HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/05/2009CITY COUNCIL 5 JANUARY 2009 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 5 January 2009, at 7:00 p.m., at Chamberlin School, White Street. Members Present: C. Smith, Chair; M. Boucher, S. Dooley, S. Magowan, M. Emery Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; R. Kay, Planning Commission; Rep. S. Audette; B. Searles, B. Worthen, G. Paris, R. McEwing, R. Wilmer, LM. Lawrence, Burlington International Airport; A. Scruggins, J. Belais, P. Palumbo, other members of the community 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Boucher: asked that at future meeting members discuss different options, e.g. a co-system for prisoner handling (shared services). Ms. Dooley: arranged to meeting with City Manager, Council Chair, Police Chief Whipple, and Congressman Peter Welch. Chief Whipple has also communicated with Senator Sanders and his staff and with the Vermont League of Cities & Towns. The Police Station is on their list. Ms. Emery: As part of the renewal process for the contract with Channel 17, at the 20 January meeting there will be discussion on how people use Channel 17 both on-line and on TV. Mr. Magowan: announced that he will not be running for re-election in March. Mr. Hafter: The next regular Council meeting will also be held a Chamberlin School. That agenda will include the finalization of the Airport study, Channel 17 public input, and a hearing on the use of the rooms/meals tax money for City Hall repairs. The 22 January public hearing on the proposed 2009-10 budget will take place at City Hall. The budget is going to the printers this week. This year's city election will be held in March on Town Meeting Day, March 3, 2009. There will be a special City Council meeting on 26 January, 7 p.m., regarding amendments to the City Charter. 3. Resolution Honoring the Service of Michael Flaherty to the South Burlington Community: Mr. Smith read the Resolution. He commented that Mr. Flaherty was a role model for City Councilors. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the Resolution Honoring the Service of Michael Flaherty. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Rep. Audette said he would submit the Resolution to the State Legislature where it will become drafted into a State bill. 4. Presentation of Study of Land Re-Use and Acquisition of Property Due to Noise Limits, Burlington International Airport: Mr. Worthen showed a plan indicating "noise impacted properties" as forecasted out to 2011, including properties already acquired by the Airport. He indicated that planned uses for the area to be acquired include: a. permanent buffering & resource areas b. sound walls c. berms d. landscaping, including a "living wall" e. suppressions of traffic noise into neighborhoods f. parkland/recreational uses g. wetland resources areas (undeveloped) Mr. Worthen also presented a plan for a relocated Airport Drive/Parkway concept. This road would: a. collect/redirect traffic away from neighborhood streets b. serve as a collector road with limited access c. consist of 2 lanes in each direction with a landscaped median, curbing, sidewalk trails, bike path There would be interim landscaping until the road is redeveloped. In some areas Mr. Worthen said there would be over 200 feet of buffer to remaining homes. The road would serve as a permanent boundary to separate "new uses" from the neighborhood. Mr. Worthen showed a typical 100-foot right-of- way reservation. Some of the acquired properties would serve as "Airport re-use areas," about 25 acres. These would be used to: a. accommodate Airport growth (e.g., public transit facilities, Airport access/circulation, parking improvements, on-grade & structured parking, rental car, taxi, shuttle, etc.) b. economic development opportunities/uses (e.g., potential hotel, office, retail, commercial uses.) Mr. Worthen said that future uses must be compatible with "high noise" impacts. He then showed a plan of what the area might potentially look like. Mr. Worthen then outlined the "acquisition protocol" as follows: a. all sales are voluntary b. the goal is to accommodate requests as soon as practical c. general preferences: 1. properties along Airport Drive 2. properties in groups & blocks 3. higher noise impacted areas 4. avoidance of "patchwork" acquisition 5. when practical, meet individual situation 6. adjust for increase/decrease in future funding 7. accelerate when "groups" are ready d. continually evaluate/update program e. keep neighborhood informed of progress/schedules f. consult City of South Burlington when requirements can't maintain protocol g. implement policy to assure tax revenues are maintained h. remove vacated homes/implement landscape program 1. within 2 years of acquisition 2. in logical contiguous areas 3. large areas to create desired landscape effects 4. don't "strand" remaining residences i. Concentrate demolition and landscape activities 1. no more than a few months each year 2. minimize neighborhood disturbance 3. avoid attractive nuisance/vandalism issues Mr. Worthen noted there is also a program to help renters either find other rental accommodations or purchase a home. Ms. Dooley noted that a few properties to be acquired are outside the 65 decibel line. She asked how this can be justified. Mr. Worthen said in some cases they are attempting to "humanize" boundaries so there isn't a single home left on a block. The program is still voluntary, and the Airport may have to argue to the FAA to include those homes. Mr. Worthen noted that the Airport is working with the Director of Planning & Zoning to study areas for infill/residential development and to determine how best to promote development of a variety of housing types. They are also looking at what zoning changes might be needed to accomplish this. The Chair then opened the floor for questions: A resident ask if it is possible that some properties will never be sold and the road will never go in. Mr. Worthen said that is possible. There could also be changes to the road. He noted that some people who weren't interested in selling their homes a few years ago are now interested. Mr. Hafter added that the City can condemn property for a road, but the Airport cannot. If there is only one house left, this is a possibility. Rep. Audette said he has a major problem with the road design presented: it will become a