HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/03/2012CITY COUNCIL 3 JANUARY 2012 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 3 January 2012, at 7:00 p.m., Chamberlin School, White Street. Councilors Present: S. Dooley, Chair; M. Emery, J. Knapp, P. Engels, R. Greco Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Deputy City Manager; D. Kinville, City Clerk; Chief D. Brent, Fire Department; J. Rabidoux, Director of Public Works; M. Young, S. Quest, P. Taylor 1. Executive Session: Mr. Knapp moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel, contract negotiations, and litigation. Ms. Greco seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: 1. Agenda Review: Items on the agenda were repositioned to accommodate late arrivals. 2. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda items: No issues were raised. 3. Announcements & City Manager’s Report: Ms. Emery: Asked when the City would be receiving information on the Airport’s noise testing following the installation of the “living wall.” Mr. Miller said he and Ms. Dooley are discussing a meeting with the Airport people. This is supposed to occur quarterly, but has not taken place in at least 6 months. Ms. Emery and Ms. Greco noted they would not be present at Monday’s budget session but will submit any questions they have in writing. Mr. Miller: The new ambulance has arrived and is a good addition to the fleet and will serve the citizens well for many years. Mr. Miller cited the work of the Fire Chief and the ambulance committee. Mr. Rusten has been promoted to Deputy City Manager. The city has hired Ilona Blanchard as Project Director. The first budget work session will be on Thursday, 5 January at City Hall. Mr. Young asked about the difference between “Assistant” and “Deputy” City Manager. Mr. Miller said the new title more accurately reflects Mr. Rusten’s role in the administration. He will be taking a lead role in some tasks. Ms. Dooley noted that the suggestion for this came from the City Council. 4. Consider Approval of Ambulance Billing Agreement with Grand Isle: Mr. Miller explained that the Fire Department already has such an arrangement with Williston. Grand Isle will pay 6% of their revenue, the same as Williston. This is expected to produce additional revenue for South Burlington and will be reflected in the FY13 budget. Chief Brent said they anticipate about $6500 in revenue. The arrangement will require no additional staff, just a bit more paperwork. Ms. Greco moved to approve the ambulance billing agreement with Grand Isle and to authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consider Approval of a Resolution to Authorize Long-Term Disability Benefits for Eligible Management and Non-Represented Employees: Mr. Miller reviewed the history of the Resolution. It is part of the bargaining agreement to cap sick leave accrual to 600 hours. The city agreed to extend this benefit to some management people. Five current employees and Ms. Blanchard will be covered under this Resolution. Mr. Miller said it is a good arrangement for the city. Ms. Greco moved to approve the Resolution authorizing long-term disability benefits for eligible management and non-represented employees as presented. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consider the Establishment of a Retirement Health Savings Account Program for Buyouts of Excess Sick Leave Accrual for “Capped” Employees and Payouts of Sick Leave Accrual as May be Negotiated in Collective Bargaining Agreements: Mr. Miller said that when employees get to 600 accrued sick leave hours, they are entitled to a payout of about 50% of that time. At the employee’s option, this proposed program will allow that money to be deposited into a RHSA instead of having a cash payment. This will save paperwork as well. Mr. Miller said they do not anticipate any cost to this. Ms. Emery moved to establish a Retirement Health Savings Account program for buyouts of excess sick leave accrual for “capped” employees as presented, effective upon the execution of paperwork by the City Manager, at no cost to the city. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Miller noted that the city’s trend is to try to eliminate the “unlimited” sick leave through negotiations, and they are working to make this equitable for all employees. He added that there is $100,000 proposed in the FY13 budget to add to the fund for future liability in this area. 5. Discuss the qualities and experience the City of South Burlington desires in the next President of the University of Vermont: Ms. Dooley noted 5 responses from Front Porch Forum: Rev. Cleary asked for a “moral consultant” and questioned how such an overpaid administrator can fill that role. A second response asked for someone who will bring academic freedom to UVM as opposed to the “ivory tower” mentality. Bob Walsh suggested Jim Douglas or Howard Dean as good candidates. Tim and Kate Barritt expressed dismay at the “golden handshake” and felt salaries should be transparent. They wanted someone who would balance math/science with more traditional liberal arts. They also felt the next president should be able