HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/19/2010CITY COUNCIL 19 JANUARY 2010 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 19 January 2010, at 6:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, Audette Public Works Building. Members Present: S. Dooley, Acting Chair; M. Emery, J. Knapp, F. Murray Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; T. DiPietro, Stormwater Superintendent; M. Young, A. Wright, M. Dugan Executive Session: Meaghan Emery moved to enter executive session to discuss real property acquisition. Frank Murray seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: Council returned to regular session. 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda items: Mr. Young asked about the “real property acquisition” the Council has been discussing in executive session. Mr. Hafter said he cannot provide information at this time as negotiations are taking place. 2. Announcements & City Manager’s Report: Ms. Emery: Gave the Chair and City Manager the CCTV calendar. Ms. Dooley: Attended the Airport Strategic Plan meeting with Councilors Boucher and Emery and the City Manager and Assistant City Manager. Information from the session is on the website. The Airport is talking about adding a 3rd floor for administrative offices. Ticketing would take place on the second floor, and the ground floor would be for baggage, etc. There would also be a drive-up to the second level. There is also planning underway for a cell phone lot for those picking up returning passengers and for future gates at the south end of the terminal. Mr. Hafter: Steering Committee meeting, Thursday, 21 January at 7 p.m., at City Hall to present the City and School 2010-2011 proposed operating budgets. The impact on the average home in the City from these budgets would be an additional $14 for the year. The City Council will hold a special meeting on 25 January, 5 p.m., to adopt the Warning for the March vote and to conduct the first of 2 public hearings on proposed Charter changes. The City Council meeting of 16 February will be held at Central School. Members were given copies of the proposed new “WELCOME” signs for city parks. The Rotary will pay to produce them, and the city will install them. 2. Interview with John Wilking for Appointment to the Library Board of Trustees: Mr. Wilking said he has been involved with the Library for 6 months and has sat with the Board during that time. He has also been a donor to the Library. Ms. Dooley explained the process for appointment. 4. Consideration of Adoption of Resolution to Accept VCDP Grant of $600,000 for Grandway Senior Housing Project, authorize City Manager as City Agent, and Approve Resolution designating Cathedral Square as Administrator of Grant: Ms. Dooley questioned the omission of “no discrimination based on sexual orientation” and also noted a double negative that was confusing. Ms. Dugan said the double negative has been addressed, and the discrimination clause is in the document. Ms. Wright said they will be closing on 11 February, and are ready to go. The funds in the grant are critical to making the units affordable. As the project is located in South Burlington, priority will be given to residents of the city. Ms. Dugan explained the nature of the agreements and said Cathedral Square does all the progress reporting. There will be contract with the City explaining responsibilities. Mr. Hafter said the City has done similar Resolutions in the past. Mr. Murray moved to adopt the Resolution to accept the VCDP Grant as presented and to authorize the City manager to serve as City Agent and further to approve the Resolution designating Cathedral Square as Administrator of the grant. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration for a Refunding $300,000 Grant Anticipation Loan for Potash Brook Restoration Project: Mr. Gravelin explained that this is the second year of the pay off. Interest is at 1.99%. It is paid out of storm water fees and is in the budget. Ms. Emery moved to approve the refunding of the $300,000 grant anticipation loan as presented. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Update from Stormwater Utility; consideration of approval of use of public land for storm water projects: Mr. Hafter cited how well the Stormwater Utility is doing. Mr. DiPietro noted that 65% of the city is located in an impaired waterway. He showed this on a city map. He then outlined projects that are either underway or are being proposed for the coming year: A. Laurel Hill Project: to address flooding issues. New storage tanks will be installed as well as a parallel pipe to handle flow. The Army Corps of Engineers will pay 65% of the cost, the city 35%. B. Pheasant Way area project: potential installation of 3 water treatment ponds to treat water before it gets to the stream C. Bartlett Bay Road Area project: 13 acres where very little treatment of flow is occurring. During large storms, there is flooding which is causing damage to private property. The project will look at the culvert and potential treatment of storm water. D. Pinnacle Area project: 3 ponds in the area were built to older standards; consideration is being given to retrofitting these ponds. E. Stonehedge Area project: improvements to drainage swales, including a large detention pond in Szymanski Park. A cost-sharing arrangement will be discussed with residents, possibly via a special assessment district as has been done in the past. The Army Corps will pay 65%, the city 35% (approximately $200,000). F. Butler Farms/Oak Creek Area: a lot of progress has been made here, including a diversion swale and some native plantings. The Golf Course supports this project. To address a water collection problem, there is a proposal for curb cut bio-retention. Mr. DiPietro showed other city-owned lands where the Department is looking to do work. Costs would come to about $720,000. $360,000 would be paid through grants and $162,000 by the City. They are looking to have residents participate in the $198,000 share. (at about $770 per neighborhood residents) Mr. Murray moved to approve using public land for the retention pond at Butler Farms as shown on the map. Mr. Knapp seconded. The motion passed 4-0 with Ms. Dooley abstaining as she and her husband own property in that area. Mr. Gravelin noted that many of these projects are already in the budget. 7. Review of Annual City Meeting Warning; final version to be approved at special meeting on 25 January 2010: A few grammatical changes were made. Mr. Hafter said there will be an article in The Other Paper to explain the ballot items to voters. 8. Review Development Review Board Agenda for 19 January 2010: Mr. Conner briefly explained the status of the Whole Foods application. 9. Review and Approve Minutes of 21 December 2009 and 4 January 2010: Ms. Emery moved to approve the Minutes of 21 December 2009 and 4 January 2010 with noted grammatical changes. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Murray abstaining. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 11. Executive Session: Mr. Knapp moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss contract negotiation, land acquisition and appointment to city boards and to resume regular session only for the purpose of approving a contract, making appointments and/or adjourning. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Murray moved to approve the collective bargaining contract with the Career Firefighter’s Association, IAFF Local 3676 for the period of 7/1/09-06/30/2011. Ms. Emery seconded the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp abstained due to a conflict. Mr. Murray moved the appointment of John Wilking to the Community Library Board. Ms. Emery seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp moved the appointment of Jamie Heins, Jennifer Kochman, John Simson, Dan O’Rourke, John Wilking, John Everitt, Donna Kinville, Doug Brent, Chris Corbin, and Councilor Dooley to the City Manager selection committee. Mr. Murray seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp moved adjournment. Ms. Emery seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30pm. _______________ Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.