HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/10/2009CITY COUNCIL 10 AUGUST 2009 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 10 August 2009, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: M. Boucher, Chair; J. Knapp, S. Dooley, F. Murray Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; Chief T. Whipple, Police Department; P. Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning; C. LaRose, Assistant Administrative Officer; B. Hoar, Public Works Director; T. Hubbard, Recreation Director; T. DiPietro, Stormwater Superintendent; D. Connelly, T. Kingston, M. Young, E. & B. Schuele, B. Stuono, B. Worthen, R. Sylvester 1. Other Business & Announcements: Mr. Kingston raised the issue of habitability of rental housing in South Burlington. He cited 2 bad experiences and noted that he was told there are no building codes for rental housing in the city. He is now in rental with inadequate heating and is paying market rate for it. Mr. Kingston also said that many renters don't know how to communicate about these issues. He added that he was told there is a "habitability" code, and he felt there should be an ordinance require a "habitability inspection." 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Ms. Dooley congratulated everyone involved in National Night Out. Mr. Hafter added his thanks to Tom Fraga for his work on that event. Mr. Hafter noted receipt of two letters from business owners regarding Sign Ordinance issues. He felt it would be good to have a committee to review requests regarding the Ordinance. Members supported this idea. Bids for the Airport Sewage Treatment Plant have been opened. Pizzagalli had the low bid, but the were still 7% over the budget. Ways are being sought to reduce costs. Ideas will be presented to the City Council. A Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for 8 September, 6 p.m., prior to the City Council meeting. The Corrections Center Liaison Committee will meet on Wednesday, 4 p.m. 3. Consideration of Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for Public Service of William & Ethel Schuele and Designation of the Schuele Family Picnic Area at Red Rocks Park: Mr. Boucher read the Resolution. Mr. Murray moved to approve the Resolution as read. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Resolution and a framed photo of the Schuele Family Picnic Area were presented to Ethel & Bill Schuele by Tom Hubbard. 4. Consideration of Resolution in Support of the Application of Common Roots to Purchase the LeDuc Property from the Vermont Land Trust: Mr. Hafter reviewed the history of the Resolution. He noted that 88 acres of the property are in South Burlington and the remainder in Shelburne. The land will be leased to a farmer to farm in conjunction with an agricultural/nutritional program at the High School. Food will be raised to sell to the schools for students. There will also be educational programs and environmental stewardship. Mr. Hafter read the resolution. Mr. Young asked if the recreation easement will still be in effect. Mr. Boucher said that is part of the deal. Mr. Murray moved to adopt the Resolution as read. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Approval of Warnings for 15 September 2009: Mr. Hafter reviewed the warning. He noted that it also includes ratification of the storm water bonds that will have been voted on at the special meeting of 27 August. Mr. Connolly said that Indian Creek and Ridgewood are 2 separate developments and the item should be broken out as to the dollar amount of each. Ms. Dooley noted that legally they are one entity. Mr. DiPietro said the properties are adjacent, and the storm water is commingled. It is also cheaper to do the project as one entity. The 2 governing boards will get together to decide how to split out the costs. This plan has the approval of both governing boards. Mr. Murray did not participate in the discussion or in the vote as he is a resident of the Ridgewood development. The wording of the warning was changed to "residential developments." Mr. Knapp moved to approve the warnings as amended. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Murray abstaining. 6. Further Discussion of Proposed Funding Options for Purchase & Development of 19 Gregory Drive: Mr. Hafter reviewed the 3 previous options. Council members favored option #3 which would result in a cost of $16/year for the average South Burlington home. This would pay the interest on the bond. The principal will be paid for from the Rooms & Meals Tax. Mr. Hafter thought the bond would be a slightly under 4%, fixed for 20 years. Mr. Murray asked Chief Whipple if there are drawings of the final building design. Chief Whipple said these are being worked on. Mr. Hafter said it is hoped the drawings will be available for the 8 September meeting. He added that even after the vote, the Council can still approve the final plans. Chief Whipple noted they will go to another firm to review the plans as well. Mr. Hafter advised the Al DiPietro has been hired as Clerk of the Works. He did an excellent job on the Bartlett Bay Treatment Plan upgrade. Mr. Young asked if there is a way to bind future City Councils to the proposed funding plan. Mr. Knapp said the Bond Council won't allow that, and the City would not want to jeopardize the marketability of the bonds. Mr. Hafter added that the voters have the right to hold the Council to the plan. 7. Further Discussion & Information from City Staff regarding Sign Ordinance 5-foot setback requirements: Mr. Conner noted that 2 scenarios exist in the city with regard to the setback issue: A. the City's right-of-way is the edge of the sidewalk (35 or 40 of these) B. the City's right-of-way is wider than the sidewalk (this is the case on Patchen Road where Mr. Bolton's business is located. There are probably about 15 free-standing signs in the city which are too close to the right-of-way, 9 or 10 of these on Patchen Rd.). Mr. Conner recommended the City not amend the ordinance, but if it were amended, a 1-foot setback would be acceptable. Mr. Boucher noted that if the road were then to be widened, there would have to be an OK to move the signs. Mr. Conner said it is still possible there are signs in the right-of-way that will have to be moved. Mr. Knapp said he would be inclined to bring the issue to a committee and see what they come up with, so the Council can do what is right., Members agreed. 