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Minutes - City Council - 11/15/2010
CITY COUNCIL 15 NOVEMBER 2010 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 15 November 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Councilors Present: M. Boucher, Chair; S. Dooley, J. Knapp, F. Murray Also Present: S. Miller, City Manager; R. Rusten, Assistant City Manager; D. Kinville, City Clerk; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; C. LaRose, K.Murphy, Planning Department; J. Rabidoux, Director of Public Works; T. Hubbard, Recreation Director; B. Cimonetti, P. Delaney, R. Milliken, B. Stuono, M. Young, T. Shea, D. Senecal-Albrecht 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda Items: Mr. Young asked about the Deputy Finance Officer position being advertised and whether it is a new hire. Mr. Miller said the City’s Bookkeeper will be retiring next year, and this position will replace her and involve some restructuring. There will be a brief overlap. 2. Announcements & City Manager’s Report: Mr. Miller - Attended the VLCT meeting last week. Discussion focused on rising health costs. The city will see a 7.5% increase next year. Will attend the City Managers luncheon tomorrow. The Exit 12B/13 special meeting has been rescheduled to 29 November, 6:30 p.m., at City Hall. It will include presentations by the MPO and participation from such groups as Smart Growth, Airport, Chamber of Commerce, etc. The Steering Committee will meet on 30 November, 6 p.m., at the High School There will be a Legislative Breakfast on 1 December. It is anticipated that discussions will include TIF legislation, the County budget process, Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (regarding pension issues), energy incentives (expanded credits for wind and solar), and state payments regarding highways, etc. Mr. Boucher stressed that there will be plenty of public discussion before any decisions are made regarding bonding for the unfunded pension obligation. The City is now just looking at options. The MPO has formulated 2 studies: the Williston Road and Shelburne Road corridors. Ms. Emery has expressed interest in participating in the Williston Road discussions. 3. Interview Candidate for Appointment to City Charter Committee: The Council interviewed City Clerk Donna Kinville for appointment to the City Charter Committee. Ms. Kinville reviewed her history of working for City departments. She said she would like to be able to be more responsive to questions asked at the City Clerk’s office. She also noted there have been Charter issues that affected the City Clerk’s office and she wanted to be part of the solutions and not be in the dark. Mr. Boucher noted there has been a question as to whether the City Clerk position should be filled by appointment or election. He asked if Ms. Kinville could address that objectively if that discussion were to occur in the City Charter Committee. Ms. Kinville said she believed she could. 4. Update on 2011-2012 Triathlon: Mr. Cimonetti introduced Peter Delaney and Rick Milliken who have been involved in the effort to bring the National Triathlon championships to South Burlington in 2011 and 2012. The event would bring 1500-2000 world class athletes, age 18-80, to the city. Events would include the “Elite Championship” for professional athletes who would be trying to qualify for the next Olympics, also a Sprint Championship which could involve local participants. Mr. Delaney said this would be the first time the event would be held in the Northeast, and they anticipate it will draw 5000 spectators to the area. Mr. Milliken said the area was chosen for its natural beauty, airport access, and the ease of roadways to get here. Mr. Delaney then reviewed the specific events and the opportunity for local participation. He showed a map of course options, including the Burlington waterfront, and a route through Burlington and South Burlington. He also reviewed the role of the local organizing committee, including fundraising. People’s United Bank will be the principal sponsor. Mr. Milliken outlined the potential economic impact for South Burlington including the lodging of participants and spectators during and prior to the events. Mr. Delaney said that what is wanted from South Burlington is interaction with Police and Fire Departments, local medical support, and financial support. Mr. Cimonetti stressed the very positive impact that this will have on South Burlington. Mr. Murray asked how the Police would be paid. Mr. Delaney said the event funds would pay them. Mr. Boucher noted the City Council committed $5000 from the Rooms & Meals Tax from 2011 and 2012. Mr. Milliken stressed that this can be a great revenue event for the city and for the state as well. Mr. Murray said the Council should honor its prior commitment. Other members agreed. Mr. Miller said it will be a line item expenditure in the appropriate budgets. It will be up to voters to approve those budgets. 