HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/03/2009CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION 3 DECEMBER 2009 The South Burlington City Council held a budget work session on Thursday, 3 December 2009, at 6:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: M. Boucher, Chair; S. Dooley, M. Emery, J. Knapp, F. Murray Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; D. Kinville, City Clerk; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; Chief T. Whipple, Police Department; L. Murphy, Community Library; T. Hubbard, Recreation Department Director; S. Crosby, Water Quality Department Head; M. Young 1. Planning & Zoning Department: Mr. Conner said his budget is very similar to last year's. To keep the budget low, they reduced the printing budget and are "going more digital." There will be fewer printed copies of the Comprehensive Plans and Zoning Regulations. People will be able to get these on-line. At present, those who want a printed copy pay $25.00, which does not cover the cost. Mr. Boucher noted there have been questions about inspections of apartments for livability issues. He asked Mr. Conner whether he felt the city should look conceptually at increasing fees to cover a building inspector role. Mr. Conner replied that "building codes" would require a whole new set of regulations. It could be pursued, but it would necessitate a separate staff person. Mr. Hafter noted that homeowners are given information on what they should know/do, information they should have, etc. Mr. Knapp said if the city were to do this, it would have to be a big enough effort to work well. Mr. Hafter said the State is considering doing this but would be pushing it onto the communities. Additional "side-effects" would include increased housing costs and a tremendous liability on the part of the city. Mr. Knapp added that if the city signs off on a building or an apartment and something then goes wrong, the city becomes a defendant. Mr. Conner said he knows there has been some talk in the Council about city building needs. He indicated his willingness to participate in that discussion within the existing budget. 2. Recreation Department: Mr. Hubbard gave members an updated program analysis. He noted that the budget includes a slight cutback for Red Rocks Park and the removal of lifeguards from that location. He said the most people that were in the water on the nicest days were 12. With regard to the summer playground program, this year a fee was charged for the first time, and this went fairly well. Mr. Hubbard didn't think the number of participants warranted having 2 programs at different locations in the city. For next year, he is recommending one program at Central School. This would reduce the staff by half. The budget includes 2 capital item requests: roof repairs at the JC Park "warming hut" and storage building, and replacement of rec path signs at Dorset Park and Farrell Park. There is a grant from Lake Champlain Byways which has done all the mockups for the signage. It will cost $2000 to do the signs. Mr. Hafter noted that both of these capital requests are in the proposed budget. 3. Community Library: Ms. Murphy noted that the one increase in personnel costs is due to a reclassification of an employee to a higher classification (a $4000 jump). Mr. Hafter noted that the job classification audit done in the city showed only 2 positions that were out of line salary-wise. There is a capital budget request to replace 5 computers. Mr. Hafter asked the School to share in that cost since the computers are used by students and the School District agreed. Ms. Murphy said there is a supplemental request (not in the proposed budget) to make the Children's Librarian a full-time position. This would enable the person to provide services to pre-teen and teens. The present Children's Librarian is leaving this year, and she is at the top of the pay scale. With a new, less experienced person, they could get 6 additional hours per week for the same money as the present person. Mr. Hafter encouraged adding the 6 hours for a new hire but did not support making it a full time position this year. Ms. Dooley asked whether impact fees could be used to fund the building of a new Library. Mr. Hafter said they would have to change the designation of what those funds can be used for, but it can be done. 4. City Clerk: Ms. Kinville said the major budget increase is due to there being more elections this year. There is a capital request for $400.00 for a new table in the lobby to be used for people who vote early. Ms. Kinville noted there are now fewer property tax appeals but more abatement requests. 5. Police Department: Chief Whipple said there is an increase in the overtime budget since they always spend more than budgeted. Overtime generally runs about 10% of permanent salaries. This is the same as in Burlington and Williston. Clothing supplies are down a bit as they have switched to a less costly outfit. A question arose as to whether Public Works can handle all the snow removal needs at 19 Gregory Drive and still keep streets plowed. To address this, money was added to the budget to cover snow plowing by the person who does this for Bob Miller (the same person also does landscaping). Chief Whipple noted that there is no money in the proposed budget for police accreditation. The cost would be $8,100. The Chief felt it was a good priced "insurance policy." There are 700 standards to meet for accreditation and the process forces the department to be accountable and not let things slide. He felt it is a valuable process and has added it as a "supplemental request." The Chief noted that cars are actually $1000 cheaper this year. There was a brief discussion of patrol of the rec path. Chief Whipple said they have had almost no complaints even though there is no regular police patrol. There is occasional motorcycle patrol during the summer. 6. Water Quality Department: Mr. Crosby reported that the Airport Parkway Treatment Plant is now under construction for the proposed upgrades. A major issue will be staying in compliance during the construction. Mr. Crosbie said he was told that the major responsibility for this is with the contractor. He felt the upgrade would not result in significant budget changes until the 2011-12 budget. At the Bartlett Bay plant, replacement equipment is costing twice the original price. Mr. Crosby distributed photos of Bartlett Bay equipment. There is a need for a new computer in the Department, but this can wait until the Airport Parkway system is put in so both locations can have the same equipment. Mr. Crosby said that maintenance of pump stations is the department's biggest challenge. He will be doing a detailed plan this year. He showed photos of both the Twin Oaks and Lane Press pump stations which will be totally replaced this year ($130,000 is in the budget for this). Both are 30-40 years old. 7. Bonded Debt: Mr. Hafter reviewed the amount to come from taxes and the amount from the Rooms & Meals tax. Mr. Boucher cited the need to work toward a capital maintenance plan. 8. Other Entities: Mr. Hafter said he had budgeted a 2% increase, but that is subject to change when exact information is available. 9. Revenues: Mr. Hafter noted that Airport payment in lieu of taxes is up. Ms. Emery said she would like to see an accounting of what the Airport is actually paying for the houses they buy. 10. Supplemental Requests: Mr. Hafter noted a request to put back money for road paving. In addition to this there are requests totaling $55,000. Mr. Murray said he supports what staff has proposed without supplemental. Mr. Hafter said he would like to add the CCTV "clickable agendas" since its omission was a city error. Both Ms. Dooley and Ms. Emery felt the Library has been "shortchanged" over the years. Mr. Knapp felt the Firefighters should have the hoses they requested, and he asked that the $7500 be put in the budget. He recommended adding all the requests except the $130,000 for roads. Mr. Boucher said he had hoped for no tax increase except for the Police Station the voters approved. Mr. Hafter noted the supplemental would increase the tax rate by 2/10 of a cent. Ms. Emery agreed with Mr. Knapp that they shouldn't be "pinching pennies." Mr. Boucher noted that health insurance amounts to 26+% of the budget and the pension plan 22%. He felt this is not sustainable. Mr. Hafter felt he could find the $5,000 and $7500 in the budget. He argued for the money for roads. Mr. Boucher suggested going to the voters for that. Other members agreed. Mr. Knapp felt they should look at the Library in a more comprehensive way. Mr. Hafter said he didn't feel this was the time to add any personnel. Members agreed to let the Police Accreditation lapse and to go to the voters for money for roads. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.