to live with less of a salary. John Lamphere felt the president should come from a public school background. Ms. Dooley noted that UVM is a major property owner in South Burlington. She showed the UVM lands on the city map. Ms. Quest said she agreed with Rev. Cleary. She also wanted to see someone “in the 21st century” who could develop a sense of community with South Burlington as well as Burlington. Mr. Taylor asked if UVM pays taxes on their South Burlington properties. Mr. Miller said he didn’t know, but he doubted they do. Mr. Taylor felt the position shouldn’t go to the “cheapest person” and said the salary has to be competitive. Mr. Young felt UVM will do whatever it wants to do. Ms. Emery felt UVM should look at keeping up its relationship with Quebec, not only in business but also in student exchanges. Ms. Greco said she was concerned with preservation of land and urged UVM to continue sustainable farming. Ms. Emery said the UVM land may be an investment they would want to sell one day. Mr. Engels felt this is not a pressing issue for South Burlington. Ms. Dooley noted that almost all the vertical surfaces in Gutterson Field House have advertising; chances are sold on jerseys worn by players, etc. She felt the support of athletics has become more prominent under the past president. Ms. Emery felt UVM should know that affordable housing near UVM is a South Burlington priority. Mr. Knapp said he couldn’t see how this is a function of South Burlington city government. Ms. Emery noted that South Burlington students do very well at UVM. 6. Discuss Proposed City Charter Amendment and Consider Ratification of Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed City Charter Amendment: Ms. Kinville said the City Charter has very little reference to the City Clerk’s office and responsibilities. She is concerned with access to the City Clerk’s office and with the ability of the City Clerk to hire, discipline, and fire employees. Ms. Kinville then read the language of the proposed City Charter amendment as follows: The City Clerk shall have all the powers and duties established by general state law, including the power to appoint, supervise, and remove all assistant town clerks. Ms. Kinville noted there are now 2 assistant clerks. Mr. Miller said staff is recommending referring this amendment to the City Charter Committee. Due to time constraints, public hearings have been warned for 30 January and 6 February 2012. The Council will need to ratify these warnings. Mr. Miller also stressed that the city does have tight control over keys to the Clerk’s office. Ms. Greco moved to refer the proposed City Charter amendment to the City Charter Committee and to ratify notices of public hearings on 30 January and 6 February 2012. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consider Giving Approval of City Manager to Execute a Resolution and Agreement with ICMA-RC to open a 401A Governmental Money Purchase Plan: Mr. Miller reviewed the history. He said there would be no cost to the city for this agreement. The 401A plan’s limit on contributions is much higher and the plan is employee owned. Employees would be given a choice of plans. They could not be contributing to both simultaneously. Mr. Knapp moved to authorize the City Manager to execute a Resolution and Agreement with ICMA-RC for a 401A Governmental Money Purchase Plan. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Consider Approval of Revised Resolution Establishing a Policy for the Issuance of Payments and Providing an Orderly Method for Making Payments in Special Circumstances: Mr. Rusten said this Resolution covers a situation where a check has to be cut between City Council meetings. He spoke with VLCT as to whether this could violate the open meeting law. The City Council does have the right to authorize a member to approve checks between meetings. The recommendation is to appoint 2 Councilors to do this. He added that this situation does not happen often. Mr. Engels and Ms. Greco agreed to fill this role. Ms. Emery moved to approve a resolution establishing a policy for issuance of payment in special circumstances and to name Paul Engels as first signature and Rosanne Greco in Mr. Engels absence. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Consider Approval of Vermont Municipal Bond Bank Series 2011-6 Refunding Bonds 2003-2: Mr. Rusten noted that beginning in 2014 the city will be receiving checks from the Bond Bank. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank Series 2011-6 Refunding Bonds 2003-2 as presented. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Other Business: No issues were raised. 13. Review and Approve Minutes of 19 December 2011: The spelling of Mr. Soltau’s name was corrected on p. 1 and 2. On p. 3, the word “foot” should be inserted between “10” and “ceilings” in the 5th paragraph. On p. 2, it should be noted that the discussions with the City of Burlington are in reference to the Airport. Ms. Greco moved to approve the Minutes of 19 December 2011 as amended. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously 14. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.