5. Update on Lake Champlain Byways: Albrecht of the Regional Planning Commission explained that a “byway” is designated for its intrinsic resources. Planning for byways began in the 1990’s under designation by the Vermont Transportation Board. Oversight is provided by the CCRPC and other appropriate groups and funding is through various grants. The aim of the byways project is to serve the visiting pubic through interpretive panels, byway signs on major roadways, publications on access to various resources, and way-finding signage. There is also an effort to provide some audio interpretive options. Mr. Albrecht showed slides of the use of the city’s logo on signage, kiosks, brochures, and panels at welcome centers. There is also an effort to update the corridor management plan for maintaining resources, etc. This includes strategies for existing and new development, road safety, and marketing. Ms. LaRose noted the byways signs are not subject to the city’s bylaws. Mr. Hubbard noted that budgeting for upkeep of the signs will be through the Recreation and Planning Departments budgets. The city will determine how much to spend. Ms. LaRose said there are some city-related signs that might be included, such as a directional sign for the new Police Station. There would be a $100 per year maintenance fee per such sign. Mr. Connor noted the possibility of “sponsored signs” from nonprofit organizations. Members expressed their support for these efforts. 6. Consideration of Approval for a State of Vermont Municipal Planning Grant: Mr. Connor explained that the planning grants are now being funded at about half of the previous amount. The maximum a community can receive is $15,000, and for any amount over $8000, the community must provide a 50% match. The Planning Commission considered 2 potential projects to apply for: a city-wide survey and a review of City Center zoning. They felt that the latter was more likely to be funded. Mr. Conner said the existing City Center zoning does not reflect community visioning, and some of it is out of date. There is also no provision for “transitioning” between areas and no integration of design review criteria for Williston Road. Mr. Conner said they would bring in consultants to help develop revised codes. Mr. Conner also noted there is a lot of statewide support for what the city is trying to do, and he felt there was a good chance of getting a grant. The “matching” requirement could come from the $5000 consulting budget that already exists and has not been utilized. Mr. Murray moved to approve submission of the grant application as presented and to include exploration of design elements on Williston Road. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Public Hearing: Ordinance to Amend Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations: No Parking on both sides of Airport Drive from Williston Road to White Street: Ms. Dooley moved to open the public hearing. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. An audience member from the Town of Shelburne expressed concern with the impact on people who use those parking spaces and also the impact on the Airport Grocery. Mr. Boucher said there has been no concern expressed from neighbors. Mr. Miller added that the Airport, which now operates the grocery, has asked for the proposed ordinance. He said this is a high accident location, and Police, Fire and Public Works also support the amendment. Mr. Murray noted that there is now a “cell phone lot” at the end of Airport Drive for parking and waiting for arriving passengers. He cited the dangers of the existing situation, especially for people getting out of cars. Mr. Rabidoux said this is a significant public safety issue. The road is less than 30-feet wide, narrower than what is required in a residential neighborhood. There have been 5 significant vehicle collisions during the year in this area. Mr. Miller noted that just recently new parking spaces came on line in the Airport garage, and 600 more will be available in mid-December. A member of the audience said that there is supposed to be 2-hour free parking in the garage, but only half an hour is being allowed at the Airport. Mr. Murray asked staff to look into this. Mr. Boucher then read the proposed amendment. Mr. Knapp moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray moved to approve the amendment as proposed. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Review Minutes of 25 October 2010 and 1 November 2010: A correction was made in the Minutes of 25 October to the name of an attendee. Mr. Murray moved to approve the Minutes of 25 October as amended above and the Minutes of 1 November 2010 as written. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 10. Executive Session: Mr. Murray moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene in executive session to discuss appointments. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Resume Regular Session: Following the executive session, Mr. Murray moved to appoint Donna Kinville to the City Charter Committee. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. _______________________________ Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.