HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/08/2007CITY COUNCIL 8 JANUARY 2007 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 8 January 2007, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; M. Boucher, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; T. Moreau, CSWD; G. Brown, D. Senecal-Albrecht, J. Potter, RPC; A. Parent, The Other Paper; M. Emery 1. Comments & Questions from the Public, not related to Agenda items: Ms. Emery said people in her neighborhood (White Street/Williston Rd. area) are concerned because many of the properties are becoming rentals. She asked if there are any rules for that and whether something can be done about it as it is changing the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Condos noted that zoning is the same for rental and home ownership. Mr. Boucher did note that there is a limitation that no more than 5 unrelated people can occupy a dwelling without being in violation of an ordinance. Mr. Condos added that there can also be a violation if any of the people are parking vehicles on the lawn. Ms. Emery also asked where she could get information about daycares funded by the State. Mr. Condos said the facilities she is hearing about are for 10 hours a week for pre-Kindergarten children. The Legislative website has information on this. 2. Announcement and City Manager's Report: Mr. Condos said the next City Council meeting will be on Tuesday, 16 January, due to the Martin Luther King Day holiday on Monday. The City Council retreat will be on Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Mr. Hafter said he has received an inquiry from a disabled veteran. Until last year, disabled vets got $ 10,000 off the homestead valuation in South Burlington. The State allowed $20,000. In the last legislative session, this was raised to a maximum of $40,000. Voters must approve this, and the amount is not taken out of the education grand list. Mr. Hafter suggested that this be a discussion item at a future Council meeting. He will check to see what other communities do. Mr. Condos suggested also checking with the Vermont League of Cities and Towns. Mr. O'Rourke suggested sending a note to Legislators to have this also be part of the education fund. Mr. Hafter noted he will attend a meeting in Massachusetts on sustainable water resources. 3. Update on Regional Landfill: Mr. Moreau reviewed the history of the proposed regional landfill. He noted that Act 78 makes municipalities responsible for solid waste. The best plan is to reduce the volume and toxicity of the waste and then dispose of what is left. Mr. Moreau reviewed what is currently recycled in Chittenden County and noted that CSWD tries to prioritize whenever possible. In the last fiscal year, 129,000 tons was recycled. The proposed regional landfill would try to balance environmental protection and public concerns for health and safety with a minimal impact on Williston, the proposed site. The landfill would have a 7,000,000-ton capacity and a 40-year life span. A tipping fee of $70 per ton would be charged and would result in a $72,000,000 savings over the lifespan of the landfill. A double-liner system would be used and there would be leachate recirculation with walled leachate storage. Gas would be destroyed from minute one. Mr. Moreau showed a graph of waste disposal since 1993 and projections through 2065, including savings from tonnage reduction. Currently, Chittenden County trash goes to Coventry or to Moretown. Mr. Moreau noted there have been landfills, both lined and unlined on the Redmond Road site since 1969. It is considered the best of the 65 sites studied. The Town of Williston would receive $3.50 per ton for hosting the site. Mr. Moreau then reviewed the timeline: conceptual design would be completed in March 2007. This would be followed by regional meetings permit preparation and application, and finally a bond vote in 2010. Mr. Condos cited the efficiencies in the Solid Waste District since Mr. Moreau's arrival. The annual budget has gone from $12,000,000 to $7,000,000. 4. Presentation from the Regional Planning Commission: Mr. Brown noted that the RPC is working with South Burlington to figure out how to structure a City Center application within the "growth centers" format. Ms. Potter then explained the Brownfield's Grant Program. A grant was received from the EPA to assess properties that are possible contaminated with petroleum. This is a free, voluntary technical aid program. Contaminated soils can make it hard to resell or to get financing for these properties. The goal of the program is to make these properties productive again. Mr. Senecal Albrecht then provided an update on the Champlain By-way. Signs will go up this year to be followed next year by interpretive panels. RPC is working with Tom Hubbard on where to put panels in South Burlington. Current sites being considered are Red Rocks Park, Queen City Park, Overlook Park, and East Woods. Signs will be given to the city with a maintenance agreement. In the future, grant money will be used for a brochure and map and an "info-max" AM station. A second grant would provide more by-way signs, directional signs with the by-way logo, and kiosks. A By-way steering committee is being formed and will consist of one staff person and one citizen from each town. 5. Consideration of Application for VCDP Planning Funds for Economic Evaluation of South Burlington for Comprehensive Plan Update; Schedule public hearing for 5 February 2007: Mr. Hafter said the application is for $30,000. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the application for Planning Funds and to schedule a public hearing for 5 February 2007. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Capital Equipment Refund Note for Highway Equipment: Mr. Hafter presented the second year of a 2-year note for the Ford Escape. Funds are in the budget. Mr. Boucher moved to approve the note and accompanying resolution. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Review Minutes of 18 December 2006: The Minutes of 18 December could not be acted upon, as there was not a quorum of those present at that meeting. 8. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 9. Executive Session: Mr. Boucher moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene in executive session to discuss litigation and to resume regular session to authorize a settlement and/or adjourn. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Regular Session: The City Council returned to regular session. Mark Boucher moved the Council authorize Attorney Lefferty to sign a consent agreement with Mr. Vallee on behalf of the City contingent on the City Attorney confirming the City Councils understanding of the road construction schedule. Dan O'Rourke seconded. The motion was approved 3-0. Mark Boucher moved adjournment. Dan O'Rourke seconded. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.