,180.17 47.09% $5,819.83 $1,597.43 Range Supplies $12,800.00 $9,062.70 70.80% $3,737.30 $0.00 Radio Equipment-Supplies $800.00 $0.00 0.00% $800.00 $0.00 Investigative Supplies $8,120.00 $4,441.57 54.70% $3,678.43 $1,357.83 Youth Services Supplies $6,000.00 $1,106.94 18.45% $4,893.06 $0.00 Traffic Unit Supplies $2,000.00 $393.21 19.66% $1,606.79 $126.00 K-9 Supplies $4,000.00 $691.42 17.29% $3,308.58 $28.00 Janitorial Supplies $2,800.00 $1,589.10 56.75% $1,210.90 $0.00 Uniform Supplies $37,000.00 $18,575.02 50.20% $18,424.98 $2,724.72 Tires $10,200.00 $4,510.08 44.22% $5,689.92 $0.00 Gas and Oil $76,000.00 $25,967.59 34.17% $50,032.41 $4,719.34 Telephone $29,000.00 $11,245.93 38.78% $17,754.07 $2,438.38 Postage $2,800.00 $581.70 20.78% $2,218.30 $31.62 Dues and Subscriptions $2,300.00 $1,234.76 53.69% $1,065.24 $0.00 Towing Services $1,000.00 $1,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $300.00 Crime Prevention Supplies $4,500.00 $458.96 10.20% $4,041.04 $375.00 Building Repairs $3,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,500.00 $0.00 Building Maintenance $7,000.00 $6,293.54 89.91% $706.46 $0.00 3rd Floor Lease $24,526.90 $0.00 0.00% $24,526.90 $0.00 Uniform Cleaning $17,000.00 $4,951.65 29.13% $12,048.35 $958.65 Office Equip. Contract $5,000.00 $6,725.87 134.52% ($1,725.87) $22.11 Generator Prevent Maint $700.00 $0.00 0.00% $700.00 $0.00 Radio Equip. Maintenance $11,000.00 $3,730.75 33.92% $7,269.25 $175.25 Vehicle Repair $44,000.00 $21,472.58 48.80% $22,527.42 $7,243.39 Computer Connections Syst $14,500.00 $6,177.00 42.60% $8,323.00 $4,177.00 Equipment Maintenance $3,000.00 $418.25 13.94% $2,581.75 $59.00 Records Management System $10,000.00 $394.25 3.94% $9,605.75 $394.25 Consulting Services $6,840.00 $3,534.00 51.67% $3,306.00 $1,134.00 Tower Lease $300.00 $300.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Animal Control Contracts $7,901.15 $75.04 0.95% $7,826.11 $0.00 Conferences $6,600.00 $4,208.61 63.77% $2,391.39 $184.05 In-Service Training $25,000.00 $8,449.71 33.80% $16,550.29 $5,105.18 Recruiting & Testing $2,500.00 $100.00 4.00% $2,400.00 $50.00 Tuition Reimbursement $3,400.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,400.00 $0.00 Electric-Police Dept. $36,000.00 $5,607.17 15.58% $30,392.83 $0.00 Heat/Hot Water $7,000.00 $756.96 10.81% $6,243.04 $350.23 Radio Installation Utilit $500.00 $26.70 5.34% $473.30 $0.00 Building Common Area Fees $50,000.00 $40,924.36 81.85% $9,075.64 $10,181.52 Cleaning/Building Service $34,200.00 $16,457.62 48.12% $17,742.38 $2,773.62 Vehicles and Equipment $49,000.00 $16,750.00 34.18% $32,250.00 $0.00 Radio Equipment $21,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $21,000.00 $0.00 Taser Replacement $9,080.00 $9,105.00 100.28% ($25.00) $0.00 Police Computerization $129,000.00 $41,648.46 32.29% $87,351.54 $14,647.25 Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $4,626,630.00 $2,131,504.74 46.07% $2,495,125.26 $426,737.01 Total PUBLIC SAFETY $7,835,000.31 $3,785,428.69 48.31% $4,049,571.62 $693,540.62 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT To undesignated reserve f $76,560.06 $0.00 0.00% $76,560.06 $0.00 To Capital Improvements $615,929.00 $615,929.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT $692,489.06 $615,929.00 88.94% $76,560.06 $0.00 STREETS & HIGHWAYS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Salaries-Perm. $704,617.86 $366,843.29 52.06% $337,774.57 $68,711.01 Highway Salaries-Overtime $26,823.08 $5,281.44 19.69% $21,541.64 $16.72 FICA/Medicare $53,225.42 $27,705.52 52.05% $25,519.90 $5,383.89 Office Supplies $2,000.00 $893.98 44.70% $1,106.02 $122.81 Traffic Light Supplies $22,500.00 $21,293.35 94.64% $1,206.65 $3,336.14 Sign Supplies $5,500.00 $6,465.24 117.55% ($965.24) $1,835.35 City Highways Material $35,000.00 $11,388.45 32.54% $23,611.55 $2,948.18 Road Striping $12,000.00 $8,803.79 73.36% $3,196.21 $39.58 Winter Salt $110,000.00 $14,783.01 13.44% $95,216.99 $0.00 Winter Sand $700.00 $0.00 0.00% $700.00 $0.00 Winter Liquid Deicer Addi $15,000.00 $4,452.03 29.68% $10,547.97 $4,452.03 Building Supplies $1,750.00 $883.19 50.47% $866.81 $56.87 Uniforms $20,364.75 $8,131.89 39.93% $12,232.86 $1,702.24 Vehicle Repair Parts $85,000.00 $47,260.12 55.60% $37,739.88 $11,098.33 School Bus Parts $32,500.00 $31,043.32 95.52% $1,456.68 $2,857.09 Gasoline $27,500.00 $12,903.36 46.92% $14,596.64 $5,900.34 Oil $8,000.00 $3,695.16 46.19% $4,304.84 $464.00 Diesel Fuel $65,000.00 ($458.42) -0.71% $65,458.42 $5,667.61 Diesel/Gasoline Non City $175,000.00 $48,373.43 27.64% $126,626.57 $8,422.07 Fuel Station Maintenance $0.00 $1,702.01 100.00% ($1,702.01) $0.00 Advertising $1,500.00 $1,500.