HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-10 - Supplemental - 0500 Old Farm Road (69)1 Marla Keene From:Tom Dipietro Sent:Thursday, November 3, 2022 5:38 PM To:Marla Keene Subject:RE: SD-22-10 O'Brien Eastview - revisions Marla, Below are my review comments on the O’Brien Eastview project: General Comments  The applicant is reminded that any work in the existing Old Farm Road or Kimball Avenue ROW will require a ROW access permit from the South Burlington DPW.  Record drawings shall be prepared for any infrastructure proposed for City acceptance.  All traffic signal equipment shall meet DPW specifications.  It would be helpful if plan sheets had matchlines or indicated the adjacent sheet number, so it was easy to follow piping and other features across the many sheets that make up the plan set.  C-18 – Potash Road will need an appropriate plow truck turnaround. This turn around can be discontinued at such time as the road is extended.  C-19 – Confirm that existing speed hump on Old Farm Road will remain in place. Ensure that water does not pond up behind the speed hump. Stormwater  Existing City ordinance does not allow the stormwater utility to accept maintenance responsibility for stormwater treatment practices that receive runoff form non-residential properties. In the future, these properties may seek State coverage under the City’s MS4 permit, but maintenance remains the responsibility of the property owner(s).  It is recommended that all homes with footing / foundation drains connected to proposed future public infrastructure have back flow preventers installed.  Landscaping should not show trees / shrubs over emergency overflows (e.g. L203, L204, etc). Landscaping must be installed such that maintenance access routes are open and free of plantings.  C-6.1 – Ensure that pervious pavers are appropriately protected during construction so that their ability to infiltrate is protected.  C-7 – Are the plans missing a piece of pipe between the storm drain with rim at 353 and the storm drain with rim at 337.71? Labels are visible, but no pipe line is shown. Is the piece of pipe between the storm drains with rim at 353 new or existing? Provide pipe material and size. Replace if existing. Same comment for pipe between CBs with rim at 337.71.  Many of the proposed stormwater treatment practices do not have emergency spillways. Where will water flow if the outlet pipes clog or fail?  C-20 – Include a summary table by sub-catchment with basic information about the drainage area (e.g. drainage area size, proposed impervious surface, and any other relevant info). This will prevent reviewers from having to refer to modeling to obtain this information.  Is there a detail for the “stabilized grass maintenance drive” indicated in various places throughout the plans? Plat and Easement Related  All easements to the City of South Burlington are proposed and not final until such time as they are accepted by City council. Consider adding the word “proposed” to the plat and easement plan to clarify this. 2  Consider reconfiguring the drainage pipe on the commercial properties north of Obrien farm Road east (lots 52 to 55). Drainage infrastructure to be owned/maintained by the City should be in a public ROW. Placement along a property boundary may also be considered. However, it is unlikely that the City will accept drainage or sewer easements that run through commercial properties. Placing public easements through these lots would also limit the constructability of these lots since no structures are allowed within City easements. Parks  L206 - Confirm that the dog park “entry area” will be ADA accessible. Consider adding stonedust into the main park areas so that these locations are also ADA accessible. Can stonedust paths be added from entry to areas where benches are included in the park to expand the ADA accessible areas?  Specify the material under the exercise stations on the circuit training trail. My assumption is that these stations will have mulch beneath them. You should also receive review comments from other DPW staff (i.e. Erica, Jay, Craig, and Dave). Let me know if you need something additional from any of our DPW folks. I will follow up with them directly. Lastly, if you have a few minutes I’d like to quickly talk with you about the following topics:  Kimball bike path: I’d like for them to provide a plan to connect the bike path on Kimball to the existing path near community drive. On-road options would be acceptable for this short section and examples are provided in a recent report prepared by D&K. If the City decides that we want an off-road option then we can undertake that as a capital project. However, I think that path should be connected as part of this project and would like to work with the applicant to make that happen.  Gravel path in front of dog park on sheet C-6.1 exhibit 124. Did we agree to this, or did we say we wanted concrete to the park? I can’t recall.  It might be a good idea for us to plan a quick meeting and go over whatever is on your mind after you review. This is a HUGE plan set and may be worth another look together. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. -Tom From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 4:23 PM To: Tom Dipietro <tdipietro@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Erica Quallen <equallen@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Dave Wheeler <dwheeler@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Craig Lambert <clambert@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Terry Francis <tfrancis@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Ed Spooner <espooner@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Holly Rees <hrees@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Jay Nadeau <jay.nadeau@champlainwater.org> Cc: Paul Conner <pconner@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: RE: SD-22-10 O'Brien Eastview - revisions Hi Everyone, as previewed, here is a link to the revised submission. \\\apps\USERS\Planning & Zoning\Development Review Board\Applications\2022\SD-22-10_500 Old Farm Road_OBrien Eastview_FP_2022-07-19 All superseded materials have been moved to the sub-folder “NOLF-SSD,” while files in the main folder (and “plans” sub- folder) are all current. The (short by O’Brien standards) narrative accompanying this revised submission is attached and in the main project folder. Please review and provide your final comments by Friday November 4. I’ve also set up a static copy of this project folder on sharepoint: SD-22-10_500 Old Farm Road_OBrien Eastview_FP_2022-07-19 3 My intention is for Jay to use this folder since he doesn’t have access to the network but others are welcome to use it read-only as well. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Marla Keene Sent: Friday, October 14, 2022 10:26 AM To: Tom Dipietro <tdipietro@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Erica Quallen <equallen@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Dave Wheeler <dwheeler@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Craig Lambert <clambert@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Terry Francis <tfrancis@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Ed Spooner <espooner@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Holly Rees <hrees@southburlingtonvt.gov>; Jay Nadeau <jay.nadeau@champlainwater.org> Cc: Paul Conner <pconner@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: SD-22-10 O'Brien Eastview - revisions Hey folks, Just a heads up that we’re expecting a complete package of revised materials for O’Brien Eastview on October 25, which attempts to address all the comments from you and from the Board. I’ll turn the materials around to you as quickly as I am able (hopefully that day). Please set aside time to review and provide your final feedback (hopefully saying all is satisfactory) by Friday November 4; my report is due the Wednesday after. They usually prepare a lengthy cover memo going through everything line by line, and they’re already up to 217 attachments (including both documents and plans) so please plan accordingly. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 180 Market Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.southburlingtonvt.gov Notice - Under Vermont’s Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation.