HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-032 - Supplemental - 0119 Tilley Drive (4) 180 Market Street, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 | 802-846-4106 | www.southburlingtonvt.gov TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Marla Keene, Development Review Planner SUBJECT: #SP-22-032 1795 Shelburne Road DATE: November 15, 2022 Development Review Board meeting PROJECT DESCRIPTION Site plan application #SP-22-032 of UVM Medical Center to construct a one and a half story 84,006 sf medical office and outpatient facility with associated parking, equipment and stormwater treatment on an existing undeveloped 13.5 acre lot, 119 Tilley Drive. CONTEXT The Board held a hearing on this application on August 2, 2022, September 20, and October 19, 2022. The Board continued the hearing to November 1 for the limited purpose of addressing parking lot landscaping requirements. The applicant requested, and the Board approved, a continuation to November 15 to allow additional time to coordinate proposing parking lot landscaping with neighbors. The applicant has provided a revised landscaping plan for the Board’s review, which Staff has included in the packet along with the previously-submitted landscaping plan. Staff anticipates the Board will have a short hearing on November 15 and will be able to close the hearing. COMMENTS 13.04 Landscaping, Screening & Street Trees B. Except for parking spaces accessory to a one-family or two-family dwelling, all off-street parking areas subject to review by the Development Review Board, shall be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers, as approved by the Development Review Board. Sections of recessed curb are permitted if their purpose is to allow stormwater runoff from the adjacent parking area to reach stormwater collection, treatment and management infrastructure. The Development Review Board shall consider the adequacy of the proposed landscaping to assure the establishment of a safe, convenient, and attractive parking area and the privacy and comfort of abutting properties. (1) All off-street parking areas shall be landscaped around the perimeter of the lot with trees, shrubs and other plants. Perimeter planting shall be set back from the curb sufficiently to allow for snow storage. The purpose of perimeter planting shall be to mitigate the view of the parking lot from the public way and from adjacent uses and properties, and to provide shade and canopy for the parking lot. In some situations it may be necessary both for surveillance purposes and for the perception of safety to install the size and type of plants that leave visual access between the parking lot to the public way or other pedestrian areas. Staff considers this criterion met. (2) In all parking areas containing twenty-eight (28) or more contiguous parking spaces and/or in parking lots with more than a single circulation lane, at least ten percent (10%) of the interior of the parking lot shall be landscaped islands planted with trees, shrubs and other plants. Such requirement shall not apply to structured parking or below-ground parking. The applicant has shown that this criterion is met by providing 13,812 sf of landscape islands within 84,488 sf of parking area. (3) All interior and perimeter planting shall be protected by curbing unless specifically designed as a collection and treatment area for management of stormwater runoff as per 13.04(B)(5)(c) below. Interior planted islands shall have a minimum dimension of six (6) feet on any one side, and shall have a minimum square footage of sixty (60) square feet. Large islands are encouraged. Curbing is provided. Staff considers this criterion met. (4) Landscaping Requirements (a) Landscaping shall include a variety of trees, shrubs, grasses and ground covers. All planting shall be species hardy for the region and, if located in areas receiving road runoff or salt spray, shall be salt-tolerant. Staff considers this criterion met. (b) At least one (1) major deciduous shade tree shall be provided within or near the perimeter of each parking area, for every five (5) parking spaces. The trees shall be placed evenly throughout the parking lot to provide shade and reduce glare. Trees shall be placed a minimum of thirty (30) feet apart. 1. 270 parking spaces are provided, requiring 54 shade trees. The applicant has indicated they do not desire to provide shade trees on the western or northern sides of the parking lot due to neighbor requests to not block views of the mountains. On October 19, the applicant provided a few trees to the north but only low growing shrubs to the west. The Board directed the applicant to improve compliance with this criterion by redistributing the shade trees to provide approximately one tree for every five parking spaces around the perimeter of the lot. Staff recommends the Board review the revised plan against the requirement for even placement for shading and glare reduction, prior to closing the hearing. (c) Trees shall have a caliper equal to or greater than two and one-half (2 ½) inches when measured on the tree stem, six (6) inches above the root ball. This criterion is met. (d) Where more than ten (10) trees are installed, a mix of species is encouraged; the species should be grouped or located in a manner that reinforces the design and layout of the parking lot and the site. Staff considers this criterion met. (e) Within the City Center FBC District, landscaping required within this section shall not count towards meeting minimum landscape budget requirements as detailed in Section 13.04(G). This criterion is not applicable. (5) Snow storage areas must be specified and located in an area that minimizes the potential for erosion and contaminated runoff into any adjacent or nearby surface waters. Snow storage is provided. Staff considers this criterion met. Respectfully submitted, Marla Keene, Development Review Planner