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Telephone/Internet $8,800.00 $3,831.42 43.54% $4,968.58 $521.18 Building Maintenance $30,000.00 $10,465.77 34.89% $19,534.23 $919.16 HVAC Maintenance $3,872.80 $869.00 22.44% $3,003.80 $0.00 Generator Prevent Maint $700.00 $0.00 0.00% $700.00 $0.00 Tree Care $8,000.00 $2,853.36 35.67% $5,146.64 $0.00 Consulting Services $20,000.00 $732.00 3.66% $19,268.00 $339.50 Equipment Rental/Purchase $2,500.00 $311.67 12.47% $2,188.33 $220.00 Office Equipment Maintnce $1,500.00 $850.75 56.72% $649.25 $0.00 Travel & Training $5,400.00 $1,235.00 22.87% $4,165.00 $343.00 Utilities - Garage $18,000.00 $7,454.98 41.42% $10,545.02 $1,373.68 Utilities-Garage Heat $17,000.00 $1,421.48 8.36% $15,578.52 $537.37 Traffic Lights $40,000.00 $10,770.41 26.93% $29,229.59 $2,305.33 Vehicle Replacement $60,000.00 $59,658.00 99.43% $342.00 $0.00 Highway Paving $575,000.00 $409,574.26 71.23% $165,425.74 $361,813.58 Curbs and Sidewalks $10,000.00 $1,558.25 15.58% $8,441.75 $232.00 Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $2,204,753.91 $1,134,530.51 51.46% $1,070,223.40 $491,619.06 Total STREETS & HIGHWAYS $2,204,753.91 $1,134,530.51 51.46% $1,070,223.40 $491,619.06 CULTURE AND RECREATION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Rec.Admin.Salaries-Perm. $207,291.31 $116,989.48 56.44% $90,301.83 $22,731.94 Leave Time Turn-In $5,994.00 $652.07 10.88% $5,341.93 $0.00 Overtime $0.00 $2,558.29 100.00% ($2,558.29) $0.00 FICA/Medicare $15,534.67 $9,356.07 60.23% $6,178.60 $1,802.63 Office Supplies $3,000.00 $1,914.49 63.82% $1,085.51 $146.85 Telephone $1,200.00 $832.23 69.35% $367.77 $192.50 Postage $550.00 $0.00 0.00% $550.00 $0.00 Dues and Subscriptions $1,075.00 $1,307.50 121.63% ($232.50) $300.00 Scholarships $1,000.00 ($121.84) -12.18% $1,121.84 ($40.00) Printing $3,800.00 $7,207.00 189.66% ($3,407.00) $39.00 Software/Printer Contract $4,000.00 $4,291.34 107.28% ($291.34) $4,178.62 Travel & Training $3,400.00 $4,796.86 141.08% ($1,396.86) $448.00 Lease Printer and Copier $3,540.00 $2,349.50 66.37% $1,190.50 $594.63 Total RECREATION ADMINISTRATION $250,384.98 $152,132.99 60.76% $98,251.99 $30,394.17 PROGRAMS Salaries-Programs $20,000.00 $11,510.28 57.55% $8,489.72 $1,416.53 FICA/Medicare $1,530.00 $821.80 53.71% $708.20 $115.65 General Supplies $14,000.00 $6,956.26 49.69% $7,043.74 $110.61 Advertising $2,200.00 $4,551.21 206.87% ($2,351.21) $0.00 Senior Programs $3,000.00 $1,572.15 52.41% $1,427.85 $69.24 Special Events $5,000.00 $1,993.12 39.86% $3,006.88 $127.95 School Use $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Total PROGRAMS $48,730.00 $27,404.82 56.24% $21,325.18 $1,839.98 FACILITIES Park Salaries $16,000.00 $9,839.95 61.50% $6,160.05 $351.00 FICA/Medicare $1,224.00 $812.79 66.40% $411.21 $28.96 Supplies $9,000.00 $4,535.93 50.40% $4,464.07 $86.50 Fuel-Gas $3,000.00 $481.28 16.04% $2,518.72 $145.10 Facilities Maintenance $2,393.74 $0.00 0.00% $2,393.74 $0.00 Recreation Path Committee $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Electric-Jaycee Park $1,600.00 $1,004.25 62.77% $595.75 $377.06 Electric-Dorset Park $2,000.00 $662.35 33.12% $1,337.65 $127.13 Electric-Overlook Park $400.00 $107.22 26.81% $292.78 $23.69 Utilities-Hockey/Skate $400.00 $128.54 32.14% $271.46 $20.68 Electric-Tennis Courts $500.00 $818.64 163.73% ($318.64) $519.27 Facilities Improvements $32,000.00 $778.74 2.43% $31,221.26 $0.00 Capital Items $22,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $22,000.00 $0.00 Total FACILITIES $91,017.74 $19,169.69 21.06% $71,848.05 $1,679.39 LEISURE ARTS Chorus Directors $3,600.00 $1,800.00 50.00% $1,800.00 $0.00 Total LEISURE ARTS $3,600.00 $1,800.00 50.00% $1,800.00 $0.00 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Adult Programs $28,000.00 $3,422.34 12.22% $24,577.66 $1,617.34 Jazzercise of Shelburne $8,000.00 $1,075.00 13.44% $6,925.00 $525.00 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Swim Lessons-Sport/Fit Ed $3,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,500.00 $0.00 Youth Programs $30,000.00 $8,695.80 28.99% $21,304.20 $3,370.80 Driver's Education $20,000.00 $11,050.00 55.25% $8,950.00 $11,050.00 Great Escape Tickets $15,000.00 $5,234.00 34.89% $9,766.00 $0.00 Afternoon Skiing-Middle S $12,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $12,000.00 $0.00 Telephone $1,800.00 $641.01 35.61% $1,158.99 $50.71 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $118,300.00 $30,118.15 25.46% $88,181.85 $16,613.85 COMMUNITY LIBRARY Library Salaries $284,007.82 $141,390.96 49.78% $142,616.86 $21,960.00 FICA/Medicare $21,726.60 $11,128.23 51.22% $10,598.37 $1,730.98 Library Supplies $5,800.00 $2,633.92 45.41% $3,166.08 $526.44 Books - Adult $15,000.00 $6,109.12 40.73% $8,890.88 $252.91 Books - Children $7,550.00 $2,221.18 29.42% $5,328.82 $203.44 DVDs/CDs-Adult $4,500.00 $2,055.11 45.67% $2,444.89 $288.23 DVDs/CDs-Children $1,800.00 $500.60 27.81% $1,299.40 $355.36 Program Supplies-Arts/Cra $2,000.00 $488.73 24.44% $1,511.27 $150.86 Blanchette Expenditures $14,000.00 $5,036.54 35.98% $8,963.46 $961.09 Blanchette/Subscriptions- $4,000.00 $2,809.43 70.24% $1,190.57 $1,300.00 Bookmobile Maintenance $1,000.00 $91.14 9.11% $908.86 $0.00 Postage $2,000.00 ($770.92) -38.55% $2,770.92 $19.58 Dues and Subscriptions $400.00 $227.45 56.86% $172.55 $187.00 Online & Print Subscripti $2,000.00 $4,499.46 224.97% ($2,499.46) $4,499.46 School Use $62,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $62,500.00 $0.00 Community Programs $6,000.00 $1,677.17 27.95% $4,322.83 ($350.00) Computer Operations $9,092.00 $418.85 4.61% $8,673.15 $159.23 Travel & Training $2,000.00 $286.28 14.31% $1,713.72 $187.71 Furniture $1,200.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,200.00 $0.00 Computer Improvements $2,900.00 $16.99 0.59% $2,883.01 $0.00 C/L Photocopier Lease Pri $2,231.00 $991.42 44.44% $1,239.58 $163.87 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $451,707.42 $181,811.66 40.25% $269,895.76 $32,596.16 CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE Park Maint.Salaries-Perm. $170,117.14 $91,635.34 53.87% $78,481.80 $17,027.30 FICA/Medicare $12,863.65 $7,478.79 58.14% $5,384.86 $1,384.05 Park Supplies $21,000.00 $12,528.14 59.66% $8,471.86 $1,303.04 Cemetery Supplies $300.00 $0.00 0.00% $300.00 $0.00 Homestead at Wheeler Park $0.00 $620.81 100.00% ($620.81) $397.06 Veterans Memorial Park $3,500.00 $742.00 21.20% $2,758.00 $252.00 Total CAPITAL/PARK MAINTENANCE $207,780.79 $113,005.08 54.39% $94,775.71 $20,363.45 Total CULTURE AND RECREATION $1,171,520.93 $525,442.39 44.85% $646,078.54 $103,487.00 OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES County Court $124,300.00 $131,945.22 106.15% ($7,645.22) $0.00 Winooski Valley Park $54,000.00 $54,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $54,000.00 C.C.T.A. $453,352.00 $302,258.00 66.67% $151,094.00 $0.00 Regional Planning $36,373.00 $36,373.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 General Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-) Paid December Total OTHER OPERATING ENTITIES $668,025.00 $524,576.22 78.53% $143,448.78 $54,000.00 Total OTHER ENTITIES $668,025.00 $524,576.22 78.53% $143,448.78 $54,000.00 CURRENT PRINCIPAL, BONDS Public Works Facility $98,568.00 $98,568.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Kennedy Dr Reconstrction $22,440.00 $22,508.00 100.30% ($68.00) $0.00 Lime Kiln Bridge $22,440.00 $22,508.00 100.30% ($68.00) $0.00 PENSION LIABILITY-PRINCIP $262,974.00 $0.00 0.00% $262,974.00 $0.00 F/D Building Improvements $30,090.00 $30,005.00 99.72% $85.00 $0.00 Police Headquarters $360,000.00 $360,000.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Total CURRENT PRINCIPAL, BONDS $796,512.00 $533,589.00 66.99% $262,923.00 $0.00 CURRENT INTEREST, BONDS Public Works Facility $30,148.99 $16,408.61 54.43% $13,740.38 $0.00 Sewer Note-Police Fitup $69,568.30 $0.00 0.00% $69,568.30 $0.00 Kennedy Dr Recnstrction $10,182.15 $3,955.40 38.85% $6,226.75 $0.00 Lime Kiln Bridge $10,182.15 $3,955.40 38.85% $6,226.75 $0.00 PENSION LIABILITY-INTERES $397,975.00 $0.00 0.00% $397,975.00 $0.00 Sewer Note-Solar Array $13,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $13,000.00 $0.00 F/D Building Improvements $13,653.34 $5,272.87 38.62% $8,380.47 $0.00 Police Headquarters $239,292.00 $122,148.00 51.05% $117,144.00 $0.00 Total CURRENT INTEREST, BONDS $784,001.93 $151,740.28 19.35% $632,261.65 $0.00 Total GENERAL FUND $21,153,145.24 $10,727,124.22 50.71% $10,426,021.02 $2,089,465.35 Total All Funds $21,153,145.24 $10,727,124.22 50.71% $10,426,021.02 $2,089,465.35 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 Sewer Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid December W/POLLUTION CONTROL EXPS. Salaries-Permanent $413,474.41 $206,588.96 49.96% $206,885.45 $41,094.48 Payment to Highway-wages $280,000.29 $284,315.51 101.54% ($4,315.22) $280,819.49 Salaries-Overtime $40,000.00 $14,771.30 36.93% $25,228.70 $2,721.61 Payroll Svc & Testing to $700.00 $700.00 100.00% $0.00 $700.00 PAFO Certification $9,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $9,000.00 $0.00 Sick Bank Payouts $10,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,000.00 $0.00 Fringe Benefits $600.00 $0.00 0.00% $600.00 $0.00 FICA/Medicare $30,158.05 $17,168.54 56.93% $12,989.51 $3,386.40 Payment to Highway-FICA/M $21,420.02 $21,420.02 100.00% $0.00 $21,420.02 Vision Plan $719.64 $337.56 46.91% $382.08 $56.26 Disability Income $1,515.36 $574.98 37.94% $940.38 $95.83 Long Term Disability Insu $0.00 $999.66 100.00% ($999.66) $166.61 Group Health Insurance $99,399.48 $46,406.13 46.69% $52,993.35 $8,084.53 Benefit Reimbursed to Hig $73,274.65 $73,274.65 100.00% $0.00 $73,274.65 Group Life Insurance $858.00 $573.30 66.82% $284.70 $95.55 Group Dental Insurance $4,905.99 $4,074.98 83.06% $831.01 $951.83 Pension $68,258.44 $10,153.81 14.88% $58,104.63 $0.00 ICMA Match $21,332.17 $5,053.35 23.69% $16,278.82 $973.02 Pension Payment to Highwa $81,640.00 $81,640.00 100.00% $0.00 $81,640.00 Pension Note Payment $38,675.00 $0.00 0.00% $38,675.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $1,500.00 $729.53 48.64% $770.47 $86.46 Plant Supplies $70,000.00 $33,397.90 47.71% $36,602.10 $7,575.84 Ferrous Chloride $500.00 $0.00 0.00% $500.00 $0.00 Polymer $68,000.00 $42,783.81 62.92% $25,216.19 $0.00 Sewer Line Maint/Supplies $15,000.00 $8,320.40 55.47% $6,679.60 $825.72 Pumping Station Supplies $22,500.00 $11,461.25 50.94% $11,038.75 $10,342.45 Laboratory Supplies $7,500.00 $5,506.21 73.42% $1,993.79 $990.33 Paint and Hardware $300.00 $0.00 0.00% $300.00 $0.00 Caustic Soda and Lime $60,000.00 $26,245.10 43.74% $33,754.90 $5,037.56 Alum $38,000.00 $37,494.99 98.67% $505.01 $7,672.11 Water-Airport-B/B-Pump $1,500.00 $736.19 49.08% $763.81 $485.58 Generator Preventive Main $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $0.00 Clothing Supplies $3,600.00 $709.95 19.72% $2,890.05 $0.00 Truck Parts $7,000.00 $5,235.10 74.79% $1,764.90 $1,026.84 Gas - Diesel Fuel - Oil $17,000.00 $5,727.64 33.69% $11,272.36 $1,198.82 Fuel - Airport Parkway $50,000.00 $8,105.98 16.21% $41,894.02 $2,819.71 Fuel - Bartlett Bay $6,000.00 $395.95 6.60% $5,604.05 $219.10 Advertising $0.00 $127.60 100.00% ($127.60) $0.00 Telephone and Alarms $5,500.00 $2,904.72 52.81% $2,595.28 $258.04 Postage $100.00 $19.60 19.60% $80.40 $9.80 Memberships/Dues $300.00 $0.00 0.00% $300.00 $0.00 Discharge Permits $8,000.00 $3,750.00 46.88% $4,250.00 $3,750.00 Workers Comp Insurance $20,168.72 $12,607.61 62.51% $7,561.11 $4,465.49 Property Insurance $55,114.04 $31,575.28 57.29% $23,538.76 $13,033.64 Unemployment Insurance $0.00 $939.59 100.00% ($939.59) $318.95 Safety $0.00 $92.18 100.00% ($92.18) $38.50 Billing Payment to CWD $40,550.00 $20,275.00 50.00% $20,275.00 $0.00 Soil/Sludge Management $100,000.00 $47,884.46 47.88% $52,115.54 $10,807.47 Discharge Water Testing $1,250.00 $591.00 47.28% $659.00 $75.00 Landfill Fees $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $0.00 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 Sewer Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid December HVAC Maintenance $10,153.74 $5,861.29 57.73% $4,292.45 $922.00 To GF-Audit/Actuary $0.00 $6,214.00 100.00% ($6,214.00) $6,214.00 Auditing $6,214.00 $0.00 0.00% $6,214.00 $0.00 Engineering/Consulting $45,000.00 $24,249.00 53.89% $20,751.00 $12,035.00 Landfill Engineering $8,000.00 $6,156.63 76.96% $1,843.37 $3,853.63 PMT TO STORMWATER-GIS $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $0.00 Office Equipment Contract $500.00 $91.67 18.33% $408.33 $0.00 Wireless Communication $500.00 $311.94 62.39% $188.06 $103.98 Administrative Services $150,335.71 $150,335.71 100.00% $0.00 $150,335.71 IT Service $3,500.00 $462.46 13.21% $3,037.54 $0.00 Burlington Sewer Lines $215,000.00 $120,082.36 55.85% $94,917.64 $0.00 Travel & Training $0.00 $433.75 100.00% ($433.75) $0.00 Utilities-Pumping Station $60,000.00 $21,181.81 35.30% $38,818.19 $4,265.72 Utilities--L/Fill Station $5,500.00 $458.36 8.33% $5,041.64 $0.00 Electric-Airport Parkway $175,000.00 $95,621.69 54.64% $79,378.31 $29,184.84 Electric-Bartlett Bay $115,000.00 $45,926.88 39.94% $69,073.12 $8,852.72 Replacement-Vehicles $250,000.00 $239,817.74 95.93% $10,182.26 $0.00 Building Improvements $7,500.00 $2,011.17 26.82% $5,488.83 $0.00 Pumps Replacements $70,000.00 $14,106.70 20.15% $55,893.30 $0.00 Pump Repairs $30,000.00 $33,321.09 111.07% ($3,321.09) $827.53 Loan for Airport Parkway $1,272,059.74 $0.00 0.00% $1,272,059.74 $0.00 Bartlett Bay Bond Replace $245,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $245,000.00 $0.00 Scope BTV/SB Sewer $0.00 $20,491.00 100.00% ($20,491.00) $20,491.00 Xfer to Undesignated Rese $4,481.14 $0.00 0.00% $4,481.14 $0.00 Capital Improvements-CIP $335,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $335,000.00 $0.00 Total