HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/04/2006CITY COUNCIL 4 DECEMBER 2006 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 4 December 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, M. Boucher, S. Magowan, D. O'Rourke Also Present: D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; J. B. Hinds, Director of Planning & Zoning; Chief Whipple, Lt. J. Snyder, Police Department; Snyder family, A. Parent, The Other Paper; Channel 17 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience, not related to Agenda Items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Gravelin: a) advised that the City Manager is attending the meeting of the National League of Cities and Towns. b) City staff will meet with the candidate for Superintendent of Schools on 11 December, 3 p.m. c) There will be a community meeting regarding City Center plans on 12 December, 7 p.m. d) The City/School Collaboration meeting will take place on 13 December, 4:30-6 p.m. Messrs. Smith and Boucher will represent the Council. Mr. Condos: The grand opening of the new gates at the Burlington International Airport will take place on 12 December, 6 p.m. 3. Promotion of Jim Snyder to Lieutenant in the South Burlington Police Department: Chief Whipple first thanked the Council for his appointment as Chief. The Chief noted that from time to time a Chief gets to promote individuals from within the Department. The candidates for Lieutenant went through a competitive process to replace Ernie Lemay. The successful candidate was Jim Snyder. Snyder began his Police career in South Burlington in 1987. He became a Sargeant four years later. In 2004, he became Director of the Detectives Unit. Chief Whipple noted that Lt. Snyder will now be taking on a daunting task. He will be 4th in command and will oversee such activities as Emergency Management, the Detectives Units, etc. Lt. Snyder's wife, Kelly, then presented her husband with his Lieutenant's badge. Council members thanked the Chief for making this presentation part of the Council meeting. 4. Consideration of a Resolution Calling for the Replacement of the Vermont Statewide Education Property Tax: Mr. O'Rourke said he has wanted the Council to consider this as other towns in the state have passed similar Resolutions. He added that the current system is unsustainable and places a disproportional burden on South Burlington and other communities. The Resolution being proposed asked the State to revise how education taxing is imposed. Mr. Smith said he felt the proposed resolution goes too far and lays out only one answer. He was concerned that it would press the Legislature to come up with another "band-aid" fix. Mr. Smith said he would be happy with a resolution that asks for a better solution but not one that appears to endorse the proposal of the VLCT. Mr. Magowan didn't feel the resolution endorses the VLCT proposal; it merely asks the Legislature to consider it. Mr. O'Rourke felt it was important to offer an option, not merely ask for change. Mr. Condos noted that event significant "receiving" towns are beginning to feel the pressure now. He suggested using the "bullets" of the VLCT recommendation list. He felt the best thing to do is to work with Legislators who are aware of the problems. Mr. O'Rourke disagreed. He said as a citizen he was discouraged at the thought that the wishes of 100 towns would not mean anything to Legislators. He added that he keeps hearing from the public "you have to do something about property taxes," but the truth is the City Council can't do anything. Mr. Boucher said that when the Speaker of the House says that in spite of all the problems, penalties have to be increased, that's frightening to him. Councilors Smith, Magowan, and O'Rourke agreed to collaborate and provide an alternative resolution for consideration at the next meeting. Mr. Smith said he felt it was important to have wording that all members can buy into. 5. Consideration of Approval of Charge for the City Charter Comprehensive Review Committee: Mr. Gravelin noted that the city will advertise for community members for the Committee. Applicants will be interviewed by the City Council. There will be at least one public information meeting. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the Charge and to direct the City Manager to advertise for community members. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Approval of Proposed Charge for Combined Community Library Advisory Committee: Mr. Magowan noted that the Committee's first job will be to draft a governance agreement. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the Charge as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Update on Status of Health Care Renewal: Mr. Gravelin reviewed the history of efforts to renew the health care premiums. Late in October, the VLCT advised that Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BC/BS) was looking at a 35+% increase. BC/BS then came back with a 28% increase. VLCT then went to CIGNA for a quote VLCT decided to have CIGNA underwrite the VLCT Health Trust. Meanwhile, South Burlington solicited BC/BS who gave the city a quote with a 6.9% on a private basis. They also guaranteed no more than a 13% increase for a second year. On Friday, we received a VLCT/ CIGNA quote with 2 options: 1) a 6.2% increase with all the same benefits, and 2) 0.4%; the same plan with a new prescription drug plan placing more of the burden on the insured. Both quotes include the VLCT Leader Credit Program from which South Burlington has had substantial returns in the past. BC/BS has been asked to provide a quote for a similar plan. These proposals will be presented to Union Stewards. The City will then have to decide whether to stay with VLCT or go independently with BC/BS. Mr. Condos noted that when you go it alone, you are living on your experience. 8. Review Development Review Board Agenda for Meeting of 5 December 2006: No issues were raised. 9. Review and Approve Minutes of 20 November 2006: Mr. Smith moved to approve the Minutes of 20 November 2006 as written. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 11. Executive Session: Mr. Magowan moved the Council meet in Executive Session to discuss litigation and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Regular Session: Mr. Magowan moved adjournment. Mr. Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.