HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/18/2006CITY COUNCIL 18 DECEMBER 2006 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 18 December 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: C. Smith, Acting Chair; M. Boucher, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; J. B. Hinds, Director of Planning & Zoning; P. O'Brien, D. Scheuer, B. Bouchard, E. Farrell, J. Jaeger, D. Bedard, J. Zaetz 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda Items: Mr. Zaetz asked Council members if they would support the Charter change amendment during the process at the State Legislature. Mr. Smith said the Council does not have a role the amendment goes forward. Mr. Zaetz said he just wanted a public statement from the Council as a group. Mr. Smith said he didn't plan to do anything to suggest he is against the wishes of the voters. 2. Announcements/City Manager's Report: Mr. O'Rourke: The Police Facility Committee will meet on 8 January re: long-term planning. Mr. Hafter: The first Legislative breakfast will be on 2 January, 7:30 p.m. in the Community Library Meeting Room. He asked Council members to submit their Legislative priorities. There will be a meeting on the County budget, 19 December, at noon, at the County Courthouse. Mr. Hafter will attend. The CCTA Board will meet on Wednesday. Mr. Hafter offered a choice of dates for the Council retreat. Members opted for 18 January. Mr. Hafter distributed the budget calendar. There will be work sessions on 15 and 22 February. The public hearing on the budget will be on 5 April. Mr. Hafter distributed information on the CLA for residential and commercial properties in the city. The overall CLA for the city is 106.46. The residential CLA is 113 and the commercial is 96.58. Mr. Hafter said the gap is wide enough for the city to address the disparity. He will come back to the Council with a proposal for action to be taken by 1 April 2007. 3. Consideration Of First Reading of Amendment to Land Development Regulations & Zoning Map; Schedule public hearing for same (suggest 16 January 2007). Items include: Administrative & Technical changes, Williston Rd. right-of-way, Residential Dimensional Standards, Industrial-Open Space Regulations, SEQ-South Village Amendments and Zoning Map Amendments: Ms. Hinds reviewed the proposed amendments as follows: a. Definitions: Some definitions that are not used will be eliminated. There will be a clarification of "building coverage" and "lot coverage." The language for "drainage area" and "impervious surface" will be changed to be consistent with Act 140. "Dog day care" will be changed to "pet day care." b. There will be clarification of how mezzanine areas are treated with respect to total building square footage. 5000 sq. ft. of mezzanine space will continue to be exempt from parking requirements, etc. More than 5000 sq. ft. of mezzanine space will count toward those requirements. c. Language will be revised to distinguish site plans and preliminary/final plats. d. There will be technical changes to ensure consistency with the Wastewater Ordinance. e. Language will be amended to strengthen provisions regarding connections between properties. The option to pay for read extension instead of doing the work will be eliminated. Mr. O'Brien felt this potentially places an undue burden on the "first one in." He also felt there might be environmental issues which could preclude the building of a road. Mr. O'Rourke questioned this requirement for a subdivision. Ms. Hinds said no road would be required where a road is not going to be built. She felt they could come to intelligent decisions regarding phasing. Mr. Jaeger said he agreed with Mr. O'Brien and was nervous about the word "shall" as opposed to "may." Mr. O'Rourke said the use of "may" has caused issues in the city. Mr. Hafter said the benefit of "pay to play" was that over the years things could change, and this provided for some flexibility. f. The Southeast Quadrant "floating district" will be eliminated. g. The line indicating the floodplain zone will be corrected. This will allow a licensed surveyor to certify a property's location relative to the floodplain. h. The role of the Natural Resources Committee will be clarified. Applications will be referred to the Stormwater Superintendent for input regarding wetlands, stormwater, streams, etc. i. There will be a correction to the definition of "indirect glare." j. The planned right-of-way of Williston Rd to Hinesburg Rd. is expanded to 90 ft. k. Ramps for the disabled will be exempted from lot coverage. l. There will be grandfathering of single family home that were permitted by the DBR as part of a subdivision approval prior to the change in allowable coverage for the SEQ, which went from 20% to 15%. m. There will be technical corrections to make the SEQ standards supersede general standards. n. Industrial-Open Space District: A use category is created for "processing & storage." This is distinct from "truck terminals, distribution centers or warehousing. It allows for short-term storage and processing uses. Ms. Hinds will provide a definition of "distribution center." There will be a new section regarding accessory structures & uses. These will be limited to 10% of the gross area of the principal structure. Allowed uses would be personal or business services, photocopy/print shops with accessory retail, processing/storage, recreation facility, short order restaurant, retail/retail services. Access to these uses must be only from within the principal structure, and the use must be calculated into the parking, traffic and other limitations. The maximum square footage is 3000 sq. ft., except for deli use which is 5000 sq. ft. Additional uses in the I-O District include: Community Center (permitted use), Educational Facility (conditional use), Personal Instruction (permitted), Clinic (conditional), Funeral Homes (conditional). The Tilley Parcel will be rezoned from R-1 to I-O. The Meadowlands lot will be rezoned at the owners request from SEQ to IO. There will have to be assurance of a viable access from Meadowland Drive through to the Dubois property. o. Southeast Quadrant: 12 units per multi-family building will be allowed provided there is Design Review Board approval. The Spear Street/Allen Road view protection zoning will be eliminated as the view is obliterated by poplar trees. The policy on lot layout in new subdivisions will be clarified. There will be flexibility allowed for new construction where garages are designed to blend with the main house. #50 Hickory Lane will be rezoned from R-4 to CD-3 (this is a very shallow lot hemmed in between Hawthorne Suites and the Teeson building). Following the presentation of proposed changes, Mr. Boucher moved to set the second reading and public hearing from 16 January 2007. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Update on Wastewater Allocation Fees & Impact Fee Study: This item was postponed until a full Council is present. 5. Consideration of a Resolution Calling for the Study and Development of a New Plan for the Delivery of Education in the State of Vermont: This item was postponed until there is a full Council present. Mr. Boucher moved to table until 2 January 2007. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion of Proposals from Councilman Smith for Improved City Council and School Board Communications: Mr. Smith stressed the need for a unified "vision" on the part of both boards. He also felt that a member of each Board should attend the other Board's meetings. He volunteered to do this on behalf of the Council. Mr. Smith also hoped there could be better attendance at Steering Committee meetings, though he did not know how to achieve this. The proposals will be forwarded to the School Board with some notes added by Mr. Hafter. 7. Review Development Review Board Agenda for meeting of 19 December 2006: No issues were raised. 8. Review Planning Commission Agenda for meeting of 19 December 2006: No issues were raised. 9. Review Minutes of City Council meeting of 4 December 2006: Mr. Boucher moved to approve the Minutes of 4 December 2006 as written. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 11. Liquor Control Board: Mr. O'Rourke moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a Liquor License request from Panda Dynasty, Inc. d/b/a Zen Garden, 7 Fayette Drive. He asked the Council to approve the request with the condition that the applicant provide proof of attendance at the required meeting. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the Liquor License request of Panda Dynasty, Inc. d/b/a Zen Garden, subject to submission of proof of attendance at the required applicant's meeting. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. O'Rourke moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in executive session to discuss litigation and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Boucher moved adjournment. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. The motion passed unanimously and the council adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.