HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/05/2009CITY COUNCIL 5 OCTOBER 2009 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 5 October 2009, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: M. Boucher, Chair; S. Dooley, M. Emery, J. Knapp, F. Murray Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; L. Bresee, B. Stuono, M. Young, B. Wessel, G. Forbes, S. Crosby, J. Fayette, C. Cole 1. Comments & Questions from the Public, not related to Agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Ms. Emery: Has been in touch with John Zwick regarding Art to Action, an exhibit of local artists at the Airport. Mr. Conner is thinking of holding a Planning Commission meeting there. Ms. Emery suggested the Council consider holding a meeting there after the holidays. People who read of Mr. Hafter's upcoming retirement have indicated that they regret his leaving. Mr. Boucher: Received a letter from Fred Sergeant thanking the Council for its recognition of the Schueles. Mr. Sergeant also provided a chronology of Red Rocks Park. The 2011 Chittenden County Planning process information has been received. Mr. Hafter: Will attend an MPO meeting regarding creative financing for Exit 12B. There will be a hearing on 8 October, 1 p.m., regarding the Vermont Community Development Project on Farrell St. The "kick-off" meeting for the third lane at Staples Plaza will be held at the Public Works building on Friday, 10 a.m. 3. Public Hearing on Amendment to Land Development Regulations, Table C-1; Table of Uses; add Municipal Facilities as a permitted use in Mixed Industrial-Commercial Zone; second reading of same: Mr. Knapp moved to open the public hearing. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Boucher asked for public comment. There was none. Ms. Emery moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray moved to waive the reading of the amendment and approve it as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of Authorization of City Manager to Sign Construction contract with Engineers Construction, Inc. (ECI) for Tilley Drive Shared Use Path: Mr. Hafter said $149,000 was the low bid. This can be from funded impact fees within the budget to supplement the State grant. Mr. Bresee said there was significant archeological work which was a major part of the budget. State approval was received today. Mr. Young asked why there is encroachment in impaired waterways. Mr. Bresee said the Rec Path Committee spends 6 months working with State storm water people. The bridge design specifies the least amount of impact. Mr. Hafter said the effort is to balance the benefit to the public with the least amount of impact. Ms. Emery said bikers usually appreciate the natural environment and are aware of the concern for waterways. Ms. Dooley added that the effort is to promote bikes as an alternative to cars. Ms. Emery said she sees parking lots as a bigger problem. She also noted a meeting on 21 October for the "Cars to People" initiative which promotes alternatives to cars, thus cutting down on parking lots. Mr. Murray moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the Construction Contract with Engineers Construction, Inc., as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Approval of Authorization for City Manager to execute contracts and related documents with Pizzagalli Construction Company, South Burlington, VT for construction of the Airport Parkway Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade and Expansion in the amount of $23,760,000 and change Order #1, contingent upon VT-Division of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and City Attorney approval: Mr. Hafter noted that this action reduces the amount of the contract to $22,069,326. Mr. Forbes said bids were opened on 23 July. There were 3 bids from very qualified contractors. Pizzagalli was the low bidder but was higher than hoped. Since then there has been successful work to reduce costs. He recommended approving the contract contingent upon State approval. Mr. Forbes noted the project must be completed within 700 calendar days. Ground breaking is anticipated in March. Mr. Hafter added that the project is getting American Relief and Recovery funding. He explained the complications that this created and how they were addressed. Mr. Murray moved to authorize the City Manager to execute contracts and related documents with Pizzagalli Construction Company for construction of the Airport Parkway Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade and Expansion subject to approval by the VT-Division of Environmental Conservation and the City Attorney. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Presentation of CCTA Legislative Proposal to enable the creation of a Regional Transportation Agency: Mr. Cole explained that in 2002, CCTA was asked to provide services to Washington County as their server had gone bankrupt. They were asked to transition this transit service to local control. This process took 4 years. Two years ago, the boards of both entities formed a joint committee to look at efficiencies. CCTA does all the accounting for Washington County (which is a non-profit operation) as well as all their planning. Their mechanics also report to CCTA's manager. Their service area has been expanded to Franklin, Grand Isle, and Lamoille Counties. The plan now is to join the two organizations into one via enabling legislation. Governance would be determined by the 2 boards. The two agencies and the Transportation Secretary have come to an agreement on an investment plan. Mr. Cole noted that South Burlington pays a proportionate amount of the CCTA budget. This budget has averaged a 2.4% increase over the past 8 years. Mr. Boucher noted how this process puts the City Council in a "tight squeeze." Mr. Cole explained the city's right to terminate. Mr. Hafter said there is a middle ground, which involves cutting a route, if necessary. Mr. Hafter said the City would support a bill requiring a community surrounded by CCTA members and getting free services to join CCTA. Mr. Wessel said the CCTA board could agree to incorporate that into the bill. Mr. Boucher said one of Vermont's greatest assets is local control, but regionalizing can result in cost savings. Mr. Cole said the key is to get a balance. Mr. Hafter said Vermont is in terrible shape in the area of regional government. 7. Council Discussion on Development of a Process for Selection of a City Manager: Mr. Boucher said issues include how to form a committee, what kind of search to do, whether to hire a search firm, etc. Mr. Hafter said the City can use the services of VLCT who would do the advertising and get the applications that are submitted. There are also professional firms that will do this work. Members discussed whether to do an out of state search. Mr. Murray noted that generally out of state choices have not been successful. Mr. Hafter said the Council could also invite the public in to ask what they are looking for in a City Manager. Mr. Hafter also advised the Council that he will provide a process for the selecting Bruce Hoar's replacement. 8. Review the Agenda for the Development Review Board meeting of 6 October 2009: Ms. Emery raised the issue of density bonuses. She suggested the possibility of a city development fund which would enable the city to purchase work- force housing. Mr. Hafter said it is actually easier to subsidize housing than it is to buy land. Ms. Dooley suggested inviting Sarah Carpenter to discuss this. Mr. Knapp said people from the City of Burlington deal with developers all the time and South Burlington needs to know how to do this. He added that the city has the authority to create a South Burlington Housing Authority. Mr. Hafter noted that in the past the city has helped non-profits get grants. Mr. Boucher said reforming the permitting process would be a major factor in reducing the cost of housing. 9. Review and Approve Minutes of 21 September 2009: Mr. Murray moved to approve the Minutes of 21 September 2009 as written. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 11. Liquor Control Board: Ms. Emery moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a liquor license request for Vermont Sportsgrill (at the former Hooters location). He said the application is in order. Ms. Emery moved to approve the liquor license request for Vermont Sportsgrill as presented. Mr. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.