W/POLLUTION CONTROL EXPS. $4,816,058.59 $1,862,805.04 38.68% $2,953,253.55 $823,603.82 Total ENTERPRISE FUND/W.P.C. $4,816,058.59 $1,862,805.04 38.68% $2,953,253.55 $823,603.82 Total All Funds $4,816,058.59 $1,862,805.04 38.68% $2,953,253.55 $823,603.82 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 Stormwater Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid December S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS Salaries-Permanent $327,310.72 $164,823.38 50.36% $162,487.34 $31,716.41 Leave Time Turn-In $3,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,000.00 $0.00 Salaries-Overtime $20,000.00 $874.25 4.37% $19,125.75 $0.00 Payroll Svc & Testing to $480.00 $480.00 100.00% $0.00 $480.00 Fringe Benefits $2,310.00 $642.20 27.80% $1,667.80 $342.20 FICA/Medicare $24,822.31 $14,288.19 57.56% $10,534.12 $2,689.26 Vision Plan $690.07 $184.08 26.68% $505.99 $30.68 Disability Income Insuran $3,570.40 $468.96 13.13% $3,101.44 $78.16 Group Health Insurance $76,692.00 $26,496.26 34.55% $50,195.74 $4,658.36 Reimburse to Highway Bene $9,125.00 $9,125.00 100.00% $0.00 $9,125.00 Health Insurance FICA $867.51 $0.00 0.00% $867.51 $0.00 Group Life Insurance $945.00 $485.10 51.33% $459.90 $80.85 Group Dental Insurance $5,409.66 $2,619.39 48.42% $2,790.27 $566.38 Pension $31,659.03 $0.00 0.00% $31,659.03 $0.00 ICMA Match $17,569.78 $7,918.88 45.07% $9,650.90 $1,593.14 Pension Note Payment $26,510.00 $0.00 0.00% $26,510.00 $0.00 Office Supplies $2,250.00 $1,343.56 59.71% $906.44 $213.35 Small Equipment/Tools $4,000.00 $287.95 7.20% $3,712.05 $0.00 Uniforms/Supplies $3,707.25 $2,547.68 68.72% $1,159.57 $606.69 Gasoline $4,500.00 $1,104.48 24.54% $3,395.52 $161.77 Oil $350.00 $46.45 13.27% $303.55 $20.93 Diesel Fuel $8,000.00 $2,993.29 37.42% $5,006.71 $77.17 Permit Requirement-Educat $12,700.00 $9,195.84 72.41% $3,504.16 $7,095.84 Telephone $2,400.00 $1,120.22 46.68% $1,279.78 $123.31 Postage $200.00 $56.03 28.02% $143.97 $39.04 Membership/Dues $400.00 $77.00 19.25% $323.00 $20.00 Discharge Permits Renewal $7,500.00 $2,748.80 36.65% $4,751.20 $2,400.00 Workers Comp Insurance $6,789.30 $3,597.83 52.99% $3,191.47 $1,503.19 Property Insurance $21,231.30 $7,280.97 34.29% $13,950.33 $5,020.89 Unemployment Insurance $2,000.00 $939.56 46.98% $1,060.44 $318.94 GIS-Fees/Software $12,000.00 $1,255.31 10.46% $10,744.69 $88.62 Sediment & Depris Disposa $750.00 $20.06 2.67% $729.94 $0.00 Water Quality Monitoring $10,000.00 $17,194.48 171.94% ($7,194.48) $0.00 Building/Grounds Maint $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,500.00 $0.00 Vehicle Maintenance $7,500.00 $2,195.19 29.27% $5,304.81 $112.73 Storm System Maint Materi $60,000.00 $18,967.68 31.61% $41,032.32 $7,350.00 Printing $100.00 $155.55 155.55% ($55.55) $0.00 Legal Services $15,000.00 $3,770.00 25.13% $11,230.00 $1,464.50 To GF-Audit and Actuary $3,555.00 $3,555.00 100.00% $0.00 $3,555.00 Engineering-Watershed $28,000.00 $8,723.94 31.16% $19,276.06 $5,913.38 Engineering-Nghbrhd Asst $24,000.00 $13,476.03 56.15% $10,523.97 $1,133.50 Billing Payment CWD $40,550.00 $20,275.00 50.00% $20,275.00 $0.00 Office Equipment Maintena $750.00 $91.67 12.22% $658.33 $0.00 Equipment Rental $1,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,500.00 $0.00 Administrative Services $134,391.55 $134,391.55 100.00% $0.00 $134,391.55 Conference/Training Expen $3,000.00 $454.99 15.17% $2,545.01 $90.00 S/W Bldg Utilities $3,500.00 $968.79 27.68% $2,531.21 $208.81 Stormwater Pumps Electric $480.00 $81.89 17.06% $398.11 $11.72 Vehicles/Equipment $200,000.00 $339,905.67 169.95% ($139,905.67) $0.00 Stormwater Capital Projec $643,000.00 $353,635.65 55.00% $289,364.35 $1,977.76 Expenditure Report-December, 2015 Stormwater Fund Year-to-Date % Budget FY 2016 Account Budget Expenditures Expended $ (+/-)Paid December Office Furniture/Equipmen $1,000.00 $129.18 12.92% $870.82 $0.00 Project Notes Princ/Inter $100,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $100,000.00 $0.00 Flow Restoration Plan Ana $75,000.00 $42,656.98 56.88% $32,343.02 $9,524.65 Reimbursement to Highway $5,605.51 $5,605.51 100.00% $0.00 $5,605.51 Undesignated Reserve $178,678.17 $0.00 0.00% $178,678.17 $0.00 Total S/WATER UTILITIES EXPS $2,176,849.56 $1,229,255.47 56.47% $947,594.09 $240,389.29 Total STORM WATER UTILITIES $2,176,849.56 $1,229,255.47 56.47% $947,594.09 $240,389.29 Total All Funds $2,176,849.56 $1,229,255.47 56.47% $947,594.09 $240,389.29 Revenue Report-December, 2015 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2016 Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-December Total PROPERTY TAX REVENUE $13,383,284.33 ($8,501,559.07) 