HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 10/05/2022NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes October 05, 2022 6 pm Attending: Andrew Bolduc (City Liaison), David Wheeler (City Liaison), Jean Sebastien-Chaulot (Chr), Larry Kupferman (Vice Chr), Katherine Boyk, John Bossange, Michele Korpos, Linda Bailey, Lisa Yankowski Missing: Bill Wargo, Drew Shatzer & Helen Riehle (City Council Rep) Public & city attendees: Tom DiPietro and Roseanne Greco 1) Welcome and we introduced ourselves to Tom DiPietro (SB DPW Director). 2) No changes to the agenda. 3) No comments from the public at this time. 4) John moved to adopt the minutes from September 07, 2022, Katherine 2nd with a slight change in #5-c from low income housing to market rate housing. a. Passed unanimously. 5) City Updates a. Bill Wargo has resigned from this committee. b. Andrew made us aware that FY 24 pre-budget forecasting revealing a shortage gap that will require a possible 4-5% increase in the CIP Budget. How to fill this? Try to stretch it out over several years requiring 6-7% increase in funding. c. The city council has agreed to use some of the ARPA Funds towards park improvements. d. On a future ballot—probably March 2023—joining communications district to extend broadband service to areas currently underserved. It is hoped nearby towns will join the effort and help with the funding. e. Planning & Zoning is looking into a possible zoning change in the Lowe’s/Hannaford area off Shelburne Rd. A Tesla dealership is looking at that area to locate to. f. 10/17 is a public hearing for Planning & Zoning on possible TDR district changes. g. The City’s Comprehensive Plan kickoff was last week. They were looking at goals. h. The Climate Action Plan is pushing a new ordinance require new construction to have heat pumps. This is a goal to get away from fossil fuels. Michele is worried that heat pumps won’t work when the electricity goes out. Committee members point out that gas/propane heaters don’t work without electricity either. Lisa wants to know where all that extra electricity is coming from and what happens if the power goes out! Green Mountain Power (GMP) is now 100% renewable. Katherine asks if GMP has capacity for extra electricity demand from heat pumps. Committee members point out that GMP is already anticipating increased demand for electric cars. i. Tom DiPietro and consultants were before the city council about the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility. It needs upgrades. There should be a vote on the March ballot for a bond to help cover the $33 million cost. Tom will also be looking for any grants and programs that can be utilized to help with the cost. Yes there is a contingency fund since we know upgrades have to be made. Linda asked if the upgrade includes increased capacity- yes, some. The upgrade is necessary because the plant is getting older. Katherine wondered about lead inventory of drinking water distribution system. Tom doesn’t expect to find lead because our system is newer than cities like Burlington. 6) Ash Tree Replacement a. Reference the letter we received in answer to the letter John had written to the city council. John is still putting forward a hybrid approach of treatment and removal to give new trees a chance to grow. Tom reminded us there is 1 city arborist- how do we manage a treatment plan? Removal is the preferred method to prevent any liability issues. Treatment could make sense for large established heritage trees. The trees we are referring to are street trees and in a few neighborhoods in the SE Quadrant near the Great Swamp and Hubbard Park. There are still plenty of other trees not slated for removal. Jean is still concerned with possibly losing lots of tree canopy at the same time. Katherine reminded us that the street trees do very little in helping with carbon sequestering. Their value is aesthetics. Roseanne’s concerns are not aesthetics but “heat islands”. (Heat islands are zones of relative warmth created by urban air and surface temperatures that are higher than those of nearby rural areas.) i. We are still working on options with Tom and trying to find solutions. The total number of ash trees is currently about 600. Some have been removed and replanted. There has been some inter-planting waiting before removal. But Tom’s main concern is still monitoring for any treatment plan and equity. ii. John will write an updated memo to the city council. 7) City tree canopy regulation a. Larry reviewed the reply from the city attorney regarding possibly having a charter change that would control tree removal, thus affecting the tree canopy, on private property. He feels it would be quicker to change zoning regulations for new developments preventing developers from clear cutting a site. Michelle will write an article to support working with the Climate Action Plan about trees. The work group would like to meet with the city arborist, Craig Lambert. Michelle thinks there should be compensation to the city for any tree trimming/removal during bird nesting season. Andrew reminded us the state already has regulations around this. 8) FY23 Annual work plan a. Andrew and Jean are working on this. 9) Committee ARPA funding presentation at the city council’s upcoming special meeting. a. We may get the approval for the $50,000 we are proposing for ash tree treatment/replacement. 10) Member updates & reports a. Common Area for Dogs (CAD)- we are waiting for Middlebury Fence to come back and correct the fencing lines- enlarge it. We are hoping before November. b. Bill Wargo submitted his resignation to this committee. He had been on the Climate Action Plan Committee as well. The final Climate Action Plan has been approved by the city council. c. Andrew- nothing new for the Champlain Conservation Committee. d. John – no updates for the South Burlington Land Trust. e. Michele- no response so far from the airport’s Nick Longo. She had attended the Burlington mayor’s meeting to ask about this. f. Open Space work group has met twice and will continue meeting Wednesdays at the library. g. Make sure to read the information Andrew sent from the CCRPC. Work has begun on the Comprehensive Plan. Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm Our next meeting is WEDNESDAY November 02 at 6pm FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - ARPA funds - FY 2023 work plan