speedway "with more racing than Daytona." He felt the original scoping should be retained or the road will become a free-for-all after midnight. Traffic needs to be slowed down. Mr. Worthen said the original proposal came too close to the Airport fence. Mr. Searles said they are in the early stages on this, and a lot can be done to mitigate speed. A resident asked if there will be a community visioning process for the road. Mr. Smith said that at the 20 January meeting there will be discussion of the "big picture" and rezoning. Mr. Scruggins asked what happens if the mission of the Air Guard changes. Mr. Paris said the F-16's contribute to a majority of the noise. If their mission changes, the noise contour could shrink. A resident asked if any neighbors were involved in the decision to change the noise contour line. Mr. Paris said nationally, when noise is evaluated, 65 decibel is considered incompatible with residential use, so the FAA adapted that as a standard. Rep. Audette said he has an issue with the "reuse" plans. He said that never was there talk of a hotel before, and neighbors don't want to see a commercial use in that neighborhood. Mr. Conner said the Planning Commission has never discussion any zoning change for this area. Rep. Audette said that "hole should be plugged" before anything happens. Mr. Kay said the Planning Commission is looking for more detail on replacement housing. Mr. Worthen said that will be an on-going discussion. Mr. Kay asked for a chart of the changing location of the DNL line. He also asked that the word "necessary" be removed from the discussion of zoning changes. Ms. Dooley said that it seemed to her that the attractiveness of having more land available was a motivator for the 65 decibel decision. She didn't feel it had to do with noise abatement. She said she was also bothered by the fact that White Street isn't shown to connect to the proposed road. She asked to see a "narrative" of all of this that puts things together in a more tangible way. Mr. Paris said it was homeowners who asked to be included in the program which made the FAA go to the 65 decibel level. Ms. Palombo asked whether noise will spread when homes are taken down. She felt the neighborhood around the airport is a pleasant thing for people to see when they leave the Airport, and that should be preserved. She also felt the really good sound barriers should be the #1 concern. Ms. Belais, a new city resident, said she had plans to improve her property, but now she has concerns. She felt that her neighbors don't know about this effort by the Airport. A resident asked to see examples from other cities that have tackled the noise abatement issue. Mr. Conner suggested that the noise issue become part of a city policy for homes beyond the 65 decibel line so that the net effect is that the noise level is no louder in the future than it is now. Mr. Conner then asked whether homes would still be acquired if the other proposed uses don't come to fruition. Mr. Paris said "absolutely." A resident said he was beginning to hear that funds for acquisition of properties may not continue past 2009. He asked how secure the funding is. Mr. McEwing said the FAA generally approved funding for a 5-year period, but this can be adjusted up or down. In 2009, the Airport can acquire 10 properties. They have been told they have approximately the same number in 2010. Mr. McEwing said that when they go in for funding they must have signed purchase agreements. A resident noted that one property for acquisition in 2010 is a store that is convenient to the neighbors. She asked if it can continue to function. Mr. Paris said that even if the Airport owns it, it can continue to be a deli. Ms. Dooley said she is comfortable with going ahead with the 6 Picard Circle properties, but is not convinced why Airport Dr. properties are not part of the 2009 buyout. Rep. Audette suggested the Airport get something into The Other Paper before the next meeting. A resident asked if it makes sense to tear down properties without a plan. He asked why they can't be saved until there is a plan and then tear them down. Mr. McEwing said they then become targets for vandalism. Ms. Dooley felt there should be a goal not to "leave islands" of properties that were not acquired. Mr. Hafter said that unless the city wants to manage this process, they have to give the Airport flexibility. A resident asked if there are any plans for temporary noise abatement. Mr. Worthen said the Airport has agreed to work with individual property owners who are affected. Mr. Magowan then moved to authorize the Airport to do what it needs to do for 2009 purchases. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Ms. Dooley abstaining. 4. Public Hearing on Ordinance to Amend Motor Vehicle & Traffic Regulations Increasing Speed Limit to 35 mph on National Guard Road & a Portion of Old Farm Road; 2nd reading of same: Mr. Smith asked for public comment. None was forthcoming. Mr. Boucher moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Boucher moved to waive the reading of the Ordinance and to approve it as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Review Agenda for DRB Meeting to be held Tuesday, 6 January 2009: Ms. Emery questioned the shuttling of cars to and from the Airport to a site off Williston Road. Mr. Boucher noted that the DRB has expressed traffic concerns. 6. Review & Approve Minutes of 17 November 2008: It was noted that on p. 6, #6, the word "indicted" should read "indicated." Ms. Dooley moved to approve the Minutes of 17 November as amended. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Review & Approve Minutes of 15 December 2008: Mr. Boucher moved to approve the Minutes of 15 December as written. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Review & Approve Minutes of 18 December 2008: Mr. Magowan moved to approve the Minutes of 18 December as written. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 10. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Boucher moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a second class liquor license in the name of Pyramid Breweries. He noted that Magic Hat has acquired Pyramid and is switching its name. He indicated that the application was all in order. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the liquor license for Pyramid Breweries as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.