8. Update on Aviation Technical Center @ Burlington International Airport: Mr. Worthen said no Council action is required tonight. There will be a formal meeting in September. There will also be a neighborhood information session on Thursday, 6 p.m., regarding proposed improvement to the Airport parking garage followed by a formal presentation on 21 September. Mr. Worthen also noted the Living Wall is in the works and is almost ready to go to the DRB. Mr. Worthen then introduced Rick Sylvester, Director of the Aviation Tech Center. Mr. Sylvester showed a slide of the new facility which will replace the 3 facilities where this education is now going on. The upgrade will enable them to go from 30 to 100 students. Students in Chittenden County get first consideration for enrollment, but the facility open to students from around the world. Areas of training in the Center include advanced math, robotics, chemistry, etc., and with the training received, students can work everywhere in the world. Students train in all aspects of aviation technology and can work on all aircraft, no matter where manufactured. Mr. Sylvester noted that 2 technicians are needed for every existing pilot. Mr. Sylvester said training is very tough and students must pass all tests with an 85 or better and also pass FAA tests including oral and practical testing. For high school students, 2 full years of high school plus a full year after that are required. For adults, training is for 18 months. The cost to a student is $26,082.34 for the training. Student assistance is available, and the program is Title 4 certified. This program is rated #3 in the United States. The facility will cost $7,500,000. $200,000 has been provided by Sen. Leahy's office for new equipment and $1,000,000 from NASA. This will be a LEAD certified facility which is expected to be completed by the Fall of 2010. Ms. Dooley asked what a graduate can expect to earn. Mr. Sylvester said about $18.00/hour with full benefits. Some also get free flights anywhere in the world. Many program graduates remain in Vermont. One graduate is now working on the President's aircraft. Mr. Hafter said there will be an application for a community block grant. Mr. Young asked what this will do to the Airport's tax base. Mr. Hafter said that will be negotiated. Ms. Dooley asked about women in the program. Mr. Sylvester said that although there are none at present, 2 will be entering the new program. 9. Consideration of Approval of Submitted Applications for Stormwater Projects under ARRA Funding: Mr. DiPietro presented the applications in advance of the bond vote. Ms. Dooley moved to approve the applications as submitted. Mr. Knapp seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Murray abstaining. 10. Consideration of Approval of Municipal Certificate as to Municipal Bond, Vermont Bank Bond Refunding: Mr. Hafter noted that the State has refinanced this at a savings of $11,500 to the City. Mr. Murray moved to sign the Certificate as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Appointment of Voting Delegate to VLCT Town Fair Annual Business Meeting: Ms. Dooley moved to appoint Chuck Hafter as voting delegate. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Review Agenda for Planning Commission Meeting of 11 August 2009: Ms. Dooley asked about the item referring to the west side of Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Conner explained that the 3 homes south of Price Chopper on Hinesburg Rd. will now have the same treatment as others in the area; however, they would subject to higher scrutiny were they to be merged. 13. Review Minutes of 20 July and 24 July 2009: Spelling of names was corrected in the Minutes of 20 July. Ms. Dooley moved to approve the minutes of 20 July as amended. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Minutes of 24 July could not be acted upon as there was not a quorum of those present at that meeting. 14. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 15. Executive Session: Mr. Knapp moved the Council convene in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Committees and to resume regular session only for the purpose of making such appointments and/or adjourning. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 16. Resumption of Regular Session: Mr. Murray moved to make the following appointments: Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Appointments were not made to the Library Board of Trustees in order to give the Library people a chance to provide feedback. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. CITY COUNCIL 10 AUGUST 2009 PAGE 6 Motion passed unanimously. The Minutes of 24 July could not be acted upon as there was not a quorum of those present at that meeting. 14. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 15. Executive Session: Mr. Knapp moved the Council convene in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Committees and to resume regular session only for the purpose of making such appointments and/or adjourning. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 16. Resumption of Regular Session: Mr. Murray moved to make the following appointments: Bob McDonald - Planning Commission - 3 year term Chris Shaw - Planning Commission - 3 year term Jessica Clark - Planning Commission - unexpired portion of 4-year term Roger Farley - DRB - 4 year term Matt Birmingham - 3 year term Bill Stuono - 3-year term Mark Teri cone - Design Review Committee - 3 year term Kevin Lavery - Design Review Committee - 3 year term Beth Thorpe - Natural Resources Committee - 3 year term Wendell Johnson- Natural Resources Committee - 3 year term Susan Ducharme - Recreation/Leisure Arts Committee - 3 year term Stan Bradeen - Recreation/Leisure Arts Committee - 3 year term Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Appointments were not made to the Library Board of Trustees in order to give the Library people a chance to provide feedback. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ___________________________ Clerk