HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-10 - Supplemental - 0500 Old Farm Road (22)O'Brien Home Farm Subdivision Phase II  Last Updated 3/9/2022 Phase  Number Phase Name/Description Planned Phase Start/Trigger Total Cost Public Improvements  and Phase Bond Amount Phase 1 IC Roadway and Construction Staging Area At start of construction.  50,000.00$                                        Phase 2 Leo Lane and Associated Homes.At start of construction, first residential phase. 1,387,792.00$                                   Phase 3 Daniel Drive, Barn Road and South Mabel Way Anytime prior to or after completion of Phase 2  Meadow Loop 1,773,811.00$                                   Phase 4 Soil Stockpile and Fill Area   As needed to facilitate materials storage.  Not to  commence prior to first zoning permit for  infrastructure or home construction. 25,000.00$                                        Phase 5 Mabel Way North Anytime prior to or after completion of Phase 3  Parkway Homes and Mountainview 756,795.00$                                      Phase 6 Existing Old Farm Road Improvements And Alley  Load Homes Anytime prior to or after completion of Phase 3  Parkway Homes and Mountainview 376,794.00$                                      Phase 7 Barn Improvements and Old Farm Parallel Parking,  Sidewalk  Restoration of barn to commence at 20% of home  and townhome zoning permits issued, all  improvements complete at 75% of zoning permits  issued.376,562.00$                                      Phase 8 Relocated Old Farm Road, Stormwater and Rec  Path from Old Farm Road to Kennedy Drive Started at 30% zoning permits issued, completed  prior to 65% zoning permits issued. 994,886.00$                                      Phase 9 O'Brien Farm Road Cul‐De‐Sac Anytime after completion of Phase 9 Relocated Old  Farm Road, or Concurrent with first zoning permit  for Lot 27‐Lot 30 603,149.00$                                      Phase 10 O'Brien Farm Road Extension to Old Farm Road  Connection to relocated Old Farm Road  simultaneous with Phase 8 Relocated Old Farm  Road 69,364.67$                                        Phase 11 Open Space Park Amenity  Required at Completion of Homes 39‐1 to 39‐11 and  38‐1 to 38‐5 103,489.00$                                      Phase 12 Open Space Park Amenitiy and Playground  Complete prior to the certificate of occupancy for  the development which generates more than 400  PM Peak Hour Trips, roughly 50% of anticipated R1  and C1‐LR Development Trip Ends.  400 Trips  Exclude IC Development Area.167,579.00$                                      Phase 13 Old Farm Road and Kimball Avenue Intersection  Traffic Light As required by Traffic Impact Study. 338,000.00$                                      Phase 14 Potash Road  Concurrent with first zoning permit for  development on the IC Lots.1,402,866.85$                                   Phase 15 Potash Road Kimball Avenue Intersection Traffic  Light  As required by Traffic Impact Study. 338,000.00$                                      Phase 16 Open Space Amenity IC Trail Including Fitness  Stations in Phase 11. Built concurrently and complete prior to the  certificate of occupancy for the development which  generates more than 575 PM Peak Hour Trips in the  IC Land, roughly 50% of anticipated IC Development  Trip Ends, irrespective of C1‐LR, R1 and R12  Development 73,195.00$                                        Phase 17 Old Farm Road Sidewalk to 116 Complete prior to the certificate of occupancy for  the development which generates more than 400  PM Peak Hour Trips, roughly 50% of anticipated R1  and C1‐LR Development Trip Ends.  400 Trips  Exclude IC Development Area.160,000.00$                                      Total 8,997,283.52$                                   Date 3/9/2022 Phase 1 IC Roadway and Construction Staging Area  Water System ‐$                                                 Sewer System  ‐$                                                 Storm System  ‐$                                                 Multi‐Path/Concrete Sidewal ‐$                                                 Road Sub‐Base ‐$                                                 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Underdrain  ‐$                                                 Conduit  ‐$                                                 Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Erosion Control ‐$                                                 Misc items (Clearing)‐$                                                 Site Rehabilitation 50,000.00$                                     Total  50,000.00$                                     Date 3/9/2022 Phase 2 Leo Lane and Associated Homes. Water System 220,991.00$                                  Sewer System  107,054.00$                                  Storm System  156,015.00$                                  Multi‐Path/Concrete Sidewalk  112,250.00$                                  Road Sub‐Base 82,500.00$                                     Cuts and Fills  120,000.00$                                  Underdrain  35,660.00$                                     Conduit  165,717.00$                                  Gravel Wetlands 150,194.00$                                  Erosion Control 46,000.00$                                     Misc items (Lot 18 Grading) 10,000.00$                                     Paving  73,333.00$                                     Lot 19 Pavers 13,078.00$                                     Lot 19 Seat Wall  5,000.00$                                       Lot 19 Flatwork 35,000.00$                                     Lot 19 Grading and Shaping  for Natural Play 10,000.00$                                     Lot 19 Tree Fort 20,000.00$                                     Lot 19 Slide 25,000.00$                                     Total  1,387,792.00$                               Date 3/9/2022 Phase 3 Daniel Drive, Barn Road and South Mabel Way Daniel Drive  Barn Road Mabel Way Water System 88,321.00$                                    34,899.00$                 157,988.00$         Sewer System  44,020.00$                                    36,030.00$                 181,614.00$         Storm System  