63.52% $4,881,725.26 ($83,474.00) Total LOCAL OPTION TAXES $3,661,405.84 ($1,372,047.50) 37.47% $2,289,358.34 $0.00 Total TAX REVENUE $17,044,690.17 ($9,873,606.57) 57.93% $7,171,083.60 ($83,474.00) Total INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX $254,950.00 ($95,439.58) 37.43% $159,510.42 ($2,407.85) Total CITY MANAGER $468,885.26 ($386,701.26) 82.47% $82,184.00 ($386,700.26) Total CITY CLERK $257,500.00 ($90,722.75) 35.23% $166,777.25 ($17,679.23) Total PLANNING & ZONING $321,700.00 ($169,698.07) 52.75% $152,001.93 ($10,981.59) Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $304,000.00 ($121,781.12) 40.06% $182,218.88 ($8,503.81) Total AMBULANCE $719,000.00 ($426,162.94) 59.27% $292,837.06 ($22,906.14) Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $455,169.34 ($78,090.78) 17.16% $377,078.56 ($22,840.45) Total PUBLIC SAFETY $1,478,169.34 ($626,034.84) 42.35% $852,134.50 ($54,250.40) Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $1,099,065.47 ($755,716.92) 68.76% $343,348.55 ($496,833.93) Total RED ROCKS PARK $4,500.00 ($8,623.00) 191.62% ($4,123.00) $0.00 Total FACILITIES $500.00 ($250.00) 50.00% $250.00 ($50.00) Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $192,000.00 ($68,439.00) 35.65% $123,561.00 ($1,745.00) Total RECREATION $197,000.00 ($77,312.00) 39.24% $119,688.00 ($1,795.00) Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $31,185.00 ($23,090.18) 74.04% $8,094.82 ($1,267.19) Total GENERAL FUND $21,153,145.24 ($12,098,322.17) 57.19% $9,054,823.07 ($1,055,389.45) Revenue Report-December, 2015 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2016 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-December TAX REVENUE Tax, Current Budget $13,272,284.33 ($8,453,147.29) 63.69% $4,819,137.04 ($83,474.00) VT Payment in Lieu of Tax $40,000.00 ($48,411.78) 121.03% ($8,411.78) $0.00 Taxes, Reappraisal/ACT 60 $71,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $71,000.00 $0.00 Total TAX REVENUE $13,383,284.33 ($8,501,559.07) 63.52% $4,881,725.26 ($83,474.00) LOCAL OPTION TAXES Local Option Tax-Sales $2,683,090.12 ($999,300.23) 37.24% $1,683,789.89 $0.00 Local Option Tax-Rooms/Me $265,657.72 ($372,747.27) 140.31% ($107,089.55) $0.00 Rooms/Meals - Fire Vehicl $352,658.00 $0.00 0.00% $352,658.00 $0.00 Rooms/Meals - P/D Hdqtrs $360,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $360,000.00 $0.00 Total LOCAL OPTION TAXES $3,661,405.84 ($1,372,047.50) 37.47% $2,289,358.34 $0.00 Total TAX REVENUE $17,044,690.17 ($9,873,606.57) 57.93% $7,171,083.60 ($83,474.00) INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX Penalty, Current & Prior $125,000.00 ($73,582.21) 58.87% $51,417.79 $352.90 Interest, Current & Prior $35,000.00 ($20,870.66) 59.63% $14,129.34 ($2,760.75) Abatements/Write-offs $0.00 $2,437.07 100.00% $2,437.07 $0.00 Attorney Fees $2,500.00 ($3,423.78) 136.95% ($923.78) $0.00 Fee to Collect State Educ $76,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $76,000.00 $0.00 Current Use $16,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $16,000.00 $0.00 Per Parcel Payment Traini $450.00 $0.00 0.00% $450.00 $0.00 Total INTEREST/PENALTY ON TAX $254,950.00 ($95,439.58) 37.43% $159,510.42 ($2,407.85) CITY MANAGER Administrative Services-W $57,500.00 ($57,500.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($57,500.00) Administrative Services-S $134,391.55 ($134,391.55) 100.00% $0.00 ($134,391.55) Administrative Services-W $150,335.71 ($150,335.71) 100.00% $0.00 ($150,335.71) From Sewer-Audit & Actuar $6,214.00 ($6,214.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($6,214.00) From SW-Audit & Actuary $3,555.00 ($3,555.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($3,555.00) Pension Liab Note-WPC $38,675.00 $0.00 0.00% $38,675.00 $0.00 Pension Liab Note-SW $26,510.00 $0.00 0.00% $26,510.00 $0.00 From Water-Audit $2,100.00 ($2,100.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($2,100.00) Admin Svc Fee Fund 240 $31,424.00 ($31,424.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($31,424.00) From WPC-Payroll, Testing $700.00 ($700.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($700.00) From SW-Payroll, Testing $480.00 ($480.