HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/05/2012 (2)Minutes of the City Council Meeting Monday, March 5, 2012 This session following an Executive Session, which was convened to discuss contract negotiations. Councilor Greco motioned to exit Executive Session; Councilor Emery seconded; and it was unanimously approved. Councilor Greco motioned to open City Council meeting; Councilor Emery seconded; and it was unanimously approved. Councilor Greco motioned to adopt a resolution on an addendum to the City Manager's employment contract, and then read the entirety of this resolution. Councilor Dooley noted a few typographic errors (changed "these Resolutions" to "this Resolution.") Councilor Emery seconded (with the typos corrected). All five City Councilors voted their approval of this resolution, and signed the Resolution, which is attached and thereby incorporated into the minutes of this meeting. Councilor Greco motioned to adjourn the meeting; Councilor Emery seconded; and it was unanimously approved. Minutes taken and submitted by the Clerk, Councilor Greco Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. 70/2 -tJ3 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ADDENDUM TO CTIY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT At a meeting of the South Burlington City Council, duly warned, and held on March 5, 2012, the following Resolution was proposed and adopted by the City Council. WHEREAS, the City and Sanford Miller have heretofore entered into a contract of employment engaging Mr. Miller as the City Manager for the City ofSouth Burlington, which was most ------~r~~€nQeda~~~~~pri125,2o~~nd~,---- WHEREAS, the City Council has provided an evaluation ofMr~~tll~r:~p-~rlQrmance as City Managerthrough February 2~ 20i2 and has-proVided the evaluations to Mr. Miller . NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council for South Burlington does hereby amend the contract ofemployment between Mr. Miller and the City as follows: .L Current Year Salary Adjustment: Mr. Miller's salary shall be increased by the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars to an annual salary of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($117,500.00) for the period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. The increase. shall apply retroactively, with that portion ofthe increase that WQuld have been paid for the period from July 1, 2011 to March 5, 2012 to be paid in a ._.._ si~~._1.uIl1P sum payment not laterthanthe next paycheck to be delivered to Mr. Miller. 2. Attendance.at Kennedy Sehoal of Management: To further e'nhance the manager's performance and capabilities, which will provide a direct benefit to the City, Mr. Miller is authorized to submit an application to and when accepted to enroll in the three week course offered to senior executives in local or state government at the Harvard Kennedy School or a similar program for local or state government leaders. The City will pay the tuition/regular charge for the program. At Mr. Miller's discretion, Mr. Miller may take a full week's vacation in the week preceding the program and one week's vacation following the course (for a total oftwo weeks -provided Mr. Miller has at least two weeks of accrued vacation time prior to the commencement ofthe program and with the understanding that this provision does not affect the formula for accrual of or increase vacation time assigned to Mr. Miller). Mr. Miller may submit his application for consideration for the program to be held in the summer of 2013 or later. Mr. Miller will also apply to ICMA for available fellowships to reduce the cost to the City for the program fees, however, if Mr. Miller does not receive a fellowship or grant, the City will pay the program fee. FURTHER RES 0 L VED, upon the adoption ofthis Resolution by a vote of at least a majority of the City Council approving this Resolution, this Resolution shall be deemed, without necessity of a further writing, to be an addendum to the current employment contract between Mr. Miller and the City ofSouth Burlington, amending or supplementing only those provisions which are specifically addressed by the provisions ofthis Resolution. Except as specifically amended by this Resolution, all terms and provisions not amended shall remain in full force and effect. In the event ofan apparent conflict between a term or provision ofthe current employment contract between Mr. Miller and the City of South Burlington and the provisions ofthis Addendum, the terms ofthis Addendum shall prevail. FURTHER RESOLVED, should Mr. Miller 'or the Council determine that a formal amendment to the contract of employment between Mr. Miller and the City of South Burlington is necessary, then the provisions of this Resolution shall be incorporated into an amendment, with the advice of counsel if necessary, and the then current Chair of the City Council is hereby authorized and directed to execute the amendment when it is prepared. A determination that an amendment to the contract is required shall have no effect on the validity or enforceability ofthe provisions of this Resolution, such amendment [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] IN WI1NESS OF THE ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION~ADOPTING AN ADDENDUM TO THE CITY MANAGER'S CONTRACT by the City Council of South Burlington on this fifth day of March, 2012, we have subscribed our names to these Resolutions indicating our approval. ~ aM!nnJ'~ Sandra Dooley, Chair Rosanne Greco, Clerk I accept th'e "changes't-o my"' emproyment cbntract"datea-April-25, "2D1T as amended by City Council March 5, 2012. Sanflord I., Miller