HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-10 - Supplemental - 0500 Old Farm Road (70)1 Marla Keene From:Tom Dipietro Sent:Tuesday, November 8, 2022 2:07 PM To:Marla Keene Cc:Holly Rees; Jessie Baker Subject:RE: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 Attachments:Exhibit 123 PH-1 Phasing Plan 10 21 2022.pdf Marla, My comments are below, but I’ve CCed Holly and Jessie so that we’re all moving forward with “eyes wide open” related to the following: City acceptance of this infrastructure will require us to increase our maintenance staff or reduce the overall level of service we provide in public places across the City.  Lot 18 – The City will consider accepting ownership of this parcel one year after substantial completion as long as it meets City standards.  Lot 19 - The City will consider accepting ownership of this parcel one year after substantial completion as long as it meets City standards.  Lot 47 - The City will consider accepting ownership of this parcel upon substantial completion of all components and as long as it meets City standards. We won’t commit to doing anything “immediately” or “without delay”. That language needs to be removed.  Workout loop on lots 44, 46, 48 - The City will consider accepting an easement for the trail one year after substantial completion.  Barn and Community space – OK. As for additional information: We discussed the need for maintenance plans/agreements ahead of when they are ready to turn this infrastructure over. Can you confirm that the only park space proposed for public ownership in the prior phase is on Lot 6? Do I need to review legal documents, or is a City attorney involved in this? If not, please link me to the docs. Thanks, Tom From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:34 PM To: Tom Dipietro <tdipietro@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: FW: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 Hey Tom, can you confirm the below screenshot regarding open space ownership is accurate? The thing that jumps out at me is that Lot 47 includes a portion of the workout loop. Did we agree to taking over that portion of the workout loop or were they supposed to keep the whole thing? Plan attached for convenience. Were we expecting more information? I felt like we were but maybe not. We do have draft legal docs in the project folder. Marla Keene, PE 2 Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Andrew Gill <andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 12:32 PM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 Hi Marla, The proposed ownership was outlined in our final plat cover letter dated 4/14/22. I did mention that I would check this and resubmit at our meeting the other day. I apologize for not doing so. The list in the 4/14 letter at page 29 of the PDF is 100% accurate to today’s proposal. See screenshot below, and letter attached. The proposal has not changed. Please let us know if anything here is not clear and I can clarify it. Glad to hear your almost done! I appreciate all your help with this. Best, Andrew Andrew Gill Director of Development O’Brien Brothers 1855 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Cell: 802-734-2796 Ph: 802-658-5000 Fax: 802-658-5002 www.obrienbrothersvt.com “Celebrating 60 years in business with a new brand, a new website… and the same commitment to community minded development!” 3 From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11:40 AM To: Andrew Gill <andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 Thanks for the updated phasing. Getting to the finish line. I have in my notes from our meeting on 10/26 that you were going to prepare a really clear list of what parks are proposed to be public and what are not. Can you point me to where in your submission I could find that information? Thanks, Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Andrew Gill <andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com> Sent: Friday, November 4, 2022 10:30 AM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 Hi Marla, I updated the Exhibit table of contents to include the new path material plan that was requested. Please see the attached plan and TOC. Scott is out of the office today and so I am unable to get him to update the phasing plan. Attached is the language I provided him to add to it. I am more than happy to include any edits you might have in the language if you want to review the Excel file attached. I can provide the updated plan on Monday. I will back date the plan to match the rest of the plan set, and the attached TOC. We can just swap the file if that works for you. Sorry again for missing this. Thank you. Andrew Andrew Gill Director of Development O’Brien Brothers 1855 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Cell: 802-734-2796 Ph: 802-658-5000 Fax: 802-658-5002 www.obrienbrothersvt.com “Celebrating 60 years in business with a new brand, a new website… and the same commitment to community minded development!” 4 From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Friday, November 4, 2022 8:32 AM To: Andrew Gill <andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 It does not appear that you have sent an updated phasing plan. The plan you sent still has 8/17 as the last updated date for the phase descriptions and there are zero changes from the 8/17 submission. See attached. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Marla Keene Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 4:23 PM To: Andrew Gill <andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 Hey Andrew, I don’t mean to pepper you with individual questions but I guess I’m going to do it anyway… Is there supposed to be a newer version of the landscaping cost worksheet? I find it hard to imagine nothing has changed since late March, but perhaps that is true. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Andrew Gill <andrew@obrienbrothersvt.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 4:18 PM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Cc: Evan Langfeldt <evan@obrienbrothersvt.com>; Scott Homsted <scott.homsted@krebsandlansing.com>; Carolyn Orben <corben@wagnerhodgson.com>; Jeff Hodgson <jhodgson@wagnerhodgson.com>; Roger Dickinson, PE, PTOE <Roger.Dickinson@tcevt.com> Subject: 'EXTERNAL'Eastview Final Plat Supplemental Submission 10 25 22 This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Good Afternoon Marla, We have completed the changes and updates to the Eastview project plans that we have discussed over the past few months and public hearings. Attached please find a cover letter which discusses those changes in more detail. Below is a link to Dropbox, where you will find all of the updated exhibits. For your convenience we are also attaching an updated Exhibit Table of Contents. AS discussed in the letter, we have only provided discussion for changes that required some additional information. Most of the changes requested have simply been incorporated into the plans. 5 We will look forward to our meeting tomorrow and to walking through the letter and addressing any questions there may be and we appreciate your time and effort in moving our project forward. Thank you: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/q5pqmksetjphpve8gvqy4/h?dl=0&rlkey=2krygxw90q2h9tuj8yujmhf5g Andrew Gill Director of Development O’Brien Brothers 1855 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Cell: 802-734-2796 Ph: 802-658-5000 Fax: 802-658-5002 www.obrienbrothersvt.com “Celebrating 60 years in business with a new brand, a new website… and the same commitment to community minded development!” *** This email originated outside your organization *** *** This email originated outside your organization ***