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($480.00) Non-Profit Leases $0.00 ($1.00) 100.00% ($1.00) $0.00 Workers' Comp. Reimburse. $15,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $15,000.00 $0.00 Miscellaneous $2,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,000.00 $0.00 Total CITY MANAGER $468,885.26 ($386,701.26) 82.47% $82,184.00 ($386,700.26) CITY CLERK Recording Fees $145,000.00 ($62,796.00) 43.31% $82,204.00 ($11,273.00) Photocopy Fees $25,000.00 ($11,663.35) 46.65% $13,336.65 ($1,965.25) Photocopies-Vital Records $6,000.00 ($2,691.00) 44.85% $3,309.00 ($405.00) Pet Licenses $28,000.00 ($1,346.00) 4.81% $26,654.00 ($90.00) Revenue Report-December, 2015 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2016 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-December Pet Control Fees $6,000.00 ($645.00) 10.75% $5,355.00 ($50.00) Beverage/Cabaret License $7,000.00 ($185.00) 2.64% $6,815.00 $0.00 Entertainment Permits $1,500.00 ($125.00) 8.33% $1,375.00 ($25.00) Marriage Licenses $1,500.00 ($920.00) 61.33% $580.00 ($80.00) Green Mountain Passports $300.00 ($168.00) 56.00% $132.00 $0.00 Motor Vehicle Renewals $1,000.00 ($414.00) 41.40% $586.00 ($57.00) School Reimburse-Election $1,200.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,200.00 $0.00 Interest on Investments $35,000.00 ($9,769.40) 27.91% $25,230.60 ($3,733.98) Total CITY CLERK $257,500.00 ($90,722.75) 35.23% $166,777.25 ($17,679.23) PLANNING Building & Sign Permits $212,500.00 ($117,486.63) 55.29% $95,013.37 ($4,488.29) Bianchi Ruling $8,000.00 ($5,709.00) 71.36% $2,291.00 ($663.00) Zoning and Planning $85,000.00 ($44,092.44) 51.87% $40,907.56 ($5,690.30) Sewer Inspection Fees $0.00 ($1,850.00) 100.00% ($1,850.00) ($50.00) Peddlers' Permits $1,200.00 ($560.00) 46.67% $640.00 ($90.00) Market Street Grant $15,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $15,000.00 $0.00 Total PLANNING $321,700.00 ($169,698.07) 52.75% $152,001.93 ($10,981.59) FIRE DEPARTMENT Outside Employment $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,000.00 $0.00 Fire Inspection Revenue $300,000.00 ($121,781.12) 40.59% $178,218.88 ($8,503.81) Total FIRE DEPARTMENT $304,000.00 ($121,781.12) 40.06% $182,218.88 ($8,503.81) AMBULANCE Tax Revenues $155,000.00 ($155,000.00) 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 Ambulance Service Billing $540,000.00 ($254,186.24) 47.07% $285,813.76 ($22,156.14) Williston Billing $18,000.00 ($7,425.91) 41.26% $10,574.09 $0.00 Grand Isle Billing $6,000.00 ($2,650.79) 44.18% $3,349.21 $0.00 Miscellaneous Income $0.00 ($6,900.00) 100.00% ($6,900.00) ($750.00) Total AMBULANCE $719,000.00 ($426,162.94) 59.27% $292,837.06 ($22,906.14) POLICE DEPARTMENT Vermont District Court $70,000.00 ($24,793.85) 35.42% $45,206.15 ($3,322.00) C.U.S.I. Overtime Grant $0.00 ($3,817.00) 100.00% ($3,817.00) $0.00 Police Reports $7,500.00 ($3,811.00) 50.81% $3,689.00 ($789.00) Criminal Investigations $0.00 ($804.38) 100.00% ($804.38) $0.00 Drug Task Force Grant $93,000.00 ($33,737.30) 36.28% $59,262.70 ($16,673.23) Parking Tickets $0.00 ($150.00) 100.00% ($150.00) ($35.00) Alarm Registrations $10,000.00 ($6,215.00) 62.15% $3,785.00 ($230.00) Alarm Fines $5,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,500.00 $0.00 Off Duty Police $30,000.00 ($3,761.51) 12.54% $26,238.49 ($881.22) Bullet Proof Vest Grant $3,200.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,200.00 $0.00 COPS Grant $37,500.00 $0.00 0.00% $37,500.00 $0.00 Police Impact Fees $75,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $75,000.00 $0.00 3rd Floor Lease Revenue $103,469.34 $0.00 0.00% $103,469.34 $0.00 Miscellaneous - Police $0.00 ($1,000.74) 100.00% ($1,000.74) ($910.00) Xfer In-Fund 207 $20,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $20,000.00 $0.00 Revenue Report-December, 2015 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2016 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-December Total POLICE DEPARTMENT $455,169.34 ($78,090.78) 17.16% $377,078.56 ($22,840.45) HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Road Opening Permits $135,000.00 ($81,456.00) 60.34% $53,544.00 ($3,133.00) Overweight truck permits $1,700.00 ($165.00) 9.71% $1,535.00 ($20.00) Highway State Aid $212,000.00 ($127,076.73) 59.94% $84,923.27 $0.00 Fuel Pump Surcharge $1,000.00 ($2,739.71) 273.97% ($1,739.71) ($474.22) HazMat Facility Lease $18,800.00 ($16,037.46) 85.31% $2,762.54 ($5,370.54) School Bus Parts Reimbure $32,500.00 ($1,966.49) 6.05% $30,533.51 ($372.85) School gas/diesel reimbur $175,000.00 ($38,476.60) 21.99% $136,523.40 ($6,992.75) School vehicle repair pay $19,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $19,000.00 $0.00 Salary Reimbursement-WPC $280,000.29 ($280,000.29) 100.00% $0.00 ($280,000.29) FICA Reimbursement-WPC $21,420.02 ($21,420.02) 100.00% $0.00 ($21,420.02) Pension Reimbursement-WPC $81,640.00 ($81,640.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($81,640.00) Benefits Reimbursement-WP $73,274.65 ($73,274.65) 100.00% $0.00 ($73,274.65) Salary Reimbursement-SW $5,605.51 ($5,605.51) 100.00% $0.00 ($5,605.51) Benefits Reimbursement-SW $9,125.00 ($9,125.