HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/24/2009SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL 24 AUGUST 2009 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, 24 August 2009, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: M. Boucher, Chair; J. Knapp, S. Dooley, M. Emery Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; S. Stitzel, City Attorney; D. Kinville, City Clerk; T. DiPietro, Stormwater Superintendent; B. Hoar, Director of Public Works; members of the public 1. Election of A Moderator: Mr. Hafter presided over the election of a Moderator. He opened the floor for nominations. Mr. Knapp nominated Mr. Boucher. Ms. Dooley seconded. There were no further nominations and Mr. Boucher was elected unanimously. Mr. Hafter explained that registered voters could vote on all 4 questions being presented, regardless of where in the city they reside. 2. Special City Meeting to Vote on Authorizing City to Borrow Up to $249,481 for the Purpose of Upgrading the Storm Water Facilities at Twin Oaks: Mr. Hafter explained that stimulus money had been made available to all states. The deadline for applying for these funds is 1 September 2009. Communities may ask the State for a portion of the stimulus money, but notification of the availability of these funds came too late to meet the legal City Charter requirements to warn an Australian ballot. The State has said there can be a town vote which would then be confirmed by an Australian ballot vote. That later vote will occur in South Burlington on 15 September 2009. Mr. Hafter then explained how the funding works. Members of the condo association can pay their share of the cost all in one year or in 5 years at 2% interest, whichever they choose. Mr. Boucher then asked Mr. DiPietro to explain the Twin Oaks project. Mr. DiPietro said the project will stabilize the ditch to prevent erosion. It will refurbish the storm water pond, enlarging it to meet new state standards. An access road will also be constructed to maintain the pond. Mr. Young asked if engineering has been done for this project. Mr. DiPietro said it was done a year ago. Mr. Hafter said that's why these projects were chosen, because they are all set to go. Mr. Young asked what would happen if the homeowner's association didn't meet the obligation to pay. Mr. Hafter said they city could put a lien on it's association public property. Mr. Murray asked who makes sure the work gets done. Mr. Hafter said they city oversees the work. Mr. Murray asked who would maintain the storm water pond and ditch. Mr. Hafter said the city will offer a maintenance agreement to the homeowner's association. Mr. Hafter added that the State has indicated that the proposed improvements will meet the state requirements, but there is nothing in writing to that effect. Mr. Boucher added that as the rules become firm, it is the intention of the city to take over all the systems. Mr. Leno asked what happened with the Quarry Ridge project. Mr. Hafter said it went through at the June 15th funding. It will also be on the 15 September ballot. Ms. Dooley then moved to authorize the City to borrow an amount not to exceed $249,481 for a term not to exceed five years for the purpose of upgrading storm water facilities at the residential development commonly known as Twin Oaks. Mr. Knapp seconded. Mr. Connelly raised a point of order. He asked the Chair to rule and the secretary to second that the vote is being taken in violation of the City Charter. Chair Boucher so noted. In the City vote that followed, the voters approved the item by voice vote with one negative vote. 3. Special City Meeting to Vote on Authorizing City to Borrow Up to $104,000 for the purpose of Upgrading the Storm Water Facilities at Harbor Heights: Mr. DiPietro said the work will include repair of infrastructure (pipes, etc.) and additional treatment via a separator. Ms. Dooley moved to authorize the City to borrow an amount not to exceed $104,000 for a term not to exceed five years for the purpose of upgrading storm water facilities at the residential development commonly known as Harbor Heights. Mr. Knapp seconded. Mr. Connelly raised a point of order. He asked the Chair to rule and the secretary to second that the vote is being taken in violation of the City Charter. Chair Boucher so noted. In the City vote that followed, the voters approved the item by voice vote with one negative vote. 4. Special City Meeting to Vote on Authorizing City to Borrow up to $235,096 for the Purpose of Upgrading the Storm Water Facilities at Indian Creek and Ridgewood: Mr. DiPietro said the project will include erosion prevention work, increased detention at the pond, ditch/swale repair, a new detention pond at Indian Creek, and new drainage at Indian Creek. Mr. Young asked about an access drive. Mr. DiPietro showed 2 drives on the plan. A member of the audience asked when the projects will be done. Mr. DiPietro said they will be done in the fall of 2009. Mr. Levitt asked who will maintain the access roads. Mr. Hafter said if the association wants the city to maintain them, the city will through a maintenance agreement with the City. Ms. Dooley moved to authorize the City to borrow an amount not to exceed $235,096 for a term not to exceed five years for the purpose of upgrading storm water facilities at the residential developments commonly known as Indian Creek and Ridgewood. Mr. Knapp seconded. Mr. Connelly raised a point of order. He asked the Chair to rule and the secretary to second that the vote is being taken in violation of the City Charter. Chair Boucher so noted. In the City vote that followed, the voters approved the item by voice vote with one negative vote. 5. Special City Meeting to Vote on Authorizing City to Borrow up to $127,900 for the Purpose of Upgrading the Storm Water Facilities at Winding Brook: Mr. DiPietro said the existing pond will be enlarged and repaired. An access drive will be provided. Mr. Young asked if the city were to assume all these projects, what would that do to storm water rates. Mr. Hafter said no change in rates is anticipated. The rate now includes funding for capital costs, which, in the future, will drop out. Ms. Dooley moved to authorize the City to borrow an amount not to exceed $127,900 for a term not to exceed five years for the purpose of upgrading storm water facilities at the residential complex commonly known as Winding Brook. Mr. Knapp seconded. Mr. Connelly raised a point of order. He asked the Chair to rule and the secretary to second that the vote is being taken in violation of the City Charter. Chair Boucher so noted. In the City vote that followed, the voters approved the item by voice vote with one negative vote. Mr. Knapp then moved to close the Town Meeting. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp then moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to award a construction contract in an amount not to exceed $249,481 for upgrading storm water facilities at the residential development commonly known as Twin Oaks and execute all documents related thereto, subject to the requirement that the Twin Oaks Homeowners Association shall have first entered into a construction agreement with the City that obligates the Association to assume responsibility for payment of all costs incurred by the City. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to award a construction contract in an amount not to exceed $104,000 for upgrading storm water facilities at the residential development commonly known as Harbor Heights and execute all documents related thereto, subject to the requirement that the Harbor heights Homeowners' Association shall have first entered into a construction agreement with the City that obligates the Association to assume responsibility for payment of all costs incurred by the City. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to award a construction contract in an amount not to exceed $235,096 for upgrading storm water facilities at the residential development commonly known as Indian Creek and Ridgewood and execute all documents related thereto, subject to the requirement that the Indian Creek and Ridgewood homeowners' associations shall have first entered into a construction agreement with the City that obligates the Association to assume responsibility for payment of all costs incurred by the City. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Knapp moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to award a construction contract in an amount not to exceed $127,099 for upgrading storm water facilities at the residential development commonly known as Winding Brook, and execute all documents related thereto, subject to the requirement that the Winding Brook Homeowners' Association shall have first entered into a construction agreement with the City that obligates the Association to assume responsibility for payment of all costs incurrent by the City. Ms. Emery seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.