HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/09/2012CITY COUNCIL 9 JANUARY 2012 The South Burlington City Council held a budget work session on Monday, 9 January, 2012, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Councilors Present: S. Dooley, Chair; J. Knapp, P. Engels Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Deputy City Manager; Chief T. Whipple, Police Department; Chief D. Brent, Fire Department; other members of Police and Fire Departments; M. Young 1. Agenda Review: No changes were made to the Agenda. 2. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to agenda items: No issues were raised. 3. Budget Workshop to Review FY2013 Budget: Mr. Miller suggested that any changes the Council wanted to make should be made as the review goes along when department heads and members of the public interested in that department’s budget are present. a. Fire and Ambulance: Mr. Miller pointed out that the proposed budget includes the addition of a fire inspection service. This is anticipated to yield $200,000 in revenues in the first year and is a good service to citizens and to the city. Chief Brent noted the budget also includes a washer and dryer for Station #2. The Chief asked that the capital equipment replacement process continue to be supported so there are no “peaks and valleys” and they don’t have to waste money on repairs for equipment that needs to be replaced. Mr. Rusten noted the anticipation is that a new fire truck and ambulance will be needed in 2015. Ms. Dooley noted some lower numbers from last year mostly due to the pension fund. She asked if this is a one time only thing. Mr. Rusten said it is not, but it won’t be as substantial in the future. There should still be a savings for a number of years. Mr. Miller added that this budget partly recovers from the severe step back in 2011. Mr. Rusten added that the big increase in expenditures is for one-time expenditures, and there are some offsetting revenues. Ms. Dooley asked why there is now holiday pay of $119,000. Mr. Rusten said it was just not broken out that way before. Ms. Dooley asked why there are long and short term disability payments when there is unlimited sick leave. Chief Brent said it is short term disability for the administrative assistant. The Chief noted they will be upgrading the billing which they are required to use and are working toward a paperless system. Mr. Knapp asked when fire inspections would be done. Mr. Miller said following a 30-day appeal period after a budget is approved. The Chief explained the nature of the contract with the State regarding inspections. Mr. Knapp felt this was a good investment. Mr. Miller noted that even in the worst years, the city would still have made money. Firefighter Vincey said there are things in the budget that they like, especially the new inspection position and new equipment for personal protection which allows firefighters to be safe. They are also pleased with the new trucks and ambulance. He said he hoped the city would continue to support the paramedic program. He expressed concern with the zero budgeting for salary increases. He noted the bargaining unit made concessions and have been very fair. He was also concerned with talk of capping sick leave. Mr. Miller explained that anything that is open to collective bargaining is left open. He noted that when you put a number in the budget, people see that as a starting point. He stressed that the city is willing to talk about anything during collective bargaining. He also stressed that the Firefighters are a great group to work with and he has nothing but admiration for them. The city will continue to deal with them in good faith during collective bargaining. He felt the city and the Firefighters were on the same page and not in an adversarial situation. b. Police Department: It was noted that a position has been added for Community Justice Service. This is offset by revenues. There is discussion about adding a part time person to assist the Community Justice person. Mr. Miller said the budget includes replacement of 3 police cruisers. The city will be paying cash for police cars instead of borrowing. This is also discussion about possible vehicle leasing. Chief Whipple noted that some increases represent a return to where the Department was 2 years ago, especially equipment replacement. The addition of a 6th dispatcher is a necessity, and it is unwise to go with fewer. Mr. Miller noted that this position has already been authorized. Chief Whipple cited the long training period for the position. It is per diem, as needed. Mr. Rusten noted the increase in revenues and felt the proposed budget was sustainable. The Chief noted an increase in fines and a decrease in overtime costs. Mr. Knapp noted there is no budget for accreditation. Chief Whipple said the prior administration was not in support of it. He personally felt it has value. Chief Whipple then explained the three special funds: The Project DARE Fund takes in donations. The Drug Forfeiture Fund anticipates $50,000 in revenues for drug seizures. (The Chief noted the City has an officer on the Drug Task Force who is totally paid by the Force. The Department is looking to fill that position with an entry level officer. It also gives the officer on the Task Force some excellent training and allows him to provide information to the Department). The Highway Safety Grant is based on the Department’s participation in events. The funds have been used for things such as radar equipment in the past. Mr. Miller noted this is all money that the city would eventually have had to pay for. 4. Other Business: Mr. Knapp said he would like to add another half cent to the tax rate to increase the contingency fund and felt the Council should take this opportunity to do this. Mr. Engels asked for an explanation of how the $6,000,000 deficit disappeared. Mr. Miller said that with this proposed budget, the deficit would be wiped out. The city has billed for $1,500,000 in invoices that were never sent out, and there is the expectation that this money will be paid because the projects are still open. About $500,000 of this has already been collected. Mr. Rusten explained that this will allow the city to pay back funds that have to be paid back. Mr. Miller said a great deal of the deficit has been deemed uncollectible and should be written off. Mr. Engels said this should be made clear to the voters. Mr. Miller added that the Council can get the Auditor’s opinion on this at the 17 January meeting. 5. Executive Session: Mr. Knapp moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel, contract negotiations and litigation and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Regular Session: Council returned to regular session. As there was no further business Mr. Knapp moved for Council adjournment. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Council adjourned. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.