HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/17/2010CITY COUNCIL 17 MAY 2010 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 17 May 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: S. Dooley, Acting Chair; M. Emery, J. Knapp, F. Murray Also Present: D. Gravelin, Acting City Manager; Police Chief T. Whipple, Fire Chief D. Brent, P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; J. Rabidoux, Public Works Director; T. Hubbard, Recreation Director; R. Kay, Planning Commission; B. Stuono, DRB; B. Nedde, G. Maley, L. Ventris, other members of Dog Park Committee 1. Comments and Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda items: Mr. Young noted that The Other Paper had mentioned preparing the old Police Station for “new tenants.” Mr. Gravelin said there are no plans at present to do that. There has been discussion regarding possible use of the area for school administrators, but nothing has been finalized. Mr. Maley asked the City Council to pursue long term noise abatement with the Airport instead of the “living wall.” He said his research has indicated that the “living wall” is used only for traffic noise abatement and only with other sound abatement measures such as 20­foot berms. He noted that only a 4-foot berm is proposed by the Airport. Mr. Maley said he believes that what is needed is long-term strategic sound abatement. He noted that many people do not want to move from their homes, and they have all experienced increased noise as other homes near them have been taken down. The residents can also smell jet fuel in the morning (on Logwood, Elizabeth, Patrick and Mills Streets). Mr. Maley said he still wants sound measurements done to establish a baseline. Regarding the TDR issue, Mr. Young asked whether the City owns any TDR’s. Mr. Gravelin said the city does. There is also involvement by the Land Trust which has TDR’s as well. Ms. Dooley said the City’s TDR’s came from the Scott property. The anticipation is that a developer will purchase them from the City. Mr. Conner said the City owns about 45 TDR’s. There was a developer who took an option on them, but this transaction has not yet proceeded any further. 2. Announcements and City Manager’s Report: Ms. Emery: Talked with Airport people regarding more effective sound mitigation. She suggested having an independent consultant to see what can be done to preserve the integrity of the community. She felt it was time the city had its own consultant. Ms Emery also said she got additional information from people who have been told that if they don’t move, all the land around them will be zoned commercial. She stressed that only the city can change and determine zoning. Residents are also being told there is less money available and they will be paid less for their homes. She emphasized that fair market value is not determined by the Federal Government; it is determined by what is considered fair value in South Burlington. Mr. Gravelin said that Brian Searles was unaware this type of discussion was taking place. He said there is a whole list of people waiting for homes to be purchased, and there is no need for the Airport to solicit any more homes. Mr. Rabidoux said both the Federal Highway and FAA follow the same rules for acquisition of property, and there is a very high standard under the “Federal Uniform Relocation Act.” Ms. Dooley noted there have been a number of instances in the past where the Airport has said one thing to the City Council and another to members of the public. Mr. Gravelin: Noted that a very heroic effort occurred in the City during the past week. He read a letter from Captain Ken Datillio of the Fire Department to Justin Rabidoux citing the heroic actions of Public Works Department worker Joe Gebo who risked harm to himself in order to remove an infant and provide aid to an injured driver in a vehicle which had rolled over. Police Chief Whipple then presented a Citizens Service Award to Mr. Gebo for his actions which went beyond the bound of his own safety. A request has been received from UVM graduate student Emily Morgan to do some work on historic preservation with the assistance of the Planning Department. Ms. Morgan said she plans to work in the Chamberlin and Mayfair Park areas and will create a website and make a presentation to the City Council at the end of the project. There has been some interest from a Federal agency in leasing second floor space (apx. 6000 sq. ft. available) at the new Police Station. The city is planning to make them an offer to speed up the process. The Steering Committee will meet at 6 p.m. on19 May at the Middle School. There will be an MPO meeting at 7 p.m. on 19 May. Mr. Gravelin will attend. An “open house” will be held for the community at the new Police Station on 12 June from 11 a.m.­3 p.m. 3. Consider Policy for Procedures for Appointment to City Boards and Committees: Ms. Dooley said the Council has received feedback from the Planning Commission, DRB, Natural Resources Committee, Design Review Committee, Rec Path Committee, Red Rock Park Committee, and Library Board. Members of those groups generally liked the idea of interviewing all applicants. Mr. Murray asked why interview only after 8 years instead of every time a term ends. Ms. Emery agreed and said it is important for the public to feel solicited. Mr. Knapp suggested asking applicant to indicate first, second and third choices. Members agreed to add “advertising in the Other Paper” for recruitment. Mr. Murray moved to adopt the procedure as amended. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Report on and Consideration of Replacement Ambulance: Chief Brent noted that last week the Department got the license to proceed with a paramedic program. Training will begin in the fall. The Fire Department has also worked out an agreement to assist the Town of Williston in their new ambulance project. South Burlington will do the billing for Williston which will bring some income to the city. Chief Brent reminded the Council that one ambulance was due to be replaced a year ago. The replacement was delayed at the City Manager’s request. The Chief noted there is $90,000 in the reserve fund for this purpose. The Chief said there is an extreme shortage of chasses for ambulances, and they have been able to identify 2 potential sources, with a #1 and #2 priority. Mr. Gravelin explained how financing would work and noted that this money has not been budgeted as yet. Ms. Dooley noted that the Council Chair has been planning to present an alternative approach to equipment/infrastructure