HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/11/2012CITY COUNCIL 11 JUNE 2012 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 11 June 2012, at 5:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: R. Greco, Chair; S. Dooley, P. Engels, P. Mackenzie, H. Riehle Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Deputy City Manager; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; I. Blanchard, Project Manager; K. Murray, Development Coordinator; M. Young, G. Maille, J. Randazzo, B. Stuono, D. Robertson, L. Bennett 1. Executive Session: Ms. Dooley moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel, contract negotiations, and litigation. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: Ms. Mackenzie moved the Council exit executive session. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 1. Agenda Review: No changes were made to the agenda. 2. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda items: 1. Mr. Maille reminded the Council that 4 weeks ago he had asked if the Council would address demolition issues in the Land Development Regulations. He asked where this stands on the priority list. Mr. Maille also reminded the Council that on 20 April the Council had agreed to do an analysis of noise data with regard to the Airport. He asked where that is on the priority list. Ms. Greco said the Council hasn't gotten to either one as they have been dealing with time-sensitive issues. 2. Mr. Randazzo showed photos of a bus that was parked in a lot near his home with a generator running for a day and a half. Green Mountain Suites finally contacted the driver in North Carolina and got it shut off. Mr. Randazzo then gave the Council a written request for an "anti-idling" ordinance, citing both health and environmental concerns. He reminded the Council that South Burlington is part of the 10% challenge to reduce emissions. 3. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Miller introduced Kimberly Murray the city's new Development Coordinator. Mr. Engels noted he had met with Paul Conner regarding form based codes. He also congratulated South Burlington's championship Lacrosse and Tennis teams. Ms. Dooley advised that she had attended a workshop on housing. 4. Consent Agenda: There was no consent agenda. 5. Interim Zoning Application #IZ-12-05 of Joel S. White & Heidi Boncher to construct: 1) a 2000 sq. ft., 2-story addition to a single family dwelling, and 2) a 10,064 attached garage & connector, 315 Dorset Heights: The applicant said the house was originally designed in the '70s. They propose to add on to the north side of the building to get more living space on the first floor and in the master bedroom on the second floor. They would also change the garage to living space with a connector. There will be a new 2-car garage. Mr. Robertson said they have submitted written responses to the interim zoning questions. Ms. Greco said that submission doesn't address affordable housing, form based codes or sustainable agriculture The applicant said the property is close to 10 acres. The house is currently 2500 sq. ft., and they will be adding 1878 sq. ft. to the house and 1064 for the garage space. The wall construction will be foam insulated and windows will be high thermal quality, energy efficient. For the second phase of the renovation, they want to incorporate solar panels on the garage. Mr. Bennett, the next door neighbor, said he has seen the plans and thinks they are very nice. He had no issues with the proposal. Mr. Robertson said they would put off doing the garage if would speed things up. Ms. Greco said that would not be necessary. Ms. Dooley then moved to continue the public hearing until 2 July with deliberation to occur prior to that data. Ms. Mackenzie seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Interim Zoning Application IZ-12-06 of John Larkin for Phase I of a 2-phase, 71 unit residential development. Phase I will be for 40 units consisting of: 1) 17 two-family dwellings, and three 3-unit multi-family dwellings, 201 Allen Road: It was noted that the applicant had requested a continuation until 20 August. Ms. Mackenzie moved to continue IZ-12-06 of John Larkin until 20 August 2012. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consider Approval of LED Street Light "Relamping" consultant: Ms. Blanchard noted that the city has been working with Efficiency Vermont to replace street lights with more efficient LED lights. A Request for Services was issued, and there were 3 bids submitted. The lowest bidder is a company on which a member of the Energy Committee is serving. Mr. Miller said he didn't see this as a conflict. He also noted there will be a policy on this soon. The proposed project will reduce energy consumption by 40%, but there will be a cost savings for only 8 or 9% (about $11,000 a year). This part of the project will insure that lights aren't too low, etc. Ms. Blanchard noted that lighting in South Burlington is leased, and each light has a specific tariff. Mr. Miller said it is a "risky proposition" to purchase lighting. Green Mountain Power will continue to maintain the city's lights. Ms. Mackenzie moved to authorize the City Manager to enter into the contract for street light "relamping" as presented. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Review Draft Letter Regarding City Council's Disapproval of F-35 Basing at Burlington International Airport: Mr. Miller noted that if the letter is approved by the Council, it will be posted on the web site. Ms. Greco noted that statements made at the last meeting that certain portions of the EIS were not applicable to South Burlington were incorrect. These statement (pages 2-29) are applicable to South Burlington. Ms. Riehle moved to accept the letter to be sent to the Air Force. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed 4-1 with Ms. Mackenzie voting against. Ms. Greco invited resident to attend a meeting tomorrow night South Burlington, Burlington, and possibly Williston on this issue. Ms. Riehle questioned whether the meeting can do more than have other community representatives read a copy of the South Burlington letter, but with continuing noise issues, there may be a chance to discuss strategies for dealing with noise. Mr. Maille said Burlington International Airport has a request in to the City of Burlington to accept $184,000 to enter into the next phase of the noise exposure map. There are decisions that will have to be made in that process, and the City Council should know that process. The airport hasn't yet gotten a grant to do this, but the city should be prepared for the next step, which is the noise compatibility program. Mr. Maille noted that the last program did not include ground noise. He hoped this time it will. 9. Consider Approval of Resolution to Transfer Appropriations: and 10. Consider Approving a Transfer from the General Fund to Create an Interim Zoning Reserve Fund: Mr. Miller said $40,000 would be for the Fire Department building and special improvements for the HVAC system in City Hall. There is also grant money and an appropriation in the FY13 budget to address these needs. Mr. Miller noted that the HVAC system is old and has parts that cannot be replaced. Item #10 would preserve $75,000 for Interim Zoning expenditures. Mr. Miller said he was reasonably confident there will be money to do this. He stressed that no money will be taken from any other enterprise/reserve fund for this purpose. Mr. Engels moved to approve the transfer of $40,000 for building/HVAC repairs and replacement. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Dooley moved to approve the transfer of $75,000 from the General Fund to create an Interim Zoning Reserve Fund. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Other Business: Mr. Miller noted the city has been working with the School Administration to "true up" expenditures. The situation has been resolved for FY13 with the adjusting of a number of figures. $48,000 will be paid by the city to the School District at the end of FY13. Regarding FY12, Mr. Miller explained that the city was paying for uses by other entities and was paying for charges for which no work was done. These charges will not be paid for. The city will pay approximately $26,700 for use of school facilities. The Council was OK with this. Ms. Greco noted receipt of an e-mail from a resident about police training actions taking place in derelict homes near the Airport. Mr. Miller spoke to the Police Department about this. He learned that this training did occur recently but was not conducted by the city's Police Department. Mr. Miller said he then had Chief Whipple contact other agencies and tell them to stop this activity. He noted that real explosives were being used in this training with no notice to the city. He felt this was disrespectful of the community. 12. Executive Session: Ms. Riehle moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel matters, litigation and real property acquisition with possible deliberation on interim zoning applications, and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session The Council returned to regular session. Ms. Greco moved adjournment. Ms. Riehle seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.