HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/11/2012CITY COUNCIL 11 JANUARY 2012 The South Burlington City Council held a budget workshop on Wednesday, 11 January 2012,at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Councilors Present: S. Dooley, Chair; M. Emery, J. Knapp, P. Engels, R. Greco Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Deputy City Manager;. D. Kinville, City Clerk; P.Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; T. Duff, Planning Commission; B. Milizia, Natural Resources Committee; L. Murphy, J. Kochman, B. Gardner, Community Library; T. Hubbard, Recreation Department; M. Young 1. Agenda Review: Items were added for an “other business” discussion, including scheduling of Legislative breakfasts, meeting dates, legislative issues, and Airport matters. 2. Comments & questions from the Audience, not related to agenda items: No issues were raised. 3. Budget Workshop: Members agreed not to discuss budget issues at the regular meeting of the 17th and to meet for budget discussion on the 18th. Members generally agreed they wanted to look at the whole budget before making recommendations. a. Community Library: Ms. Murphy introduced Jennifer Kochman, head of the Board of Trustees and Betsy Gardner, President of the Friends of the Library. Mr. Miller noted that the city had heard a lot from the public and from the Council regarding the cuts that were made last year. This year, a lot has been added, including some positions. Ms. Murphy said the budget includes a full time Children’s Librarian and a “Public Service Librarian” to oversee all adult services. Mr. Miller noted that a current Library staff person could apply for either of these positions as a promotional opportunity. Ms. Murphy noted they are working on a 5-year strategic plan with the Board of Directors. A survey was done of the community to see which way to go. She was pleased that people still want books. Ms. Murphy said she sees the Library as a place for early literacy development. They are also very interested in programs to support lifelong learning. 62% of those surveyed wanted longer hours. 64% wanted a place to access technology. Both figures represented a wide range of ages. Ms. Dooley asked how many part time positions there would still be in the proposed budget. Ms. Murphy said 5, not counting the 2 shelvers. Ms. Dooley also asked about the fees for non-residents. Ms. Murphy said most people have been willing to pay. Mr. Rusten said $300 had been collected through December. Mr. Rusten noted that staff had thought the school was paying for property insurance for the Library; however, it was learned this is not true. Mr. Miller explained that the insurer wouldn’t cover it under the school plan because it is not school property. The insurance has now been placed to cover what the city has in the Library (e.g., computers, etc.). Mr. Miller said there is a question as to which pension plan the part time people would fall under and whether they will be covered by VMERS. There will be discussion of this with the pension advisors. Ms. Dooley said she was more concerned that part timers lost their health insurance when they lost their hours. Mr. Miller said if a policy is decided on for part timers, he would want it to be equitable. Ms. Dooley said she would like to have a policy on that as a goal. Mr. Rusten noted there is nothing in the budget that will pay for that. Ms. Emery noted a decrease in budgeting for the bookmobile. Ms. Murphy said they haven’t had to use the money for maintenance.  She added that if they have a major problem, they’ll figure it out. Ms. Murphy noted they were cut back 6 hours a week in FY09 and then 3 more hours in FY10. She would like to consider more evening hours and weekend hours. She noted that some adults are uncomfortable using the Library with a “high school environment.” She said they could be open 4 nights if they cut the closing hour from 9 p.m. to 8 p.m. It will still result in the same number of hours. They could also consider cutting back on Saturday afternoons in the summer. She noted a lot of people would like to see Sunday hours. She suggested trying one Sunday a month. b. Planning & Zoning: Ms. Emery asked about Legal and Technical Review. Mr. Conner explained that last year the City Council adopted a change in fee schedule. Applicants now pay the things the city used to cover such as legal review of documents (easements, etc.). Technical review involves having an independent third party review a plan for a specific issue (e.g., traffic). This is also at the applicant’s expense. Ms. Emery asked about maps. Mr. Connor said they are being moved into the Planning and Zoning budget from Administrative Services. With regard to “special funds,” Mr. Conner noted these include impact fees and the energy efficiency grant (which will probably be spent by the end of the year). Mr. Conner also noted that a possible open space analysis could use the management funds from the Open Space Fund. Mr. Young asked if part time people get a pension, sick time, etc. Mr. Miller said they get no pension. There is a question as to whether a full time intern would have to get benefits. There is a law which allows the hiring of that person without benefits. c. Recreation: Mr. Hubbard noted a budget increase of 1.92%. Ms. Dooley asked about the $30,000 facilities budget. Mr. Hubbard said they will be resurfacing the tennis courts at the High School. If these are not done, the facility would have to be shut down. $8000 of the money will replace JC Park lights. This also has to be done or the whole system will be lost. A set of bleachers at Dorset Park will also be replaced. Ms. Greco noted that Youth/Adult program went up a lot. Mr. Hubbard said these increases are offset by revenues. He also noted that there is a planned $3.00 per week increase in the summer camp fees. No other fee changes are planned. Ms. Dooley asked the status of funding for the Veterans Memorial. Mr. Hubbard said they have about $12,000 and are about to have an advertisement (paid for privately) to solicit funds. They are planning an event to show the full footage taken for the ad. This will be a catered event at the Majestic Theatre. Mr. Young said the Recreation Department is an opportunity for people to define who they are as a community. It is a very simple program and is a “consistent shining star” in the community. d. City Clerk: Ms. Kinville said this will be a very busy year with 3 elections. Ms. Dooley asked about the postage budget. Ms. Kinville said this covers the sending of absentee ballots. They will also be sending overnight documents (at a fee) in the future. Mr. Engels asked when election workers last got a raise. Ms. Kinville said not in the 11 years she has been City Clerk. Mr. Engels also noted the low pay for Planning Commission and DRB members. Ms. Emery asked if the city gets federal money for a federal election. Ms. Kinville said they get free ballots but nothing more. Ms. Dooley noted the big increase in pet licenses. Ms. Kinville said that is due to increased fees. She said they originally got a lot of negative comments on this, but that has stopped for now. Ms. Dooley asked what cat license money goes for. Ms. Kinville said $4 of the fee goes to the State for the rabies program. The remaining little revenue is for the city to cover expenses. Mr. Miller noted there have been feral cat problems, and this is a health and safety issue. Ms. Kinville said they were going to send a card to every home in the city to remind people to register their cats and dogs. They found that an insert would be cheaper. She will also do an article for the Other Paper. Ms. Kinville noted the Clerk’s office brings in $100,000 more than it spends. She said they need a part time person they can have on a consistent basis. 4. Other Business: A. Mr. Miller said he heard from the Williston Town Manager that there is a conflict with 2 legislative breakfasts on the 30th. Last year when this happened, they changed, so they asked South Burlington to change this year. Mr. Miller suggested offering Williston the opportunity to join the South Burlington breakfast. Members agreed to this. If Williston declines, the 2 will have to meet on the same day as no other time seems to work for South Burlington. B. Mr. Miller noted that Bert Munger is co-sponsoring a bill that would eliminate the penalty for late payment of property taxes. He stressed that this would create a $100,000 problem for South Burlington and would discourage people from paying their taxes on time. He noted that a municipality can now choose whether to impose a penalty and how much (0-8%). He asked if Council members wanted to write a letter to Mr. Munger and ask him to take his name off the bill or vote against it. Staff will draft a letter and the Council can decide whether to send it. C. Regarding the Airport noise data, Mr. Miller said he got a response from Gene Richards saying they have to consult with their attorney before meeting with the city…a meeting the Airport asked for. Staff will draft a letter indicating the desire to meet with them and listing the issues involved. 5. Executive Session: Ms. Emery moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss litigation and contract negotiations and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Ms. Greco seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Regular Session: Council returned to regular session. As there was no further business Mr. Knapp moved for Council adjournment. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Council adjourned. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.