HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/15/2007CITY COUNCIL 15 OCTOBER 2007 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 15 October 2007, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: S. Magowan, Acting Chair; D. O'Rourke, S. Dooley, M. Boucher Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; D. Kinville, City Clerk; B. Hoar, Public Works Department; T. Hubbard, Recreation Department; P. Plumeau, R. Farley, Development Review Board; B. White, D. Saladino 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: Mr. Boucher: Reviewed a discussion at the City Charter Review Committee on wards vs. at large voting. The Committee's consensus is that the city isn't yet ready for wards. There will be an open session to create a public dialog. The Committee meets again on 17 October and will discuss governance issues. They hope to have a recommendation to the City Council by March. Mr. Hafter: 18 October -- last interview for Police Facility work 19 November, 1 p.m. -- UVM community pandemic meeting. Mr. Hafter and the Fire Chief will attend. 29 October -- a South Burlington visioning Town Meeting at which the School District will present capital needs and future school alignment considerations. There will also be discussion on the Police Facility, a Senior Center, open space, City Center, City Hall, etc. Tentative meeting site is the Middle School cafeteria. 5 November -- next City Council agenda will include the wastewater rate study, stormwater issues (with condo representatives), the "Community Energy Challenge" program and the possibility of a city Energy Committee, and the RFP proposal from the Police Facility Committee. 3. Consideration of Charge for Dog Park Committee; Process to Appoint Volunteers to the Committee: Mr. Hubbard anticipated 7-10 South Burlington residents for the Committee which he will Chair with administrative help from the Recreation Department, Bruce Hoar, and Julie-Beth Hinds, as appropriate. Meetings will be open to the public, and discussion will include funding, governance, operational costs, etc. Mr. Hafter said he would advertise for volunteers for the City Council to interview. Ms. Dooley moved to accept the charge and duties for the Dog Park Committee as presented. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of Approval of Contract with Systems East, Inc., for Acceptance of Credit Card Payment for City Services: Ms. Kinville indicated this is a new way to make payments easier for citizens. She suggested amending the contract to indicate "a maximum of $1.75" charge for payment by electronic check. Mr. Hafter reviewed charges, which will be borne by those using credit cards and electronic checks. Mr. O'Rourke moved to authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement with the change as noted above. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Approval of Social Services Funding Allocation Recommendation from Social Responsibility Committee: Mr. Hafter said the budget has been $46,000 for a number of years. The Social Responsibility Committee consists of Councilman O'Rourke, Mr. Hafter and Rosalind Saunders. Both Mr. Hafter and Mr. O'Rourke thanked Ms. Saunders for her insight and guidance. They noted that requests far exceed what the City can allocate. Mr. Hafter indicated that the only change from last year's allocation was to add $250 to the Special Needs Fund (a discretionary fund which the City Manager can draw on for emergency help to citizens) and a reduction by that amount to the Vermont Association for the Blind. Ms. Dooley moved to approve the Social Services Funding Allocations as presented for a total of $46,000. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Boucher felt the Council should look at the appropriateness of the City donating money. Mr. O'Rourke said the number of people served in South Burlington and the burden it takes off the City Manager and City Council to meet those needs makes it a valid use of City funds. 6. Presentation of Dorset Street Corridor Study -- Draft Plan: Mr. Saladino of Resource Systems Group indicated they are nearing completion of an 18-month process and have some preliminary recommendations. Mr. Hafter noted that the study is funded through the MPO as a follow-up to the Spear Street Study which was so successful. Mr. Saladino said they looked at Dorset Street south of I-89, a predominately rural area which is undergoing development pressures. The project goal was to come up with a strategy for accommodating anticipated growth. The study included Dorset St. from Kennedy Dr. to Barstow, east-west connections, and 10 intersections. Existing issues in the corridor include: a. congestion at Dorset St./Kennedy Dr. b. safety at Kennedy Dr. Swift St. intersection c. anticipated significant growth d. Southeast Quadrant Master Plan e. Lack of public transit The study identified a 2013 base land use and transportation network. It shows Tilley Drive in place, a new Exit 12B in place, the Cider Mill connector, Midland Avenue, and speed limit changes