HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/02/2008CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION 2 JUNE 2008 The South Burlington City Council held a reorganization meeting on Monday, 2 June 2008, at 6:45 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: C. Smith, S. Magowan, M. Boucher, S. Dooley, M. Emery Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; D. Kinville, City Clerk; Emery family 1. Administration of Oath of Office: Ms. Kinville administered the Oath of Office to Councilors Meaghan Emery and Steve Magowan. 2. Election of City Council Officers: Mr. Hafter presided over the election of the Council Chair. He opened the floor for nominations. Mr. Magowan nominated Mr. Smith. Ms. Dooley seconded. There were no further nominations, and Mr. Smith was elected unanimously. Mr. Smith presided over the remainder of the meeting. He opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Ms. Dooley nominated Mr. Magowan. Mr. Boucher seconded. There were no further nominations, and Mr. Magowan was elected unanimously. Mr. Magowan nomination Ms. Emery for Council Clerk. Ms. Dooley seconded. There were no further nominations, and Ms. Emery was elected unanimously. 3. Set Time and Place for Regular Meeting; Approve Annual Meeting Schedule: Mr. Magowan moved that the Council meet at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of the month except for holidays when the Council will meet on the Tuesday following, and in July and August when there will be one meeting a month on 18 July and 21 August. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter noted the need for a brief special meeting on July 2 or 3 to set the tax rate. Members agreed to meet on Wednesday, 2 July, 5:30 p.m. for that purpose. 4. Annual Appointments to be Made by Majority Vote of City Council Pursuant to City Charter, Chapter 3, Section 301(2): Mr. Hafter read the list of appointments as follows: Mr. Hafter advised that all incumbents are willing to serve another year. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the appointments as read by the City Manager. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Information on Appointments to be made by City Council in June/July 2008: Mr. Hafter noted that by 1 July the Council has to appoint a representative to the MPO as Jim Condos will be stepping down from that position. He suggested making that appointment at the 16 June meeting. Mr. Hafter indicated that if the position is not filled prior to 1 July, he would be willing to fill in until the appointment is made. Mr. Hafter noted that the Council also needs to replace Dan O'Rourke as Liaison with the University of Vermont. He suggested 16 June for this appointment. Those whose terms one other boards and committees are expiring will be contacted to see if they are willing to serve again. These include the Planning Commission, Development Review Board, City Center Design Review Committee, Recreation & Leisure Arts Committee, Red Rocks Committee, Recreation Path Committee, Library Board of Trustees, Winooski Valley Park District, Natural Resources Committee, Chittenden Correctional Center Liaison Committee, and City Charter Committee. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. CITY COUNCIL 2 JUNE 2008 PAGE 2 4. Annual Appointments to be Made by Majority Vote of City Council Pursuant to City Charter, Chapter 3, Section 301(2): Mr. Hafter read the list of appointments as follows: City Treasurer Donna Kinville Assistant City Treasurer Denis Gravelin City Attorney Stitzel & Page Zoning Administrator Ray Belair Assistant Zoning Administrator Cathyann LaRose Elisabeth (Betsy) Brown Auditor Angolano & Company First Constable Sgt. Paul Edwards Second Constable Det. Andrew Chaulk Grand Juror Charles Hafter City Agent & Trustee Of Public Funds Charles Hafter Mr. Hafter advised that all incumbents are willing to serve another year. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the appointments as read by the City Manager. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Information on Appointments to be made by City Council in June/July 2008: Mr. Hafter noted that by 1 July the Council has to appoint a representative to the MPO as Jim Condos will be stepping down from that position. He suggested making that appointment at the 16 June meeting. Mr. Hafter indicated that if the position is not filled prior to 1 July, he would be willing to fill in until the appointment is made. Mr. Hafter noted that the Council also needs to replace Dan O’Rourke as Liaison with the University of Vermont. He suggested 16 June for this appointment. Those whose terms one other boards and committees are expiring will be contacted to see if they are willing to serve again. These include the Planning Commission, Development Review Board, City Center Design Review Committee, Recreation & Leisure Arts Committee, Red Rocks Committee, Recreation Path Committee, Library Board of