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($9,125.00) Reimburse from Fund 265 $8,000.00 ($8,000.00) 100.00% $0.00 ($8,000.00) Highway Impact Fee-RT 2 $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,000.00 $0.00 Hgwy Misc Revenue $20,000.00 ($8,733.46) 43.67% $11,266.54 ($1,405.10) Total HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $1,099,065.47 ($755,716.92) 68.76% $343,348.55 ($496,833.93) RECREATION RED ROCKS PARK Red Rocks Gate Receipts $4,500.00 ($8,623.00) 191.62% ($4,123.00) $0.00 Total RED ROCKS PARK $4,500.00 ($8,623.00) 191.62% ($4,123.00) $0.00 FACILITIES J/C Park Rentals $500.00 ($250.00) 50.00% $250.00 ($50.00) Total FACILITIES $500.00 ($250.00) 50.00% $250.00 ($50.00) SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Great Escape Ticket Sales $15,000.00 ($5,234.00) 34.89% $9,766.00 $0.00 Aternoon Skiing/Middle Sc $0.00 ($9,085.00) 100.00% ($9,085.00) ($405.00) Afternoon Skiing/Orchard $0.00 ($235.00) 100.00% ($235.00) ($235.00) Youth Programs $116,000.00 ($42,987.00) 37.06% $73,013.00 ($486.00) Adult Evening Classes $43,000.00 ($10,898.00) 25.34% $32,102.00 ($619.00) Recreation Impact Fees $18,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $18,000.00 $0.00 Total SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $192,000.00 ($68,439.00) 35.65% $123,561.00 ($1,745.00) Total RECREATION $197,000.00 ($77,312.00) 39.24% $119,688.00 ($1,795.00) COMMUNITY LIBRARY Library Lost Books $1,000.00 ($761.23) 76.12% $238.77 ($428.19) Fines and Fees $3,200.00 ($2,369.35) 74.04% $830.65 ($351.00) Non-Resident Fees $750.00 ($405.00) 54.00% $345.00 ($80.00) Blanchette Gift $18,000.00 ($18,100.00) 100.56% ($100.00) $0.00 Revenue Report-December, 2015 General Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2016 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-December Libriary Copies and Print $1,500.00 ($1,454.60) 96.97% $45.40 ($408.00) Xfer in-Fund 603 $6,735.00 $0.00 0.00% $6,735.00 $0.00 Total COMMUNITY LIBRARY $31,185.00 ($23,090.18) 74.04% $8,094.82 ($1,267.19) Total GENERAL FUND $21,153,145.24 ($12,098,322.17) 57.19% $9,054,823.07 ($1,055,389.45) Total All Funds $21,153,145.24 ($12,098,322.17) 57.19% $9,054,823.07 ($1,055,389.45) r r r r Revenue Report-December, 2015 Sewer Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2016 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-December WATER POLLUTION CONTROL CHARGES FOR SERVICES W.P.C. User Fees $3,371,929.29 ($1,749,615.04) 51.89% $1,622,314.25 ($345,383.22) W.P.C. Truck Charges $100,000.00 ($1,215.00) 1.22% $98,785.00 ($1,215.00) Connection Fees $143,819.30 ($221,269.52) 153.85% ($77,450.22) ($4,212.00) Enviromental Impact $50,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $50,000.00 $0.00 Total CHARGES FOR SERVICES $3,665,748.59 ($1,972,099.56) 53.80% $1,693,649.03 ($350,810.22) BOND AND LOAN PROCEEDS State Revolving Fund $385,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $385,000.00 $0.00 Colchester A/P Pkwy Pmt $742,310.00 $0.00 0.00% $742,310.00 $0.00 GF Note Repay-Solar $13,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $13,000.00 $0.00 Total BOND AND LOAN PROCEEDS $1,140,310.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,140,310.00 $0.00 MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Rev.-W.P.C. $10,000.00 ($1,590.46) 15.90% $8,409.54 ($287.44) Total MISCELLANEOUS $10,000.00 ($1,590.46) 15.90% $8,409.54 ($287.44) Total OPERATING TRANSFERS IN $4,816,058.59 ($1,973,690.02) 40.98% $2,842,368.57 ($351,097.66) Total ENTERPRISE FUND/W.P.C. $4,816,058.59 ($1,973,690.02) 40.98% $2,842,368.57 ($351,097.66) Total All Funds $4,816,058.59 ($1,973,690.02) 40.98% $2,842,368.57 ($351,097.66) Revenue Report-December, 2015 Stormwater Fund Estimated Received % Budget FY 2016 MTD Account Revenue To Date Received $ (+/-)Received-December S/WATER UTILITIES REVENUE Intergovernmental Revenue $0.00 $11,501.26 100.00% $11,501.26 ($3,293.95) S/W User Fees - Water Bil $2,060,549.56 ($885,102.32) 42.95% $1,175,447.24 ($170,214.69) Payment from GF re: GIS $37,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $37,000.00 $0.00 State of VT Fee for Servi $50,000.00 $0.00 0.00% $50,000.00 $0.00 Land Owner Payments $29,300.00 $0.00 0.00% $29,300.00 $0.00 Homeowner's Assoc Fee $0.00 ($11,535.51) 100.00% ($11,535.51) $0.00 Total S/WATER UTILITIES REVENUE $2,176,849.56 ($885,136.57) 40.66% $1,291,712.99 ($173,508.64) Total STORM WATER UTILITIES $2,176,849.56 ($885,136.57) 40.66% $1,291,712.99 ($173,508.64) Total All Funds $2,176,849.56 ($885,136.57) 40.66% $1,291,712.99 ($173,508.64)