72,445.00$                                    68,392.00$                 154,588.00$         Multi‐Path/Concrete  64,400.00$                                    43,580.00$                 106,300.00$         Road Sub‐Base 33,660.00$                                    30,360.00$                 72,600.00$            Cuts and Fills  38,822.00$                                    17,420.00$                 31,170.00$            Underdrain  14,545.00$                                    13,119.00$                 31,372.00$            Conduit  22,000.00$                                    14,000.00$                 64,000.00$            Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                100,305.00$               52,102.00$            Erosion Control 16,320.00$                                    12,800.00$                 35,200.00$            Paving  29,920.00$                                    26,986.00$                 64,533.00$            Misc items ‐$                                                 ‐$                              Total  424,453.00$                                 397,891.00$               951,467.00$         Phase 3 Total 1,773,811.00$                               Date 3/9/2022 Phase 4 Soil Stockpile and Fill Area  Water System ‐$                                                 Sewer System  ‐$                                                 Storm System  ‐$                                                 Multi‐Path/Concrete  ‐$                                                 Road Sub‐Base ‐$                                                 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Underdrain  ‐$                                                 Conduit  ‐$                                                 Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Erosion Control 25,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  25,000.00$                                     Date 3/9/2022 Phase 5 Mabel Way North Water System 112,768.00$                                  Sewer System  77,551.00$                                     Storm System  111,809.00$                                  Multi‐Path/Concrete  135,537.00$                                  Road Sub‐Base 75,900.00$                                     Cuts and Fills  37,166.00$                                     Underdrain  32,798.00$                                     Conduit  69,800.00$                                     Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Paving  67,466.00$                                     Erosion Control 36,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  756,795.00$                                  Date 3/9/2022 Existing Old Farm Road Improvements And Alley Load Homes Phase 6 Water System 99,020.00$                                     Sewer System  57,189.00$                                     Storm System  54,320.00$                                     Multi‐Path/Concrete  32,812.00$                                     Road Sub‐Base 35,200.00$                                     Cuts and Fills  12,000.00$                                     Underdrain  ‐$                                                 Conduit  20,400.00$                                     Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Erosion Control 10,000.00$                                     Paving  32,853.00$                                     Signage  2,500.00$                                       Flashing Beacons 18,000.00$                                     Raised Walks 2,500.00$                                       Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  376,794.00$                                  Date 3/9/2022 Barn Improvements and Old Farm Parallel Parking, Sidewalk  Phase 7 Water System 53,128.00$                                     Sewer System  ‐$                                                 Storm System  ‐$                                                 Multi‐Path/Concrete  29,175.00$                                     Road Sub‐Base 5,637.00$                                       Cuts and Fills  5,122.00$                                       Underdrain  ‐$                                                 Conduit  20,400.00$                                     Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Erosion Control 1,500.00$                                       Permeable Parking 150,000.00$                                  Permeable Paths  39,600.00$                                     Pea Stone  Courtyard 12,000.00$                                     Demo Milking  Parlor 10,000.00$                                     Construct Pavillion 50,000.00$                                     Total  376,562.00$                                  Date 3/9/2022 Relocated Old Farm Road, Stormwater and Rec Path from Old Farm Road to Kennedy Drive Phase 8 Water System 62,341.00$                                     Sewer System  101,526.00$                                  Storm System  224,681.00$                                  Multi‐ Path/Concrete  Sidewalk 130,000.00$                                  Include rec path from Old Farm To Kenned Road Sub‐Base 84,623.00$                                     Cuts and Fills  145,929.00$                                  Underdrain  29,946.00$                                     Conduit  12,400.00$                                     Gravel Wetlands 90,000.00$                                     Erosion Control 36,000.00$                                     Paving  77,440.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  994,886.00$                                  dy Date 3/9/2022 O'Brien Farm Road Cul‐De‐Sac Phase 9 Water System 91,452.00$                                     Sewer System  59,841.00$                                     Storm System  94,335.00$                                     Multi‐ Path/Concrete  Sidewalk 115,250.00$                                  Road Sub‐Base 59,400.00$                                     Cuts and Fills  38,055.00$                                     Underdrain  22,816.00$                                     Conduit  40,400.00$                                     Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Erosion Control 28,800.00$                                     Paving  52,800.