HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/15/2012SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL 15 AUGUST 2012 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, 15 August 2012, at 9:00 a.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: R. Greco, Chair; P. Engels, H. Riehle, S. Dooley Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Deputy City Manager 1. Agenda Review: Mr. Engels asked to add planning for the BCA meeting and public hearings to the Agenda. 2. Consider Approval of Council Talking Points for Proposed City Clerk Charter Change: Members reviewed versions A, B & C. Ms. Riehle said she preferred the Question & Answer format which, she felt, makes it calm and professional and less inflammatory. Ms. Dooley said she was willing to go with the majority. Her goal is to say to voters "we're thinking about you and this is the best thing for you." Ms. Riehle also liked the "bullets" of "What We Believe." Members agreed to begin with "The City Council Believes" and the 5 "bullets." Mr. Miller left the meeting briefly to print up the language agreed upon. Mr. Engels then moved to approve the City Council Talking Points for the Proposed City Clerk Charter Change as written. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed 4- 0. Copies were then made to post and put downstairs. The document will be sent electronically to the Free Press and The Other Paper. 3. BCA Meeting: Mr. Engels noted the City Clerk proposed Charter change is on the agenda. He felt members should be prepared to talk about it. Mr. Engels also questioned the need for the second part of the Charter change amendment (regarding Council members working at polling sites). Mr. Miller said he and the City Attorney have agreed the language could be clearer. The question is whether Council members would be prohibited from working at elections when they are not on the ballot. The BCA is concerned with having enough help at the polls. Ms. Greco said she didn't feel that part of the amendment was necessary. Mr. Miller said the Council can make changes to the proposal at any time. Ms. Dooley said she wants to understand the BCA's position. She said she is as much concerned with the need for oversight and best practices as she is with "at will employees." She felt "at will employees" would have no protection. Mr. Miller said there is also a question of liability for the city that the city would have to defend. There has to be a clearly defined process for hiring, disciplining and firing. Ms. Dooley said having "at will employees" creates a totally different power relationship between the employee and supervisor if an employee can be fired for no reason. Ms. Greco felt it takes away the employee's inclination to speak up if he/she feels something is amiss. Mr. Miller said people who indicate they wouldn't report something that appeared wrong don't get hired by the city. Ms. Greco said she doesn't feel the City Clerk represents the people. The City Council does. The City Clerk is a clerk who takes in money and handles records. It is an administrative function. Ms. Riehle said the Clerk has far more public interaction than the City Council has. Mr. Rusten said the Council can make it a requirement of an appointed Clerk to come to the City Council with issues raised by the public. Mr. Miller noted that also on the BCA agenda is the Heritage appeal. The City Attorney can't represent both the city and the BCA, so a decision was made that Bob Fletcher will represent the Assessor and the city will pay to have Brian Monaghan represent the BCA. The question was raised as to whether it is a conflict of interest for Steve Magowan to be the city's representative to CCTA and also be the head of Heritage. Mr. Miller said this conversation should be held in executive session. 4. Charter Change Public Hearings: Mr. Engels said the Council should find people to testify on the Council's behalf for an appointed clerk. Mr. Miller said Council members can do that individually but not as a City Council activity. Ms. Dooley said they need to be sure they have a slot on "Live at 5:45." 5. Comments from the Public: There were no public comments. 6. Other Business: a. Ms. Greco said Senator Sanders' office is arranging a meeting with Senator Leahy and Congressman Welch regarding the F-35s. They have asked for the Council's 17-page paper. Ms. Greco said she will meet with them as an individual. She also noted they had asked if she was the "official spokesperson" for the City Council, and she told them she was not. Ms. Riehle said she felt Ms. Greco's comments are reflective of the City Council point of view, so in a way she is representing the Council. She did not feel Ms. Greco should "negotiate" on behalf of the Council. Members were OK with Ms. Greco representing the City Council. Ms. Greco asked Mr. Miller if he would like to join that meeting. Mr. Miller said he would be happy to. Ms. Greco said Mr. Germanos told her he will mail the city the data points. They are still working on the maps. The scoring sheets have to come through the city's Congressional delegates. B. Future Meetings: 4 September:4 p.m. executive session 5 p.m. regular meeting 6 p.m. public hearing 6 September:9 a.m. public hearing 8 September:5 p.m. deliberative session 6 p.m. regular session Ms. Dooley then moved to adjourn. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.