on Dorset St. Mr. O'Rourke asked why Exit 12B was included. Mr. Saladino said Staff told them to include it. Mr. O'Rourke asked if recommendations would be altered significantly without 12B. Mr. Saladino said there would be a little alteration, particularly on Swift St. The study then analyzed the network for congestion. It was found that at 8 of 9 intersections, there is at least one failing approach. Recommendations include: a. Dorset St./Kennedy Drive intersection (northbound approach only where there is heavy volume in all directions, rear-end collisions, an extra lane exiting northbound, and sub-optimal signal timing: Short term Recommendations: 1. Restripe the right lane into a through right lane 2. Optimize signal (this is already underway) Long term Recommendation: 1. Add 2 lanes (dedicated right and left turn lanes) This would result in a slight improvement in congestion. b. Dorset St./Swift St where issues include: westbound stop on bike path crossing, pattern of crashes for eastbound left-turning vehicles, tight curb radii on Swift St. (east), event traffic for Dorset Park, missing pedestrian lead/button on southeast corner, suboptimal signal timing: Short Term Recommendations: 1. move west bound stop bar back behind crosswalk 2. increase curb radii on Swift St. (east) 3. Queue detection for Dorset Park events 4. Optimize signal Long Term Recommendations: 1. Flattern vertical alignment on eastbound approach 2. change northbound and westbound approach lane geometry Issues for east-west connectors include: a. strong regional demand for east-west connections b. strong desire to discourage through trips It is recommended that speed limits be reduced to discourage through-traffic volumes. Mr. Saladino showed a conceptual example of how Swift St. Extension might be dealt with ("from Swift Street to Slow Street"). The road design would include a gradual deflection causing slowing down through intersections. A boulevard design could feature a median and speed table. Mr. White then addressed the proposed Village Center area, a new neighborhood/street environment. He cited the need to reconsider the "speed road" which leads into the Village Center. Mr. White showed an example of a redesigned intersection at Nowland Farm Road which would include a signal with pedestrian phase, a left turn lane, a gateway island, and a transition to the street with a median. At the Village Center there might be a median with trees and lighting, crosswalks with pedestrian refuge, and multi-use paths. Mr. White also showed concepts for integration of traffic/transit and the relationship to streets/storefronts. At intersections such as Dorset St./Cheesefactory (Barstow) Road, Swift St./Hinesburg Road, Hinesburg Road/Van Sicklen Road, and Hinesburg Rd/Cheesefactory Road, designs might include a roundabout concept. Mr. Saladino indicated that their study will include cost estimates for each recommendation as well as funding sources and "triggers" for implementation of long-term design elements. The study will be completed by the end of November and will be available for use by the Public Works Department, Development Review Board, Planning Commission, and the MPO. Mr. Saladino cited good public participation in process, including a community meeting at the Village at Dorset Park. Ms. Dooley questioned the reliance on roundabouts and said they don't seem to work well in Vermont. Mr. Hoar said that is because they are not built as they should be. Mr. Hafter said they don't tend to be pedestrian or bike friendly. Mr. White noted that in New York State, roundabouts must be included in designs of all intersections as they slow traffic down. 7. Review Agenda for Development Review Board meeting of 16 October 2007: No issues were raised. 8. Minutes of 1 October 2007: Ms. Dooley noted it was a South Burlington Land Trust meeting she had attended. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the Minutes of 1 October as amended above. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 10. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Boucher moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a Second Class Take-Out Liquor License request from Shelburne Road Exxon, 793 Shelburne Road. He said the application was all in order. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the Liquor License for Shelburne Road Exxon as presented. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. O'Rourke moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations and to resume regular session only to approve a contract and/or adjourn. Ms. Dooley seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The City Council returned to regular session. Dan O'Rourke moved for the approval of a three-year contract, effective July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2009, with the Water Pollution Control Association. Mark Boucher seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mark Boucher moved for adjournment. Sandy Dooley seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.