HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-10 - Supplemental - 0500 Old Farm Road (63)1 Marla Keene From:Marla Weiner <fireflymarla@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, July 19, 2022 3:00 PM To:Brian Armstrong Cc:Marla Keene; Jessie Baker; Paul Conner; John Henning; Nathan Dickey; Evan Langfeldt; Barbara Neff Subject:'EXTERNAL'Re: Public Comments for SD-22-10 - July 19th Meeting This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. We are in 100% agreement with the thoughts and requests proposed by our neighbor and fellow Old Farm Rd. resident Brian Armstrong in his letter. Just to add another note: It is NOT the job of the City to ensure the viability of the Red Barn Deli at the expense of a peaceful, long existing, TAX PAYING neighborhood. Especially, in light of the current operating hours as pointed out by Mr. Armstrong. Paul or Marla - Please add my comments to the record. Respectfully, Marla & Bill Weiner 105 Old Farm Rd. 802.324.5056 On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 1:21 PM Brian Armstrong <barmstrong@kw.com> wrote: Re Plat Application #SD-22-10 O’Brien East View LLC, Public Comments for the Record. To whom it may concern, As most who read this email know, I am a resident of 50 Old Farm Rd. I am being directly and adversely affected by this development. I currently have an appeal in process and remain hopeful that a mutually equitable path (pun intended) may be found that better realizes the following  The clear and ample needs of the community for more housing NOW.  Minimizes if not eliminates the need for additional appeals and or court action, including but not limited to possible federal court actions.  Provides ample routes for pedestrians to access surrounding developments both commercial and residential. 2  Anticipation of the need for additional traffic congestion/mitigation (as created by new lights on R116 at/near Old Farm Road.  Better preserves the nature of a very established neighborhood. Perceived Backdrop by this neighboring resident:  The municipality, staff and or board members approved some years ago a zoning exception that allowed for a smaller than normally permitted lot creating what is now known as The Red Barn Deli.  Now the Staff and or Board have stated they are concerned that there may not be enough safe routes of travel for pedestrians wishing to visit the Red Barn Deli Property.  The Red Barn Deli is CLOSED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS and after 630pm M-F creating little if any additional pedestrian traffic during peak pedestrian hours (after 5 on weekdays and Saturday and Sunday.)  FOUR or more involved parties in the major development that is Old Farm Road and Tilley Drive all appear to favor or be open to access that would route a pedestrian path to the eastern most side of the applicants project and run along the proposed out surgery center UVM/Pizzagali) thus negating or minimizing the need for pedestrian routes on the lower end of Old Farm Road. Those I have spoken to or have commented are o Doug Dickey o Barbara Neff o The Applicant, Eastview LLC o Pizzagalli o UVM Med Center o Every resident on Old Farm Road. The “lottery” request – in my opinion with respect and humor  The town moves in line with all residents of Old Farm Road, the Applicant and puts no sidewalk or path on old farm road. Preserving the nature of the existing neighborhood.  Safe pedestrian travel to the Red Barn Deli and its limited operating hours, is via a pedestrian path located on the easterly most side of the proposed Eastview LLC’s property and that of the proposed UVM surgery center. The Fair Request (likely saving neighbors applicants years of appeals and delivering needed housing now.) All parties essentially concede to….  The town channels bike/pedestrian paths to the far easterly side of the applicant’s property and the proposed future outpatient surgery center as proposed by UVM Medical/Pizzagali  Town allows for the benefit of all residents at Old Farm Road that the requested sidewalk proposed on Old Farm road be constructed in the final most stages of the development (again Red Barn Deli is closed on the weekends and after 630 M-F.)  The town works with Eastview LLC, UVM Med, Pizzagali in a collaborative way that honors the request of Old Farm Residents as well as past studies that have suggested “scoping” the area as needed as it is changing drastically adding immense and new residential and commercial development. When considering my comments and requests I ask the town the following… If so many residents opposed this sidewalk and or path and the applicants have offered an easterly option… would it be too much to ask to abandon the sidewalk/path request on Old Farm Road? If a path to a store (that is closed when most residents of the proposed development would walk to it) is truly necessary… is it too much to ask that the construction be at the final most stages of the development? Who is the town serving and at what cost in their opposition to these requests? 3 With tremendous respect to all and in search of a fair path (pun intended) forward, Marla or Paul, if you would be so kind (please and thank you) confirm receipt. Brian Armstrong Team Leader & Co-Founder at Keller Williams Vermont Strong Will Real Estate & Property Management o : e: 802.488.3494 m: 802.598.3190 barmstrong@kw.com w: allburlingtonhomes.com a : 68 Randall Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 "Live like you are going to die tomorrow, learn as if you are going to live forever." Gandhi Consumer Information Disclosure: Prospective Buyers and Sellers: KW Vermont represents both Buyers and Sellers through written agency agreements. Unless KW Vermont and you enter into a written agreement for agency representation, you are a customer and not a client. There is no confidentiality between us until there is a signed brokerage service agreement. Link to disclosure: Click here for Disclosure