replacement and maintenance at a June meeting. Chief Brent said it would take 180 days to build the new ambulance, and no money would need to be paid until then. He just wanted an OK to lock in the availability of the chassis. Mr. Gravelin said the city could put in a deposit to hold the chassis and then work out a financing agreement. Ms. Emery questioned why put off something that would be approved in a month, especially with equipment so hard to come by. Mr. Murray felt the new City Manager should have the opportunity to review the situation before a purchase is considered. Ms. Emery said the history of the Fire Department is that they are right on with knowing when to replace vehicles. They do excellent maintenance. She felt that a 30-day delay could make a difference if getting a chassis is so difficult. Chief Brent said the specs for the new vehicle wouldn’t be ready until the next Council meeting. He suggested putting in a good faith deposit on the chassis while the financing is worked out. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the purchase of an ambulance using vehicle replacement fund money for a deposit with the understanding that if funding is no available the deposit would be refundable. Further that the City should consider funding the replacement ambulance through the budget process since the equipment is so scarce. Ms Emery seconded. The vote on the motion was 2-2, and it was deemed that the motion did not pass. Discussion will continue at the next Council meeting. 5. Preliminary Design for the South Burlington Dog Park: Mr. Hubbard provided members with an updated budget sheet. Mr. Nedde described the plan. He showed the location of a water main on Kirby Road and also the location of proposed graveled parking spaces and a snow storage area. A fence line would define the boundaries of the park. Mr. Nedde noted that the parcel is very flat. The eastern side is very open with few trees. There is a mature wood on the south side. Permission has been secured to clear some of the brush. Mr. Nedde showed the location of a “small dog” area (4200 sq. ft.) and the large dog area (1.9 acres). The area would be accessible through a gated entryway. The proposed fencing would be 5 feet high and made of a vinyl coated material. Mr. Hubbard said the proposal meets accepted “dog park standards.” Mr. Murray asked who would be responsible for the operation of the dog park. Mr. Hubbard said volunteers will assist with operations. The park would be maintained by the City. A 5-year initial lease is proposed with a 1-year renewable option after that. There would be no cost to the city for the land use. Estimated operational costs are $4-5,000. Mr. Hubbard suggested a slight increase in dog licenses to cover those costs. Impact fees would fund the building of the park. The park would be covered by the city’s liability coverage. People with dogs behaving aggressively would be cited and would be asked not to come back. The City Attorney is presently reviewing the proposed rules for operation. Ms. Emery said she was concerned with how animals will react to the airport noises. Ms. Ventriss said the noise is loud, but she has been told it is not harmful to dogs. Ms. Emery noted that recreation areas are not allowed in this decibel zone. Mr. Murray moved to approve the layout and presentation of the plan to the DRB. The Committee is asked to come back to the Council for final approve of the lease, fees and budget. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed 3-1 with Ms. Emery opposing. 6. Information report on planned update of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan: Mr. Conner said the Planning Commission has been working on the update. Several grants have funded additional help to organize chapters on energy, etc. Mr. Conner directed attention to the proposed Table of Contents which complies with State requirements and also includes issues of importance to the City (e.g., storm water). The Planning Commission has been focusing on the energy and transportation chapters which have not been revised in the past 5 years. There will be less focus on areas with more recent updating. The Plan will be organized based on the “top 10” goals in a way that everyone can relate to. Regarding land use, Mr. Conner noted that South Burlington is a very complex community. Five districts would have in-depth consideration in the new plan, similar to what the Southeast Quadrant has had in the past. Mr. Conner suggested the Planning Commission meet with the City Council when they are partway through the revision, with a possible additional meeting to set the “top 10” goals. Mr. Kay suggested the Council get the Planning Commission minutes to keep apprised of Commission thinking. Mr. Conner noted that the Commission will be meeting tomorrow night as well as the following Tuesday. 7. Consider appointments to the Transportation Advisory Committee of the Metropolitan Planning Organization: Ms. Dooley noted that the current representative hasn’t been able to attend meeting since last July. Mr. Gravelin advised that this representative is willing to serve again. Mr. Murray suggested that if attending meetings is a problem, the alternate could be moved up to representative and the current representative become the alternate. Members agreed to wait for input before making a decision. 8. Consider Acceptance of Vale Drive, Dorey Road, and Nowland Farm Road as City Streets: Mr. Gravelin advised theses roads now meet city standards. Mr. Murray moved to accept Vale Drive, Dorey Road and Nowland Farm Road as city streets. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consider Capital Equipment Refunding Notes for Public Works Highway Equipment and Police Cruiser: and 10. Consider Capital Equipment Refunding Notes for Public Works Highway Storm Water Division and Police Cruiser: Ms. Emery moved to approve the refunding notes and accompanying documents as presented. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Review Development Review Board Agenda for meeting of 18 May 2010: No issues were raised. 12. Review and Approve Minutes of 3 May 2010: Ms. Dooley noted that on p. 3 she had said the DRB is accountable to the City Council through the appointment process and by the Council’s passage of Land Development Regulations, which the DRB uses in making its decisions. Ms. Emery moved to approve the Minutes of 3 May 2010 with the above addition. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ______________________________ Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.