HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/23/2012CITY COUNCIL 23 APRIL 2012 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 23 April 2012, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: R. Greco, Chair; S. Dooley, P. Engels, P. Mackenzie, H. Riehle Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Deputy City Manager; M. Lang, B. Stuono 1. Executive Session Ms. Riehle moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss personnel, contract negotiations and litigation. Mr. Engels seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Following the executive session, Ms. Riehle moved that the Council exit executive session. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 1. Agenda Review: Ms. Greco asked to add an appointment of an alternate to the ECOS Committee and to CCTV. 2. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to agenda items: Ms. Lang said she lives a mile from the Sheraton Parking lot. Though she is not a South Burlington resident, she does all her shopping in South Burlington and uses the Community Library. She is concerned with the "intercept" facility that is being discussed for the Sheraton parking lot. She asked that South Burlington not become known for "parking lots and parking buildings." Mr. Stuono referred to the recently released Environmental Impact Study of the potential for F-35's at the South Burlington Airport. He noted that the 65 decibel line would become substantially larger than the Airport had originally indicated and would encompass the entire Chamberlin district, the school, and Mayfair Park. That could make that entire area unsuitable for homes, an area that now has about 1000 homes. Ms. Dooley said she doesn't know all the details, but she went to the "intercept" meeting, and Bob McEwing said the line the Airport has been using is not correct. Mr. Stuono also noted that he had heard that the F-16's had larger, louder engines put in a few years ago. He would like to know if that is true. Ms. Greco said she got a call from the Airport people who said there were mistakes made in the studies. 3. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Miller:  The VLCT Board meeting was held on Thursday. He is now the Vice Chair of the Quality of Life Committee. The City has also received an invitation from VLCT to participate in a pilot program aimed at reducing the likelihood of financial mismanagement of funds. Part of the program may include discounts on insurance for communities who do well on a check list. Ms. Riehle: Had lunch with Deb Ingram, Director of the Vermont Interfaith Agency who offered good ideas about contracts regarding housing. She felt they could be a good resource. Ms. Dooley: Attended the Regional Planning Commission meeting last week. There will be a public hearing on their work plan for the coming year. Also attended the public meeting on the "intercept" facility. About 100 people attended, at least half of whom were students. It is early in the process, but there is already concern about the impact on East Avenue. One feeling is that they should be getting people out of their cars closer to where they live, not to their destination. Ms. Riehle said Deb Ingram told her that Williston is working on creating another park and ride facility. It may or may not affect an "intercept" facility. Ms. Greco: Attended an Airport meeting and got an overview and tour. She has agreed to meet regularly with the new head of the Burlington City Council. She and Ms. Riehle will be meeting with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission regarding the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Engels: Asked the status of the list of priorities the Council established. Mr. Miller said the next step is a matrix with costs, etc., if there are no changes to what was circulated to the Council. 4. Consent Agenda: There were no items on the Consent Agenda. 5. Discuss What Information the Councilors would like to have regarding reviewing site plans, and when/how Councilors want to receive this information: Mr. Miller distributed a sample site plan and accompanying staff notes. He noted that there are different criteria for Interim Zoning than for DRB review of a plan. He asked if the Council is comfortable reviewing what is on a site plan; if not, staff can provide some training. All members indicated they would like to come in for some training. They agreed to come in for a special 5 p.m. meeting next Monday for training. 6. Review and discuss the plans for the Interim Zoning hearings scheduled for 30 April, 4 May and beyond, including how Councilors and Staff should respond to inquiries about projects which are, or may be, before the City Council because of Interim Zoning: Mr. Miller said the Council will probably want to continue IZ applications, not close the hearings, because of time constraints. A decision must be reached within 45 days of closing a hearing. Mr. Rusten then reviewed the current schedule as follows: Mr. Miller reminded Councilors that they are also trying to schedule a meeting with the Library Board of Trustees and have to set a time to deliberate on the necessity of the Route 2 project. Members agreed to hear the 2 IZ applications on 30 April, followed by a deliberative session, either in private or public. Mr. Miller said that there won't be a decision following the deliberation as staff will have to have time to draft the decision. Later, Council members may want to ask staff to come with a draft decision. Members noted that the hearing on the F-35s EIS is on 14 May, which is a scheduled Council meeting. They agreed to meet from 4-6 p.m. so they can attend the EIS hearing at 6 p.m. Members then considered how to deal with public contact regarding IZ applications. Mr. Miller said Councilors cannot comment on applications that will be before them as they will be serving in a quasi-judicial capacity. Mr. Rusten questioned whether a Council member should even read a message or respond to a phone message. This is ex parte communication. Ms. Greco asked what to do if she hears a voice mail message. Mr. Stuono said on the DRB, they typically ignore it. Ms. Greco asked about e-mail. Mr. Miller said a member should disclose to other members the receipt of an e-mail but not it's content. He also noted that another problem could be created if a Council member doesn't return a call. A citizen may feel he/she is being ignored. Mr. Stuono said that is why DRB members don't have their phone numbers or e-mail addresses on the website. Other Business: Ms. Greco noted that Ms. Dooley had been the alternate to ECOS and wants to give up this position. Ms. Dooley moved that Ms. Greco be the ECOS alternate. Ms. Mackenzie seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Greco then moved that Ms. Mackenzie replace Mr. Engels as alternate to the CCTV Board. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Dooley then moved to adjourn. Ms. Riehle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. CITY COUNCIL 23 APRIL 2012 PAGE 3 Mr. Miller distributed a sample site plan and accompanying staff notes. He noted that there are different criteria for Interinl Zoning than for DRB review of a plan. He asked if the Council is comfortable reviewing what is on a site plan; ifnot, staff can provide some training. All members indicated they would like to 'colne in for SOlne training. They agreed to come in for a special 5 p.m. Ineeting next Monday for training. 6. Review and discuss the plans for the Interim Zoning hearings scheduled for 30 April, 4 May and beyond, including how Councilors and Staff should respond to inquiries about projects which are, or may be, before the City Council because of Interim Zoning: Mr. Miller said the Council will probably want to continue IZ applications, not close the hearings, because of time constraints. A decision nlust be reached within 45 days of closing a hearing. Mr. Rusten then reviewed the current schedule as follows: 30 April -2 IZ hearings 7 May -Regular meeting 14 May - 2 IZ hearings 21 May -Regular Meeting 4 June -Regular Meeting 11 June - 2 IZ hearings Mr. Miller reminded Councilors that they are also trying to schedule a meeting with the Library Board of Trustees and have to set a time to deliberate on the necessity of the Route 2 proj ect. Members agreed to hear the 2 IZ applications on 30 April, followed by a deliberative session, either in private or pUblic. Mr. Miller said that there won't be a decision following the deliberation as staff will have to have tinle to draft the decision. Later, Council members may want to ask staff to corne with a draft decision. MeInbers noted that the hearing on the F-35s EIS is on 14 May, which is a scheduled Council Ineeting. They agreed to meet from 4-6 p.m. so they can attend the EIS hearing at 6 p.m. Members then considered how to deal with public contact regarding IZ applications. Mr. Miller said Councilors cannot comment on applications that will be before them as they