HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/20/2009CITY COUNCIL 20 JULY 2009 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 20 July 2009 at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: M. Boucher, Chair; S. Dooley, M. Emery, J. Knapp, F. Murray Also Present: D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; M. Birmingham, R. Farley, Development Review Board; Chief Trevor Whipple, Police Department; M. Young, M. Terricone, E. Magowan, J. Clark, S. Diley, J. Kochman, B. Stuono, C. Sheffield, B. Thorpe, S. Berdeen, R. Lapointe, N. Eldridge, P. Bennett, T. Ashe, C. Bolton 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda items: Mr. Young asked about the Leduc property and said the DRB didn't know about an access to Shelburne Pond. Mr. Boucher said there is a recreation easement being provided, which was a prerequisite for South Burlington going along with the purchase. The goal is to provide access to Shelburne Pond. Mr. Young also noted that the schools have stopped collecting impact fees. He asked if the city will be doing that as well. Ms. Dooley said the schools have collected all the money they needed and can't collect fees beyond what they need. The city isn't in the same position and will continue to collect impact fees. Ms. Dooley noted receipt of a letter from residents of the East Woods neighborhood regarding the proposed 5-story building nearby. She said the Comprehensive Plan endorses a 1.5% growth per year. The actual growth in city population is 56% higher. She felt the land development regulations are not in sync with the Comprehensive Plan. She felt the Council should discuss this. Mr. Boucher noted that what is happening in 2008-2010 will greatly modify that as the city won't see anywhere near the growth it has seen in the past. 1. Other Business & Announcements: Ms. Emery: Invited people to a meeting at her home regarding being more thoughtful about what they are putting on lawns that is ultimately going into brooks and streams. Mr. Gravelin: Gave members the schedule for Steering Committee meetings as follows: 8 September (prior to the City Council meeting) 18 November January, 2010 (date to be determined) May, 2010 (date to be determined) The 18 August City Council meeting has been rescheduled for 10 August in order to meet a warning deadline. The city has received stimulus grants to resurface rec paths and is on the list for 6 additional storm water ponds. The City Manager and Bruce Hoar attended a meeting on flashing beacons for mid-block crossings. Mr. Gravelin showed a picture of a model. The city is hoping to put up a demo soon. The opening of bids for the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant upgrade has been moved to next Wednesday, July 29, 2009. A "thank you" dinner for city volunteers will be held on 4 August, 4 p.m., at City Hall. Transportation will be available to take people to the parade staging area following the dinner. 3. Interviews with Applicants for City Boards & Committees: The Council interviewed Roger Farley and Matt Birmingham for reappointment to the Development Review Board: Mr. Farley said he had gone from the Planning Commission to DRB. He has been in the city for 30 years, 15 of which he has served on city boards/committees. He's now retired and has time to devote to meetings. He added that the DRB makes sure that what a developer is trying to do fits in with the city's plan as established by the Planning Commission. He felt that each application should be reviewed on its own merits. Mr. Birmingham has lived in the city 4 years. He has a Masters in Public Administration and works for the State Dept. of Public Safety. He also stressed that the DRB is a quasi-judicial board that tries to stay true to what the Planning Commission has established. The Council then interviewed Mike Terricone for reappointment to the Design Review Board. He has been in the city 20 years. He would like to continue on the Board especially as the City Center process approaches. The Council then interviewed new applicants for boards and committees: Jessica Clark - interested in DRB, Planning Commission, and Natural Resources Committee - Has been in the city for 5 years and feels she should do something for the community. She's an engineer and has had her designs go through the planning process. Mr. Boucher asked how she would handle an application where the rules permit a project that does not coincide with her "point of view." Ms. Clark said she felt that with her professional background, she could "play by the rules." Shannon Diley - Natural Resources Committee - in the city since 2004, native Vermonter, graduate of Vermont Law School with an additional degree in Environmental Law. Wants to give back to the community. Jennifer Kochman - interested in Library Board of Trustees - in city 22 years, previously on Recreation/Leisure Arts Committee. Teaching and public relations background. Very interested in what happens to the Library. Emily McGowan - interested in Library Board of Trustees - has managed non-professional organizations, banking background, active Library user. Has attended Library Board meetings since April. Concerned with making the co-existence with the school as smooth as possible and also looking at long- term goals. Cathy Sheffield - Planning Commission - in South Burlington 7 years. Feels it is important to develop the town "right." Bill Sutono - interested in DRB or Planning Commission, in the area 20 years. Masters in Urban Planning, currently on Design Review Committee. Feels South Burlington is in better shape than most communities and would like to "keep it that way." Beth Thorpe - would serve on Library Board, Recreation/Leisure Arts, or Natural Resources Committee. Retired. Was previously on East Montpelier School Board. Stan Berdeen - interested in Recreation Committee, was on Police Station Committee, would enjoy helping build the community through fun, city resident since 1971, professional facilities planner, also willing to serve on Library Board. Mr. Boucher thanked all the applicants and explained the process for selection. 4. Items Related to Proposed Police Station: 1) Adoption of Bonding Resolution; 2) Discussion of Amortization Options; 3) Discussion of Communications Plan: Mr. Gravelin said there would be a public information meeting on the Police Station bond on 8 September, 7 p.m. Mr. Boucher read the Bonding Resolution. Mr. Knapp moved to adopt the resolution as read. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Murray opposing. Regarding amortization, the bonds are estimated to be for 20 years at 4% interest. There are several options for repayment: Option 1: rooms and meals tax plus property tax. Would use the most from rooms & meals tax and have the lowest property tax levy. Because the total collected changes each year, it would be the hardest to explain to taxpayers. With interest the total payback would come to $10,400,000. Option 2: also uses a combination of rooms & meals tax and property tax. The tax rate is set at a constant level for 20 years, and the amount from rooms & meals tax varies. Has the highest property tax levy; however, the tax rate can be set at .006 for the term of the bond, so it is easier to explain to taxpayers. Option 3: also uses the combination of rooms & meals tax and property tax, but the total tax levy is constant at $158,000 per year while the tax rate declines each year. It doesn't let the taxpayer know his/her specific constant rate, only the constant city tax dollar levy. Mr. Boucher noted that under any of these options, the lion's share will be paid by the rooms & meals tax. He said he personally favored option #3. Mr. Knapp also liked Option #3. Ms. Dooley liked Option #2 because the city has so many other needs. Mr. Boucher felt the Council has to do all it can to reduce the tax burden. Ms. Dooley said she could live with option #3. Mr. Knapp suggested the Council reach consensus on option #3 but vote on it at the 10 August meeting in case there is any strong objection. Members agreed. Chief Whipple then reviewed some of the things the Police Department is doing to promote the bond vote including a Channel 17 presentation (with filming at both the existing facility and the Gregory Drive building), guest editorials in The Other Paper, 3 open houses at the Gregory Drive building with a floor plan available for review, 3 scheduled "block parties," information available at National Night Out and the Fire Department Open House. Ms. Emery said she plans to hold coffee hours at her home 2 or 3 times and also visit senior housing near her home to explain the bond vote to residents. Mr. Boucher said he would get a calendar of events out to members and hope for at least one Council member at each of the events. 5. Consideration of Request from Cathedral Square Corporation to resubmit a Vermont Community Development Block Grant Application for Grand Way Commons II: Mr. Ashe and Ms. Eldridge explained that last year the Council approved a $600,000 grant application to the VCDB, to add 28 apartments to the existing building. It also would move the adult day care program to that end of the building. The project would be funded by tax credits. They indicated they are back with the request because last year they didn't have a major funding source and the State wouldn't go forward without that. They now have funding. There are 118 people on the waiting list for senior housing apartments. In addition, they will be able to add more services for seniors with the addition including meals coordination. Mr. Ashe said there is no conflict with neighbors with the existing building. To address height concerns, they created a "tiered" approach, reducing the height as the building gets closer to the neighborhood. He showed a picture concept of this. Ms. Emery asked where residents come from. Mr. Ashe said that in the existing building all but a few residents are from Chittenden County, and priority is give to residents from the community in which the building is located. Ms. Lapointe said the WVNY building that would be removed for this addition is in very bad shape and is not healthy to have around seniors because of asbestos problems. She said that for seniors, everything they need is located right there, and you have to think about that when you get old. Mr. Murray moved to approve the Vermont Community Development Block Grant Application as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Public Hearing on Sign Ordinance; second reading of same: Mr. Boucher opened the public hearing. Ms. Dooley moved to waive the second reading. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. There was no public comment. Ms. Emery moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Emery moved to approve the amendment to the sign ordinance as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Public Hearing on Use of Park Ordinance; second reading of same: Mr. Boucher opened the public hearing and read the proposed amendment. There was no public comment. Mr. Murray moved to close the public hearing. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray moved to adopt the ordinance as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Consideration of Acceptance of Country Club Drive as Public Street: Mr. Gravelin explained that a small section of Country Club Drive had not been accepted because of damage issues. These have now been corrected, and the Public Works Director said it is OK to accept the street. Mr. Murray moved to accept Country Club Drive as a public street. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of Adoption of Proclamation by South Burlington City Council for National Night Out; consideration of application for Entertainment License for National Night Out: Mr. Murray moved to approve the adoption of the proclamation for National Night Out as presented. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the Entertainment Permit for National Night Out as presented. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Review of Development Review Board Agenda for meeting of 21 July 2009: Mr. Conner noted that the Chastenay item would be continued to a later date. Ms. Emery noted that 2 of the items on the agenda involve accessory apartments. She asked that there be enforcement that the building owners actually live in the houses. 11. Review and approve Minutes of 15 June 2009: It was noted that on page for the reference to $400,000 should read $4,400,000. Ms. Emery moved to approve the Minutes of 15 June as amended. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Murray abstaining. 12. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 13. Executive Session: Mr. Knapp moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss appointments to boards and committees and real property acquisition and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Regular Session: On motion made and seconded council returned to regular session and adjourned at 10:03p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.