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  603,149.00$                                  Date 3/9/2022 O'Brien Farm Road Extension to Old Farm Road Phase 10 Water System 18,534.00$                                     Sewer System  ‐$                                                 Storm System  ‐$                                                 Multi‐ Path/Concrete  Sidewalk 17,465.00$                                     Road Sub‐Base 8,580.00$                                       Cuts and Fills  4,092.00$                                       Underdrain  3,707.00$                                       Conduit  5,200.00$                                       Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Erosion Control 4,160.00$                                       Paving  7,626.67$                                       Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  69,364.67$                                     Date 3/9/2022 Open Space Park Amenity  Phase 11 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Gravel Path  18,000.00$                                     Concrete Flatwork  and Shared use 17,000.00$                                     Fencing 35,489.00$                                     Dog Park Equipment  10,000.00$                                     Water to Dog Park  8,000.00$                                       Workout Stations*  ‐$                                                 Play Equipment  Play Equipment  Wood Chip Base Erosion Control 15,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  103,489.00$                                  *Workout stations to be added when IC lots trigger construction of complete trail.   Date 3/9/2022 Open Space Park Amenitiy and Playground  Phase 12 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Gravel Path  ‐$                                                 Concrete Flatwork ‐$                                                 Multi‐Use Path 12,000.00$                                     Fencing 50,000.00$                                     Dog Park Equipment  15,000.00$                                     Water to Dog Park  8,000.00$                                       Workout Stations  ‐$                                                 Play Equipment  57,579.00$                                     Play Equipment  Wood Chip Base 10,000.00$                                     Erosion Control 15,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  167,579.00$                                  Date 3/9/2022 Old Farm Road and Kimball Avenue Intersection Traffic Light Phase 13 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Storwater  ‐$                                                 Concrete Flatwork ‐$                                                 Signal Installation 300,000.00$                                  Road Milling and  Repaving 15,000.00$                                     Traffic Control 8,000.00$                                       Erosion Control 15,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  338,000.00$                                  Date 3/9/2022 Potash Road  Phase 14 Water System 130,343.00$                                  Sewer System  99,386.00$                                     Storm System  115,418.00$                                  Multi‐ Path/Concrete  Sidewalk 227,840.00$                                  Road Sub‐Base 133,375.00$                                  Cuts and Fills  91,296.00$                                     Underdrain  48,484.00$                                     Conduit  136,000.00$                                  Gravel Wetlands 231,684.85$                                  Erosion Control 54,400.00$                                     Paving 134,640.00$                                  Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  1,402,866.85$                               Date 3/9/2022 Potash Road Kimball Avenue Intersection Traffic Light  Phase 15 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Storwater  ‐$                                                 Concrete Flatwork ‐$                                                 Signal Installation 300,000.00$                                  Road Milling and  Repaving 15,000.00$                                     Traffic Control 8,000.00$                                       Erosion Control 15,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  338,000.00$                                  Date 3/9/2022 Open Space Amenity IC Trail Including Fitness Stations in Phase 11. Phase 16 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Gravel Path  ‐$                                                 Concrete Flatwork ‐$                                                 Multi Use Path 25,000.00$                                     Fencing ‐$                                                 Dog Park Equipment  ‐$                                                 Water to Dog Park  ‐$                                                 Workout Stations  33,195.00$                                     Play Equipment  ‐$                                                 Play Equipment  Wood Chip Base ‐$                                                 Erosion Control 15,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  73,195.00$                                     Date 3/9/2022 Old Farm Road Sidewalk to 116 Phase 17 Water System ‐$                                                 Sewer System  ‐$                                                 Storm System  10,000.00$                                     Multi‐ Path/Concrete  Sidewalk 129,000.00$                                  Road Sub‐Base ‐$                                                 Cuts and Fills  ‐$                                                 Underdrain  ‐$                                                 Conduit  ‐$                                                 Gravel Wetlands ‐$                                                 Erosion Control 5,000.00$                                       Paving 16,000.00$                                     Misc items ‐$                                                 Total  160,000.00$